ROTFLOL!! White House considered dumping illegals in Dim controlled sanctuary cities

Its okay to have "open borders" as long as it doesn't affect my neighborhood. Typical Democrats.
Good idea since Democrats want them. He's using the Cloward-Piven against them. Let's see what their response will be.

Donald J. Trump
Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only....
11:38 AM · Apr 12, 2019 ·

Donald J. Trump
....The Radical Left always seems to have an Open Borders, Open Arms policy – so this should make them very happy!
11:38 AM · Apr 12, 2019
Well Mien Fuhrer, first you need to build a big wall around the city, then you can start dumping all the undesirables inside. Otherwise they'll escape to the good countryside.

You can determine their final disposition later.
Sorry, BB, I'm a girl. I think the law that says Immigrants are welcome, get on the list for admittance was the very best we had. Others who break the law need to realize, that in order to come here, you have to obey our laws. That is, register, wait your turn.

I'm sorry I was thinking of Herr Trumps' policy.

Wasn't he was talking about dumping the asylum seekers in Democratic controlled cities, not legal immigrants?

Why stop with dumping them? They obviously know how to walk. They'll just move out of the cities. If you're gonna dump them, best to wall them in so the can't infect the rest of the country. We can determine what to do with them later. A final solution if you will!

Oh, no he ain't, but you've entitled yourself to engage in negative waves. :laughing0301:
That would be a good rebuttal if Trump hadn’t pussed out
No he didn't.
Okay then when was this policy enacted
That's not the point and you know it too don't you.
It’s what this entire thread is about, cupcake. Though it’s far from the only example of Trump being a pussy.
Nope, he still isn't. But you're still engaging in negative waves. :laughing0301:
Careful there, Gramps! If you keep calling her name's like that she'll have no choice but to turn into a racist for real!
Careful there, Gramps! If you keep calling her name's like that she'll have no choice but to turn into a racist for real!

Try saying something that makes sense. It’s pretty fun sometimes
Not seeing why Pelosi would have an issue with releasing illegals in sanctuary cities. If we have to release them in the US let the communities that support illegal immigration deal with them.

In an ideal world we just ship them home BUT since that isn't an option this is a great idea. Flood sanctuary cities with more of them than they can handle.
You think this is brilliant?! How do you see it playing out? Flood the sanctuary cities and then they will suddenly realize the error in their ways and then they will magically come together in support of Trumps immigration policies and everything will be right in the world?!

Keep dreaming Gramps. It’s a cheap gotchya attempt that will only fuel each sides base to yell louder and fight harder. It’s not good for America. The drama continues.
No, if the sanctuary cities put their money where their mouths are, they might see the light that making others pay for their intolerable indignities has a consequential price.
Again, you are dealing in fantasy. Back on earth in reality what you say will happen just isn’t a possibility. There is a whole different point of view and with the way our politics work in this country this idea is not going to ever happen and is not going to be the great wake up call you pretend like it is

In an ideal world we just ship them home BUT since that isn't an option this is a great idea. Flood sanctuary cities with more of them than they can handle.
You think this is brilliant?! How do you see it playing out? Flood the sanctuary cities and then they will suddenly realize the error in their ways and then they will magically come together in support of Trumps immigration policies and everything will be right in the world?!

Keep dreaming Gramps. It’s a cheap gotchya attempt that will only fuel each sides base to yell louder and fight harder. It’s not good for America. The drama continues.
No, if the sanctuary cities put their money where their mouths are, they might see the light that making others pay for their intolerable indignities has a consequential price.
Really? You actually think that will happen?
Oh, they will get rid of their responsibilities, one way or another, because unsustainable ideas have a consequence. Let them experience it for themselves.
You don’t think California and sanctuary cities have experienced illegal immigrants? Come on, wake up
Pelosi fumes over White House plan to release immigrant detainees in sanctuary cities

Clip: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose office called the idea “despicable.”

So sending illegal brown people to her district is OFF FUCKING LIMITS YO!

Of course I don't actually believe that makes her a racist but it does prove she is one big ass two faced hypocritical bitch.

Now imagine if Trump had tied the word despicable to illegals, can you imagine the lefts outrage? Oh wait! He said something similar you say? And they still hold it against him you say?
Obvious double standard is obvious

Well they do everything they can to keep illegals rolling into America.

They should be more than happy to have thousands dumped in their sanctuary cities.

Just think how fast their social services would empty and how their tax payers will just love supporting illegals. . Oh and lets not forget crime.

Nancy should be sending a thank you letter out.
I don't think the drug lords running some of those countries want to deal with serial killers. It's cheaper to send them to the USA, and their revenge against us is never-ending for stopping their profits from going through the roof.

The Drug Cartels represents unbridled capitalism. Violence is just a cost of doing business. We are their number one customer. Our laws are the reason their profits are through the roof. Our laws are the reason things are so violent. The violence is driving the wave of asylum seekers.

In an ideal world we just ship them home BUT since that isn't an option this is a great idea. Flood sanctuary cities with more of them than they can handle.
You think this is brilliant?! How do you see it playing out? Flood the sanctuary cities and then they will suddenly realize the error in their ways and then they will magically come together in support of Trumps immigration policies and everything will be right in the world?!

Keep dreaming Gramps. It’s a cheap gotchya attempt that will only fuel each sides base to yell louder and fight harder. It’s not good for America. The drama continues.
No, if the sanctuary cities put their money where their mouths are, they might see the light that making others pay for their intolerable indignities has a consequential price.
Really? You actually think that will happen?
Oh, they will get rid of their responsibilities, one way or another, because unsustainable ideas have a consequence. Let them experience it for themselves.
You don’t think California and sanctuary cities have experienced illegal immigrants? Come on, wake up
Thousands of new ones every few days? No, no they haven't. And if you don't think that would be an eye opener for the LEGAL TAX PAYING RESIDENTS then it's YOU who needs a wake up call.
It is a total dick move. Very Trumpian in its utter dickishness. Worthy of a giant dick trophy of some kind.

And actually, I must admit, I like it.

You want them, they're yours. You feed them, house them, school them, police them, treat them medically.

It would be karmic bliss to see the tent cities, and all that comes with it, popping up in Nancy Pelosi's backyard,
Pelosi fumes over White House plan to release immigrant detainees in sanctuary cities

Clip: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose office called the idea “despicable.”

So sending illegal brown people to her district is OFF FUCKING LIMITS YO!

Of course I don't actually believe that makes her a racist but it does prove she is one big ass two faced hypocritical bitch.

Now imagine if Trump had tied the word despicable to illegals, can you imagine the lefts outrage? Oh wait! He said something similar you say? And they still hold it against him you say?
Obvious double standard is obvious
Trump should release them in her home town right near her house
Well Mien Fuhrer, first you need to build a big wall around the city, then you can start dumping all the undesirables inside. Otherwise they'll escape to the good countryside.

You can determine their final disposition later.
Sorry, BB, I'm a girl. I think the law that says Immigrants are welcome, get on the list for admittance was the very best we had. Others who break the law need to realize, that in order to come here, you have to obey our laws. That is, register, wait your turn.

I'm sorry I was thinking of Herr Trumps' policy.

Wasn't he was talking about dumping the asylum seekers in Democratic controlled cities, not legal immigrants?

Why stop with dumping them? They obviously know how to walk. They'll just move out of the cities. If you're gonna dump them, best to wall them in so the can't infect the rest of the country. We can determine what to do with them later. A final solution if you will!

Thanks for clarification, BB. Acknowledged and accepted, of course. I think our dear President tries to wake the sleeping from their slumber on certain issues, and he does get a response. That's better than endless napping (denial) every time confronted with a decision.
[URL='' said:
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump][/URL]
1h Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only....

This is Brilliant

Democrats falsely claim that communities benefit from illegals...

We'll see if Democrats thank Trump.

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