Round Rock students suspended for posing with Confederate flag

It's kind of funny that the same idiots who won the free speech right to deface the Flag and spent their formative years ranting about free speech, free love and free dope are now in the drivers seat and they have become tyrants in the name of political correctness. It shows what happens to the Constitution when liberals take over.
It had nothing to do with slavery!
it was the flag of individuals fighting for slavery... so yes, it did (and does) have something to do with slavery

Damn I swear some of you have never read about the War between the States and I bet you believe Lincoln main goal in the war was to free Slaves, am i correct?

It had to do with State Rights versus Federal Government power.

Lee Flag has nothing to do with Slavery except he had it created to make sure his men were not shot by other Confederate Soldiers, and in fact if you actually would read history those that are buried at Arlington Cemetery are buried on land that was donated by Lee family to bury the dead soldiers from the war.

Lee fought for his state and even then did not really agree with them but as being a Virginian he still fought for them.
it had to do with states' right to maintain slavery.

don't kid yourself. the south seceded over slavery. the confederate traitors - every single soldier without exception - was fighting to preserve slavery
Evidently this school has a history of racist shit and the principal is letting it be known it wont be tolerated. This is from the link in the OP.

"“We immediately told him, ‘In today's times, you need to be really careful what others think. And that the Confederate flag could be considered a negative, due to the south, you know, did fight for slavery,” Andy said.

Ryan said this isn't the first issue.

“There was more than one incident at Ridgeview Middle School involving a small amount of students,” said Ryan. "

Yeah, I am not buying the kid excuse and believe he's been hanging with some idiots that believe it is cool to pose with the Rebel Flag and act stupid without understanding what they're doing is just making them look stupid.

The kids need a real history lesson on the Battle Flag and True Confederate Flag and why Lee had his flag made, and realize Lee Flag was made so his soldiers would not be shot by other Confederate Soldiers.

Later on his flag was incorporated into the Confederate Flag and the original one was no longer used.

It is interesting history about the flag but so many on both sides just see it as a way to mess with each other...

The Nazi Flag on the other hand, well that is a different story!
I think the stigma of the south fighting for slavery has been ingrained in that particular flag. No matter the different versions it will always stand for racism in most peoples eyes here in the US. Personally I could give a shit as long as its not used towards me or mine specifically and my tax money doesnt go to have it fly on government grounds. To me its just another in a long line of micro aggressions Blacks have to deal with here in the US.

The USA.INC flag doesn't mean shit to's nothing but a corporate banner. I would walk out of an event before I would ever stand and face it now knowing what I do now. Anyway, for all the bleeding hearts that believe that the union was fight on the behalf of ending slavery...think again. The abolitionists were the ones that did the heavy lifting. The sole mission of the civil war was to keep the union together. The Civil War wasn't just about slavery insomuch as it was about federal authority dictating what they can or cannot do. Here is another little known fact. Congress passed two laws during the war, one in 1864 (13 Stat. 11) and one in 1866 (14 Stat. 321) that allowed slave owners that had slaves that enlisted to file a claim against the federal government for loss of the slave's services. The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 freed slaves in the Southern or rebellious states but in border-states that were loyal to the union, slavery continued to be legal. If a slave ran away to join the military and the owner knew where and when he joined, the owner could file a compensation claim as long as he or she was loyal to the Union.

Here are some notable quotes by U.S Grant....
A letter written letter to the Chicago Tribune in 1863 :“The sole object of this war is to restore the Union. Should I be convinced it has any other object, or that the government designs using its soldiers to execute the wishes of the Abolitionists, I pledge to you on my honor as a man and a soldier, I would resign my commission and carry my sword to the other side.”
BTW, neither Grant or his wife freed their slaves until the passing of the 13th amendment...when asked he remarked Good help is hard to find.

Union General William T. Sherman said in 1864 "I am honest in my belief that it is not fair to my men to count negros as equals. Let us capture negros, of course, and use them to the best advantage."

So, to sum it up, the Civil War was instigated by subterfuge and political intrigue by an international banking cartel that used the Jesuits in order to sow the seeds of discontent and when a Jesuit adjudicator killed Lincoln and the greenback disappeared, the bankers got their foot in the door yet again and this led to the Act of 1871. The powers that be want to use this "flag" as a wedge issue...keeps the people divided. The Charleston shooting hoax was used to draw attention away from the debate of the TPP and did it ever work......for weeks that was all anyone talked about. Wake up, friends and neighbors.
Youre pretty much ranting now. I simply said the south fought the war for slavery. That was the point.
And I simply said that the North wasn't fighting to stop it.......checkmate.
The problem is the OP has nothing to do with north. Its about a symbol of the souths racism and yearning for slavery. Obviously chess is a game you have yet to master.
Yeah, I am not buying the kid excuse and believe he's been hanging with some idiots that believe it is cool to pose with the Rebel Flag and act stupid without understanding what they're doing is just making them look stupid.

The kids need a real history lesson on the Battle Flag and True Confederate Flag and why Lee had his flag made, and realize Lee Flag was made so his soldiers would not be shot by other Confederate Soldiers.

Later on his flag was incorporated into the Confederate Flag and the original one was no longer used.

It is interesting history about the flag but so many on both sides just see it as a way to mess with each other...

The Nazi Flag on the other hand, well that is a different story!
I think the stigma of the south fighting for slavery has been ingrained in that particular flag. No matter the different versions it will always stand for racism in most peoples eyes here in the US. Personally I could give a shit as long as its not used towards me or mine specifically and my tax money doesnt go to have it fly on government grounds. To me its just another in a long line of micro aggressions Blacks have to deal with here in the US.

The USA.INC flag doesn't mean shit to's nothing but a corporate banner. I would walk out of an event before I would ever stand and face it now knowing what I do now. Anyway, for all the bleeding hearts that believe that the union was fight on the behalf of ending slavery...think again. The abolitionists were the ones that did the heavy lifting. The sole mission of the civil war was to keep the union together. The Civil War wasn't just about slavery insomuch as it was about federal authority dictating what they can or cannot do. Here is another little known fact. Congress passed two laws during the war, one in 1864 (13 Stat. 11) and one in 1866 (14 Stat. 321) that allowed slave owners that had slaves that enlisted to file a claim against the federal government for loss of the slave's services. The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 freed slaves in the Southern or rebellious states but in border-states that were loyal to the union, slavery continued to be legal. If a slave ran away to join the military and the owner knew where and when he joined, the owner could file a compensation claim as long as he or she was loyal to the Union.

Here are some notable quotes by U.S Grant....
A letter written letter to the Chicago Tribune in 1863 :“The sole object of this war is to restore the Union. Should I be convinced it has any other object, or that the government designs using its soldiers to execute the wishes of the Abolitionists, I pledge to you on my honor as a man and a soldier, I would resign my commission and carry my sword to the other side.”
BTW, neither Grant or his wife freed their slaves until the passing of the 13th amendment...when asked he remarked Good help is hard to find.

Union General William T. Sherman said in 1864 "I am honest in my belief that it is not fair to my men to count negros as equals. Let us capture negros, of course, and use them to the best advantage."

So, to sum it up, the Civil War was instigated by subterfuge and political intrigue by an international banking cartel that used the Jesuits in order to sow the seeds of discontent and when a Jesuit adjudicator killed Lincoln and the greenback disappeared, the bankers got their foot in the door yet again and this led to the Act of 1871. The powers that be want to use this "flag" as a wedge issue...keeps the people divided. The Charleston shooting hoax was used to draw attention away from the debate of the TPP and did it ever work......for weeks that was all anyone talked about. Wake up, friends and neighbors.
Youre pretty much ranting now. I simply said the south fought the war for slavery. That was the point.
And I simply said that the North wasn't fighting to stop it.......checkmate.
The problem is the OP has nothing to do with north. Its about a symbol of the souths racism and yearning for slavery. Obviously chess is a game you have yet to master.

Total bullshit but you have this need to play the "race card". The rebel flag wasn't the Confederacy flag but rather a battle flag. The USA.INC flag is more of a symbolism of slavery to me than a flag that flew over 150 plus years ago...guess because I deal with the here and now.
I think the stigma of the south fighting for slavery has been ingrained in that particular flag. No matter the different versions it will always stand for racism in most peoples eyes here in the US. Personally I could give a shit as long as its not used towards me or mine specifically and my tax money doesnt go to have it fly on government grounds. To me its just another in a long line of micro aggressions Blacks have to deal with here in the US.

The USA.INC flag doesn't mean shit to's nothing but a corporate banner. I would walk out of an event before I would ever stand and face it now knowing what I do now. Anyway, for all the bleeding hearts that believe that the union was fight on the behalf of ending slavery...think again. The abolitionists were the ones that did the heavy lifting. The sole mission of the civil war was to keep the union together. The Civil War wasn't just about slavery insomuch as it was about federal authority dictating what they can or cannot do. Here is another little known fact. Congress passed two laws during the war, one in 1864 (13 Stat. 11) and one in 1866 (14 Stat. 321) that allowed slave owners that had slaves that enlisted to file a claim against the federal government for loss of the slave's services. The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 freed slaves in the Southern or rebellious states but in border-states that were loyal to the union, slavery continued to be legal. If a slave ran away to join the military and the owner knew where and when he joined, the owner could file a compensation claim as long as he or she was loyal to the Union.

Here are some notable quotes by U.S Grant....
A letter written letter to the Chicago Tribune in 1863 :“The sole object of this war is to restore the Union. Should I be convinced it has any other object, or that the government designs using its soldiers to execute the wishes of the Abolitionists, I pledge to you on my honor as a man and a soldier, I would resign my commission and carry my sword to the other side.”
BTW, neither Grant or his wife freed their slaves until the passing of the 13th amendment...when asked he remarked Good help is hard to find.

Union General William T. Sherman said in 1864 "I am honest in my belief that it is not fair to my men to count negros as equals. Let us capture negros, of course, and use them to the best advantage."

So, to sum it up, the Civil War was instigated by subterfuge and political intrigue by an international banking cartel that used the Jesuits in order to sow the seeds of discontent and when a Jesuit adjudicator killed Lincoln and the greenback disappeared, the bankers got their foot in the door yet again and this led to the Act of 1871. The powers that be want to use this "flag" as a wedge issue...keeps the people divided. The Charleston shooting hoax was used to draw attention away from the debate of the TPP and did it ever work......for weeks that was all anyone talked about. Wake up, friends and neighbors.
Youre pretty much ranting now. I simply said the south fought the war for slavery. That was the point.
And I simply said that the North wasn't fighting to stop it.......checkmate.
The problem is the OP has nothing to do with north. Its about a symbol of the souths racism and yearning for slavery. Obviously chess is a game you have yet to master.

Total bullshit but you have this need to play the "race card". The rebel flag wasn't the Confederacy flag but rather a battle flag. The USA.INC flag is more of a symbolism of slavery to me than a flag that flew over 150 plus years ago...guess because I deal with the here and now.
Hey retard. It was a battle flag in the civil war for the confederates. Check and mate. (if you understood chess you would get the difference.)
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It had nothing to do with slavery!
it was the flag of individuals fighting for slavery... so yes, it did (and does) have something to do with slavery

Damn I swear some of you have never read about the War between the States and I bet you believe Lincoln main goal in the war was to free Slaves, am i correct?

It had to do with State Rights versus Federal Government power.

Lee Flag has nothing to do with Slavery except he had it created to make sure his men were not shot by other Confederate Soldiers, and in fact if you actually would read history those that are buried at Arlington Cemetery are buried on land that was donated by Lee family to bury the dead soldiers from the war.

Lee fought for his state and even then did not really agree with them but as being a Virginian he still fought for them.
it had to do with states' right to maintain slavery.

don't kid yourself. the south seceded over slavery. the confederate traitors - every single soldier without exception - was fighting to preserve slavery

You are simply an don't have the intellect to comprehend the complex issues and conditions that led to that war and the repercussions of it before and after. You have been programmed to believe the bullshit that has been shoved down your throat in this ever failing school system. I am grateful that the south didn't win, I am grateful that England and France were kept at bay because of Russia's admiration of what America was trying to do to escape the clutches of international bankers that were pissed that the 20 year banking charter was refused by Andrew Jackson in 1836 and they had to bide their time while using agent provocateurs like the Jesuits of the Roman Catholic church to sow seeds of discontent....divide and conquer is the method they use and they use it now.
The USA.INC flag doesn't mean shit to's nothing but a corporate banner. I would walk out of an event before I would ever stand and face it now knowing what I do now. Anyway, for all the bleeding hearts that believe that the union was fight on the behalf of ending slavery...think again. The abolitionists were the ones that did the heavy lifting. The sole mission of the civil war was to keep the union together. The Civil War wasn't just about slavery insomuch as it was about federal authority dictating what they can or cannot do. Here is another little known fact. Congress passed two laws during the war, one in 1864 (13 Stat. 11) and one in 1866 (14 Stat. 321) that allowed slave owners that had slaves that enlisted to file a claim against the federal government for loss of the slave's services. The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 freed slaves in the Southern or rebellious states but in border-states that were loyal to the union, slavery continued to be legal. If a slave ran away to join the military and the owner knew where and when he joined, the owner could file a compensation claim as long as he or she was loyal to the Union.

Here are some notable quotes by U.S Grant....
A letter written letter to the Chicago Tribune in 1863 :“The sole object of this war is to restore the Union. Should I be convinced it has any other object, or that the government designs using its soldiers to execute the wishes of the Abolitionists, I pledge to you on my honor as a man and a soldier, I would resign my commission and carry my sword to the other side.”
BTW, neither Grant or his wife freed their slaves until the passing of the 13th amendment...when asked he remarked Good help is hard to find.

Union General William T. Sherman said in 1864 "I am honest in my belief that it is not fair to my men to count negros as equals. Let us capture negros, of course, and use them to the best advantage."

So, to sum it up, the Civil War was instigated by subterfuge and political intrigue by an international banking cartel that used the Jesuits in order to sow the seeds of discontent and when a Jesuit adjudicator killed Lincoln and the greenback disappeared, the bankers got their foot in the door yet again and this led to the Act of 1871. The powers that be want to use this "flag" as a wedge issue...keeps the people divided. The Charleston shooting hoax was used to draw attention away from the debate of the TPP and did it ever work......for weeks that was all anyone talked about. Wake up, friends and neighbors.
Youre pretty much ranting now. I simply said the south fought the war for slavery. That was the point.
And I simply said that the North wasn't fighting to stop it.......checkmate.
The problem is the OP has nothing to do with north. Its about a symbol of the souths racism and yearning for slavery. Obviously chess is a game you have yet to master.

Total bullshit but you have this need to play the "race card". The rebel flag wasn't the Confederacy flag but rather a battle flag. The USA.INC flag is more of a symbolism of slavery to me than a flag that flew over 150 plus years ago...guess because I deal with the here and now.
Hey retard. It was a battle flag in the civil war for the confederates. Check and mate.

The battle flag of Virginia represented the entire Confederacy? Do tell? It's only a racist symbol because people have been TOLD it is a racist therefor it must be true, eh?
It had nothing to do with slavery!
it was the flag of individuals fighting for slavery... so yes, it did (and does) have something to do with slavery

Damn I swear some of you have never read about the War between the States and I bet you believe Lincoln main goal in the war was to free Slaves, am i correct?

It had to do with State Rights versus Federal Government power.

Lee Flag has nothing to do with Slavery except he had it created to make sure his men were not shot by other Confederate Soldiers, and in fact if you actually would read history those that are buried at Arlington Cemetery are buried on land that was donated by Lee family to bury the dead soldiers from the war.

Lee fought for his state and even then did not really agree with them but as being a Virginian he still fought for them.
it had to do with states' right to maintain slavery.

don't kid yourself. the south seceded over slavery. the confederate traitors - every single soldier without exception - was fighting to preserve slavery

You are simply an don't have the intellect to comprehend the complex issues and conditions that led to that war and the repercussions of it before and after. You have been programmed to believe the bullshit that has been shoved down your throat in this ever failing school system. I am grateful that the south didn't win, I am grateful that England and France were kept at bay because of Russia's admiration of what America was trying to do to escape the clutches of international bankers that were pissed that the 20 year banking charter was refused by Andrew Jackson in 1836 and they had to bide their time while using agent provocateurs like the Jesuits of the Roman Catholic church to sow seeds of discontent....divide and conquer is the method they use and they use it now.
None of that has anything to do with the fact that the south fought to preserve slavery and stated as much in their speeches and articles of secession.
Youre pretty much ranting now. I simply said the south fought the war for slavery. That was the point.
And I simply said that the North wasn't fighting to stop it.......checkmate.
The problem is the OP has nothing to do with north. Its about a symbol of the souths racism and yearning for slavery. Obviously chess is a game you have yet to master.

Total bullshit but you have this need to play the "race card". The rebel flag wasn't the Confederacy flag but rather a battle flag. The USA.INC flag is more of a symbolism of slavery to me than a flag that flew over 150 plus years ago...guess because I deal with the here and now.
Hey retard. It was a battle flag in the civil war for the confederates. Check and mate.

The battle flag of Virginia represented the entire Confederacy? Do tell? It's only a racist symbol because people have been TOLD it is a racist therefor it must be true, eh?
Yes it did. Thats why ignorant crackas to this day revere it. Are you claiming the confederacy was somehow different in Virginia now? :laugh:
It had nothing to do with slavery!
it was the flag of individuals fighting for slavery... so yes, it did (and does) have something to do with slavery

Damn I swear some of you have never read about the War between the States and I bet you believe Lincoln main goal in the war was to free Slaves, am i correct?

It had to do with State Rights versus Federal Government power.

Lee Flag has nothing to do with Slavery except he had it created to make sure his men were not shot by other Confederate Soldiers, and in fact if you actually would read history those that are buried at Arlington Cemetery are buried on land that was donated by Lee family to bury the dead soldiers from the war.

Lee fought for his state and even then did not really agree with them but as being a Virginian he still fought for them.
it had to do with states' right to maintain slavery.

don't kid yourself. the south seceded over slavery. the confederate traitors - every single soldier without exception - was fighting to preserve slavery

You are simply an don't have the intellect to comprehend the complex issues and conditions that led to that war and the repercussions of it before and after. You have been programmed to believe the bullshit that has been shoved down your throat in this ever failing school system. I am grateful that the south didn't win, I am grateful that England and France were kept at bay because of Russia's admiration of what America was trying to do to escape the clutches of international bankers that were pissed that the 20 year banking charter was refused by Andrew Jackson in 1836 and they had to bide their time while using agent provocateurs like the Jesuits of the Roman Catholic church to sow seeds of discontent....divide and conquer is the method they use and they use it now.
wow. you've gone full on crazy. the jesuits? for fuck's sake... lol
And I simply said that the North wasn't fighting to stop it.......checkmate.
The problem is the OP has nothing to do with north. Its about a symbol of the souths racism and yearning for slavery. Obviously chess is a game you have yet to master.

Total bullshit but you have this need to play the "race card". The rebel flag wasn't the Confederacy flag but rather a battle flag. The USA.INC flag is more of a symbolism of slavery to me than a flag that flew over 150 plus years ago...guess because I deal with the here and now.
Hey retard. It was a battle flag in the civil war for the confederates. Check and mate.

The battle flag of Virginia represented the entire Confederacy? Do tell? It's only a racist symbol because people have been TOLD it is a racist therefor it must be true, eh?
Yes it did. Thats why ignorant crackas to this day revere it. Are you claiming the confederacy was somehow different in Virginia now? :laugh:

I don't revere any corporate banner but I understand what is behind it all. You really like to stoke the flames of division...good job, puppet.
The problem is the OP has nothing to do with north. Its about a symbol of the souths racism and yearning for slavery. Obviously chess is a game you have yet to master.

Total bullshit but you have this need to play the "race card". The rebel flag wasn't the Confederacy flag but rather a battle flag. The USA.INC flag is more of a symbolism of slavery to me than a flag that flew over 150 plus years ago...guess because I deal with the here and now.
Hey retard. It was a battle flag in the civil war for the confederates. Check and mate.

The battle flag of Virginia represented the entire Confederacy? Do tell? It's only a racist symbol because people have been TOLD it is a racist therefor it must be true, eh?
Yes it did. Thats why ignorant crackas to this day revere it. Are you claiming the confederacy was somehow different in Virginia now? :laugh:

I don't revere any corporate banner but I understand what is behind it all. You really like to stoke the flames of division...good job, puppet.
Dont get upset because I dont fall for the long winded bullshit. Fact. All versions of the confederate flag supported racism and slavery. Thats all one needs to know.
Quick question. Should we destroy the US flag because it was used as a standard as our Army killed Native Americans? Well actually, more to the point, Is England offended by our treasonous flag? You fucking idiots need to open a history book once in awhile.
england might be. that's their problem. and if they choose not to celebrate our founding fathers i don't blame them.

but that doesn't make the failed traitors in the confederacy any better

You disrespect both the families who lost love ones fighting for the south AND families who lost loved ones fighting for the north with such comments. People can both be honorable and be wrong. There were many honorable people in the south and denigrating them as traitors an scum is just stupid.
they were traitors fighting for slavery. they don't deserve to be honored.

People from the south are very proud of their heritage. You don't have any say in the matter. For people nowadays, the flag doesn't stand for slavery, it stands for pride in their heritage and their ancestors.

Most of the people who fought and died in that war did not own slaves.
people from the south that want to use that flag and pretend it represents 'heritage' are liars.

that the people that did most of the fighting and dying in the civil war weren't slave owners is irrelevant. they were fighting for slavery.
No. They were fighting to protect their home. The war was a political fight for money and control of the government.

Slavery was just the excuse they used.
It had nothing to do with slavery!
it was the flag of individuals fighting for slavery... so yes, it did (and does) have something to do with slavery

Damn I swear some of you have never read about the War between the States and I bet you believe Lincoln main goal in the war was to free Slaves, am i correct?

It had to do with State Rights versus Federal Government power.

Lee Flag has nothing to do with Slavery except he had it created to make sure his men were not shot by other Confederate Soldiers, and in fact if you actually would read history those that are buried at Arlington Cemetery are buried on land that was donated by Lee family to bury the dead soldiers from the war.

Lee fought for his state and even then did not really agree with them but as being a Virginian he still fought for them.
it had to do with states' right to maintain slavery.

don't kid yourself. the south seceded over slavery. the confederate traitors - every single soldier without exception - was fighting to preserve slavery

You are simply an don't have the intellect to comprehend the complex issues and conditions that led to that war and the repercussions of it before and after. You have been programmed to believe the bullshit that has been shoved down your throat in this ever failing school system. I am grateful that the south didn't win, I am grateful that England and France were kept at bay because of Russia's admiration of what America was trying to do to escape the clutches of international bankers that were pissed that the 20 year banking charter was refused by Andrew Jackson in 1836 and they had to bide their time while using agent provocateurs like the Jesuits of the Roman Catholic church to sow seeds of discontent....divide and conquer is the method they use and they use it now.
wow. you've gone full on crazy. the jesuits? for fuck's sake... lol
I know more than you........ chew on this....

“This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to Popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great differences of opinion between the South and North, on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor any one of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the promise of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of Democracy, the money and the arms of the Roman Catholics, even the arms of France, were at their disposal if they would attack us.” Abraham Lincoln.
it's an opinion. but that flag has represented racism and traitors from day one. that someone would think they could re-appropriate it to mean something else to me means they are either lying to themselves or lying about their intended meaning. you take your pick.
You've been lied too. That flag has been misrepresented n misunderstood by both blacks n whites.
so you telling me that the traitor's flag has not symbolized the fight for slavery and racism from its very beginning?
The battle flag was exactly that a battle flag, nothing more nothing less.
right. it was a banner representing traitors fighting for slavery in battle. from day one until now that is what it has represented.
You need to read a history book or three.
This a possible case of a citizens rights being violated, but somehow slavery gets thrown n there, deflect, deflect, deflect.
They can't discuss anything without throwing the race card around. They think it shuts down every argument they don't like.
Total bullshit but you have this need to play the "race card". The rebel flag wasn't the Confederacy flag but rather a battle flag. The USA.INC flag is more of a symbolism of slavery to me than a flag that flew over 150 plus years ago...guess because I deal with the here and now.
Hey retard. It was a battle flag in the civil war for the confederates. Check and mate.

The battle flag of Virginia represented the entire Confederacy? Do tell? It's only a racist symbol because people have been TOLD it is a racist therefor it must be true, eh?
Yes it did. Thats why ignorant crackas to this day revere it. Are you claiming the confederacy was somehow different in Virginia now? :laugh:

I don't revere any corporate banner but I understand what is behind it all. You really like to stoke the flames of division...good job, puppet.
Dont get upset because I dont fall for the long winded bullshit. Fact. All versions of the confederate flag supported racism and slavery. Thats all one needs to know.

I don't care what you believe or don't believe. I used your postings as a conduit to show the others that the civil war wasn't like we were told and I made my case. You did a good job trying to make yours. The rest of the posters can come to their own conclusions. The fact of the matter is that the rebel flag has been used as a wedge issue when in all actuality, we are all debt slaves under the current stars and stripes. We work two to three months a year for free....even more if you make over 150K to pay interest to the shareholders of a central bank that created credit from nothing while using our sweat equity in the form of the income tax and that doesn't even include all the other taxes that are attached to pretty much any activity we participate in.

Under this debt slavery system, you provide your own housing, feed and clothe yourself, pay your own medical costs while turning over debt notes to a banking cartel for the privilege of bartering your time for something that you can exchange in order to survive and that currency has no intrinsic value and loses purchasing power each and every year....helluva system...but let's bitch about a piece of cloth...because after all, that's the most important thing....(rolls eyes)

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