Rosenstein conspiracy, sedition, treason exposed

Explain how merely discussing a legal and constitutional process is 'sedition', 'treason' or 'conspiracy'.

Sure, bull-squirt! Soon as you explain to me how merely firing an employee of yours you are empowered to hire or fire AT WILL no explanation needed becomes obstruction of justice when his firing doesn't even affect the investigation in question?!
Explain how merely discussing a legal and constitutional process is 'sedition', 'treason' or 'conspiracy'.

Sure, bull-squirt! Soon as you explain to me how merely firing an employee of yours you are empowered to hire or fire AT WILL no explanation needed becomes obstruction of justice when his firing doesn't even affect the investigation in question?!

You know, its one of those fake make believe laws the left fabricated.
Explain how merely discussing a legal and constitutional process is 'sedition', 'treason' or 'conspiracy'.

Sure, bull-squirt! Soon as you explain to me how merely firing an employee of yours you are empowered to hire or fire AT WILL no explanation needed becomes obstruction of justice when his firing doesn't even affect the investigation in question?!

You know, its one of those fake make believe laws the left fabricated.

So that's two more that just straight up abandoned the OP.

I'm shocked, I tell you. Just shocked.

Is there anyone who will even try and polish that turd of an OP? Even Easy has abandoned his hysteric nonsense.

How is merely discussing a legal and constitutional process 'sedition', 'treason' or 'conspiracy?
A Deputy US AG who by all rights attempted to set-up the President (giving reason to fire Comey, advising the President to fire Comey, then initiating an Obstruction investigation after the President fired Comey) ...

... who committed Obstruction himself by refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas until he was threatened to be Impeached by Congress...

... Who signed FISA warrant requests identified by the US IG an part of an improper deceitful and illegal acquisition of warrants required to spy on the GOP candidate and his team during an election...

...who is friends with the fired FBI Director and the Special Prosecutor....

...all of which make for critical conflicts of interest that compromise Rosenstein's objectivity, which legally mandates he recuse himself but which he refuses to do...

...and this same Deputy Director of the DOJ is, admittedly in the midst of a political coup attempt from the Leftist Conspirators, caught 'joking' about wearing a wire to make a recording of the President that can be used to successfully carry out the on-going coup attempt as well as 'jokingly' testing the waters to see if any Cabinet members would be interested in joining in....

As I said, liberals have a f*ed up sense of humor and a bad sense of timing with their humor to boot.

Of course you faithfully parrot your master's mocking of all this is pure fantasy ....

...except for one critical thing:

McCabe, like Comey, was stupid enough to keep a journal in which he wrote EVERYTHING down. In his journal the US IG found around the exact same time Rosenstein was caught 'joking' about the 25th Amendment wire tap stuff McCabe coincidently wrote about the potential use of the 25th Amendment against the President.

That's one hell of a coincident.

'Nothing to see here. Move along!'
Actually there is another damning side to this for all involved.

Why are the Deputy AG and second-in-command of the FBI,
discussing any of this. Why was the topic even on the table?
Why didn't the DAG act against McCabe?

Eventually, someone will see the forest, even though the trees
are in the way.

There are numerous reports of how unstable the president is. How impulsive the president is. How unfit the president is. How the president's mental health is in a state of severe decline.

That seems like more than adequate ground to discuss the 25th amendment. If such an amendment is to be invoked, it should most certainly be discussed first.

What numerous reports?

You can color Rosenstein gone after the mid-terms. And Sessions with him.
A Deputy US AG who by all rights attempted to set-up the President (giving reason to fire Comey, advising the President to fire Comey, then initiating an Obstruction investigation after the President fired Comey) ...

By merely discussing a legal and constitutional process? Which in the depths of your conspiracy addled insanity, you've insisted is a crime that carries the death penalty?

Sorry, but your still stuck at the laughable premise of your own thread. And your entire argument breaks on your own absurdity.

As discussing the 25th amendment or any other constitutional process is never 'treason'. Or 'sedition'. Or 'conspiracy'. As you can't 'conspire' to do something that's completely legal.

... Who signed FISA warrant requests identified by the US IG an part of an improper deceitful and illegal acquisition of warrants required to spy on the GOP candidate and his team during an election... this the IG report on the FISA warrant applications that you claim to be citing? How can you be citing a report that hasn't been released, on an investigation that is still ongoing?

If you're going to offer us your imagination as fact, at least make it plausible.

...who is friends with the fired FBI Director and the Special Prosecutor....

Says your imagination. Again, why do you keep citing the imaginary nonsense that you make up? Its functionally meaningless to our discussion. And certainly to any legal conversation.

...and this same Deputy Director of the DOJ is, admittedly in the midst of a political coup attempt from the Leftist Conspirators, caught 'joking' about wearing a wire to make a recording of the President that can be used to successfully carry out the on-going coup attempt as well as 'jokingly' testing the waters to see if any Cabinet members would be interested in joining in....

Using legal and constitutional processes to remove a president (like the 25th amendment or impeachment) isn't a 'coup'. Its part of our constitution.

You're literally imagining that Trump is above the constitution.

Actually there is another damning side to this for all involved.

Why are the Deputy AG and second-in-command of the FBI,
discussing any of this. Why was the topic even on the table?
Why didn't the DAG act against McCabe?

Eventually, someone will see the forest, even though the trees
are in the way.

There are numerous reports of how unstable the president is. How impulsive the president is. How unfit the president is. How the president's mental health is in a state of severe decline.

That seems like more than adequate ground to discuss the 25th amendment. If such an amendment is to be invoked, it should most certainly be discussed first.

What numerous reports?

Why the Op-ed from someone in Trump's own administration to start.

But tell us how an anonymous source in the NYT can't be trusted in a thread based on an anonymous source in the NYT.

Just so we can all giggle together.
You can color Rosenstein gone after the mid-terms. And Sessions with him.

Possibly. But their removal will be completely political, as your own admission on the timing demonstrates.
A Deputy US AG who by all rights attempted to set-up the President (giving reason to fire Comey, advising the President to fire Comey, then initiating an Obstruction investigation after the President fired Comey) ...

By merely discussing a legal and constitutional process? Which in the depths of your conspiracy addled insanity, you've insisted is a crime that carries the death penalty?

Sorry, but your still stuck at the laughable premise of your own thread. And your entire argument breaks on your own absurdity.

As discussing the 25th amendment or any other constitutional process is never 'treason'. Or 'sedition'. Or 'conspiracy'. As you can't 'conspire' to do something that's completely legal.

... Who signed FISA warrant requests identified by the US IG an part of an improper deceitful and illegal acquisition of warrants required to spy on the GOP candidate and his team during an election... this the IG report on the FISA warrant applications that you claim to be citing? How can you be citing a report that hasn't been released, on an investigation that is still ongoing?

If you're going to offer us your imagination as fact, at least make it plausible.

...who is friends with the fired FBI Director and the Special Prosecutor....

Says your imagination. Again, why do you keep citing the imaginary nonsense that you make up? Its functionally meaningless to our discussion. And certainly to any legal conversation.

...and this same Deputy Director of the DOJ is, admittedly in the midst of a political coup attempt from the Leftist Conspirators, caught 'joking' about wearing a wire to make a recording of the President that can be used to successfully carry out the on-going coup attempt as well as 'jokingly' testing the waters to see if any Cabinet members would be interested in joining in....

Using legal and constitutional processes to remove a president (like the 25th amendment or impeachment) isn't a 'coup'. Its part of our constitution.

You're literally imagining that Trump is above the constitution.

A Deputy US AG who by all rights attempted to set-up the President (giving reason to fire Comey, advising the President to fire Comey, then initiating an Obstruction investigation after the President fired Comey) ...

... who committed Obstruction himself by refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas until he was threatened to be Impeached by Congress...

... Who signed FISA warrant requests identified by the US IG an part of an improper deceitful and illegal acquisition of warrants required to spy on the GOP candidate and his team during an election...

...who is friends with the fired FBI Director and the Special Prosecutor....

...all of which make for critical conflicts of interest that compromise Rosenstein's objectivity, which legally mandates he recuse himself but which he refuses to do...

...and this same Deputy Director of the DOJ is, admittedly in the midst of a political coup attempt from the Leftist Conspirators, caught 'joking' about wearing a wire to make a recording of the President that can be used to successfully carry out the on-going coup attempt as well as 'jokingly' testing the waters to see if any Cabinet members would be interested in joining in....

As I said, liberals have a f*ed up sense of humor and a bad sense of timing with their humor to boot.

Of course you faithfully parrot your master's mocking of all this is pure fantasy ....

...except for one critical thing:

McCabe, like Comey, was stupid enough to keep a journal in which he wrote EVERYTHING down. In his journal the US IG found around the exact same time Rosenstein was caught 'joking' about the 25th Amendment wire tap stuff McCabe coincidently wrote about the potential use of the 25th Amendment against the President.

That's one hell of a coincident.

'Nothing to see here. Move along!'
Monday is going to be an interesting day. Sessions is duty bound by policy and procedure to remove Rosenstine and place him on administrative leave (with pay) pending an internal and criminal investigation. Rosenstine has been accused of criminal misconduct and must be removed from all classified and over-site duties pending an investigation. Sessions has no choice or he too could face removal for malfeasance.

This is required by DOJ Policy and Procedure and not something Sessions or Trump can control...

This smells of set up to go after Trump when they do what Policy and Procedures require when an employee is accused of criminal misconduct..
A Deputy US AG who by all rights attempted to set-up the President (giving reason to fire Comey, advising the President to fire Comey, then initiating an Obstruction investigation after the President fired Comey) ...

By merely discussing a legal and constitutional process? Which in the depths of your conspiracy addled insanity, you've insisted is a crime that carries the death penalty?

Sorry, but your still stuck at the laughable premise of your own thread. And your entire argument breaks on your own absurdity.

As discussing the 25th amendment or any other constitutional process is never 'treason'. Or 'sedition'. Or 'conspiracy'. As you can't 'conspire' to do something that's completely legal.

... Who signed FISA warrant requests identified by the US IG an part of an improper deceitful and illegal acquisition of warrants required to spy on the GOP candidate and his team during an election... this the IG report on the FISA warrant applications that you claim to be citing? How can you be citing a report that hasn't been released, on an investigation that is still ongoing?

If you're going to offer us your imagination as fact, at least make it plausible.

...who is friends with the fired FBI Director and the Special Prosecutor....

Says your imagination. Again, why do you keep citing the imaginary nonsense that you make up? Its functionally meaningless to our discussion. And certainly to any legal conversation.

...and this same Deputy Director of the DOJ is, admittedly in the midst of a political coup attempt from the Leftist Conspirators, caught 'joking' about wearing a wire to make a recording of the President that can be used to successfully carry out the on-going coup attempt as well as 'jokingly' testing the waters to see if any Cabinet members would be interested in joining in....

Using legal and constitutional processes to remove a president (like the 25th amendment or impeachment) isn't a 'coup'. Its part of our constitution.

You're literally imagining that Trump is above the constitution.


Laughing....and once again, your entire OP just collapses into a steaming pile of conspiratorial batshit.

Keep running. I'm still waiting for you to explain how you can be citing an IG report on FISA warrant applications that hasn't been released yet on an investigation that isn't finished.

Good luck.
You beat me to it! Well done.


So, you're not sticking up for one of your own tribesman?

Any Jew who votes Blue is a Traitor. You think just because he is a Jew I'll stick up for him? Ivanka is a Jew as well.
Ivanka is a convert who did it for the sake of her marriage. If they ever divorce, she'll revert in a heartbeat.
Anything other than violence which can be brought to bear in order to rid the Republic of The Creature is a good thing.
You beat me to it! Well done.


So, you're not sticking up for one of your own tribesman?

Any Jew who votes Blue is a Traitor. You think just because he is a Jew I'll stick up for him? Ivanka is a Jew as well.
Ivanka is a convert who did it for the sake of her marriage. If they ever divorce, she'll revert in a heartbeat.

Except her three kids are Jews too.
Deputy director of the Department of Justice Rod Rosenstein autjored a report on why former FBI director James Comey should be fired and then advised Presient Donald Trump he should fire FBI director Comey.

Once the president, exercising his legal Authority, fired Comey it is being reported that Rosenstein plotted, planned, and attempted to recruit Cabinet Members to participate in a conspiracy where he, Rosenstein, would secretly record the president and then have his band of conspirators use the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office!

Rosenstein reportedly discussed wearing 'wire,' invoking 25th Amendment against Trump

'A bombshell report published Friday afternoon claims Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein last year suggested secretly recording President Trump to expose chaos in the White House and enlisting Cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office. Rosenstein adamantly denied the accusations.'

According to anonymous sources, "The deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, suggested last year that he secretly record President Trump in the White House to expose the chaos consuming the administration, and he discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Mr. Trump from office for being unfit," the New York Times reports.

Fact: Trump is facing enormous pressure right now with Manafort, Gates, Cohen, and Flynn all working with Mueller and his once secure SCOTUS choice is being threatened.

Fact: Trump regards Mueller's investigation as a "witch hunt."

Fact: Trump recently said, "I don't have an attorney general." Trump has been wanting to fire Rosenstein for months and derail the Mueller probe.

Fact: An anonymous writer for the Times struck at the very heart of the Trump administration a couple weeks back and suggested the 25th Amendment to remove the President.

Conjecture: The Times would not print an article such as this one from just anybody. The anonymous source had to be high up on the food chain, like say chief of staff John Kelly. Who better to fire back an anonymous article in the Times to get back at those questioning the President. Call it poetic justice. The plot is very transparent and wreaks of Trump's inane retaliation. Trump may have written it.

After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard Law School, Rosenstein clerked for a federal judge before joining the Justice Department in 1990 and was appointed United States attorney for Maryland. The man is no fool.

This is what we are supposed to believe. Rosenstein was just two weeks into his job. He had begun overseeing the Russia investigation and played a key role in the President’s dismissal of Comey by writing a memo critical of his handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. The attorney general, Sessions, has recused himself from the Russian investigation.

Two weeks into the job with enormous new responsibilities, Rosenstein feels the need to lead a palace revolt to remove the emperor. That kind of plot would be immediately rejected by Hollywood. Too farfetched, but for an intelligence challenged President it fits nicely with wishes to sabotage the Mueller probe, fire Rosenstein then get Mueller removed and slow down the carnage.

Next Rosenstein is going to be so stupid as to blab the plan to chief of staff, John Kelly. The Times reports, "He did tell Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then the secretary of homeland security and now the White House chief of staff, to mount an effort to invoke the 25th Amendment."

This anonymous source then says, "Mr. Rosenstein appeared conflicted, regretful and emotional, according to people who spoke with him at the time."

Perfect, Trump would think. He does not want an A.G. who is conflicted, regretful and emotional. Duty calls. Perfect grounds for termination.

It all fits, but one would have to be a moron to believe all this. It is the perfect scenario for Trump. That is the problem. It is too perfect, too scripted.

“The New York Times’s story is inaccurate and factually incorrect. I will not further comment on a story based on anonymous sources who are obviously biased against the department and are advancing their own personal agenda," Rosenstein said.

I believe him. The alternative is too preposterous.

It says a great deal about our current President that this is even being suggested. It is impossible to image such a scenario with any other President.

Rod Rosenstein Suggested Secretly Recording Trump and Discussed 25th Amendment

I said, "It all fits, but one would have to be a moron to believe all this. It is the perfect scenario for Trump. That is the problem. It is too perfect, too scripted."

The Washington Post reported, "Memos written by Andrew McCabe when he was the acting FBI director say that Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein suggested he secretly record his talks with President Trump, and that Rosenstein discussed possibly trying to remove Trump from office, according to people familiar with the matter."

There is something strange about these memos. They are not provided by either the Post or the Times, which also mentions the McCabe memos. They are not even quoted. All we supposedly know about them comes from secondary sources or the vague officials. This is serious omission. If a writer is using a source, any writer worth his salt would at least quote the source.

Then there is this from the Post, "The saga [saga?] features two of the president’s biggest targets for public criticism, McCabe and Rosenstein, both of whom he blames for an investigation he calls a “witch hunt.” In this instance, McCabe’s memos offer an extraordinary account of Rosenstein’s thinking at a difficult time in the Justice Department and could give Trump fresh ammunition to move to oust Rosenstein." Really? They do? Prove it. What did the memos say?

As I said, "too perfect, too scripted."

Something else is strange about the memos. The Post continued, "McCabe’s lawyer, Michael Bromwich, said in a statement that his client “drafted memos to memorialize significant discussions he had with high level officials and preserved them so he would have an accurate, contemporaneous record of those discussions. When he was interviewed by the special counsel more than a year ago, he gave all of his memos — classified and unclassified — to the special counsel’s office. A set of those memos remained at the FBI at the time of his departure in late January 2018. He has no knowledge of how any member of the media obtained those memos.'"

If they did.

Conclusion: The poorly written "saga" in the Times was written by someone in the White House, perhaps even Trump himself. It sounds very much like Trump, including the total lack of imagination and discretion. It boldly asserts that Rosenstein was the leader of a coup, his henchman was McCabe, and Rosenstein was "conflicted, regretful and emotional, according to people who spoke with him at the time."

Get real.
You beat me to it! Well done.


So, you're not sticking up for one of your own tribesman?

Any Jew who votes Blue is a Traitor. You think just because he is a Jew I'll stick up for him? Ivanka is a Jew as well.
Ivanka is a convert who did it for the sake of her marriage. If they ever divorce, she'll revert in a heartbeat.

Except her three kids are Jews too.
Yep... that'll do it... she'll delay until they hit adult-hood, I guess.
Gee, and what a 'Coincidence' ... Ford's legal team includes Deep State Lawyers of Bill Clinton, Barak Obama, and Andrew McCabe...

Yup, all of this factual, reported information, all these 'coincidences', are just that coincidences ... Nothing to see here ... Move along....


Blink and You May Have Missed it? Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Is on Christine Ford’s Legal Team

You can repeat your bullshit over and over all you want, but you can't change facts or re-write history, snowflake...

Blink and You May Have Missed it? Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Is on Christine Ford’s Legal Team

Gee, and what a 'Coincidence' ... Ford's legal team includes Deep State Lawyers of Bill Clinton, Barak Obama, and Andrew McCabe...

Yup, all of this factual, reported information, all these 'coincidences', are just that coincidences ... Nothing to see here ... Move along....


Blink and You May Have Missed it? Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Is on Christine Ford’s Legal Team

You can repeat your bullshit over and over all you want, but you can't change facts or re-write history, snowflake...

Blink and You May Have Missed it? Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Is on Christine Ford’s Legal Team

News Flash! Lawyers are for hire!
You beat me to it! Well done.


So, you're not sticking up for one of your own tribesman?

Any Jew who votes Blue is a Traitor. You think just because he is a Jew I'll stick up for him? Ivanka is a Jew as well.
Ivanka is a convert who did it for the sake of her marriage. If they ever divorce, she'll revert in a heartbeat.

Except her three kids are Jews too.
Yep... that'll do it... she'll delay until they hit adult-hood, I guess.
Thanks for doubling down on your stupidy
Gee, and what a 'Coincidence' ... Ford's legal team includes Deep State Lawyers of Bill Clinton, Barak Obama, and Andrew McCabe...

Yup, all of this factual, reported information, all these 'coincidences', are just that coincidences ... Nothing to see here ... Move along....


Blink and You May Have Missed it? Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Is on Christine Ford’s Legal Team

You can repeat your bullshit over and over all you want, but you can't change facts or re-write history, snowflake...

Blink and You May Have Missed it? Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Is on Christine Ford’s Legal Team

News Flash! Lawyers are for hire!'s ok to open your eyes and actually look around for yourself to see what's going on.

The Deep State lawyers for Slick Willy, Barry, and Andy just happen to be working for Ford, lawyers she could not afford if her life depended on it....Lawyers of the men linked to the on-going conspiracy proven to be going on right now...

One or two coincidences might be believable, but there are a TON of them as more and more of the conspiracy is revealed....

Ford is not part of it, but the desire to take down Trump and anyone close to him is enough to send these sharks running to Ford to try to help her try to take down Kadanaugh.
Easy, and Leftists------> Leftists are screwed, and it won't take 18 months to show it. It will be BEFORE the midterms.

Now then, I see you Leftists are babbling about the New York Times, fake or not in this instance, and what has happened to their reporting on the issue!

Want me to explain it to you, since Easy probably forgot about it?

OK Leftists, follow along, and if I lose ya, read it twice, lol.

--------------> Do you remember the senate gopher having an affair with the reporter from Buzzfeed who got caught leaking classified documents to her? If you don't, quit reading, because you aren't informed enough to follow the bouncing ball.

Now this gopher had a clearance to receive, and deliver, highly classified documents as they came into the senate.

What does that have to do with anything you say? Pay attention, and you will learn something.

On the day that the senate subcommittee received the FISA documents on Carter Paige, and BEFORE they were redacted; Mr gopher sent a certain amount of images (either 72, or 82) to his paramour, the reporter. How big was the FISA document unredacted? 72, or 82. What ever the number was unredacted, that was the EXACT number he sent to her.

So what happened?

Well, the reporter broke off her affair with the gopher, and suddenly got hired at...…….wait for it...…….THE NEW YORK TIMES! Funny how that happens, lol.

What does that mean exactly?

Well, that means, the NEW YORK TIMES already knows what is in the FISA warrant, that all of us are waiting to be released. In essence, they know what was going on behind the scenes in the DOJ, and FBI. They also know, none of it adds up, lol. The problem for them is-----------> how could Trump prove it so they could be ahead in reporting? What to do, what to do!

Wait, I know, what if Trump demands everything be unclassified, including Texts from all of the involved-) (what a trap that is by Trump, more on that later)

So now, THE NEW YORK TIMES knows what is coming, because they have that hot little FISA warrant in their hands, and have had it for some time. No matter what, they can't end up with egg on their face, or who will believe or buy their rag?!?!?!?!

And how do they know that if nothing else, the texts will be released, or someone is going to be indicted or both?

Well, that is easy (pun intended) peezy! Because texts are on phones. Phones are not secure devices. FBI-DOJ people have to sign into their computer to see CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS they are cleared to view. THEREFORE------------> if classified information was shared over their phones, then they did the same thing Hilly did, lol. And if that is the case, how can they investigate Hilly, hehehehehehehehehe.

Point is, "sources and methods" can not be discussed while using hand held devices at home, now can they Leftists-) So either in their texts, there is no "sources and methods" discussed, or they ALL broke the law! Saints preserve us, and Trump laid the trap, lololol! You can NOT have it both ways, now can you.

In closing-------->the gopher is now WORKING with the administration, just like Priestep………… fill in the holes. As I said in an earlier post that you probably didn't read--------------> As soon as it was discovered that Priestep was working with the administration, and that Trump ordered the texts and FISA to be declassified, Nellie the underbelly Ohr refused to testify, and Strozck through his lawyer, refused to return also. (perjury ya know)

And just think-----------> all of this and what it means is coming into your homes very soon, BEFORE the midterms! This is gonna be fun, and as I said before; CYA, wouldn't want to be ya-) you're offering us your imagination about the contents of text messages you haven't even seen. And insisting that it will magically make the frantic, unhinged and confused conspiracy batshit that your ilk are pumping real?

Sigh....this is why its so difficult to have a rational conversation with conservatives. When presented with facts and evidence, they try and counter with their imagination.

With your feverish fantasy about the text messages best begun with 'Once Upon A Time'....backed by nothing, of course.

Good luck with that.

It's ok, you can relax, lol.

Let me ask you something------------------->

would the Democrats release something that proves nothing?


We already know what is in the texts, you don't, nor the independents; that is why they are being released silly!

Remember, they are not from an un named source, or somebody said, it will be their own words. I would tell you what they prove, but you would just post a funny, lol. So I will let YOU read them with the rest of the people who do NOT know, and then watch you squirm like the rest of the far Leftists, hehehehehehehehee.

Like I said--------->CYA, wouldn't want to be ya, or on your side of the aisle-)
I'm still waiting for you to back any of your hapless fantasy with actual evidence. Your entire argument is your imagination about what is in the text messages, backed by nothing. And elaborate assurances based on your fantasy.

Imagination, Trump supporters have in spades. Actual evidence and connections to reality? Not so much.

As the abandoned and laughably premise of this entire thread demonstrates.
You want someone to post evidence that Hillary lost the 2016 election as well?


Now your turn. Show us the text messages backing IMA's elaborate fantasy. You can't. Ima's entire narrative is built on the back of imagination.

Which is my point. You and your ilk keep offering us fantasy and imagination in the face of facts and evidence. Even more laughable, you offer your fantasies and imagination AS facts and evidence.

Which is kind of adorable.

That's your problem, Sky - you're sitting on your ass waiting to be spoon-fed, demanding other post the exact information that has been posted and re-posted in numerous thread all over this board, as you know.

And by 'spoon fed', you mean citing *actual* evidence rather than simply imagining 'proof' like you and Ima do? Like you did when you 'cited' the IG report on the FISA memos, despite the IG investigation into the FISA memos ongoing and no conclusions having been released?

Like Ima did with elaborate fantasies and imaginary assurances regarding the content text messages that haven't been released.

See, your problem that you're too used to the right wing echo chamber. Where any fantasy you want to make up is accepted as gospel truth. Where you never need evidence, where you can just imagine whatever you'd like. Its made your arguments soft.

As when challenged for *actual* evidence rather than your assurances or imagination, your claims just fold. Just like your 'conspiracy', 'sedition' and 'treason' idiocy in the OP. Even you won't touch that silly shit now.

Well who do we believe?
A 10 year MI6 guy or a 4000 lie pussy grabber?

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