ROTFLOL!! White House considered dumping illegals in Dim controlled sanctuary cities

You think this is brilliant?! How do you see it playing out? Flood the sanctuary cities and then they will suddenly realize the error in their ways and then they will magically come together in support of Trumps immigration policies and everything will be right in the world?!

Keep dreaming Gramps. It’s a cheap gotchya attempt that will only fuel each sides base to yell louder and fight harder. It’s not good for America. The drama continues.
No, if the sanctuary cities put their money where their mouths are, they might see the light that making others pay for their intolerable indignities has a consequential price.
Really? You actually think that will happen?
Oh, they will get rid of their responsibilities, one way or another, because unsustainable ideas have a consequence. Let them experience it for themselves.
You don’t think California and sanctuary cities have experienced illegal immigrants? Come on, wake up
Thousands of new ones every few days? No, no they haven't. And if you don't think that would be an eye opener for the LEGAL TAX PAYING RESIDENTS then it's YOU who needs a wake up call.
The fact that you think sanctuary cities translates to open borders just shows that you don’t understand the subject. You’re too concerned with the gotchyas to support real solutions that move is forwards. Trump is the same way which is why I call this stuff petty childish tactics
I like the idea, they want open borders, here is what that means...
I don't think the drug lords running some of those countries want to deal with serial killers. It's cheaper to send them to the USA, and their revenge against us is never-ending for stopping their profits from going through the roof.

The Drug Cartels represents unbridled capitalism. Violence is just a cost of doing business. We are their number one customer. Our laws are the reason their profits are through the roof. Our laws are the reason things are so violent. The violence is driving the wave of asylum seekers.
Your point is well-taken, BB. Maybe we need to deal with the bullies who are driving asylum seekers out of Central America. Unfortunately, bullies have devious means, and that includes forwarding along with the masses a criminal population including serial rapists and serial murderers, people with contagious diseases to infect us, and other social poisons. Unfortunately, instead of using our system of legal admission of immigrants, they refuse to do that when they can liberate themselves of caring for serial offenders for life by blending them in with other refugees. And with all that drug money they have, they can afford to grease a few hands to get them there. And some of the hands they grease rape little girls in the caravans. :crying:
Oh god I wish they would have went through with this ! :auiqs.jpg:

TRUMP EFFECT[/paste:font]
White House considered dumping migrants in 'sanctuary cities'
ICE lawyers rejected proposals to bus detained immigrants to Nancy Pelosi's district and other Democratic cities, The Washington Post reported.


WAPO: Trump admin. wanted ICE to release detainees in sanctuary cities
APRIL 12, 201903:57
DHS on Thursday night told NBC News the proposal had been "a suggestion that was floated and rejected, which ended any further discussion."

The White House official confirmed the idea came up twice — initially as a query to ICE about the possibility, and later to inquire why it wouldn't be legally doable. Matthew Albence, who starts Friday as acting head of ICE, was involved in the assessment of the plan and the ultimate conclusion that it would not be feasible.

The Post quoted DHS officials as saying the administration sought to release detainees in the San Francisco-based district of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and in other strongly Democratic districts. It said the White House told ICE that the plan was partly meant to conserve jail space but also partly to "send a message to Democrats."

A source familiar with the plan told NBC News it was designed to “somehow hurt Pelosi.”

Another source, the former DHS official, told NBC News of the Trump administration’s thinking: “Why release [migrants] into Yuma or Phoenix when you can release them in San Francisco where they want them?”

"The extent of this administration's cynicism and cruelty cannot be overstated," a spokeswoman for Pelosi told NBC News. "Using human beings — including little children — as pawns in their warped game to perpetuate fear and demonize immigrants is despicable."

White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller at a Republican dinner in Columbus, Ohio, in August.Leah Millis / Reuters file
The Post reported that two DHS whistleblowers independently reported the busing plan to Congress and that several DHS officials confirmed their accounts. Two DHS officials said Stephen Miller, a senior policy adviser who is widely reported to have assumed control of U.S. border policy, discussed the proposal with ICE, according to The Post.



At the center of Trump's Homeland chaos, Stephen Miller is the lone survivor
"Sanctuary cities" is a term used to describe jurisdictions that limit or ban cooperation with federal immigration authorities. Trump has accused Democrats of trying to "turn America into one giant sanctuary city for violent criminals and MS-13 and other gang killers."

Adam Edelman contributed.

White House considered dumping migrants in 'sanctuary cities'
Poetic justice. They should have added a note saying "here are the 'voters' you requested".

That would have been hilarious.
Good idea since Democrats want them. He's using the Cloward-Piven against them. Let's see what their response will be.

Donald J. Trump
Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only....
11:38 AM · Apr 12, 2019 ·

Donald J. Trump
....The Radical Left always seems to have an Open Borders, Open Arms policy – so this should make them very happy!
11:38 AM · Apr 12, 2019

Ship them all to CA, let the crying celebs take care of them. The Cloward and Piven strategy can work both ways.

I don't think the drug lords running some of those countries want to deal with serial killers. It's cheaper to send them to the USA, and their revenge against us is never-ending for stopping their profits from going through the roof.

The Drug Cartels represents unbridled capitalism. Violence is just a cost of doing business. We are their number one customer. Our laws are the reason their profits are through the roof. Our laws are the reason things are so violent. The violence is driving the wave of asylum seekers.
Your point is well-taken, BB. Maybe we need to deal with the bullies who are driving asylum seekers out of Central America. Unfortunately, bullies have devious means, and that includes forwarding along with the masses a criminal population including serial rapists and serial murderers, people with contagious diseases to infect us, and other social poisons. Unfortunately, instead of using our system of legal admission of immigrants, they refuse to do that when they can liberate themselves of caring for serial offenders for life by blending them in with other refugees. And with all that drug money they have, they can afford to grease a few hands to get them there. And some of the hands they grease rape little girls in the caravans. :crying:

Well with all due respect I don't think they are sending those people to harm us. We are they're best customers. I'm not saying that no rapist, criminals, or sick people are trying to get in, I just don't think the cartels are making a conscious decision to hurt their best source of revenue by sending them.

I think a real world solution would be to build some temporary housing and add a bunch of new judges to speed the processing along.
Good idea since Democrats want them. He's using the Cloward-Piven against them. Let's see what their response will be.

Donald J. Trump
Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only....
11:38 AM · Apr 12, 2019 ·

Donald J. Trump
....The Radical Left always seems to have an Open Borders, Open Arms policy – so this should make them very happy!
11:38 AM · Apr 12, 2019

Ship them all to CA, let the crying celebs take care of them. The Cloward and Piven strategy can work both ways.

Yes! Hollywood has plenty of lots and parking spaces where they can set up tents for them to live in.
Why would the Left fight this? Here is a chance for them to show US how it’s done and how it will work.
Democrats have accused Donald Trump’s administration of “cruelty” and using people as political pawns in the wake of reports that presidential aides considered a plan to release migrants in sanctuary cities.


Dimms are racist and don’t want illegals in their cities.
When taxes skyrocket the lefter than thou denizens of silicon valley will no doubt rejoice that they have to pay more taxes than they ever dreamed of.
Do it! PLEASE! I never go to shithole cities like Atlanta that have tons of illegals. This is what the leftists want so lets give it to them! Otherwise these invaders are let loose in small town America where we don't want them!
This is how fucking stupid Trump is and how fucking stupid his supporters are.

Go ahead,

Dump all these people in sanctuary cities likely in blue states. right before the fucking CENSUS.

You stupid fucks could INCREASE the number of Democrat Representatives in the House by altering the number of Reps a state gets.

Stupid fucking people doing stupid fucking shit.

You can't make this shit up!
Pelosi fumes over White House plan to release immigrant detainees in sanctuary cities

Clip: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose office called the idea “despicable.”

So sending illegal brown people to her district is OFF FUCKING LIMITS YO!

Of course I don't actually believe that makes her a racist but it does prove she is one big ass two faced hypocritical bitch.

Now imagine if Trump had tied the word despicable to illegals, can you imagine the lefts outrage? Oh wait! He said something similar you say? And they still hold it against him you say?
Obvious double standard is obvious
Trump should release them in her home town right near her house

No, fuck that! I live in a sanctuary city not of my own choice, and I don’t want illegals flooding my city. There are plenty of people in sanctuary cities that don’t agree with what their government is doing. Nancy Pelosi will be the last person affected by illegals infesting her city. Think before you post stupidity. Thanks.

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