Round Rock students suspended for posing with Confederate flag

Even if a person DOES use the flag to represent some happy memory of slavery. SO FUCKING WHAT? Freedom of speech, why you authoritarians hate it so?
so you telling me that the traitor's flag has not symbolized the fight for slavery and racism from its very beginning?
The battle flag was exactly that a battle flag, nothing more nothing less.
right. it was a banner representing traitors fighting for slavery in battle. from day one until now that is what it has represented.
You need to read a history book or three.
you need to stop apologizing for traitors - and read some history. start with the secession declarations
Ur missing my point I'm neither for nor against the flag. Its just a flag. I know my history sir, but more so u need to read the journals of soilders from both the south N the north. The truth is in The men who fought then just like my brothers who still fight in war today. They fight for their family n the guy next to them. All im trying to say is every southerner wasn't fighting for slavery,to many soilders that flag had a meaning that had nothing to do with slavery.
every traitor fighting in the confederate army was fighting for slavery. the traitorous states seceded to preserve slavery and thus every single soldier, no matter what their personal justifications, were fighting for the right to own people as property. this is not debatable, it is historical fact.
The battle flag was exactly that a battle flag, nothing more nothing less.
right. it was a banner representing traitors fighting for slavery in battle. from day one until now that is what it has represented.
You need to read a history book or three.
you need to stop apologizing for traitors - and read some history. start with the secession declarations
Ur missing my point I'm neither for nor against the flag. Its just a flag. I know my history sir, but more so u need to read the journals of soilders from both the south N the north. The truth is in The men who fought then just like my brothers who still fight in war today. They fight for their family n the guy next to them. All im trying to say is every southerner wasn't fighting for slavery,to many soilders that flag had a meaning that had nothing to do with slavery.
every traitor fighting in the confederate army was fighting for slavery. the traitorous states seceded to preserve slavery and thus every single soldier, no matter what their personal justifications, were fighting for the right to own people as property. this is not debatable, it is historical fact.

who fucking cares? The Civil War ended in 1865 . No one today is waving around a flag supporting something that their grandparents couldn't even have told them stories about.

It's a piece of cloth, get the fuck over it.
The battle flag was exactly that a battle flag, nothing more nothing less.
right. it was a banner representing traitors fighting for slavery in battle. from day one until now that is what it has represented.
You need to read a history book or three.
you need to stop apologizing for traitors - and read some history. start with the secession declarations
Ur missing my point I'm neither for nor against the flag. Its just a flag. I know my history sir, but more so u need to read the journals of soilders from both the south N the north. The truth is in The men who fought then just like my brothers who still fight in war today. They fight for their family n the guy next to them. All im trying to say is every southerner wasn't fighting for slavery,to many soilders that flag had a meaning that had nothing to do with slavery.
every traitor fighting in the confederate army was fighting for slavery. the traitorous states seceded to preserve slavery and thus every single soldier, no matter what their personal justifications, were fighting for the right to own people as property. this is not debatable, it is historical fact.
Confederate flag troll... Pull his string and he will spew the flowing buzz phrases over and over...

"Secession declaration "


"Liars fighting to keep slavery"

Fun for low information parties.

Get yours today.
right. it was a banner representing traitors fighting for slavery in battle. from day one until now that is what it has represented.
You need to read a history book or three.
you need to stop apologizing for traitors - and read some history. start with the secession declarations
Ur missing my point I'm neither for nor against the flag. Its just a flag. I know my history sir, but more so u need to read the journals of soilders from both the south N the north. The truth is in The men who fought then just like my brothers who still fight in war today. They fight for their family n the guy next to them. All im trying to say is every southerner wasn't fighting for slavery,to many soilders that flag had a meaning that had nothing to do with slavery.
every traitor fighting in the confederate army was fighting for slavery. the traitorous states seceded to preserve slavery and thus every single soldier, no matter what their personal justifications, were fighting for the right to own people as property. this is not debatable, it is historical fact.
Confederate flag troll... Pull his string and he will spew the flowing buzz phrases over and over...

"Secession declaration "


"Liars fighting to keep slavery"

Fun for low information parties.

Get yours today.
sorry that reality disagrees with your worldview, but that's not my problem.
but just so you know, you can't repeat the lie that the confederate traitors weren't fighting to preserve slavery enough times to make it true. i know you and others will still try, but it can't be done - just like no matter how many times you make the claim that the flag isn't and hasn't been a symbol of racism and oppression reality won't change and you'll still be wrong.
right. it was a banner representing traitors fighting for slavery in battle. from day one until now that is what it has represented.
You need to read a history book or three.
you need to stop apologizing for traitors - and read some history. start with the secession declarations
Ur missing my point I'm neither for nor against the flag. Its just a flag. I know my history sir, but more so u need to read the journals of soilders from both the south N the north. The truth is in The men who fought then just like my brothers who still fight in war today. They fight for their family n the guy next to them. All im trying to say is every southerner wasn't fighting for slavery,to many soilders that flag had a meaning that had nothing to do with slavery.
every traitor fighting in the confederate army was fighting for slavery. the traitorous states seceded to preserve slavery and thus every single soldier, no matter what their personal justifications, were fighting for the right to own people as property. this is not debatable, it is historical fact.

who fucking cares? The Civil War ended in 1865 . No one today is waving around a flag supporting something that their grandparents couldn't even have told them stories about.

It's a piece of cloth, get the fuck over it.
if you believe that people don't use that flag to symbolize racism and oppression today you are only lying to yourself.
Round Rock students suspended for posing with Confederate flag
First off does a school assistant principal have the right to view a child's cell phone?
Suspended too? My God it's a damn police state in Texas.
I believe so. Thats how they catch students doing dumb shit all the time. They just look at their phones and online accounts.
Wil they suspend students marching with black lives matter?
Why would they do that? BLM has nothing to do with dumbshit or white people.
Let me get this straight.

The only way they knew the student was posing with the Confederate flag, is because the Asst Principal found the picture while scrolling thru the students phone log?

Has anyone stated they were threatened by it, other than the principal?
No one knows. They havent released any details. I'm satisfied that it was because of the loser flag. No doubt the child was inbred.

Funny, but i do recall when the shit hit the fan over the confederate flag, everyone was saying that it was just about flying the flag in public places , say..... over a state capital. If you still wanted to fly it in your front yard on private property it was ok. Kids who are known for doing all kinds of crazy shit, having a picture on a cell phone is not tantamount to flying a flag in a public place.

If these kids were using the flag to impose upon others, some sort of belief, there may be a point here , but this event had about as much effect on you as a bear shitting in the woods. none. Kids often do things that are contrary to what is acceptable, just to do it.

I still say thats one the only times it will matter to me. That doesnt mean I wont take joy in some inbred being punished for taking picture with one. That brings me happiness to know that another racist is being punished. Will I push for a law against the loser flag? No. However if harm comes to those that wish to fly it thats all good.
This is just the typical lack of common sense by so called "educators" that perpetrates our public education system today. I'm not the least bit surprised. This is why I send my son to private school. I have no tolerance for the idiocy of education administrators.
Private schools don't have idiot education administrators?
Hey retard. It was a battle flag in the civil war for the confederates. Check and mate.

The battle flag of Virginia represented the entire Confederacy? Do tell? It's only a racist symbol because people have been TOLD it is a racist therefor it must be true, eh?
Yes it did. Thats why ignorant crackas to this day revere it. Are you claiming the confederacy was somehow different in Virginia now? :laugh:

I don't revere any corporate banner but I understand what is behind it all. You really like to stoke the flames of division...good job, puppet.
Dont get upset because I dont fall for the long winded bullshit. Fact. All versions of the confederate flag supported racism and slavery. Thats all one needs to know.

I don't care what you believe or don't believe. I used your postings as a conduit to show the others that the civil war wasn't like we were told and I made my case. You did a good job trying to make yours. The rest of the posters can come to their own conclusions. The fact of the matter is that the rebel flag has been used as a wedge issue when in all actuality, we are all debt slaves under the current stars and stripes. We work two to three months a year for free....even more if you make over 150K to pay interest to the shareholders of a central bank that created credit from nothing while using our sweat equity in the form of the income tax and that doesn't even include all the other taxes that are attached to pretty much any activity we participate in.

Under this debt slavery system, you provide your own housing, feed and clothe yourself, pay your own medical costs while turning over debt notes to a banking cartel for the privilege of bartering your time for something that you can exchange in order to survive and that currency has no intrinsic value and loses purchasing power each and every year....helluva system...but let's bitch about a piece of cloth...because after all, that's the most important thing....(rolls eyes)
Of course you care. Thats why you were doing your best to try and convince me the south didnt go to war over slavery. Too bad they documented their reasons so anyone with a 3rd grade education could understand. You may work for 3-4 months a year for free but dont assume everyone shares your burden. If you were more versed in tax shelters and the benefits of tax write offs you wouldnt be whining about this.
The battle flag was exactly that a battle flag, nothing more nothing less.
right. it was a banner representing traitors fighting for slavery in battle. from day one until now that is what it has represented.
You need to read a history book or three.
you need to stop apologizing for traitors - and read some history. start with the secession declarations
Ur missing my point I'm neither for nor against the flag. Its just a flag. I know my history sir, but more so u need to read the journals of soilders from both the south N the north. The truth is in The men who fought then just like my brothers who still fight in war today. They fight for their family n the guy next to them. All im trying to say is every southerner wasn't fighting for slavery,to many soilders that flag had a meaning that had nothing to do with slavery.
every traitor fighting in the confederate army was fighting for slavery. the traitorous states seceded to preserve slavery and thus every single soldier, no matter what their personal justifications, were fighting for the right to own people as property. this is not debatable, it is historical fact.
Until u read some of the journals of soilders that fought on both sides u will never have all the facts. Our gov. Has n will always lie to us to cover up their wickedness.
right. it was a banner representing traitors fighting for slavery in battle. from day one until now that is what it has represented.
You need to read a history book or three.
you need to stop apologizing for traitors - and read some history. start with the secession declarations
Ur missing my point I'm neither for nor against the flag. Its just a flag. I know my history sir, but more so u need to read the journals of soilders from both the south N the north. The truth is in The men who fought then just like my brothers who still fight in war today. They fight for their family n the guy next to them. All im trying to say is every southerner wasn't fighting for slavery,to many soilders that flag had a meaning that had nothing to do with slavery.
every traitor fighting in the confederate army was fighting for slavery. the traitorous states seceded to preserve slavery and thus every single soldier, no matter what their personal justifications, were fighting for the right to own people as property. this is not debatable, it is historical fact.
Until u read some of the journals of soilders that fought on both sides u will never have all the facts. Our gov. Has n will always lie to us to cover up their wickedness.
their journals are irrelevant. what they believed their motives or mission to have been is irrelevant. they were fighting to preserve slavery.
The battle flag of Virginia represented the entire Confederacy? Do tell? It's only a racist symbol because people have been TOLD it is a racist therefor it must be true, eh?
Yes it did. Thats why ignorant crackas to this day revere it. Are you claiming the confederacy was somehow different in Virginia now? :laugh:

I don't revere any corporate banner but I understand what is behind it all. You really like to stoke the flames of division...good job, puppet.
Dont get upset because I dont fall for the long winded bullshit. Fact. All versions of the confederate flag supported racism and slavery. Thats all one needs to know.

I don't care what you believe or don't believe. I used your postings as a conduit to show the others that the civil war wasn't like we were told and I made my case. You did a good job trying to make yours. The rest of the posters can come to their own conclusions. The fact of the matter is that the rebel flag has been used as a wedge issue when in all actuality, we are all debt slaves under the current stars and stripes. We work two to three months a year for free....even more if you make over 150K to pay interest to the shareholders of a central bank that created credit from nothing while using our sweat equity in the form of the income tax and that doesn't even include all the other taxes that are attached to pretty much any activity we participate in.

Under this debt slavery system, you provide your own housing, feed and clothe yourself, pay your own medical costs while turning over debt notes to a banking cartel for the privilege of bartering your time for something that you can exchange in order to survive and that currency has no intrinsic value and loses purchasing power each and every year....helluva system...but let's bitch about a piece of cloth...because after all, that's the most important thing....(rolls eyes)
Of course you care. Thats why you were doing your best to try and convince me the south didnt go to war over slavery. Too bad they documented their reasons so anyone with a 3rd grade education could understand. You may work for 3-4 months a year for free but dont assume everyone shares your burden. If you were more versed in tax shelters and the benefits of tax write offs you wouldnt be whining about this.

Nope, don't care at all but it did give me an opportunity to show the rest of the people in this thread that it went much deeper. You were useful and it's appreciated. As far as the bogus income tax goes, if you are single with no dependents and don't own a home, there is really nothing you can can you not know that? I bet you believe that income taxes goes to fund the day to day operation of USA.INC, don't ya? LOL! Have a great weekend!
Yes it did. Thats why ignorant crackas to this day revere it. Are you claiming the confederacy was somehow different in Virginia now? :laugh:

I don't revere any corporate banner but I understand what is behind it all. You really like to stoke the flames of division...good job, puppet.
Dont get upset because I dont fall for the long winded bullshit. Fact. All versions of the confederate flag supported racism and slavery. Thats all one needs to know.

I don't care what you believe or don't believe. I used your postings as a conduit to show the others that the civil war wasn't like we were told and I made my case. You did a good job trying to make yours. The rest of the posters can come to their own conclusions. The fact of the matter is that the rebel flag has been used as a wedge issue when in all actuality, we are all debt slaves under the current stars and stripes. We work two to three months a year for free....even more if you make over 150K to pay interest to the shareholders of a central bank that created credit from nothing while using our sweat equity in the form of the income tax and that doesn't even include all the other taxes that are attached to pretty much any activity we participate in.

Under this debt slavery system, you provide your own housing, feed and clothe yourself, pay your own medical costs while turning over debt notes to a banking cartel for the privilege of bartering your time for something that you can exchange in order to survive and that currency has no intrinsic value and loses purchasing power each and every year....helluva system...but let's bitch about a piece of cloth...because after all, that's the most important thing....(rolls eyes)
Of course you care. Thats why you were doing your best to try and convince me the south didnt go to war over slavery. Too bad they documented their reasons so anyone with a 3rd grade education could understand. You may work for 3-4 months a year for free but dont assume everyone shares your burden. If you were more versed in tax shelters and the benefits of tax write offs you wouldnt be whining about this.
Nope, don't care at all but it did give me an opportunity to show the rest of the people in this thread that it went much deeper. You were useful and it's appreciated. As far as the bogus income tax goes, if you are single with no dependents and don't own a home, there is really nothing you can can you not know that? I bet you believe that income taxes goes to fund the day to day operation of USA.INC, don't ya? LOL! Have a great weekend!
Obviously you care. It only gave you a chance to prove to everyone you are a conspiracy theorist and raving lunatic with a one track mind. You make sure you take your meds this weekend.
I don't revere any corporate banner but I understand what is behind it all. You really like to stoke the flames of division...good job, puppet.
Dont get upset because I dont fall for the long winded bullshit. Fact. All versions of the confederate flag supported racism and slavery. Thats all one needs to know.

I don't care what you believe or don't believe. I used your postings as a conduit to show the others that the civil war wasn't like we were told and I made my case. You did a good job trying to make yours. The rest of the posters can come to their own conclusions. The fact of the matter is that the rebel flag has been used as a wedge issue when in all actuality, we are all debt slaves under the current stars and stripes. We work two to three months a year for free....even more if you make over 150K to pay interest to the shareholders of a central bank that created credit from nothing while using our sweat equity in the form of the income tax and that doesn't even include all the other taxes that are attached to pretty much any activity we participate in.

Under this debt slavery system, you provide your own housing, feed and clothe yourself, pay your own medical costs while turning over debt notes to a banking cartel for the privilege of bartering your time for something that you can exchange in order to survive and that currency has no intrinsic value and loses purchasing power each and every year....helluva system...but let's bitch about a piece of cloth...because after all, that's the most important thing....(rolls eyes)
Of course you care. Thats why you were doing your best to try and convince me the south didnt go to war over slavery. Too bad they documented their reasons so anyone with a 3rd grade education could understand. You may work for 3-4 months a year for free but dont assume everyone shares your burden. If you were more versed in tax shelters and the benefits of tax write offs you wouldnt be whining about this.
Nope, don't care at all but it did give me an opportunity to show the rest of the people in this thread that it went much deeper. You were useful and it's appreciated. As far as the bogus income tax goes, if you are single with no dependents and don't own a home, there is really nothing you can can you not know that? I bet you believe that income taxes goes to fund the day to day operation of USA.INC, don't ya? LOL! Have a great weekend!
Obviously you care. It only gave you a chance to prove to everyone you are a conspiracy theorist and raving lunatic with a one track mind. You make sure you take your meds this weekend.

Nope, I just know more than you...a LOT more. I look deeper into an issue instead of just taking the word of a corporate de-facto "gubermint" that lies to us with impunity. I have a question, when your beloved "gubermint" did an experiment on 600 poor black sharecroppers... some of which had syphilis and others they injected the virus into so that they could monitor the effects of leaving the disease untreated...was that a "conspiracy"??? This program went on for 40 years, btw. It was called the Tuskegee experiment......look it up.
This is just the typical lack of common sense by so called "educators" that perpetrates our public education system today. I'm not the least bit surprised. This is why I send my son to private school. I have no tolerance for the idiocy of education administrators.
Private schools don't have idiot education administrators?

Sure they can, but it's easier to do something about those dipshits.

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