Round Rock students suspended for posing with Confederate flag

stupidity? every single confederate was a treasonous bastard fighting for the right to keep people as property.

pretending that the traitor's rag is anything other than just that is the real stupidity.

Quick question. Should we destroy the US flag because it was used as a standard as our Army killed Native Americans? Well actually, more to the point, Is England offended by our treasonous flag? You fucking idiots need to open a history book once in awhile.

Actually, its even simpler than that. From the founding of the nation until 1865, the Stars and Stripes was the flag of a SLAVE NATION.

If the Confederate flag is a slavery flag, then to is the Stars and Stripes.

Logically, it can be no other way.

Terrible analogy and a logical fallacy called false equivalence. The stars and stripes were never established to promote slavery like the loser confederate flag was. Youre not even in the same ball park.

The flag in question is the Battle Flag of General Lee regiment and was incorporated into the Confederate Flag at a later date.

The original Confederate Flag looked more like our Flag and nothing like Stars and Bars.

So that should be first understood when discussing the flag.

The Flag the Kids were holding up is the Rebel Flag of Lee and has to do with allowing other regiments to know they were not Union Soldiers because the Confederate Flag at that time looked almost like the Union Flag.

It had nothing to do with slavery!
Lee was a confederate general fighting to keep slavery going. Same thing in my opinion.

I hate when people brush it that way.

Lee fought for his state, and yes he fought for his state to keep it rights it was a different era. You are looking at it through today way of thinking and not what was going on then.

Lincoln was not fighting to free slaves but to keep the Union together and Lee was fighting for his state right and what he believed was the abusive power of the Federal Government.

Lincoln freed the slaves as a punishment for the South Insurrection and had the South came back into the Union or had never left the Union slavery was not going to be abolished but to punish the South Lincoln did what he believed was the best punishment for them.

Lee was just a General and even Northern Generals had respect for Lee.
Evidently this school has a history of racist shit and the principal is letting it be known it wont be tolerated. This is from the link in the OP.

"“We immediately told him, ‘In today's times, you need to be really careful what others think. And that the Confederate flag could be considered a negative, due to the south, you know, did fight for slavery,” Andy said.

Ryan said this isn't the first issue.

“There was more than one incident at Ridgeview Middle School involving a small amount of students,” said Ryan. "

Yeah, I am not buying the kid excuse and believe he's been hanging with some idiots that believe it is cool to pose with the Rebel Flag and act stupid without understanding what they're doing is just making them look stupid.

The kids need a real history lesson on the Battle Flag and True Confederate Flag and why Lee had his flag made, and realize Lee Flag was made so his soldiers would not be shot by other Confederate Soldiers.

Later on his flag was incorporated into the Confederate Flag and the original one was no longer used.

It is interesting history about the flag but so many on both sides just see it as a way to mess with each other...

The Nazi Flag on the other hand, well that is a different story!
I think the stigma of the south fighting for slavery has been ingrained in that particular flag. No matter the different versions it will always stand for racism in most peoples eyes here in the US. Personally I could give a shit as long as its not used towards me or mine specifically and my tax money doesnt go to have it fly on government grounds. To me its just another in a long line of micro aggressions Blacks have to deal with here in the US.
It had nothing to do with slavery!
it was the flag of individuals fighting for slavery... so yes, it did (and does) have something to do with slavery

Damn I swear some of you have never read about the War between the States and I bet you believe Lincoln main goal in the war was to free Slaves, am i correct?

It had to do with State Rights versus Federal Government power.

Lee Flag has nothing to do with Slavery except he had it created to make sure his men were not shot by other Confederate Soldiers, and in fact if you actually would read history those that are buried at Arlington Cemetery are buried on land that was donated by Lee family to bury the dead soldiers from the war.

Lee fought for his state and even then did not really agree with them but as being a Virginian he still fought for them.
Evidently this school has a history of racist shit and the principal is letting it be known it wont be tolerated. This is from the link in the OP.

"“We immediately told him, ‘In today's times, you need to be really careful what others think. And that the Confederate flag could be considered a negative, due to the south, you know, did fight for slavery,” Andy said.

Ryan said this isn't the first issue.

“There was more than one incident at Ridgeview Middle School involving a small amount of students,” said Ryan. "

Yeah, I am not buying the kid excuse and believe he's been hanging with some idiots that believe it is cool to pose with the Rebel Flag and act stupid without understanding what they're doing is just making them look stupid.

The kids need a real history lesson on the Battle Flag and True Confederate Flag and why Lee had his flag made, and realize Lee Flag was made so his soldiers would not be shot by other Confederate Soldiers.

Later on his flag was incorporated into the Confederate Flag and the original one was no longer used.

It is interesting history about the flag but so many on both sides just see it as a way to mess with each other...

The Nazi Flag on the other hand, well that is a different story!
I think the stigma of the south fighting for slavery has been ingrained in that particular flag. No matter the different versions it will always stand for racism in most peoples eyes here in the US. Personally I could give a shit as long as its not used towards me or mine specifically and my tax money doesnt go to have it fly on government grounds. To me its just another in a long line of micro aggressions Blacks have to deal with here in the US.

If I took a picture with this flag would you consider it racist?

Quick question. Should we destroy the US flag because it was used as a standard as our Army killed Native Americans? Well actually, more to the point, Is England offended by our treasonous flag? You fucking idiots need to open a history book once in awhile.

Actually, its even simpler than that. From the founding of the nation until 1865, the Stars and Stripes was the flag of a SLAVE NATION.

If the Confederate flag is a slavery flag, then to is the Stars and Stripes.

Logically, it can be no other way.

Terrible analogy and a logical fallacy called false equivalence. The stars and stripes were never established to promote slavery like the loser confederate flag was. Youre not even in the same ball park.

The flag in question is the Battle Flag of General Lee regiment and was incorporated into the Confederate Flag at a later date.

The original Confederate Flag looked more like our Flag and nothing like Stars and Bars.

So that should be first understood when discussing the flag.

The Flag the Kids were holding up is the Rebel Flag of Lee and has to do with allowing other regiments to know they were not Union Soldiers because the Confederate Flag at that time looked almost like the Union Flag.

It had nothing to do with slavery!
Lee was a confederate general fighting to keep slavery going. Same thing in my opinion.

I hate when people brush it that way.t

Lee fought for his state, and yes he fought for his state to keep it rights it was a different era. You are looking at it through today way of thinking and not what was going on then.

Lincoln was not fighting to free slaves but to keep the Union together and Lee was fighting for his state right and what he believed was the abusive power of the Federal Government.

Lincoln freed the slaves as a punishment for the South Insurrection and had the South came back into the Union or had never left the Union slavery was not going to be abolished but to punish the South Lincoln did what he believed was the best punishment for them.

Lee was just a General and even Northern Generals had respect for Lee.
I think that position is a result of the myth that southerners tell each other due to losing the war. I know how brainwashed some people get over it. Its real simple. He fought for slavery. He even had that flag made so other confederates wouldnt mistake him for someone who held a contrary position. He owned slaves himself.

I know Lincoln could have cared less about the freeing of the slaves but that doesnt change the fact that the south and any of their flags during that time represent a desire to keep people enslaved.
Actually, its even simpler than that. From the founding of the nation until 1865, the Stars and Stripes was the flag of a SLAVE NATION.

If the Confederate flag is a slavery flag, then to is the Stars and Stripes.

Logically, it can be no other way.

Terrible analogy and a logical fallacy called false equivalence. The stars and stripes were never established to promote slavery like the loser confederate flag was. Youre not even in the same ball park.

The flag in question is the Battle Flag of General Lee regiment and was incorporated into the Confederate Flag at a later date.

The original Confederate Flag looked more like our Flag and nothing like Stars and Bars.

So that should be first understood when discussing the flag.

The Flag the Kids were holding up is the Rebel Flag of Lee and has to do with allowing other regiments to know they were not Union Soldiers because the Confederate Flag at that time looked almost like the Union Flag.

It had nothing to do with slavery!
Lee was a confederate general fighting to keep slavery going. Same thing in my opinion.

I hate when people brush it that way.t

Lee fought for his state, and yes he fought for his state to keep it rights it was a different era. You are looking at it through today way of thinking and not what was going on then.

Lincoln was not fighting to free slaves but to keep the Union together and Lee was fighting for his state right and what he believed was the abusive power of the Federal Government.

Lincoln freed the slaves as a punishment for the South Insurrection and had the South came back into the Union or had never left the Union slavery was not going to be abolished but to punish the South Lincoln did what he believed was the best punishment for them.

Lee was just a General and even Northern Generals had respect for Lee.
I think that position is a result of the myth that southerners tell each other due to losing the war. I know how brainwashed some people get over it. Its real simple. He fought for slavery. He even had that flag made so other confederates wouldnt mistake him for someone who held a contrary position. He owned slaves himself.

I know Lincoln could have cared less about the freeing of the slaves but that doesnt change the fact that the south and any of their flags during that time represent a desire to keep people enslaved.

Is this Flag racist to you?

Evidently this school has a history of racist shit and the principal is letting it be known it wont be tolerated. This is from the link in the OP.

"“We immediately told him, ‘In today's times, you need to be really careful what others think. And that the Confederate flag could be considered a negative, due to the south, you know, did fight for slavery,” Andy said.

Ryan said this isn't the first issue.

“There was more than one incident at Ridgeview Middle School involving a small amount of students,” said Ryan. "

Yeah, I am not buying the kid excuse and believe he's been hanging with some idiots that believe it is cool to pose with the Rebel Flag and act stupid without understanding what they're doing is just making them look stupid.

The kids need a real history lesson on the Battle Flag and True Confederate Flag and why Lee had his flag made, and realize Lee Flag was made so his soldiers would not be shot by other Confederate Soldiers.

Later on his flag was incorporated into the Confederate Flag and the original one was no longer used.

It is interesting history about the flag but so many on both sides just see it as a way to mess with each other...

The Nazi Flag on the other hand, well that is a different story!
I think the stigma of the south fighting for slavery has been ingrained in that particular flag. No matter the different versions it will always stand for racism in most peoples eyes here in the US. Personally I could give a shit as long as its not used towards me or mine specifically and my tax money doesnt go to have it fly on government grounds. To me its just another in a long line of micro aggressions Blacks have to deal with here in the US.

If I took a picture with this flag would you consider it racist?

Yes. Its another version of the confederate flag.
Actually, its even simpler than that. From the founding of the nation until 1865, the Stars and Stripes was the flag of a SLAVE NATION.

If the Confederate flag is a slavery flag, then to is the Stars and Stripes.

Logically, it can be no other way.

Terrible analogy and a logical fallacy called false equivalence. The stars and stripes were never established to promote slavery like the loser confederate flag was. Youre not even in the same ball park.

The flag in question is the Battle Flag of General Lee regiment and was incorporated into the Confederate Flag at a later date.

The original Confederate Flag looked more like our Flag and nothing like Stars and Bars.

So that should be first understood when discussing the flag.

The Flag the Kids were holding up is the Rebel Flag of Lee and has to do with allowing other regiments to know they were not Union Soldiers because the Confederate Flag at that time looked almost like the Union Flag.

It had nothing to do with slavery!
Lee was a confederate general fighting to keep slavery going. Same thing in my opinion.

I hate when people brush it that way.t

Lee fought for his state, and yes he fought for his state to keep it rights it was a different era. You are looking at it through today way of thinking and not what was going on then.

Lincoln was not fighting to free slaves but to keep the Union together and Lee was fighting for his state right and what he believed was the abusive power of the Federal Government.

Lincoln freed the slaves as a punishment for the South Insurrection and had the South came back into the Union or had never left the Union slavery was not going to be abolished but to punish the South Lincoln did what he believed was the best punishment for them.

Lee was just a General and even Northern Generals had respect for Lee.
I think that position is a result of the myth that southerners tell each other due to losing the war. I know how brainwashed some people get over it. Its real simple. He fought for slavery. He even had that flag made so other confederates wouldnt mistake him for someone who held a contrary position. He owned slaves himself.

I know Lincoln could have cared less about the freeing of the slaves but that doesnt change the fact that the south and any of their flags during that time represent a desire to keep people enslaved.

I also i am not Southern even though I live in Texas.

Born in Toronto,Canada and raised in Joliet, Illinois and lived in Oregon, and California while also residing in Texas, so i am not Southern that want to believe something.

Maybe read about the history of it first and let discuss but it seem you believe you know enough and could care less about the reality of the war.

Lincoln election brought on the war because he want to prevent expansion of Slavery but not abolish it and Southern States were against this.

It also had to do with Taxation, and if Lincoln wanted the slaves freed he would have done it from the moment the war started but he was hoping the south would rejoin but when they did not his last choice in punishment was freeing the Slaves because it was a economic blow to the south.

Again wars are fought over money more times than not.
Evidently this school has a history of racist shit and the principal is letting it be known it wont be tolerated. This is from the link in the OP.

"“We immediately told him, ‘In today's times, you need to be really careful what others think. And that the Confederate flag could be considered a negative, due to the south, you know, did fight for slavery,” Andy said.

Ryan said this isn't the first issue.

“There was more than one incident at Ridgeview Middle School involving a small amount of students,” said Ryan. "

Yeah, I am not buying the kid excuse and believe he's been hanging with some idiots that believe it is cool to pose with the Rebel Flag and act stupid without understanding what they're doing is just making them look stupid.

The kids need a real history lesson on the Battle Flag and True Confederate Flag and why Lee had his flag made, and realize Lee Flag was made so his soldiers would not be shot by other Confederate Soldiers.

Later on his flag was incorporated into the Confederate Flag and the original one was no longer used.

It is interesting history about the flag but so many on both sides just see it as a way to mess with each other...

The Nazi Flag on the other hand, well that is a different story!
I think the stigma of the south fighting for slavery has been ingrained in that particular flag. No matter the different versions it will always stand for racism in most peoples eyes here in the US. Personally I could give a shit as long as its not used towards me or mine specifically and my tax money doesnt go to have it fly on government grounds. To me its just another in a long line of micro aggressions Blacks have to deal with here in the US.

If I took a picture with this flag would you consider it racist?

Yes. Its another version of the confederate flag.

It is not another version it is the original one.

Do you know the difference between Lee Flag and the Confederate flag?
Terrible analogy and a logical fallacy called false equivalence. The stars and stripes were never established to promote slavery like the loser confederate flag was. Youre not even in the same ball park.

The flag in question is the Battle Flag of General Lee regiment and was incorporated into the Confederate Flag at a later date.

The original Confederate Flag looked more like our Flag and nothing like Stars and Bars.

So that should be first understood when discussing the flag.

The Flag the Kids were holding up is the Rebel Flag of Lee and has to do with allowing other regiments to know they were not Union Soldiers because the Confederate Flag at that time looked almost like the Union Flag.

It had nothing to do with slavery!
Lee was a confederate general fighting to keep slavery going. Same thing in my opinion.

I hate when people brush it that way.t

Lee fought for his state, and yes he fought for his state to keep it rights it was a different era. You are looking at it through today way of thinking and not what was going on then.

Lincoln was not fighting to free slaves but to keep the Union together and Lee was fighting for his state right and what he believed was the abusive power of the Federal Government.

Lincoln freed the slaves as a punishment for the South Insurrection and had the South came back into the Union or had never left the Union slavery was not going to be abolished but to punish the South Lincoln did what he believed was the best punishment for them.

Lee was just a General and even Northern Generals had respect for Lee.
I think that position is a result of the myth that southerners tell each other due to losing the war. I know how brainwashed some people get over it. Its real simple. He fought for slavery. He even had that flag made so other confederates wouldnt mistake him for someone who held a contrary position. He owned slaves himself.

I know Lincoln could have cared less about the freeing of the slaves but that doesnt change the fact that the south and any of their flags during that time represent a desire to keep people enslaved.

I also i am not Southern even though I live in Texas.

Born in Toronto,Canada and raised in Joliet, Illinois and lived in Oregon, and California while also residing in Texas, so i am not Southern that want to believe something.

Maybe read about the history of it first and let discuss but it seem you believe you know enough and could care less about the reality of the war.

Lincoln election brought on the war because he want to prevent expansion of Slavery but not abolish it and Southern States were against this.

It also had to do with Taxation, and if Lincoln wanted the slaves freed he would have done it from the moment the war started but he was hoping the south would rejoin but when they did not his last choice in punishment was freeing the Slaves because it was a economic blow to the south.

Again wars are fought over money more times than not.
Someone has done a number on you then. I know enough about the civil war to where I have no delusions. The south fought to keep slavery. The north fought to keep the union together. The south was paranoid about slavery ending. It was going to hurt them economically as well as mentally. Thats why they made so many irrational decisions. Unlike some others that dont know much about it, I dont hold Lincoln in high regard. He didnt even free slaves in the states loyal to the Union. So I know the deal. My point is that all versions of the confederate flag stand for racism and slavery. Anything else is denial of the facts.
Evidently this school has a history of racist shit and the principal is letting it be known it wont be tolerated. This is from the link in the OP.

"“We immediately told him, ‘In today's times, you need to be really careful what others think. And that the Confederate flag could be considered a negative, due to the south, you know, did fight for slavery,” Andy said.

Ryan said this isn't the first issue.

“There was more than one incident at Ridgeview Middle School involving a small amount of students,” said Ryan. "

Yeah, I am not buying the kid excuse and believe he's been hanging with some idiots that believe it is cool to pose with the Rebel Flag and act stupid without understanding what they're doing is just making them look stupid.

The kids need a real history lesson on the Battle Flag and True Confederate Flag and why Lee had his flag made, and realize Lee Flag was made so his soldiers would not be shot by other Confederate Soldiers.

Later on his flag was incorporated into the Confederate Flag and the original one was no longer used.

It is interesting history about the flag but so many on both sides just see it as a way to mess with each other...

The Nazi Flag on the other hand, well that is a different story!
I think the stigma of the south fighting for slavery has been ingrained in that particular flag. No matter the different versions it will always stand for racism in most peoples eyes here in the US. Personally I could give a shit as long as its not used towards me or mine specifically and my tax money doesnt go to have it fly on government grounds. To me its just another in a long line of micro aggressions Blacks have to deal with here in the US.

If I took a picture with this flag would you consider it racist?

Yes. Its another version of the confederate flag.

It is not another version it is the original one.

Do you know the difference between Lee Flag and the Confederate flag?
I know the Lee flag is the one that most people ID with the confederates. Other than that there is not much i care to learn about it. Both are the flags of traitors, losers, and people that support slavery and racism.
The Confederate flag was re-introduced as a reaction against the civil rights movement.
You might argue whether or not it represented slavery in the Civil War, but it's 20th Century resurrection symbolised racism.
The flag in question is the Battle Flag of General Lee regiment and was incorporated into the Confederate Flag at a later date.

The original Confederate Flag looked more like our Flag and nothing like Stars and Bars.

So that should be first understood when discussing the flag.

The Flag the Kids were holding up is the Rebel Flag of Lee and has to do with allowing other regiments to know they were not Union Soldiers because the Confederate Flag at that time looked almost like the Union Flag.

It had nothing to do with slavery!
Lee was a confederate general fighting to keep slavery going. Same thing in my opinion.

I hate when people brush it that way.t

Lee fought for his state, and yes he fought for his state to keep it rights it was a different era. You are looking at it through today way of thinking and not what was going on then.

Lincoln was not fighting to free slaves but to keep the Union together and Lee was fighting for his state right and what he believed was the abusive power of the Federal Government.

Lincoln freed the slaves as a punishment for the South Insurrection and had the South came back into the Union or had never left the Union slavery was not going to be abolished but to punish the South Lincoln did what he believed was the best punishment for them.

Lee was just a General and even Northern Generals had respect for Lee.
I think that position is a result of the myth that southerners tell each other due to losing the war. I know how brainwashed some people get over it. Its real simple. He fought for slavery. He even had that flag made so other confederates wouldnt mistake him for someone who held a contrary position. He owned slaves himself.

I know Lincoln could have cared less about the freeing of the slaves but that doesnt change the fact that the south and any of their flags during that time represent a desire to keep people enslaved.

I also i am not Southern even though I live in Texas.

Born in Toronto,Canada and raised in Joliet, Illinois and lived in Oregon, and California while also residing in Texas, so i am not Southern that want to believe something.

Maybe read about the history of it first and let discuss but it seem you believe you know enough and could care less about the reality of the war.

Lincoln election brought on the war because he want to prevent expansion of Slavery but not abolish it and Southern States were against this.

It also had to do with Taxation, and if Lincoln wanted the slaves freed he would have done it from the moment the war started but he was hoping the south would rejoin but when they did not his last choice in punishment was freeing the Slaves because it was a economic blow to the south.

Again wars are fought over money more times than not.
Someone has done a number on you then. I know enough about the civil war to where I have no delusions. The south fought to keep slavery. The north fought to keep the union together. The south was paranoid about slavery ending. It was going to hurt them economically as well as mentally. Thats why they made so many irrational decisions. Unlike some others that dont know much about it, I dont hold Lincoln in high regard. He didnt even free slaves in the states loyal to the Union. So I know the deal. My point is that all versions of the confederate flag stand for racism and slavery. Anything else is denial of the facts.

So you are saying I am delusional because I do not agree with your Progressive Liberal view?

Hmmm, and I bet you do not know why the car in the Dukes of Hazard was named the General Lee do you?

Also I bet you believe that Stars and Bars is the Confederate Flag don't you?

Because you know so much, right?



Flags of the Confederate States of America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lee Battle flag was incorporated into the Confederate Flag and what is usually confused as the Confederate Flag is actually just the battle flag of Lee.

None of you will attempt to correct your mistake and double down on claiming one flag is something that it is not, and yes it does matter because you are teaching ignorance.

The North did not fight to end slavery so what does that tell you?

Lincoln did not declare war over Slavery, so what does that tell you?

In fact the Confederate Union did not declare war over Slavery either, so what does that tell you?

What ignited the start of the war between the North and South?

You wrote I am delusional, well then you have no clue about the actual war and no one did a number on me because I can tell the difference between a battle flag and a confederate flag, but those like you can not and neither can idiots that want to keep racism alive!
Yeah, I am not buying the kid excuse and believe he's been hanging with some idiots that believe it is cool to pose with the Rebel Flag and act stupid without understanding what they're doing is just making them look stupid.

The kids need a real history lesson on the Battle Flag and True Confederate Flag and why Lee had his flag made, and realize Lee Flag was made so his soldiers would not be shot by other Confederate Soldiers.

Later on his flag was incorporated into the Confederate Flag and the original one was no longer used.

It is interesting history about the flag but so many on both sides just see it as a way to mess with each other...

The Nazi Flag on the other hand, well that is a different story!
I think the stigma of the south fighting for slavery has been ingrained in that particular flag. No matter the different versions it will always stand for racism in most peoples eyes here in the US. Personally I could give a shit as long as its not used towards me or mine specifically and my tax money doesnt go to have it fly on government grounds. To me its just another in a long line of micro aggressions Blacks have to deal with here in the US.

If I took a picture with this flag would you consider it racist?

Yes. Its another version of the confederate flag.

It is not another version it is the original one.

Do you know the difference between Lee Flag and the Confederate flag?
I know the Lee flag is the one that most people ID with the confederates. Other than that there is not much i care to learn about it. Both are the flags of traitors, losers, and people that support slavery and racism.

Wow, such ignorant words!

You don't want to learn about it so you prefer to stay ignorant!
That's not a fact.
except that it is.
or are you claiming that it was not used by traitors fighting in defense of slavery - or that since the civil war it has not been used by those pushing racism and segregation and all sorts of other evils.
Most from the south fought against tyranny. Since the fucktard kkk idiots have done everything to tarnish the true meaning. Everything is not about slavery of the blacks.
nobody from the south fought against tyranny. they all fought for slavery.
Show me the facts
the facts are in the secession declarations. the facts are that we do not now live under tyranny, and we didn't then, either - ergo the traitors could not have been fighting tyranny.
U still haven't proved thats all they fought for. Lol
Evidently this school has a history of racist shit and the principal is letting it be known it wont be tolerated. This is from the link in the OP.

"“We immediately told him, ‘In today's times, you need to be really careful what others think. And that the Confederate flag could be considered a negative, due to the south, you know, did fight for slavery,” Andy said.

Ryan said this isn't the first issue.

“There was more than one incident at Ridgeview Middle School involving a small amount of students,” said Ryan. "

Yeah, I am not buying the kid excuse and believe he's been hanging with some idiots that believe it is cool to pose with the Rebel Flag and act stupid without understanding what they're doing is just making them look stupid.

The kids need a real history lesson on the Battle Flag and True Confederate Flag and why Lee had his flag made, and realize Lee Flag was made so his soldiers would not be shot by other Confederate Soldiers.

Later on his flag was incorporated into the Confederate Flag and the original one was no longer used.

It is interesting history about the flag but so many on both sides just see it as a way to mess with each other...

The Nazi Flag on the other hand, well that is a different story!
I think the stigma of the south fighting for slavery has been ingrained in that particular flag. No matter the different versions it will always stand for racism in most peoples eyes here in the US. Personally I could give a shit as long as its not used towards me or mine specifically and my tax money doesnt go to have it fly on government grounds. To me its just another in a long line of micro aggressions Blacks have to deal with here in the US.

The USA.INC flag doesn't mean shit to's nothing but a corporate banner. I would walk out of an event before I would ever stand and face it now knowing what I do now. Anyway, for all the bleeding hearts that believe that the union was fight on the behalf of ending slavery...think again. The abolitionists were the ones that did the heavy lifting. The sole mission of the civil war was to keep the union together. The Civil War wasn't just about slavery insomuch as it was about federal authority dictating what they can or cannot do. Here is another little known fact. Congress passed two laws during the war, one in 1864 (13 Stat. 11) and one in 1866 (14 Stat. 321) that allowed slave owners that had slaves that enlisted to file a claim against the federal government for loss of the slave's services. The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 freed slaves in the Southern or rebellious states but in border-states that were loyal to the union, slavery continued to be legal. If a slave ran away to join the military and the owner knew where and when he joined, the owner could file a compensation claim as long as he or she was loyal to the Union.

Here are some notable quotes by U.S Grant....
A letter written letter to the Chicago Tribune in 1863 :“The sole object of this war is to restore the Union. Should I be convinced it has any other object, or that the government designs using its soldiers to execute the wishes of the Abolitionists, I pledge to you on my honor as a man and a soldier, I would resign my commission and carry my sword to the other side.”
BTW, neither Grant or his wife freed their slaves until the passing of the 13th amendment...when asked he remarked Good help is hard to find.

Union General William T. Sherman said in 1864 "I am honest in my belief that it is not fair to my men to count negros as equals. Let us capture negros, of course, and use them to the best advantage."

So, to sum it up, the Civil War was instigated by subterfuge and political intrigue by an international banking cartel that used the Jesuits in order to sow the seeds of discontent and when a Jesuit adjudicator killed Lincoln and the greenback disappeared, the bankers got their foot in the door yet again and this led to the Act of 1871. The powers that be want to use this "flag" as a wedge issue...keeps the people divided. The Charleston shooting hoax was used to draw attention away from the debate of the TPP and did it ever work......for weeks that was all anyone talked about. Wake up, friends and neighbors.
I think the stigma of the south fighting for slavery has been ingrained in that particular flag. No matter the different versions it will always stand for racism in most peoples eyes here in the US. Personally I could give a shit as long as its not used towards me or mine specifically and my tax money doesnt go to have it fly on government grounds. To me its just another in a long line of micro aggressions Blacks have to deal with here in the US.

If I took a picture with this flag would you consider it racist?

Yes. Its another version of the confederate flag.

It is not another version it is the original one.

Do you know the difference between Lee Flag and the Confederate flag?
I know the Lee flag is the one that most people ID with the confederates. Other than that there is not much i care to learn about it. Both are the flags of traitors, losers, and people that support slavery and racism.

Wow, such ignorant words!

You don't want to learn about it so you prefer to stay ignorant!
When it comes to those flags all i need to know is that they represent slavery and racism. You cant undo that by learning more about it. Learning more about it is pretty much a waste of time once that fact has been discovered. No way to make it pretty or interesting to me so i choose not to waste time I could use learning something valuable.
Evidently this school has a history of racist shit and the principal is letting it be known it wont be tolerated. This is from the link in the OP.

"“We immediately told him, ‘In today's times, you need to be really careful what others think. And that the Confederate flag could be considered a negative, due to the south, you know, did fight for slavery,” Andy said.

Ryan said this isn't the first issue.

“There was more than one incident at Ridgeview Middle School involving a small amount of students,” said Ryan. "

Yeah, I am not buying the kid excuse and believe he's been hanging with some idiots that believe it is cool to pose with the Rebel Flag and act stupid without understanding what they're doing is just making them look stupid.

The kids need a real history lesson on the Battle Flag and True Confederate Flag and why Lee had his flag made, and realize Lee Flag was made so his soldiers would not be shot by other Confederate Soldiers.

Later on his flag was incorporated into the Confederate Flag and the original one was no longer used.

It is interesting history about the flag but so many on both sides just see it as a way to mess with each other...

The Nazi Flag on the other hand, well that is a different story!
I think the stigma of the south fighting for slavery has been ingrained in that particular flag. No matter the different versions it will always stand for racism in most peoples eyes here in the US. Personally I could give a shit as long as its not used towards me or mine specifically and my tax money doesnt go to have it fly on government grounds. To me its just another in a long line of micro aggressions Blacks have to deal with here in the US.

The USA.INC flag doesn't mean shit to's nothing but a corporate banner. I would walk out of an event before I would ever stand and face it now knowing what I do now. Anyway, for all the bleeding hearts that believe that the union was fight on the behalf of ending slavery...think again. The abolitionists were the ones that did the heavy lifting. The sole mission of the civil war was to keep the union together. The Civil War wasn't just about slavery insomuch as it was about federal authority dictating what they can or cannot do. Here is another little known fact. Congress passed two laws during the war, one in 1864 (13 Stat. 11) and one in 1866 (14 Stat. 321) that allowed slave owners that had slaves that enlisted to file a claim against the federal government for loss of the slave's services. The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 freed slaves in the Southern or rebellious states but in border-states that were loyal to the union, slavery continued to be legal. If a slave ran away to join the military and the owner knew where and when he joined, the owner could file a compensation claim as long as he or she was loyal to the Union.

Here are some notable quotes by U.S Grant....
A letter written letter to the Chicago Tribune in 1863 :“The sole object of this war is to restore the Union. Should I be convinced it has any other object, or that the government designs using its soldiers to execute the wishes of the Abolitionists, I pledge to you on my honor as a man and a soldier, I would resign my commission and carry my sword to the other side.”
BTW, neither Grant or his wife freed their slaves until the passing of the 13th amendment...when asked he remarked Good help is hard to find.

Union General William T. Sherman said in 1864 "I am honest in my belief that it is not fair to my men to count negros as equals. Let us capture negros, of course, and use them to the best advantage."

So, to sum it up, the Civil War was instigated by subterfuge and political intrigue by an international banking cartel that used the Jesuits in order to sow the seeds of discontent and when a Jesuit adjudicator killed Lincoln and the greenback disappeared, the bankers got their foot in the door yet again and this led to the Act of 1871. The powers that be want to use this "flag" as a wedge issue...keeps the people divided. The Charleston shooting hoax was used to draw attention away from the debate of the TPP and did it ever work......for weeks that was all anyone talked about. Wake up, friends and neighbors.
Youre pretty much ranting now. I simply said the south fought the war for slavery. That was the point.
Lee was a confederate general fighting to keep slavery going. Same thing in my opinion.

I hate when people brush it that way.t

Lee fought for his state, and yes he fought for his state to keep it rights it was a different era. You are looking at it through today way of thinking and not what was going on then.

Lincoln was not fighting to free slaves but to keep the Union together and Lee was fighting for his state right and what he believed was the abusive power of the Federal Government.

Lincoln freed the slaves as a punishment for the South Insurrection and had the South came back into the Union or had never left the Union slavery was not going to be abolished but to punish the South Lincoln did what he believed was the best punishment for them.

Lee was just a General and even Northern Generals had respect for Lee.
I think that position is a result of the myth that southerners tell each other due to losing the war. I know how brainwashed some people get over it. Its real simple. He fought for slavery. He even had that flag made so other confederates wouldnt mistake him for someone who held a contrary position. He owned slaves himself.

I know Lincoln could have cared less about the freeing of the slaves but that doesnt change the fact that the south and any of their flags during that time represent a desire to keep people enslaved.

I also i am not Southern even though I live in Texas.

Born in Toronto,Canada and raised in Joliet, Illinois and lived in Oregon, and California while also residing in Texas, so i am not Southern that want to believe something.

Maybe read about the history of it first and let discuss but it seem you believe you know enough and could care less about the reality of the war.

Lincoln election brought on the war because he want to prevent expansion of Slavery but not abolish it and Southern States were against this.

It also had to do with Taxation, and if Lincoln wanted the slaves freed he would have done it from the moment the war started but he was hoping the south would rejoin but when they did not his last choice in punishment was freeing the Slaves because it was a economic blow to the south.

Again wars are fought over money more times than not.
Someone has done a number on you then. I know enough about the civil war to where I have no delusions. The south fought to keep slavery. The north fought to keep the union together. The south was paranoid about slavery ending. It was going to hurt them economically as well as mentally. Thats why they made so many irrational decisions. Unlike some others that dont know much about it, I dont hold Lincoln in high regard. He didnt even free slaves in the states loyal to the Union. So I know the deal. My point is that all versions of the confederate flag stand for racism and slavery. Anything else is denial of the facts.

So you are saying I am delusional because I do not agree with your Progressive Liberal view?

Hmmm, and I bet you do not know why the car in the Dukes of Hazard was named the General Lee do you?

Also I bet you believe that Stars and Bars is the Confederate Flag don't you?

Because you know so much, right?



Flags of the Confederate States of America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lee Battle flag was incorporated into the Confederate Flag and what is usually confused as the Confederate Flag is actually just the battle flag of Lee.

None of you will attempt to correct your mistake and double down on claiming one flag is something that it is not, and yes it does matter because you are teaching ignorance.

The North did not fight to end slavery so what does that tell you?

Lincoln did not declare war over Slavery, so what does that tell you?

In fact the Confederate Union did not declare war over Slavery either, so what does that tell you?

What ignited the start of the war between the North and South?

You wrote I am delusional, well then you have no clue about the actual war and no one did a number on me because I can tell the difference between a battle flag and a confederate flag, but those like you can not and neither can idiots that want to keep racism alive!
I never said you were delusional. From what i have seen of your comments they are normally well thought out and make sense. In this case youre denying the fact that all versions of the confederate flag stood for slavery and racism. Why you are doing that is beyond me but I think we will have to agree to disagree.
Evidently this school has a history of racist shit and the principal is letting it be known it wont be tolerated. This is from the link in the OP.

"“We immediately told him, ‘In today's times, you need to be really careful what others think. And that the Confederate flag could be considered a negative, due to the south, you know, did fight for slavery,” Andy said.

Ryan said this isn't the first issue.

“There was more than one incident at Ridgeview Middle School involving a small amount of students,” said Ryan. "

Yeah, I am not buying the kid excuse and believe he's been hanging with some idiots that believe it is cool to pose with the Rebel Flag and act stupid without understanding what they're doing is just making them look stupid.

The kids need a real history lesson on the Battle Flag and True Confederate Flag and why Lee had his flag made, and realize Lee Flag was made so his soldiers would not be shot by other Confederate Soldiers.

Later on his flag was incorporated into the Confederate Flag and the original one was no longer used.

It is interesting history about the flag but so many on both sides just see it as a way to mess with each other...

The Nazi Flag on the other hand, well that is a different story!
I think the stigma of the south fighting for slavery has been ingrained in that particular flag. No matter the different versions it will always stand for racism in most peoples eyes here in the US. Personally I could give a shit as long as its not used towards me or mine specifically and my tax money doesnt go to have it fly on government grounds. To me its just another in a long line of micro aggressions Blacks have to deal with here in the US.

The USA.INC flag doesn't mean shit to's nothing but a corporate banner. I would walk out of an event before I would ever stand and face it now knowing what I do now. Anyway, for all the bleeding hearts that believe that the union was fight on the behalf of ending slavery...think again. The abolitionists were the ones that did the heavy lifting. The sole mission of the civil war was to keep the union together. The Civil War wasn't just about slavery insomuch as it was about federal authority dictating what they can or cannot do. Here is another little known fact. Congress passed two laws during the war, one in 1864 (13 Stat. 11) and one in 1866 (14 Stat. 321) that allowed slave owners that had slaves that enlisted to file a claim against the federal government for loss of the slave's services. The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 freed slaves in the Southern or rebellious states but in border-states that were loyal to the union, slavery continued to be legal. If a slave ran away to join the military and the owner knew where and when he joined, the owner could file a compensation claim as long as he or she was loyal to the Union.

Here are some notable quotes by U.S Grant....
A letter written letter to the Chicago Tribune in 1863 :“The sole object of this war is to restore the Union. Should I be convinced it has any other object, or that the government designs using its soldiers to execute the wishes of the Abolitionists, I pledge to you on my honor as a man and a soldier, I would resign my commission and carry my sword to the other side.”
BTW, neither Grant or his wife freed their slaves until the passing of the 13th amendment...when asked he remarked Good help is hard to find.

Union General William T. Sherman said in 1864 "I am honest in my belief that it is not fair to my men to count negros as equals. Let us capture negros, of course, and use them to the best advantage."

So, to sum it up, the Civil War was instigated by subterfuge and political intrigue by an international banking cartel that used the Jesuits in order to sow the seeds of discontent and when a Jesuit adjudicator killed Lincoln and the greenback disappeared, the bankers got their foot in the door yet again and this led to the Act of 1871. The powers that be want to use this "flag" as a wedge issue...keeps the people divided. The Charleston shooting hoax was used to draw attention away from the debate of the TPP and did it ever work......for weeks that was all anyone talked about. Wake up, friends and neighbors.
Youre pretty much ranting now. I simply said the south fought the war for slavery. That was the point.
And I simply said that the North wasn't fighting to stop it.......checkmate.

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