Roseanne: Black Obama advisor comes from planet of the apes

Roseanne merely commented on the resemblance to a celebrity's character in the Planet of the Apes.
Whether you think she meant the old version with A white woman Kim Hunter playing the roll of Dr Zira
View attachment 195908 or more likely the newer version staring a white woman
Helena Bonham Carter playing Ari,
View attachment 195909
they both are Chimpanzee characters played by white woman, not Apes and not racially charged, so only the retooled reworded narrative by the propagandist fake news changes its appearance for political pandering to a race they are themselves comparing to Apes by recanting it in a racially insensitive way.
The racists are the tabloid media.
What does the media have to do with this? All they did was report what happened. They certainly had nothing to do with Roseanne making her comment and they had nothing to do with ABC choosing to fire her.
She should have said Valerie is ugly like an ape, but those republicans will put you back in chains....she would still have her show.

I guess I'm missing the context of her remark. Did she actually call someone an ape or was she merely comparing their looks to the character in the movie? Do we really suppose a lot of people don't say stuff like this in private and all she is guilty of is saying it in public? And was it really a racist remark or merely being called that and one of Roseanne's typical off-colour remarks? Do we really think racism is dead and that there aren't a zillion people (most often Blacks) who harbor race-based feelings? Have we become a culture of censorship and fascist thinking where we destroy anyone now who doesn't fit our stereotype molds? Is it then also a racist remark to call Trump an Orange buffoon? Apparently ABC was on a hair trigger already that Roseanne would make incendiary remarks (just imagine, her entire show and career, popularity and success has been BASED on that!), and apparently being sorry or apologizing just doesn't cut it in today's world, once labeled, that is as good as a court conviction. What really surprised me was last night I discovered that Laff TV had pulled her old reruns off their network as well! Apparently Roseanne is worse than a murderer; had she or somebody KILLED someone, I don't think they would have pulled the shows.

The real shame is the pointlessness of railing about Jarrett and Soros, etc., on Twitter at this point. It just makes no sense, was poor judgement on Roseanne's part, just reinforces the stereotype already levied against Trump supporters and most of all, killed what was looking to be one of the most successful TV shows since Big Bang Theory.

BTW, I always understood Valery Jarrett to be IRANIAN, not Black.

She was born in Iran and is an apologist for islam but her parents were American.
Valerie Jarrett, Ingrid Mattson: White House Opens Wider to Islam
I thought the last show was hilarious.

Roseanne needed surgery and they couldn't afford it. But then their basement flooded and the government gave them disaster relief money.

The same government they hate. Fuking hilarious!
Which makes her and the cast liberals.. lol

Did you really think that crazy lady was truly a conservative ? ROTFLMBO.

Now I do believe Tim Allen is a conservative.
I thought the last show was hilarious.

Roseanne needed surgery and they couldn't afford it. But then their basement flooded and the government gave them disaster relief money.

The same government they hate. Fuking hilarious!
Which makes her and the cast liberals.. lol

Did you really think that crazy lady was truly a conservative ? ROTFLMBO.

Now I do believe Tim Allen is a conservative.
Damn you are Looney, seriously kind of nuts....
Roseanne merely commented on the resemblance to a celebrity's character in the Planet of the Apes.
Whether you think she meant the old version with A white woman Kim Hunter playing the roll of Dr Zira
View attachment 195908 or more likely the newer version staring a white woman
Helena Bonham Carter playing Ari,
View attachment 195909
they both are Chimpanzee characters played by white woman, not Apes and not racially charged, so only the retooled reworded narrative by the propagandist fake news changes its appearance for political pandering to a race they are themselves comparing to Apes by recanting it in a racially insensitive way.
The racists are the tabloid media.
What does the media have to do with this? All they did was report what happened. They certainly had nothing to do with Roseanne making her comment and they had nothing to do with ABC choosing to fire her.

Actually, the decision was made up a bit higher on the food chain than ABC. Disney owns ABC, and it was the CEO that started the ball rolling.

The inside story of how ABC fired Roseanne Barr
Funniest headline of the day:

"...Ambien maker to Roseanne: Racism is not a side effect of our drug..."
She's laying the ground to say that she's addicted and has entered treatment.

She discussed her mental issues long before all this....and the stories about the crazy things ambian cause some people to do are legend. Insurance companies beg doctors not to prescribe. it ...the elderly are exceptionally susceptible to this evil and dangerous drug. If anyone is on need to get off of it.
This thread is priceless. It has gone from Rosanne to Iran, Jews to Soros, racism and Nazis on to political correctness to Trump and his base. This shit is all over the place. :auiqs.jpg:

Most enjoyment ever out of anything regarding the washed up hag Rosanne.
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Funniest headline of the day:

"...Ambien maker to Roseanne: Racism is not a side effect of our drug..."
She's laying the ground to say that she's addicted and has entered treatment.

She discussed her mental issues long before all this....and the stories about the crazy things ambian cause some people to do are legend. Insurance companies beg doctors not to prescribe. it ...the elderly are exceptionally susceptible to this evil and dangerous drug. If anyone is on need to get off of it.
The manufacturer of Ambien was correct, it doesn't cause racism.
Funniest headline of the day:

"...Ambien maker to Roseanne: Racism is not a side effect of our drug..."
She's laying the ground to say that she's addicted and has entered treatment.

She discussed her mental issues long before all this....and the stories about the crazy things ambian cause some people to do are legend. Insurance companies beg doctors not to prescribe. it ...the elderly are exceptionally susceptible to this evil and dangerous drug. If anyone is on need to get off of it.

You know, Roseanne would have sounded more believable if she had left Ambien out of it and simply said she was blind drunk at the time and didn't remember or realize she had tweeted that. It would have sounded better, been more believable, and people would have accepted it better.

Now? She's a laughingstock, lost her show, and has pissed off a big pharma company.
Funniest headline of the day:

"...Ambien maker to Roseanne: Racism is not a side effect of our drug..."
She's laying the ground to say that she's addicted and has entered treatment.

She discussed her mental issues long before all this....and the stories about the crazy things ambian cause some people to do are legend. Insurance companies beg doctors not to prescribe. it ...the elderly are exceptionally susceptible to this evil and dangerous drug. If anyone is on need to get off of it.
The manufacturer of Ambien was correct, it doesn't cause racism.
It causes memory loss.
Funniest headline of the day:

"...Ambien maker to Roseanne: Racism is not a side effect of our drug..."
She's laying the ground to say that she's addicted and has entered treatment.

She discussed her mental issues long before all this....and the stories about the crazy things ambian cause some people to do are legend. Insurance companies beg doctors not to prescribe. it ...the elderly are exceptionally susceptible to this evil and dangerous drug. If anyone is on need to get off of it.

You know, Roseanne would have sounded more believable if she had left Ambien out of it and simply said she was blind drunk at the time and didn't remember or realize she had tweeted that. It would have sounded better, been more believable, and people would have accepted it better.

Now? She's a laughingstock, lost her show, and has pissed off a big pharma company.
OMG. We wouldn't want to piss off the drug companies. :iagree:
Funniest headline of the day:

"...Ambien maker to Roseanne: Racism is not a side effect of our drug..."
She's laying the ground to say that she's addicted and has entered treatment.

She discussed her mental issues long before all this....and the stories about the crazy things ambian cause some people to do are legend. Insurance companies beg doctors not to prescribe. it ...the elderly are exceptionally susceptible to this evil and dangerous drug. If anyone is on need to get off of it.
The manufacturer of Ambien was correct, it doesn't cause racism.
It causes memory loss.
I thought it also caused sleep induced binge eating of raw bacon.
It would explain the obesity at least.
Funniest headline of the day:

"...Ambien maker to Roseanne: Racism is not a side effect of our drug..."
She's laying the ground to say that she's addicted and has entered treatment.

She discussed her mental issues long before all this....and the stories about the crazy things ambian cause some people to do are legend. Insurance companies beg doctors not to prescribe. it ...the elderly are exceptionally susceptible to this evil and dangerous drug. If anyone is on need to get off of it.
The manufacturer of Ambien was correct, it doesn't cause racism.
It causes memory loss.
I thought it also caused sleep induced binge eating of raw bacon.
It would explain the obesity at least.
Thanks to Ambien....some of my favorite actors and actresses are dead.
I have no idea why anyone takes that crap.
Especially if they are taking narcotics with the stuff...which tends to cause overdoses.
Funniest headline of the day:

"...Ambien maker to Roseanne: Racism is not a side effect of our drug..."
She's laying the ground to say that she's addicted and has entered treatment.

She discussed her mental issues long before all this....and the stories about the crazy things ambian cause some people to do are legend. Insurance companies beg doctors not to prescribe. it ...the elderly are exceptionally susceptible to this evil and dangerous drug. If anyone is on need to get off of it.
The manufacturer of Ambien was correct, it doesn't cause racism.
It causes memory loss.
So does conservatism.
Hard to believe that in the 21st century, Trump supporters still make ape references when they refer to blacks
How you know they are referring to blacks if your own mind isn't in the gutter?
If you are going to switch from overt to covert racism, at least be a little better at it.

I am not surprised that Trump voters enjoy calling black people apes
It is his base
Omg this rosanne things getting better.

She claims ambian is why she said what she said. Lol

And she’s mad at her co stars for throwing her under the bus. They’ll never work again. She fucked them all good.

You know what they say happens if you sleep with dogs? You wake up with fleas
Wouldn't what you just said get you fired, calling a woman a dog with fleas is a sexist & racist white trash insinuation, so ban yourself now, or admit that insult comedy is bound to offend snowflakes.
First they took out Andrew Dice Clay, then they took out Jackie Mason, now Rosanne, I see the only pattern here is anti-Semitism....can't take cerebral Jewish comedy. *L*

Proof evidence
: QUOTE sealybobo, post: 16341676
>>>"So Jews, ask yourself why are you so f**king annoying? "
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Funniest headline of the day:

"...Ambien maker to Roseanne: Racism is not a side effect of our drug..."
She's laying the ground to say that she's addicted and has entered treatment.

She discussed her mental issues long before all this....and the stories about the crazy things ambian cause some people to do are legend. Insurance companies beg doctors not to prescribe. it ...the elderly are exceptionally susceptible to this evil and dangerous drug. If anyone is on need to get off of it.
The manufacturer of Ambien was correct, it doesn't cause racism.
It causes memory loss.
So does conservatism.
That must be why their mascot is an Elephant......not a Jackass.

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