Round Rock students suspended for posing with Confederate flag

It had nothing to do with slavery!
it was the flag of individuals fighting for slavery... so yes, it did (and does) have something to do with slavery

Damn I swear some of you have never read about the War between the States and I bet you believe Lincoln main goal in the war was to free Slaves, am i correct?

It had to do with State Rights versus Federal Government power.

Lee Flag has nothing to do with Slavery except he had it created to make sure his men were not shot by other Confederate Soldiers, and in fact if you actually would read history those that are buried at Arlington Cemetery are buried on land that was donated by Lee family to bury the dead soldiers from the war.

Lee fought for his state and even then did not really agree with them but as being a Virginian he still fought for them.
it had to do with states' right to maintain slavery.

don't kid yourself. the south seceded over slavery. the confederate traitors - every single soldier without exception - was fighting to preserve slavery

Yep, whatever you say and I bet you believe the Confederate Flag is this:

Youre pretty much ranting now. I simply said the south fought the war for slavery. That was the point.
And I simply said that the North wasn't fighting to stop it.......checkmate.
The problem is the OP has nothing to do with north. Its about a symbol of the souths racism and yearning for slavery. Obviously chess is a game you have yet to master.

Total bullshit but you have this need to play the "race card". The rebel flag wasn't the Confederacy flag but rather a battle flag. The USA.INC flag is more of a symbolism of slavery to me than a flag that flew over 150 plus years ago...guess because I deal with the here and now.
Hey retard. It was a battle flag in the civil war for the confederates. Check and mate.

The battle flag of Virginia represented the entire Confederacy? Do tell? It's only a racist symbol because people have been TOLD it is a racist therefor it must be true, eh?
that and it's use by racisits since the first time it was hoisted
it was the flag of individuals fighting for slavery... so yes, it did (and does) have something to do with slavery

Damn I swear some of you have never read about the War between the States and I bet you believe Lincoln main goal in the war was to free Slaves, am i correct?

It had to do with State Rights versus Federal Government power.

Lee Flag has nothing to do with Slavery except he had it created to make sure his men were not shot by other Confederate Soldiers, and in fact if you actually would read history those that are buried at Arlington Cemetery are buried on land that was donated by Lee family to bury the dead soldiers from the war.

Lee fought for his state and even then did not really agree with them but as being a Virginian he still fought for them.
it had to do with states' right to maintain slavery.

don't kid yourself. the south seceded over slavery. the confederate traitors - every single soldier without exception - was fighting to preserve slavery

You are simply an don't have the intellect to comprehend the complex issues and conditions that led to that war and the repercussions of it before and after. You have been programmed to believe the bullshit that has been shoved down your throat in this ever failing school system. I am grateful that the south didn't win, I am grateful that England and France were kept at bay because of Russia's admiration of what America was trying to do to escape the clutches of international bankers that were pissed that the 20 year banking charter was refused by Andrew Jackson in 1836 and they had to bide their time while using agent provocateurs like the Jesuits of the Roman Catholic church to sow seeds of discontent....divide and conquer is the method they use and they use it now.
wow. you've gone full on crazy. the jesuits? for fuck's sake... lol
I know more than you........ chew on this....

“This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to Popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great differences of opinion between the South and North, on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor any one of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the promise of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of Democracy, the money and the arms of the Roman Catholics, even the arms of France, were at their disposal if they would attack us.” Abraham Lincoln.
oh that's so sad. you think that's a real quote
it's an opinion. but that flag has represented racism and traitors from day one. that someone would think they could re-appropriate it to mean something else to me means they are either lying to themselves or lying about their intended meaning. you take your pick.
You've been lied too. That flag has been misrepresented n misunderstood by both blacks n whites.
so you telling me that the traitor's flag has not symbolized the fight for slavery and racism from its very beginning?
The battle flag was exactly that a battle flag, nothing more nothing less.
right. it was a banner representing traitors fighting for slavery in battle. from day one until now that is what it has represented.
You need to read a history book or three.
you need to stop apologizing for traitors - and read some history. start with the secession declarations
Let me get this straight.

The only way they knew the student was posing with the Confederate flag, is because the Asst Principal found the picture while scrolling thru the students phone log?

Has anyone stated they were threatened by it, other than the principal?
No one knows. They havent released any details. I'm satisfied that it was because of the loser flag. No doubt the child was inbred.

Funny, but i do recall when the shit hit the fan over the confederate flag, everyone was saying that it was just about flying the flag in public places , say..... over a state capital. If you still wanted to fly it in your front yard on private property it was ok. Kids who are known for doing all kinds of crazy shit, having a picture on a cell phone is not tantamount to flying a flag in a public place.

If these kids were using the flag to impose upon others, some sort of belief, there may be a point here , but this event had about as much effect on you as a bear shitting in the woods. none. Kids often do things that are contrary to what is acceptable, just to do it.
It had nothing to do with slavery!
it was the flag of individuals fighting for slavery... so yes, it did (and does) have something to do with slavery

Damn I swear some of you have never read about the War between the States and I bet you believe Lincoln main goal in the war was to free Slaves, am i correct?

It had to do with State Rights versus Federal Government power.

Lee Flag has nothing to do with Slavery except he had it created to make sure his men were not shot by other Confederate Soldiers, and in fact if you actually would read history those that are buried at Arlington Cemetery are buried on land that was donated by Lee family to bury the dead soldiers from the war.

Lee fought for his state and even then did not really agree with them but as being a Virginian he still fought for them.
it had to do with states' right to maintain slavery.

don't kid yourself. the south seceded over slavery. the confederate traitors - every single soldier without exception - was fighting to preserve slavery

Yep, whatever you say and I bet you believe the Confederate Flag is this:


A few things:

The Battle Flag of Virginia is no more a tool of racism as is the United States Flag itself. Before the Insurrection of the South the United States Flag flew over Slave States, and not the Confederate Flag or the battle Flag of Lee.

The Battle Flag of Lee was created so that Confederate Soldiers from other Southern Slave States would be able to know when Lee men were on the field because the Confederate Flag at the time was similar to the Union Flag, and many men were killing because of it.

During the Civil War the Confederate Flag Changed three times from looking like the Union Flag to incorporating the Battle Flag of Lee, and yet Lee Flag was still different because it did not have a white field on it nor a red and white field on it but was just Stars and Bars on a Orange Field.

Now Progressive Liberals love to view the history of the past through their way of thinking today, but the reality is the Northern Union could have given a rat ass if Slaves were freed or not. They were fighting the war to keep the Union together and not to free the African Slave from the Southern State bondage.

The reality is Northern people of that time would have preferred all the slaves had been shipped back to Africa and then let free but that did not happen either.

Now I will admit many of you will write that what I am writing is racist because you were taught in the fifth grade your history about the Insurrection but there was so much your teach left out in the lesson.

Now getting to those kids taking the picture with the Flag and the fact even the School Administrator called the flag those kids were posing with the Confederate Flag show the stupidity and ignorance of the administrator because if he was well educated he would have known the flag he was seeing was indeed the Battle Flag of Lee and not the actual Flag of the Confederate South.

Also those kids have to be some of the dumbest kids too because their ignorance is amusing to me. They would have been better off posing with a Nazi flag if they really wanted to send a message of hate and racism and not using the Battle Flag of Lee, and even then I would say I do not care, and I have Jewish blood in me.

A flag only has meaning if you allow it to have meaning. It is like someone wearing the Irish Flag, the Flag of Scotland or the Mexican Flag and yes to the person that is wearing it it mean something but to me it means nothing because it is just a flag.

Someone wearing an old USSR flag has no meaning to me and yet to many from the Cold War era may disagree with the fact the Soviet Union had it past bloody with Genocide, but again the flag does not mean anything.

The reality is today society is going too far into the political correctness against Southern White people, and yes I do agree racism should not be allow but telling someone they should not own, wear or fly a flag because you believe it mean something is not your right and if you do believe it is your right then one day expect someone to tell you flying the Rainbow Flag or some other flag is offensive to them and because you forced others to conform to your right not to be offended then you will be forced to conform to their right not to be offended.

Now I know many of you will write I am being absurd but what is absurd is telling other what they can own, take pictures with or what they must believe because it does not conform to your reality.

So in the end the Administrator at the school is an idiot, so are the kids, and so are the parents because of the mere fact the flag they are using to claim is the Confederate Flag is not the Confederate Flag and I expect racists to learn the difference so they can mess with those that do not know the difference.

I could walk around all day long in the fifth ward of Houston with the Confederate flag on my hat and no one would even know but if I put the Battle Flag of Lee on it they would think it was the Confederate Flag...

Confederate Flag:




Army of Northern of Virginia:


Army of Northern Virginia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The problem is the OP has nothing to do with north. Its about a symbol of the souths racism and yearning for slavery. Obviously chess is a game you have yet to master.

Total bullshit but you have this need to play the "race card". The rebel flag wasn't the Confederacy flag but rather a battle flag. The USA.INC flag is more of a symbolism of slavery to me than a flag that flew over 150 plus years ago...guess because I deal with the here and now.
Hey retard. It was a battle flag in the civil war for the confederates. Check and mate.

The battle flag of Virginia represented the entire Confederacy? Do tell? It's only a racist symbol because people have been TOLD it is a racist therefor it must be true, eh?
Yes it did. Thats why ignorant crackas to this day revere it. Are you claiming the confederacy was somehow different in Virginia now? :laugh:

I don't revere any corporate banner but I understand what is behind it all. You really like to stoke the flames of division...good job, puppet.

You shouldn't even reply to him. He's a troll. :) Ignore him and he'll go away or make a fool of himself (not that he hasn't already.) :D
Great job of exposing your ignorance. It was a battle flag, ass wipe. I bet you don't have a fucking clue about the cause of the war and all the factors involved.
Everyone knows it was started over slavery as far as the losers in the south were concerned. Thats why they pointed it out in their cornerstone speech and articles of succession.

Really? Only 5 percent of the population had really believe that the other 95 percent fought so the rich 5 percent could own slaves? There were people in the north that still owned slaves when the war started. It goes much deeper than that and it had a lot of outside influences stoking the fires like England, France and the Catholic church (mostly Jesuits). The victors always love to re-write history which is what the international bankers have done. You don't know shit.
25 % had them...5% had 20 or more.
  1. No one knows. They havent released any details. I'm satisfied that it was because of the loser flag. No doubt the child was inbred.
    What we have here folks is one of those Social Warriors. They don't believe in free speech and individual liberty. They are happy to have our people in chains and answerable to Big government
Total bullshit but you have this need to play the "race card". The rebel flag wasn't the Confederacy flag but rather a battle flag. The USA.INC flag is more of a symbolism of slavery to me than a flag that flew over 150 plus years ago...guess because I deal with the here and now.
Hey retard. It was a battle flag in the civil war for the confederates. Check and mate.

The battle flag of Virginia represented the entire Confederacy? Do tell? It's only a racist symbol because people have been TOLD it is a racist therefor it must be true, eh?
Yes it did. Thats why ignorant crackas to this day revere it. Are you claiming the confederacy was somehow different in Virginia now? :laugh:

I don't revere any corporate banner but I understand what is behind it all. You really like to stoke the flames of division...good job, puppet.

You shouldn't even reply to him. He's a troll. :) Ignore him and he'll go away or make a fool of himself (not that he hasn't already.) :D
The light is a great sanitizer.
Great job of exposing your ignorance. It was a battle flag, ass wipe. I bet you don't have a fucking clue about the cause of the war and all the factors involved.
Everyone knows it was started over slavery as far as the losers in the south were concerned. Thats why they pointed it out in their cornerstone speech and articles of succession.

Really? Only 5 percent of the population had really believe that the other 95 percent fought so the rich 5 percent could own slaves? There were people in the north that still owned slaves when the war started. It goes much deeper than that and it had a lot of outside influences stoking the fires like England, France and the Catholic church (mostly Jesuits). The victors always love to re-write history which is what the international bankers have done. You don't know shit.
25 % had them...5% had 20 or more.

Post a link please. Thanks.
You've been lied too. That flag has been misrepresented n misunderstood by both blacks n whites.
so you telling me that the traitor's flag has not symbolized the fight for slavery and racism from its very beginning?
The battle flag was exactly that a battle flag, nothing more nothing less.
right. it was a banner representing traitors fighting for slavery in battle. from day one until now that is what it has represented.
You need to read a history book or three.
you need to stop apologizing for traitors - and read some history. start with the secession declarations
^^Oh look a post count troll with a script.
You've been lied too. That flag has been misrepresented n misunderstood by both blacks n whites.
so you telling me that the traitor's flag has not symbolized the fight for slavery and racism from its very beginning?
The battle flag was exactly that a battle flag, nothing more nothing less.
right. it was a banner representing traitors fighting for slavery in battle. from day one until now that is what it has represented.
You need to read a history book or three.
you need to stop apologizing for traitors - and read some history. start with the secession declarations
Ur missing my point I'm neither for nor against the flag. Its just a flag. I know my history sir, but more so u need to read the journals of soilders from both the south N the north. The truth is in The men who fought then just like my brothers who still fight in war today. They fight for their family n the guy next to them. All im trying to say is every southerner wasn't fighting for slavery,to many soilders that flag had a meaning that had nothing to do with slavery.
They were probably using the photo to intimidate and harass other students. The school won't release further details, and we all know confederate rednecks are prone to all kinds of dumbfuckery.

Kudos to you for going out on a limb based on your beliefs.

Now if further information turns out that you are completely wrong, will you address the fact that you were completely wrong about the "confederate rednecks" in question?
Will you do the same?

Yes. Like always for me.


will you?
Great job of exposing your ignorance. It was a battle flag, ass wipe. I bet you don't have a fucking clue about the cause of the war and all the factors involved.
Everyone knows it was started over slavery as far as the losers in the south were concerned. Thats why they pointed it out in their cornerstone speech and articles of succession.

Really? Only 5 percent of the population had really believe that the other 95 percent fought so the rich 5 percent could own slaves? There were people in the north that still owned slaves when the war started. It goes much deeper than that and it had a lot of outside influences stoking the fires like England, France and the Catholic church (mostly Jesuits). The victors always love to re-write history which is what the international bankers have done. You don't know shit.
Doesnt really matter how many people had them. The point was that the cause of the war in their minds was slavery. We know because they admitted it. Are you saying they didnt admit they were fighting specifically because of slavery? If you are then i would suggest you read the cornerstone speech.

Executive Mansion,
Washington, August 22, 1862.

Hon. Horace Greeley:
Dear Sir.

I have just read yours of the 19th. addressed to myself through the New-York Tribune. If there be in it any statements, or assumptions of fact, which I may know to be erroneous, I do not, now and here, controvert them. If there be in it any inferences which I may believe to be falsely drawn, I do not now and here, argue against them. If there be perceptable in it an impatient and dictatorial tone, I waive it in deference to an old friend, whose heart I have always supposed to be right.

As to the policy I "seem to be pursuing" as you say, I have not meant to leave any one in doubt.

I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the national authority can be restored; the nearer the Union will be "the Union as it was." If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do lesswhenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors; and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views.

I have here stated my purpose according to my view of official duty; and I intend no modification of my oft-expressed personal wish that all men every where could be free.

A. Lincoln.

Personally I believe he was lying when he stated that, but it does speak to the political realities of the time that he felt he should lie about his motives.

Specifically, that there were plenty of people to whom the fighting was NOT about slavery and who might not have supported the fighting if it WAS about slavery.
Round Rock students suspended for posing with Confederate flag
First off does a school assistant principal have the right to view a child's cell phone?
Suspended too? My God it's a damn police state in Texas.

That's a liberal for you.

He doesn't like the flag.

He assumes only bad people with bad motives would not see it his way.

And discharges his professional responsibility based on those assumptions.

Punishing a child for absolutely nothing.

As demographic shift pushes this country leftward, and LIbs get more and more control, this is our future.
Yeah...a liberal school Texas. :rofl:

Yes. Your assumption that a Red State is conservative though and though, without any liberals is a sign of your regional bigotry.
The Confederate flag was re-introduced as a reaction against the civil rights movement.
You might argue whether or not it represented slavery in the Civil War, but it's 20th Century resurrection symbolised racism.

Or not.

Great job of exposing your ignorance. It was a battle flag, ass wipe. I bet you don't have a fucking clue about the cause of the war and all the factors involved.
Everyone knows it was started over slavery as far as the losers in the south were concerned. Thats why they pointed it out in their cornerstone speech and articles of succession.

Really? Only 5 percent of the population had really believe that the other 95 percent fought so the rich 5 percent could own slaves? There were people in the north that still owned slaves when the war started. It goes much deeper than that and it had a lot of outside influences stoking the fires like England, France and the Catholic church (mostly Jesuits). The victors always love to re-write history which is what the international bankers have done. You don't know shit.
25 % had them...5% had 20 or more.

That is a bullshit number that count FAMILIES that owned slaves.

THus the little girl who was worked long and hard, and was married off at 14 is counted as a "slave owner".

That your side of this debate feels they need to misrepresent the truth to defend their position shows that, at some level, they know they are wrong.

Yet they stand by their positions.

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