Roosevelt....the Un-Reagan

PC makes some absurd charges and uses questionable sources for backup. The charges can be so ridiculous that some people probably respond to set the record straight and then comes more of the same from Chic, plus a little name calling and insults. Simple game of "I gotcha."
When I first suggested that America's most noted historians have graded FDR highly since 1948, her answer was historians are communists. Her evidence for historians being communists was that historians voted highly for FDR. How does one respond to that type of reasoning. I read some of her posts, now with amusement but certainly not seriously, but as the sham they are.
PC is playing a game where she channels Ann Coulter

The game me piss off the liberals
She makes bizarre claims, then giggles as liberals refute her.....she responds with unrelated cut and pastes ...Rinse and Repeat

For some reason, she gets a chuckle out of for more tomorrow

Another excuse by a dunce who can't refute the facts I provide.
Only is your sorry adolescent wet dreams.

Okay lets do a little test:
What was the date that FDR died?
What was the date of the first atomic bomb explosion?
How many hydrogen bombs did FDR have to drop on Moscow- as you suggested?

Let's do
Only is your sorry adolescent wet dreams.

Okay lets do a little test:
What was the date that FDR died?
What was the date of the first atomic bomb explosion?
How many hydrogen bombs did FDR have to drop on Moscow- as you suggested?

Add a few more questions and we'll have a good test.

When was FDR first made aware of the bomb ?

What time frame was FDR given for it's development ?

How close was FDR to having the bomb when he took off to give away Eastern Europe\ ?

How many people in Eastern Europe died because of Stalin ?

Make a much different test.

Best of luck.
FDR had no assurance the bomb would work. It was an advancement in science that was theoretical at the time. A working bomb might be one year away, it might be five. FDR did not know, but he thought it worth the risk

Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it
Stalin beat Hitler for FDR. The Allies ended up with Western Europe which was the best part of the bargain

"Eastern Europe was not FDRs to give.....Stalin had already taken it."


"Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Bessarabia, the eastern half of Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Germany – FDR conceded all to Communist régimes or Soviet protection!

What is most weird and most disturbing about Roosevelt’s obdurate fatalism is that the entire Red Army at this time was still inside the USSR."
West, "American Betrayal," p.266

Get that? Roosevelt had planned to hand millions of human beings to communist oppression before the Soviets had even entered those nations!!

No- just your usual obsessive anti-FDR crap.

I eschew barnyard vulgarisms in favor of truth.

This is what I posted and you were unable to deny:

It's been quite a long expose, comparing a true American President, Ronald Reagan, with one who endorsed, espoused, supported and advanced doctrines and political ideas alien to our Founders.
Of course, the later is the BFF of Joseph Stalin......Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Let's go over what you've been taught in this lesson, and remind all that the lap-dogs of totalianism have been unable to deny the truths revealed:

1. Franklin Roosevelt rejected the Constitution, accepted communism and revered the collective...the true American President, Ronald Reagan, venerated the Constitution, stood for the individual and despised Communism.

2. ... through Franklin Roosevelt's tireless efforts, communism found a home in the United States.
a. In his book, Witness, Whittaker Chambers explains is disillusionment with communism as follows.
In 1938, he determined not only to break with the Communist Party, but to inform on the Party when he could. The reason was that he was informed that Stalin was making efforts to align with Hitler, in 1939, and “from any human point of view, the pact was evil.”

As Hitler marched into Poland, Chambers arranged a private meeting with Adolf Berle, President Roosevelt’s assistant Sec’y of State. Chambers detailed the Communist espionage network, naming at least two dozen Soviet spies in Roosevelt’s administration, including Alger Hiss.

Berle reported this to Roosevelt, who laughed, and told Berle to go f--- himself.
(Arthur Herman, Joseph McCarthy: Reexaming the Life and Legacy of America’s Most Hated Senator, p. 60)

3. OnNovember 16, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt ended almost 16 years of American non-recognition of the Soviet Union.

There was no explanation for this embrace of the blood-drenched Bolsheviks.

He certainly didn't need Stalin as an ally against Hitler: There was no indication that Stalin and Hitler would be at odds, after all, their doctrines sprang from the same source.
And, they were allies for some 15 year.

Note that not a single thing in this post is open to debate: every single thing is true.
What is your problems with 'cut and paste'?

Is it the usual Liberal dodge, to avoid the facts presented....
...or is it jealousy in that you don't have the depth and breath of reading necessary to draw upon a multitude of sources?

Which is it?

It is academic lazyness on your part

Making a position and using references to support your position is justifiable

Cut and paste without forming your own conclusions is just fucking lazy

I asked:

What is your problems with 'cut and paste'?

Is it the usual Liberal dodge, to avoid the facts presented....
...or is it jealousy in that you don't have the depth and breath of reading necessary to draw upon a multitude of sources?

Which is it?

So....based on your is the former?

The profanity is a give-away.
Cut and paste is the print version of video editing and distorting. It is only viable when the author can defend those challenges of distortion. You never seem able to defend your distortions when you are challenged. Your pattern is to ignore those challenges and flood the thread with new cut and paste to deflect away from the fact you have been caught in a lie of distortion. In this thread, I challenged your assessment that followed a cut and paste that FDR has not prepared the US Military for WWII. I had shown how you were distorting a quote by Gen. Marshall on numerous occasions, but you continue to use it. I debunked your assertion once again giving links to show how FDR was developing new modern weapons and preparing US industry to transform into the arsenal of freedom that it became on his command.
You have failed to show you are not telling an indisputable lie about FDR not preparing for WWII. You haven't even attempted to defend that lie.

FDR dragged the United States kicking and screaming into preparing our military for the war that was coming- it just came about a year before we were really ready.

I believe almost every successful U.S. weapon deployed in WW2 was developed- and produced- during FDR's presidency- from the P-51 Mustang to the B-29 bomber.

Hell FDR approved the Manhattan project despite many of his generals not believing such a bomb could be possible.

PC just has a massive hate-on for FDR- from his rantings it appears to be based upon some John Birch anti-communist crap from the 1950's, with GOP malicious envy gossip added in. is a prime example of the sort of out-and-out lie that Leftist acolytes tell....and may even believe.

"FDR dragged the United States kicking and screaming into preparing our military for the war that was coming-..."

Due to ideology and ineptitude, he did the very opposite.

He made enemies of the business community-----which he hated because they were successful in an endeavor in which he regularly failed.

He was as clueless about the impending war as he was about those he idolized, Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini.

He failed at the war as he did at solving the Depression, both of which he extended by years with the commensurate casualties each caused.

Now here is the pattern: I will destroy this statement with facts and quotes....and the dolt who wrote it will provide the oh-so-insightful 'sez you!!!'

"....preparing our military for the war that was coming-..."

1. “Though FDR is treated in many histories as a far-seeing statesman waging a great crusade for freedom, the record provided by the Folsoms, backed by their extensive researches, shows us something different. In lack of preparedness during the run-up to the war (while contriving to get us into it), thereafter in many phases of its conduct, and most of all in the end game played out with the Soviet dictator Stalin at Teheran and Yalta, Roosevelt made countless tragic blunders, … In particular, by various wartime stratagems he pursued and postwar policies he favored, he materially increased the strength of the Soviet Union and so helped consign untold numbers of suffering victims to its despotic rule.” M. Stanton Evans

2. He became President in 1933, and rushed to embrace Stalin with recognition that same year....
It took seven years to begin to prepare for the war.
a. On May 16, 1940, Roosevelt had addressed Congress and asked for more than a billion dollars for defense, with a commitment for fifty thousand military aircraft. He knew, also, that he needed the good will of business to win the war: no longer would he call them “privileged princes…thirsting for power.”
b. On May 26, 1940 his Fireside Chat signaled a new relationship with business: he would insure their profits, and assuage their fears that he would nationalize their factories.

3. Why prepare?
Due to cuts in military spending through the 30’s as a percentage of the federal budget, the United States was woefully unprepared for war. The US was 17th in the world in military strength, and this ultimately let us into a two-ocean war.

4. The more astute knew what was coming.

a. Admiral Richardson pleaded with the President to move the Pearl Harbor fleet to the mainland…but he not only would not listen… “Prior to the attack, Admiral Richardson was stripped of his command of Pearl Harbor by FDR, for warning of the fleet's vulnerability.”

b. FDR did very little for the Army either with its size or weapons and during the 1930s, his defense budgets were cut to the bone. To quote George Marshall's words to FDR in May 1940: "If you don't do something...and do it right away, I don't know what is going to happen to this country". FDR had underestimated the Japanese and the Pearl Harbor attack devastated the American Navy and exposed the president's incompetence.

Now watch this imbecile's response to that unassailable argument....propbably the same one he keeps trying: " Nazi, you!!!!"

Lets see...

Where are we today?

PC makes her usual wild FDR claims
Her claims are mocked and refuted by her liberal targets
PC ignores the counter arguments and just reposts her original claims

It is academic lazyness on your part

Making a position and using references to support your position is justifiable

Cut and paste without forming your own conclusions is just fucking lazy

I asked:

What is your problems with 'cut and paste'?

Is it the usual Liberal dodge, to avoid the facts presented....
...or is it jealousy in that you don't have the depth and breath of reading necessary to draw upon a multitude of sources?

Which is it?

So....based on your is the former?

The profanity is a give-away.
Cut and paste is the print version of video editing and distorting. It is only viable when the author can defend those challenges of distortion. You never seem able to defend your distortions when you are challenged. Your pattern is to ignore those challenges and flood the thread with new cut and paste to deflect away from the fact you have been caught in a lie of distortion. In this thread, I challenged your assessment that followed a cut and paste that FDR has not prepared the US Military for WWII. I had shown how you were distorting a quote by Gen. Marshall on numerous occasions, but you continue to use it. I debunked your assertion once again giving links to show how FDR was developing new modern weapons and preparing US industry to transform into the arsenal of freedom that it became on his command.
You have failed to show you are not telling an indisputable lie about FDR not preparing for WWII. You haven't even attempted to defend that lie.

FDR dragged the United States kicking and screaming into preparing our military for the war that was coming- it just came about a year before we were really ready.

I believe almost every successful U.S. weapon deployed in WW2 was developed- and produced- during FDR's presidency- from the P-51 Mustang to the B-29 bomber.

Hell FDR approved the Manhattan project despite many of his generals not believing such a bomb could be possible.

PC just has a massive hate-on for FDR- from his rantings it appears to be based upon some John Birch anti-communist crap from the 1950's, with GOP malicious envy gossip added in. is a prime example of the sort of out-and-out lie that Leftist acolytes tell....and may even believe.

"FDR dragged the United States kicking and screaming into preparing our military for the war that was coming-..."

Due to ideology and ineptitude, he did the very opposite.

He made enemies of the business community-----which he hated because they were successful in an endeavor in which he regularly failed.

He was as clueless about the impending war as he was about those he idolized, Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini.

He failed at the war as he did at solving the Depression, both of which he extended by years with the commensurate casualties each caused.

Now here is the pattern: I will destroy this statement with facts and quotes....and the dolt who wrote it will provide the oh-so-insightful 'sez you!!!'

"....preparing our military for the war that was coming-..."

1. “Though FDR is treated in many histories as a far-seeing statesman waging a great crusade for freedom, the record provided by the Folsoms, backed by their extensive researches, shows us something different. In lack of preparedness during the run-up to the war (while contriving to get us into it), thereafter in many phases of its conduct, and most of all in the end game played out with the Soviet dictator Stalin at Teheran and Yalta, Roosevelt made countless tragic blunders, … In particular, by various wartime stratagems he pursued and postwar policies he favored, he materially increased the strength of the Soviet Union and so helped consign untold numbers of suffering victims to its despotic rule.” M. Stanton Evans

2. He became President in 1933, and rushed to embrace Stalin with recognition that same year....
It took seven years to begin to prepare for the war.
a. On May 16, 1940, Roosevelt had addressed Congress and asked for more than a billion dollars for defense, with a commitment for fifty thousand military aircraft. He knew, also, that he needed the good will of business to win the war: no longer would he call them “privileged princes…thirsting for power.”
b. On May 26, 1940 his Fireside Chat signaled a new relationship with business: he would insure their profits, and assuage their fears that he would nationalize their factories.

3. Why prepare?
Due to cuts in military spending through the 30’s as a percentage of the federal budget, the United States was woefully unprepared for war. The US was 17th in the world in military strength, and this ultimately let us into a two-ocean war.

4. The more astute knew what was coming.

a. Admiral Richardson pleaded with the President to move the Pearl Harbor fleet to the mainland…but he not only would not listen… “Prior to the attack, Admiral Richardson was stripped of his command of Pearl Harbor by FDR, for warning of the fleet's vulnerability.”

b. FDR did very little for the Army either with its size or weapons and during the 1930s, his defense budgets were cut to the bone. To quote George Marshall's words to FDR in May 1940: "If you don't do something...and do it right away, I don't know what is going to happen to this country". FDR had underestimated the Japanese and the Pearl Harbor attack devastated the American Navy and exposed the president's incompetence.

Now watch this imbecile's response to that unassailable argument....propbably the same one he keeps trying: " Nazi, you!!!!"

Lets see...

Where are we today?

PC makes her usual wild FDR claims
Her claims are mocked and refuted by her liberal targets
PC ignores the counter arguments and just reposts her original claims


"PC makes her usual wild FDR claims"
Everything I post is correct, accurate, documented and true.
You, a typical Liberal liar.

"Her claims are mocked and refuted by her liberal targets"
Mocked as a substitute for denied.

"PC ignores the counter arguments and just reposts her original claims"
There are no 'counter arguments' out side of 'is not, is noootttttt!'

You failed to even mention a single one of the facts posted in the post to which you linked.
This is true of so very many others, reveals the inability and low nature of the defenders of myth and totalitarian governance on the Left.....
...versus the-truth tellers of the Right.

The pantheon of posts from the Leftists are 'is not,is not,' without any support for the denials...

....outright lies about imagined success of their demigods,....

....ignoring the malevolence and misbehavior of their lords and masters,,,,

,,,charges that any who reveal the truth are fascists and Nazis......

...and a multitude of attacks on your poor

As this thread has become quite behooves me to remind of some of the truths it provided and the Roosevelt lap-dogs were unable to refute...

So it will be done in the next several posts.
Your lies have indeed been refuted. It is the reason your thread is so long. You keep ignoring the beating you get as your assertions are debunked. Your method of prolonging the thread is simply to not answer challenges and move on to new lies and misrepresentations.
For a reminder, I challenged your lie about FDR not preparing the military for WWII with links to the modern weapons he had developed quietly as he prepared industry to transform into war production. One of the things celebrated about FDR is the way he did in fact, prepare the US military for WWII. You take a distorted single quote to promote your lie. I provided numerous links to debunk that lie.

OK...ok.....stop begging.....'s another chance at what you laughingly call 'refuting lies."

4. FDR knew of the Terror Famine...designed and perpetrated by 'Uncle Joe,'...yet , according to Time Mag, he enveloped Joe Stalin in " the cloak of his popularity..."
Time Magazine, December 17, 1934.

True or not???????

5. Roosevelt knew the nature of the other side when he offered the partnership. President Reagan acted in the very opposite fashion, standing for the Constitution and the values it honored.

Roosevelt kissed the Bolshevik's........regime.
Reagan ended it.

True or not??????

Last edited:
Name a single one...without tedious cut and paste

You realize we've been saying this for years.

Then you haven't, learned much during all those years, huh?

Well, since you asked: I've learned not to waste my time reading your ad hominem, cut-n-paste drivel.

I have not learned that you require event the simplest concepts to be carefully explained:

It amazes, that others, even those that have known you for YEARS will not only respond to your randomized blithering quotes, but then continue to complain about your infantile style. Although I doubt they'll take the suggestion, instead of trying to alter PoliticalChic , they should just accept your chronically idiotic babble.
Name a single one...without tedious cut and paste

You realize we've been saying this for years.

Then you haven't, learned much during all those years, huh?

Well, since you asked: I've learned not to waste my time reading your ad hominem, cut-n-paste drivel.

I have not learned that you require event the simplest concepts to be carefully explained:

It amazes, that others, even those that have known you for YEARS will not only respond to your randomized blithering quotes, but then continue to complain about your infantile style. Although I doubt they'll take the suggestion, instead of trying to alter PoliticalChic , they should just accept your chronically idiotic babble.

You haven't learned anything.

Everything I post is true, accurate, and documented.

Stick to something you can do…like playing cowbells.
What is your problems with 'cut and paste'?

Is it the usual Liberal dodge, to avoid the facts presented....
...or is it jealousy in that you don't have the depth and breath of reading necessary to draw upon a multitude of sources?

Which is it?

It is academic lazyness on your part

Making a position and using references to support your position is justifiable

Cut and paste without forming your own conclusions is just fucking lazy

I asked:

What is your problems with 'cut and paste'?

Is it the usual Liberal dodge, to avoid the facts presented....
...or is it jealousy in that you don't have the depth and breath of reading necessary to draw upon a multitude of sources?

Which is it?

So....based on your is the former?

The profanity is a give-away.
Cut and paste is the print version of video editing and distorting. It is only viable when the author can defend those challenges of distortion. You never seem able to defend your distortions when you are challenged. Your pattern is to ignore those challenges and flood the thread with new cut and paste to deflect away from the fact you have been caught in a lie of distortion. In this thread, I challenged your assessment that followed a cut and paste that FDR has not prepared the US Military for WWII. I had shown how you were distorting a quote by Gen. Marshall on numerous occasions, but you continue to use it. I debunked your assertion once again giving links to show how FDR was developing new modern weapons and preparing US industry to transform into the arsenal of freedom that it became on his command.
You have failed to show you are not telling an indisputable lie about FDR not preparing for WWII. You haven't even attempted to defend that lie.

FDR dragged the United States kicking and screaming into preparing our military for the war that was coming- it just came about a year before we were really ready.

I believe almost every successful U.S. weapon deployed in WW2 was developed- and produced- during FDR's presidency- from the P-51 Mustang to the B-29 bomber.

Hell FDR approved the Manhattan project despite many of his generals not believing such a bomb could be possible.

PC just has a massive hate-on for FDR- from his rantings it appears to be based upon some John Birch anti-communist crap from the 1950's, with GOP malicious envy gossip added in. is a prime example of the sort of out-and-out lie that Leftist acolytes tell....and may even believe.

"FDR dragged the United States kicking and screaming into preparing our military for the war that was coming-..."

Due to ideology and ineptitude, he did the very opposite.

He made enemies of the business community-----which he hated because they were successful in an endeavor in which he regularly failed.

He was as clueless about the impending war as he was about those he idolized, Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini.

The armament industry, the so-called MIC, knew exactly what FDR was doing and they agreed with him with motivation and sincerity. Forts, bases, and air strips were being built and expanded through public works projects. They saw the massive plan to replace the weapons of the 20's and early 30's, most of which could not compete with the advanced weapons of Japan and Germany.
No doubt PC has no concept to the time and process of development it took to replace America's weaponry for WWII. Nor does she have an inkling of knowledge of what is involved with retooling factories to produce those weapons.

FDR ordered the first attacks on Japan 13 days after Pearl Harbor with the attack on Japanese pilots and aircraft on Dec. 20 by the Flying Tigers who officially entered the China campaign with 39 P-40's which had been forward deployed as "volunteers". The effort to support the Chinese against Japan had been begun in August 1937.

Here is a very partial list of the over 160 projects named as "military" in the list of New Deal Projects.

Fort Knox Barracks 1935
Fort Hamilton Improvements, Brooklyn, NY
PORTLAND ARMY AIRBASE Started 1936 and completed 1940.
Fort Simms Coast Guard Station
US Navel Magazine and Torpedo Factory-Alexandria, VA

This short list is only a handful of preparations the US was making under FDR's guidance and only include works done by New Deal relief agencies.
It is academic lazyness on your part

Making a position and using references to support your position is justifiable

Cut and paste without forming your own conclusions is just fucking lazy

I asked:

What is your problems with 'cut and paste'?

Is it the usual Liberal dodge, to avoid the facts presented....
...or is it jealousy in that you don't have the depth and breath of reading necessary to draw upon a multitude of sources?

Which is it?

So....based on your is the former?

The profanity is a give-away.
Cut and paste is the print version of video editing and distorting. It is only viable when the author can defend those challenges of distortion. You never seem able to defend your distortions when you are challenged. Your pattern is to ignore those challenges and flood the thread with new cut and paste to deflect away from the fact you have been caught in a lie of distortion. In this thread, I challenged your assessment that followed a cut and paste that FDR has not prepared the US Military for WWII. I had shown how you were distorting a quote by Gen. Marshall on numerous occasions, but you continue to use it. I debunked your assertion once again giving links to show how FDR was developing new modern weapons and preparing US industry to transform into the arsenal of freedom that it became on his command.
You have failed to show you are not telling an indisputable lie about FDR not preparing for WWII. You haven't even attempted to defend that lie.

FDR dragged the United States kicking and screaming into preparing our military for the war that was coming- it just came about a year before we were really ready.

I believe almost every successful U.S. weapon deployed in WW2 was developed- and produced- during FDR's presidency- from the P-51 Mustang to the B-29 bomber.

Hell FDR approved the Manhattan project despite many of his generals not believing such a bomb could be possible.

PC just has a massive hate-on for FDR- from his rantings it appears to be based upon some John Birch anti-communist crap from the 1950's, with GOP malicious envy gossip added in. is a prime example of the sort of out-and-out lie that Leftist acolytes tell....and may even believe.

"FDR dragged the United States kicking and screaming into preparing our military for the war that was coming-..."

Due to ideology and ineptitude, he did the very opposite.

He made enemies of the business community-----which he hated because they were successful in an endeavor in which he regularly failed.

He was as clueless about the impending war as he was about those he idolized, Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini.

The armament industry, the so-called MIC, knew exactly what FDR was doing and they agreed with him with motivation and sincerity. Forts, bases, and air strips were being built and expanded through public works projects. They saw the massive plan to replace the weapons of the 20's and early 30's, most of which could not compete with the advanced weapons of Japan and Germany.
No doubt PC has no concept to the time and process of development it took to replace America's weaponry for WWII. Nor does she have an inkling of knowledge of what is involved with retooling factories to produce those weapons.

FDR ordered the first attacks on Japan 13 days after Pearl Harbor with the attack on Japanese pilots and aircraft on Dec. 20 by the Flying Tigers who officially entered the China campaign with 39 P-40's which had been forward deployed as "volunteers". The effort to support the Chinese against Japan had been begun in August 1937.

Here is a very partial list of the over 160 projects named as "military" in the list of New Deal Projects.

Fort Knox Barracks 1935
Fort Hamilton Improvements, Brooklyn, NY
PORTLAND ARMY AIRBASE Started 1936 and completed 1940.
Fort Simms Coast Guard Station
US Navel Magazine and Torpedo Factory-Alexandria, VA

This short list is only a handful of preparations the US was making under FDR's guidance and only include works done by New Deal relief agencies. declined to include the facts in the post....

....must mean that they were all true, and had you shaking in your jammies.

As I said....FDR was clueless about the impending war, and did not prepare the nation for same.

And he had been warned and advised repeatedly.

You've verified my post and revealed yourself to be a sniveling liar.

The usual denouement.
Looks like the Liberals were lying when they claimed they 'refuted' any of the posts that offended them....

Here's more that they won't be able to deny:

Even more outrageous than Obama being given the Noble Peace Prize was Walter Duranty being given the Pulitzer Prize in 1932.
Both represent the bias of Liberal 'authorities' and the disrespect for truth and integrity.

"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

6. Walter Duranty of the NYTimes sent glowing reports of the wonders of the 'worker's paradise.' He, Duranty, aided one of the world's most prolific mass murderers, knowing all the while what was going on, but refraining from saying precisely what he knew to be true.

And Franklin Roosevelt did exactly the same thing: he ignored and denied the truth.

True or not??????

7. Roosevelt foisted lie after lie on the American public in support of Soviet Communism.

September 30, 1941, FDR claimed that there was freedom of religion in the USSR. "The claim that Stalin's Russia allowed religious freedom was the first step in a massive pro-Soviet campaign that the White House coordinated for the duration of the war."
"Caught between Roosevelt and Stalin: America's Ambassadors to Moscow," byDennis J. Dunn, p. 137

True or not??????
Someone as adept at the art of cut and paste should understand about cutting the entire quote...

Patton was a moron. There was no other way to describe it. His political accumen was nowhere close to his military accumen

Patton shooting his mouth off about global political conditions he did not understand prevented him from getting promoted into positions of responsibility. Good thing we had Generals like Marshall and Ike who did understand

What is your problems with 'cut and paste'?

Is it the usual Liberal dodge, to avoid the facts presented....
...or is it jealousy in that you don't have the depth and breath of reading necessary to draw upon a multitude of sources?

Which is it?
your zany rw tinfoil cutnpaste jobs are read by exactly no one.

Everyone sees her kick your ass every time you make the mistake of trying to argue any point. That's why you have to hide away here to snipe from behind the couch.
You don't speak for everyone. You are one of a small number of anti-FDR folks who support her no matter what nonsense and lies she tells. You have made it clear you hate FDR. Unfortunately, other than the internment camps issue, you rarely give links to support your anti-FDR fervor.

Oh I'm sorry, is throwing over one hundred thousand innocent people - AMERICANS - into concentration camps not reason enough to label a fucking scumbag a fucking scumbag? Are his 'spaghetti on the wall' approaches to fucking with the national economy, creation of perpetual obligations that cannot be met forever, and sucking Stalin's dick necessary as well to round out the picture for you? How about his infidelity to his wife? How about sending a boatload of Jews back to the death that awaited them in Europe? Campaign lies? Strong-arming the Supreme Court? Fucking with the very foundation of our form of government? Requiring a Constitutional Amendment where personal character had served every president before him? How much do you need?

Wow- I can almost see the spittle on your monitor from your angst.

Absolutely no doubt that FDR worst decision- and blemish on America- was the internment of American citizens of Japanese ancestry- something that many Conservatives to this day insist was the right thing to do. Hell my grandmother- and most Americans- unfortunately- thought it was the right thing to do.

'His spaghetti approach' to the economy? Worked- at least worked better than the absolutely nothing that Hoover had been doing.
Unemployment went from 25% in 1933 to 9% in 1941.
You hate social security and unemployment insurance- most Americans are grateful for these programs that help Americans.
"Sucking Stalin's" dick? That just shows you are an idiot.
His infidelity to his wife? How does that change how he was as President- such infidelity is something he shared with Eisenhower, Clinton and of course GOP hopeful Donald Trump- something I don't approve of- but doesn't change any of their performances as President.
The St. Louis? While I wish FDR had helped the passengers of the St. Louis- unlike the case of Japanese Americans, FDR was both following the law, and could argue that allowing the St. Louis passengers would have denied entry to thousands of German Jews who were in line to come into the U.S.
Quotas established in the US Immigration and Nationality Act of 1924 strictly limited the number of immigrants who could be admitted to the United States each year. In 1939, the annual combined German-Austrian immigration quota was 27,370 and was quickly filled. In fact, there was a waiting list of at least several years. US officials could only have granted visas to the St. Louis passengers by denying them to the thousands of German Jews placed further up on the waiting list.
Campaign lies? Oh no a Presidential campaign with lies.....getting pretty desperate to find something to attack FDR eh?
Attempting to pack the court? Stupid politically but what he proposed was not only legal- but had been proposed before.
Running for a third and fourth term? Perfectly Constitutional- and the voters approved. Why exactly are you upset that the voters chose FDR?

Now- let us review what FDR did accomplish while President
  • From the time he was elected- to the time he died- unemployment went from 25% to virtually zero.
  • At the time of his death- the United States was by several factors- the most powerful economy in the world.
  • At the time of his death- the United States was by large measure had the most powerful industry in the United States.
  • At the time of his death- the United States had the most powerful Navy and air force in the world
  • While he was President- every 'modern' weapon system used by the U.S. in WW2 was developed- from the P-51 to the B-29- to the atomic bomb.
  • At the time of his death- the United States was on the verge of victory against the two remaining countries the United States was at war with- Italy had already been defeated.
  • Social Security was implemented- the primary retirement funding for most Americans today
  • Unemployment insurance was instituted
  • Bank Depositors insurance was instituted
  • One of the most radical programs was instituted- the GI Bill- which was one of the key programs that fueled American prosperity and growth in the 1950's.

And Franklin Roosevelt did exactly the same thing: he ignored and denied the truth.

Well by that standard then he would have a lot in common with you.

Now- let us review what FDR did accomplish while President- tell me why you object to each of these accomplishments
  • From the time he was elected- to the time he died- unemployment went from 25% to virtually zero.
  • At the time of his death- the United States was by several factors- the most powerful economy in the world.
  • At the time of his death- the United States was by large measure had the most powerful industry in the United States.
  • At the time of his death- the United States had the most powerful Navy and air force in the world
  • While he was President- every 'modern' weapon system used by the U.S. in WW2 was developed- from the P-51 to the B-29- to the atomic bomb.
  • At the time of his death- the United States was on the verge of victory against the two remaining countries the United States was at war with- Italy had already been defeated.
  • Social Security was implemented- the primary retirement funding for most Americans today
  • Unemployment insurance was instituted
  • Bank Depositors insurance was instituted
  • One of the most radical programs was instituted- the GI Bill- which was one of the key programs that fueled American prosperity and growth in the 1950's.
I asked:

What is your problems with 'cut and paste'?

Is it the usual Liberal dodge, to avoid the facts presented....
...or is it jealousy in that you don't have the depth and breath of reading necessary to draw upon a multitude of sources?

Which is it?

So....based on your is the former?

The profanity is a give-away.
Cut and paste is the print version of video editing and distorting. It is only viable when the author can defend those challenges of distortion. You never seem able to defend your distortions when you are challenged. Your pattern is to ignore those challenges and flood the thread with new cut and paste to deflect away from the fact you have been caught in a lie of distortion. In this thread, I challenged your assessment that followed a cut and paste that FDR has not prepared the US Military for WWII. I had shown how you were distorting a quote by Gen. Marshall on numerous occasions, but you continue to use it. I debunked your assertion once again giving links to show how FDR was developing new modern weapons and preparing US industry to transform into the arsenal of freedom that it became on his command.
You have failed to show you are not telling an indisputable lie about FDR not preparing for WWII. You haven't even attempted to defend that lie.

FDR dragged the United States kicking and screaming into preparing our military for the war that was coming- it just came about a year before we were really ready.

I believe almost every successful U.S. weapon deployed in WW2 was developed- and produced- during FDR's presidency- from the P-51 Mustang to the B-29 bomber.

Hell FDR approved the Manhattan project despite many of his generals not believing such a bomb could be possible.

PC just has a massive hate-on for FDR- from his rantings it appears to be based upon some John Birch anti-communist crap from the 1950's, with GOP malicious envy gossip added in. is a prime example of the sort of out-and-out lie that Leftist acolytes tell....and may even believe.

"FDR dragged the United States kicking and screaming into preparing our military for the war that was coming-..."

Due to ideology and ineptitude, he did the very opposite.

He made enemies of the business community-----which he hated because they were successful in an endeavor in which he regularly failed.

He was as clueless about the impending war as he was about those he idolized, Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini.

The armament industry, the so-called MIC, knew exactly what FDR was doing and they agreed with him with motivation and sincerity. Forts, bases, and air strips were being built and expanded through public works projects. They saw the massive plan to replace the weapons of the 20's and early 30's, most of which could not compete with the advanced weapons of Japan and Germany.
No doubt PC has no concept to the time and process of development it took to replace America's weaponry for WWII. Nor does she have an inkling of knowledge of what is involved with retooling factories to produce those weapons.

FDR ordered the first attacks on Japan 13 days after Pearl Harbor with the attack on Japanese pilots and aircraft on Dec. 20 by the Flying Tigers who officially entered the China campaign with 39 P-40's which had been forward deployed as "volunteers". The effort to support the Chinese against Japan had been begun in August 1937.

Here is a very partial list of the over 160 projects named as "military" in the list of New Deal Projects.

Fort Knox Barracks 1935
Fort Hamilton Improvements, Brooklyn, NY
PORTLAND ARMY AIRBASE Started 1936 and completed 1940.
Fort Simms Coast Guard Station
US Navel Magazine and Torpedo Factory-Alexandria, VA

This short list is only a handful of preparations the US was making under FDR's guidance and only include works done by New Deal relief agencies. declined to include the facts in the post....

....must mean that they were all true, and had you shaking in your jammies.

As I said....FDR was clueless about the impending war, and did not prepare the nation for same.

And he had been warned and advised repeatedly.

You've verified my post and revealed yourself to be a sniveling liar.

The usual denouement.
Every item I listed, from the Flying Tigers and Chennault to the list of military projects can be confirmed by simply typing what I referenced into a search of google, bing, etc. I have already listed links to some of the weapons developed such as the M-1 Garand, the B-17, P-38, ESSEX CLASS Carriers, etc.

What PC is unable to do, is to explain why the data I provided does not debunk her nonsense. That is because she doesn't really have a cut and paste method of refuting. She does not have the knowledge nor expertise to make an intellectual response because she is clueless about the topic she is trying to promote.

In reality, PC's response is sad and beyond lame. After obtaining a list of just a handful of the projects and programs put into motion by FDR, building, expanding and improving military bases, including huge airbases on both the west and east coast, developing training centers forts to train and house, increasing the size and capabilities of military hospitals, and the all-important development of the aircraft, ships and hardware need to win the war, the conspiracy theorist simply says none of that counts. She does so without a shred of evidence to contest that her nonsense has been debunked.
What is your problems with 'cut and paste'?

Is it the usual Liberal dodge, to avoid the facts presented....
...or is it jealousy in that you don't have the depth and breath of reading necessary to draw upon a multitude of sources?

Which is it?
your zany rw tinfoil cutnpaste jobs are read by exactly no one.

Everyone sees her kick your ass every time you make the mistake of trying to argue any point. That's why you have to hide away here to snipe from behind the couch.
You don't speak for everyone. You are one of a small number of anti-FDR folks who support her no matter what nonsense and lies she tells. You have made it clear you hate FDR. Unfortunately, other than the internment camps issue, you rarely give links to support your anti-FDR fervor.

Oh I'm sorry, is throwing over one hundred thousand innocent people - AMERICANS - into concentration camps not reason enough to label a fucking scumbag a fucking scumbag? Are his 'spaghetti on the wall' approaches to fucking with the national economy, creation of perpetual obligations that cannot be met forever, and sucking Stalin's dick necessary as well to round out the picture for you? How about his infidelity to his wife? How about sending a boatload of Jews back to the death that awaited them in Europe? Campaign lies? Strong-arming the Supreme Court? Fucking with the very foundation of our form of government? Requiring a Constitutional Amendment where personal character had served every president before him? How much do you need?

Wow- I can almost see the spittle on your monitor from your angst.

Absolutely no doubt that FDR worst decision- and blemish on America- was the internment of American citizens of Japanese ancestry- something that many Conservatives to this day insist was the right thing to do. Hell my grandmother- and most Americans- unfortunately- thought it was the right thing to do.

'His spaghetti approach' to the economy? Worked- at least worked better than the absolutely nothing that Hoover had been doing.
Unemployment went from 25% in 1933 to 9% in 1941.
You hate social security and unemployment insurance- most Americans are grateful for these programs that help Americans.
"Sucking Stalin's" dick? That just shows you are an idiot.
His infidelity to his wife? How does that change how he was as President- such infidelity is something he shared with Eisenhower, Clinton and of course GOP hopeful Donald Trump- something I don't approve of- but doesn't change any of their performances as President.
The St. Louis? While I wish FDR had helped the passengers of the St. Louis- unlike the case of Japanese Americans, FDR was both following the law, and could argue that allowing the St. Louis passengers would have denied entry to thousands of German Jews who were in line to come into the U.S.
Quotas established in the US Immigration and Nationality Act of 1924 strictly limited the number of immigrants who could be admitted to the United States each year. In 1939, the annual combined German-Austrian immigration quota was 27,370 and was quickly filled. In fact, there was a waiting list of at least several years. US officials could only have granted visas to the St. Louis passengers by denying them to the thousands of German Jews placed further up on the waiting list.
Campaign lies? Oh no a Presidential campaign with lies.....getting pretty desperate to find something to attack FDR eh?
Attempting to pack the court? Stupid politically but what he proposed was not only legal- but had been proposed before.
Running for a third and fourth term? Perfectly Constitutional- and the voters approved. Why exactly are you upset that the voters chose FDR?

Now- let us review what FDR did accomplish while President
  • From the time he was elected- to the time he died- unemployment went from 25% to virtually zero.
  • At the time of his death- the United States was by several factors- the most powerful economy in the world.
  • At the time of his death- the United States was by large measure had the most powerful industry in the United States.
  • At the time of his death- the United States had the most powerful Navy and air force in the world
  • While he was President- every 'modern' weapon system used by the U.S. in WW2 was developed- from the P-51 to the B-29- to the atomic bomb.
  • At the time of his death- the United States was on the verge of victory against the two remaining countries the United States was at war with- Italy had already been defeated.
  • Social Security was implemented- the primary retirement funding for most Americans today
  • Unemployment insurance was instituted
  • Bank Depositors insurance was instituted
  • One of the most radical programs was instituted- the GI Bill- which was one of the key programs that fueled American prosperity and growth in the 1950's.

And Franklin Roosevelt did exactly the same thing: he ignored and denied the truth.

Well by that standard then he would have a lot in common with you.

Now- let us review what FDR did accomplish while President- tell me why you object to each of these accomplishments
  • From the time he was elected- to the time he died- unemployment went from 25% to virtually zero.
  • At the time of his death- the United States was by several factors- the most powerful economy in the world.
  • At the time of his death- the United States was by large measure had the most powerful industry in the United States.
  • At the time of his death- the United States had the most powerful Navy and air force in the world
  • While he was President- every 'modern' weapon system used by the U.S. in WW2 was developed- from the P-51 to the B-29- to the atomic bomb.
  • At the time of his death- the United States was on the verge of victory against the two remaining countries the United States was at war with- Italy had already been defeated.
  • Social Security was implemented- the primary retirement funding for most Americans today
  • Unemployment insurance was instituted
  • Bank Depositors insurance was instituted
  • One of the most radical programs was instituted- the GI Bill- which was one of the key programs that fueled American prosperity and growth in the 1950's.

This was the post you've linked to:

Looks like the Liberals were lying when they claimed they 'refuted' any of the posts that offended them....

Here's more that they won't be able to deny:

Even more outrageous than Obama being given the Noble Peace Prize was Walter Duranty being given the Pulitzer Prize in 1932.
Both represent the bias of Liberal 'authorities' and the disrespect for truth and integrity.

"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

6. Walter Duranty of the NYTimes sent glowing reports of the wonders of the 'worker's paradise.' He, Duranty, aided one of the world's most prolific mass murderers, knowing all the while what was going on, but refraining from saying precisely what he knew to be true.

And Franklin Roosevelt did exactly the same thing: he ignored and denied the truth.

True or not??????

7. Roosevelt foistedlie after lieon the American public in support of Soviet Communism.

September 30, 1941, FDR claimed that there was freedom of religion in the USSR. "The claim that Stalin's Russia allowed religious freedom was the first step in a massivepro-Soviet campaign that the White House coordinated for the duration of the war."
"Caught between Roosevelt and Stalin: America's Ambassadors to Moscow," byDennis J. Dunn, p. 137

True or not??????

Yet, you only included this: "And Franklin Roosevelt did exactly the same thing: he ignored and denied the truth."

Then you tried to get away with this: "by that standard then he would have a lot in common with you."

So....first a lie of omission, then a lie of commission.

You're illustrated exactly what I've said about you: you're a low-life, Liberal liar.

Every single thing in my post was correct, true, and accurate.
Including my characterization of you.

He was as clueless about the impending war as he was about those he idolized, Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini.

As I said....FDR was clueless about the impending war, and did not prepare the nation for same.

And of course you are just lying again. FDR never idolized Stalin, Hitler or Mussolini.

And as I pointed out- FDR dragged the United States very reluctantly to prepare for the war he saw coming- if Japan had waited another year we would largely have been prepared. Considering that the America that FDR was elected to represent was staunchly isolationist- that is quite the accomplishment.

Consider the expansion of the Navy under FDR in advance of WW2

By 1934, 15 new cruisers and one aircraft carrier - the USS Ranger - had been commissioned but, under the Five-Year Program, had not been provided aircraft complements. These unsatisfied requirements totaled over 200 aircraft, and the Vinson-Trammell Navy Act authorized the immediate expansion of the aircraft inventory to accommodate these demands.

The report by the Secretary of the Navy for 1935 shows the condition of the fleet then and the immediate plans regarding expansion. To the Trammel-Vinson Act, Congress had added a sizable appropriation, which would permit the continuance of construction begun under earlier allocations and would also allow 24 additional keels to be laid. The manufacture of guns had gone on, evidently with some rapidity. Considerations of security had already begun to operate, however, because the Secretary this time purposely omitted stating the number of each caliber turned out. The guns ranged from 5-inch 25's to 16-inch 45's, with accessories, such as breech plugs, mounts, sights, gun directors, and torpedo tubes.

In 1936, Congress authorized the construction of six new cruisers and two large aircraft carriers - the USS Yorktown and USS Enterprise. Combined with the already outstanding aircraft requirements, the new fleet requirements stood at 273 new aircraft, all of which were automatically approved under the Vinson-Trammell Navy Act. The flexibility provided by the Vinson-Trammell Navy Act proved extremely valuable during the fleet's expansion program. The Bureau of Aeronautics estimated that by 1940, it would require some 2,000 aircraft to outfit the growing fleet, including those required for the new vessels planned under the current expansion program.

The Congressional Appropriation Act for 1937 provided preliminary plans for two new battleships, and work on them began the following year. A similar act in 1938 provided for eight destroyers and four submarines, while by a special piece of legislation, at about the same time, Congress permitted the replacement of two overage battleships by new ones. The purpose of all this building, in line with the original provisos of the Trammel-Vinson Act, was to increase by 20 percent the under-age strength of the U.S. Navy.

Naval Expansion Act of 1938

In 1938 Congress passed President Roosevelt's Naval Expansion Act. This act called for across-the-board increases of 20 percent in the Navy's fleet strength. The aircraft inventory was likewise authorized to grow to a strength of not less than 3,000 planes by 1945. Of course all these new planes would require pilots and basing facilities, both of which were authorized in this important act. By this time, it had become clear to leadership in the Navy and in Congress that it was futile to attempt to expand naval aviation operations without a corresponding expansion of the infrastructure that was necessary to support them.

Ship Building 1933-45 - Roosevelt, Franklin D.

The Yorktown and the Enterprise? Any person who has read of WW2 knows the significance of the decision to build those ships.

Cut and paste is the print version of video editing and distorting. It is only viable when the author can defend those challenges of distortion. You never seem able to defend your distortions when you are challenged. Your pattern is to ignore those challenges and flood the thread with new cut and paste to deflect away from the fact you have been caught in a lie of distortion. In this thread, I challenged your assessment that followed a cut and paste that FDR has not prepared the US Military for WWII. I had shown how you were distorting a quote by Gen. Marshall on numerous occasions, but you continue to use it. I debunked your assertion once again giving links to show how FDR was developing new modern weapons and preparing US industry to transform into the arsenal of freedom that it became on his command.
You have failed to show you are not telling an indisputable lie about FDR not preparing for WWII. You haven't even attempted to defend that lie.

FDR dragged the United States kicking and screaming into preparing our military for the war that was coming- it just came about a year before we were really ready.

I believe almost every successful U.S. weapon deployed in WW2 was developed- and produced- during FDR's presidency- from the P-51 Mustang to the B-29 bomber.

Hell FDR approved the Manhattan project despite many of his generals not believing such a bomb could be possible.

PC just has a massive hate-on for FDR- from his rantings it appears to be based upon some John Birch anti-communist crap from the 1950's, with GOP malicious envy gossip added in. is a prime example of the sort of out-and-out lie that Leftist acolytes tell....and may even believe.

"FDR dragged the United States kicking and screaming into preparing our military for the war that was coming-..."

Due to ideology and ineptitude, he did the very opposite.

He made enemies of the business community-----which he hated because they were successful in an endeavor in which he regularly failed.

He was as clueless about the impending war as he was about those he idolized, Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini.

The armament industry, the so-called MIC, knew exactly what FDR was doing and they agreed with him with motivation and sincerity. Forts, bases, and air strips were being built and expanded through public works projects. They saw the massive plan to replace the weapons of the 20's and early 30's, most of which could not compete with the advanced weapons of Japan and Germany.
No doubt PC has no concept to the time and process of development it took to replace America's weaponry for WWII. Nor does she have an inkling of knowledge of what is involved with retooling factories to produce those weapons.

FDR ordered the first attacks on Japan 13 days after Pearl Harbor with the attack on Japanese pilots and aircraft on Dec. 20 by the Flying Tigers who officially entered the China campaign with 39 P-40's which had been forward deployed as "volunteers". The effort to support the Chinese against Japan had been begun in August 1937.

Here is a very partial list of the over 160 projects named as "military" in the list of New Deal Projects.

Fort Knox Barracks 1935
Fort Hamilton Improvements, Brooklyn, NY
PORTLAND ARMY AIRBASE Started 1936 and completed 1940.
Fort Simms Coast Guard Station
US Navel Magazine and Torpedo Factory-Alexandria, VA

This short list is only a handful of preparations the US was making under FDR's guidance and only include works done by New Deal relief agencies. declined to include the facts in the post....

....must mean that they were all true, and had you shaking in your jammies.

As I said....FDR was clueless about the impending war, and did not prepare the nation for same.

And he had been warned and advised repeatedly.

You've verified my post and revealed yourself to be a sniveling liar.

The usual denouement.
Every item I listed, from the Flying Tigers and Chennault to the list of military projects can be confirmed by simply typing what I referenced into a search of google, bing, etc. I have already listed links to some of the weapons developed such as the M-1 Garand, the B-17, P-38, ESSEX CLASS Carriers, etc.

What PC is unable to do, is to explain why the data I provided does not debunk her nonsense. That is because she doesn't really have a cut and paste method of refuting. She does not have the knowledge nor expertise to make an intellectual response because she is clueless about the topic she is trying to promote.

In reality, PC's response is sad and beyond lame. After obtaining a list of just a handful of the projects and programs put into motion by FDR, building, expanding and improving military bases, including huge airbases on both the west and east coast, developing training centers forts to train and house, increasing the size and capabilities of military hospitals, and the all-important development of the aircraft, ships and hardware need to win the war, the conspiracy theorist simply says none of that counts. She does so without a shred of evidence to contest that her nonsense has been debunked.

This was the post you've tried to ignore: is a prime example of the sort of out-and-out lie that Leftist acolytes tell....and may even believe.

"FDR dragged the United States kicking and screaming into preparing our military for the war that was coming-..."

Due to ideology and ineptitude, he did the very opposite.

He made enemies of the business community-----which he hated because they were successful in an endeavor in which he regularly failed.

He was as clueless about the impending war as he was about those he idolized, Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini.

He failed at the war as he did at solving the Depression, both of which he extended by years with the commensurate casualties each caused.

Now here is the pattern: I will destroy this statement with facts and quotes....and the dolt who wrote it will provide the oh-so-insightful 'sez you!!!'

"....preparing our military for the war that was coming-..."

1. “Though FDR is treated in many histories as a far-seeing statesman waging a great crusade for freedom, the record provided by the Folsoms, backed by their extensive researches, shows us something different.In lack of preparedness during the run-up to the war (while contriving to get us into it), thereafter in many phases of its conduct, and most of all in the end game played out with the Soviet dictator Stalin at Teheran and Yalta, Roosevelt made countless tragic blunders, …In particular, by various wartime stratagems he pursued and postwar policies he favored, he materially increased the strength of the Soviet Union and so helped consign untold numbers of suffering victims to its despotic rule.” M. Stanton Evans

2. He became President in 1933, and rushed to embrace Stalin with recognition that same year....
It took seven years to begin to prepare for the war.
a. On May 16, 1940, Roosevelt had addressed Congress and asked for more than a billion dollars for defense, with a commitment for fifty thousand military aircraft. He knew, also, that he needed the good will of business to win the war: no longer would he call them “privileged princes…thirsting for power.”
b. On May 26, 1940 his Fireside Chat signaled a new relationship with business: he would insure their profits, and assuage their fears that he would nationalize their factories.

3. Why prepare?
Due to cuts in military spending through the 30’s as a percentage of the federal budget, the United States was woefully unprepared for war. The US was 17th in the world in military strength, and this ultimately let us into a two-ocean war.

4. The more astute knew what was coming.

a. Admiral Richardson pleaded with the President to move the Pearl Harbor fleet to the mainland…but he not only would not listen… “Prior to the attack, Admiral Richardson was stripped of his command of Pearl Harbor by FDR, for warning of the fleet's vulnerability.”

b. FDR did very little for the Army either with its size or weapons and during the 1930s, his defense budgets were cut to the bone. To quote George Marshall's words to FDR in May 1940: "If you don't do something...and do it right away, I don't know what is going to happen to this country". FDR had underestimated the Japanese and the Pearl Harbor attack devastated the American Navy and exposed the president's incompetence.

You were unable to find a single error in same.

Nailed FDR.....and destroying you was just a bonus.

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