ROTFLOL!! White House considered dumping illegals in Dim controlled sanctuary cities

You bigots have blamed Conservatives for making you bigots. But you’ve been bigots since you bought and sold your first slave.

Careful there, Gramps! If you keep calling her name's like that she'll have no choice but to turn into a racist for real!

Try saying something that makes sense. It’s pretty fun sometimes nutbags have blamed liberals for turning you into telling you that you are bigots. You must have missed
those posts.
Pelosi fumes over White House plan to release immigrant detainees in sanctuary cities

Clip: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose office called the idea “despicable.”

So sending illegal brown people to her district is OFF FUCKING LIMITS YO!

Of course I don't actually believe that makes her a racist but it does prove she is one big ass two faced hypocritical bitch.

Now imagine if Trump had tied the word despicable to illegals, can you imagine the lefts outrage? Oh wait! He said something similar you say? And they still hold it against him you say?
Obvious double standard is obvious
How is your back Gramps?
Create unlawful sanctuary spaces for criminals and the law abiding will fill them up for you.
It is a total dick move. Very Trumpian in its utter dickishness. Worthy of a giant dick trophy of some kind.

And actually, I must admit, I like it.

You want them, they're yours. You feed them, house them, school them, police them, treat them medically.

It would be karmic bliss to see the tent cities, and all that comes with it, popping up in Nancy Pelosi's backyard,
havecyou seen san fran lately?
Pelosi fumes over White House plan to release immigrant detainees in sanctuary cities

Clip: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose office called the idea “despicable.”

So sending illegal brown people to her district is OFF FUCKING LIMITS YO!

Of course I don't actually believe that makes her a racist but it does prove she is one big ass two faced hypocritical bitch.

Now imagine if Trump had tied the word despicable to illegals, can you imagine the lefts outrage? Oh wait! He said something similar you say? And they still hold it against him you say?
Obvious double standard is obvious

Kindergarten politics at its finest.
Perfect example here-
Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Karisch testified yesterday regarding the situation on the SW border. He shared a translation of a text message intercepted from an MS-13 gang member who was part of a fraudulent family unit.

I don't think the drug lords running some of those countries want to deal with serial killers. It's cheaper to send them to the USA, and their revenge against us is never-ending for stopping their profits from going through the roof.

The Drug Cartels represents unbridled capitalism. Violence is just a cost of doing business. We are their number one customer. Our laws are the reason their profits are through the roof. Our laws are the reason things are so violent. The violence is driving the wave of asylum seekers.
Your point is well-taken, BB. Maybe we need to deal with the bullies who are driving asylum seekers out of Central America. Unfortunately, bullies have devious means, and that includes forwarding along with the masses a criminal population including serial rapists and serial murderers, people with contagious diseases to infect us, and other social poisons. Unfortunately, instead of using our system of legal admission of immigrants, they refuse to do that when they can liberate themselves of caring for serial offenders for life by blending them in with other refugees. And with all that drug money they have, they can afford to grease a few hands to get them there. And some of the hands they grease rape little girls in the caravans. :crying:
It is a total dick move. Very Trumpian in its utter dickishness. Worthy of a giant dick trophy of some kind.

And actually, I must admit, I like it.

You want them, they're yours. You feed them, house them, school them, police them, treat them medically.

It would be karmic bliss to see the tent cities, and all that comes with it, popping up in Nancy Pelosi's backyard,
havecyou seen san fran lately?

Nothing that a heapin' helping of Honduran refugees can't fix....

In an ideal world we just ship them home BUT since that isn't an option this is a great idea. Flood sanctuary cities with more of them than they can handle.
You think this is brilliant?! How do you see it playing out? Flood the sanctuary cities and then they will suddenly realize the error in their ways and then they will magically come together in support of Trumps immigration policies and everything will be right in the world?!

Keep dreaming Gramps. It’s a cheap gotchya attempt that will only fuel each sides base to yell louder and fight harder. It’s not good for America. The drama continues.

Well the solution is to cut off funding for health care and welfare programs to cities that accept illegals.

Then you will see a dramatic shift in the thinking, when they themselves have to pay the bills.

But otherwise, I agree with your statement. Left-wing idiots never see their folly. Never. Venezuela is a perfect example. Even after complete and total implosion of their country, the left-wing is blaming everything, and everyone, except socialism and their bad policies.

Even Hugo Chavez did this. Remember it was "economic sabotage from the US" that caused rice shortages after price controls were put in place.

So, no matter what happens in San Fransisco, the toddlerism ideology will simply blame someone else for their problems. It will be the Federal government for not bailing them out.
This is how fucking stupid Trump is and how fucking stupid his supporters are.

Go ahead,

Dump all these people in sanctuary cities likely in blue states. right before the fucking CENSUS.

You stupid fucks could INCREASE the number of Democrat Representatives in the House by altering the number of Reps a state gets.

Stupid fucking people doing stupid fucking shit.

You can't make this shit up!

Well then asshole, you should be really happy. Set up a tent in your front yard for the first busload.
This may be the best Trolling by Trump yet.
-------------------------------- agree , trolling or not as i still hope that TRUMP starts busing illegal aliens to Sanctuary cities and areas . I think that TRUMP has the dem lefties all [we'ed we'ed up] whipped up and thats funny Ozro .
"I.Q. Test: What is the one thing we know will NOT happen at any time in the future? Answer: The Trump administration will place Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only." - Coulter
Careful there, Gramps! If you keep calling her name's like that she'll have no choice but to turn into a racist for real!

Try saying something that makes sense. It’s pretty fun sometimes nutbags have blamed liberals for turning you into telling you that you are bigots. You must have missed
those posts.

You’re an intellectual midget.

It will be a great help for us in the census. Too bad Trump pussed out.

Not really hipster. Nancy Pelosi is fighting mad the idea even made the news. You retards are all for you he wet backs going some place else, but coming to your town? You fags shit your pants and cry. Democrats lack integrity. Talk your shit, then bow out like pusses when it’s time to walk the walk. So funny to see democrats on the same page as trump on an issue.
Pelosi fumes over White House plan to release immigrant detainees in sanctuary cities

Clip: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose office called the idea “despicable.”

So sending illegal brown people to her district is OFF FUCKING LIMITS YO!

Of course I don't actually believe that makes her a racist but it does prove she is one big ass two faced hypocritical bitch.

Now imagine if Trump had tied the word despicable to illegals, can you imagine the lefts outrage? Oh wait! He said something similar you say? And they still hold it against him you say?
Obvious double standard is obvious
Trump should release them in her home town right near her house

No, fuck that! I live in a sanctuary city not of my own choice, and I don’t want illegals flooding my city. There are plenty of people in sanctuary cities that don’t agree with what their government is doing. Nancy Pelosi will be the last person affected by illegals infesting her city. Think before you post stupidity. Thanks.

Sorry dude,you're going to have to take one,or maybe a few hundred thousand for the team.
We all have to make sacrifices......

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