Rosa Parks statue just unveiled

In our history there was never as great a justification for armed insurrection against tyranny than the Civil Rights struggle

However, they correctly realized that violence would beget violence and that they would be proclaimed the villain and would be forcefully put down

Instead, they accepted the beatings, jailings, bombings, lynching, spitting and whatever else was thrown at them

It took immense courage and dignity to turn the other cheek to an aggressor and allow the wrath of the public to be directed against the aggressors

What you SAID was that tyranny can be defeated without guns. Showing an example where that has proved to be more or less true does not mean that it can always be defeated without guns.

Our history shows armed insurrections will be forcefully put down and those involved will be shot or jailed. Our Constitution provides a mechanism to peacefully resolve your grievances with the Government

The question is not whether the other side will be inclined to fight too.

The point is that tyrants act tyrannically.

And there are times when the only way to defeat a tyrant is by resort to force and arms.

Many liberals tend to reject it, but it's true nonetheless. It is why we have the second amendment.
What you SAID was that tyranny can be defeated without guns. Showing an example where that has proved to be more or less true does not mean that it can always be defeated without guns.

Our history shows armed insurrections will be forcefully put down and those involved will be shot or jailed. Our Constitution provides a mechanism to peacefully resolve your grievances with the Government

The question is not whether the other side will be inclined to fight too.

The point is that tyrants act tyrannically.

And there are times when the only way to defeat a tyrant is by resort to force and arms.

Many liberals tend to reject it, but it's true nonetheless. It is why we have the second amendment.

If you live in Somalia force is necessary. If you live in the United States, and are protected by the is not
What you SAID was that tyranny can be defeated without guns. Showing an example where that has proved to be more or less true does not mean that it can always be defeated without guns.

Our history shows armed insurrections will be forcefully put down and those involved will be shot or jailed. Our Constitution provides a mechanism to peacefully resolve your grievances with the Government

The question is not whether the other side will be inclined to fight too.

The point is that tyrants act tyrannically.

And there are times when the only way to defeat a tyrant is by resort to force and arms.

Many liberals tend to reject it, but it's true nonetheless. It is why we have the second amendment.

It was liberals who formed this government and wrote that amendment. Liberals are always ready and able to fight for our country.
Does ANY of this "background noise" matter? What Rosa Parks did was monumental.

I don't care if it was pre-planned or not. She put her safety, and life, on the line in the name of civil rights and equality.

Rosa Parks a "communist"? Ridiculous.

Of course she was a communist. That's almost beside the point. Her act was planned, right along with the reaction to it. Right along with the planned marches and protests. Here they have all those marches and protests all ready to go. They just need a trigger. So they made one.

Sorta like Donald Rumsfeld and Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell and George Bush lied and fabricated "evidence" to sway public opinion on invading Iraq?

Do you consider them American Heroes?

Conservatives can counter with a statue of Bull Connor when they take over

Do you mean Bull Connor, the famous Alabama racist, who was also elected the Democratic National Committeeman for the state of Alabama in 1960?

Before you make a FOOL of yourself, brush up on your history. The vast majority of the racist governors and law enforcement people in the south during the civil rights movement, were DEMOCRATS.

You are either a LIAR BY OMISSION or an ignorant fool. I'll let you pick which one. :eusa_hand:

The GObP used to be the party of the working class. Only a real idiot (or a lying R politician running for office) would say they still are.

Times change. Try to keep up.

I agree, but I don't think either party represents the working class.
Not only that

But tyranny can be defeated without guns

Sometimes, perhaps.

Other times, not so much.

In our history there was never as great a justification for armed insurrection against tyranny than the Civil Rights struggle

However, they correctly realized that violence would beget violence and that they would be proclaimed the villain and would be forcefully put down

Instead, they accepted the beatings, jailings, bombings, lynching, spitting and whatever else was thrown at them

It took immense courage and dignity to turn the other cheek to an aggressor and allow the wrath of the public to be directed against the aggressors

times sure have changed
The rosa parks myth is just that. She was no seamstress. She was a union organizer with the Textile Worker's Union. She was also the secretary of the local NAACP. Not the simple seamstress as portrayed. She took an action deliberately designed to be provocative, because it was planned that way.

ROSA PARKS: Communist-trained Agitator | Newsnet 14

She planned this action, complete with fabricated back story, to call attention to the plight of black people forced to sit in the back of the bus. That's not so bad that it needs a myth to make her more sympathetic. They could have told the truth.

Does ANY of this "background noise" matter? What Rosa Parks did was monumental.

I don't care if it was pre-planned or not. She put her safety, and life, on the line in the name of civil rights and equality.

Rosa Parks a "communist"? Ridiculous.

Of course she was a communist. That's almost beside the point. Her act was planned, right along with the reaction to it. Right along with the planned marches and protests. Here they have all those marches and protests all ready to go. They just need a trigger. So they made one.
They were fighting for their right to be equal, are you kidding me? Only someone with serious issues can find fault in that.
The other black men on the bus gave up their seats, and she didn't. She stood up for her rights, how can anyone find fault in that? This is America, the land of the free, how can anyone anywhere find fault in that and agree with her arrest?
If you let someone who disagree with lose their rights, you lose your rights.

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