Round Rock students suspended for posing with Confederate flag

No I didnt miss that part but what does that have to do with the reasons the loser confederates when to war? Lincoln was the president and CIC of the union army not the confederates.

The Morrill Tax, state sovereignty over Federal authority, England and France promising to help the South when the plan was for France to get the south and England to get back their original colonies. The Jesuits told the southerners that help would be arriving. Only the intervention of the Tsar of Russia kept England's army in Canada and France's arming in Mexico.

“The war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits.” Abe Lincoln

The ironic part is the Civil War ended up not freeing any slaves at all but made us all slaves with the 14th amendment. They just transferred slavery from the private sector to the public sector. The Act of 1871 ended constitutional law and began a corporate constitution which made us subjects of this corporate entity.
If you look up what the word "emancipation" means you will see that it fits with your view of the 14th amendment. However interesting this is it still doesnt mean the southern losers didnt go to war over slavery.
Then why did Lincoln wait a year and a half into it to free them? Slavery was a secondary issue at best. Not everyone that fought in the war had slaves and they had their reasons for fighting on the side that they did. It was the insidious influence from outside sources that created the resentment and hostility. America at the time owed a huge debt of gratitude to Russia for keeping England and France at did America "thank" Russia? By financing Lenin and Trotsky in order to overthrow the Tsar and make it a communist nation and they made money on construction and factory building. Motto of the story, never let friendship stand in the way if there's a buck to be made.
Obviously you didnt read my post. i think you just want to write this all down just to say you did something. Lincoln was not a confederate. Your claim was that no one knew why the losers in the south went to war. i corrected your false assessment by telling you the losers put into their documents and speeches why they were going to war.

Obviously you don't comprehend the part of that letter I highlighted. You corrected nothing because your level of understanding concerning the war is simplistic when it was more complicated than just that.
You used a letter that Lincoln wrote. News flash. Lincoln was not a confederate. The cornerstone speech written by the loser south explains why they were going to war.
The Morrill Tax, state sovereignty over Federal authority, England and France promising to help the South when the plan was for France to get the south and England to get back their original colonies. The Jesuits told the southerners that help would be arriving. Only the intervention of the Tsar of Russia kept England's army in Canada and France's arming in Mexico.

“The war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits.” Abe Lincoln

The ironic part is the Civil War ended up not freeing any slaves at all but made us all slaves with the 14th amendment. They just transferred slavery from the private sector to the public sector. The Act of 1871 ended constitutional law and began a corporate constitution which made us subjects of this corporate entity.
If you look up what the word "emancipation" means you will see that it fits with your view of the 14th amendment. However interesting this is it still doesnt mean the southern losers didnt go to war over slavery.
Then why did Lincoln wait a year and a half into it to free them? Slavery was a secondary issue at best. Not everyone that fought in the war had slaves and they had their reasons for fighting on the side that they did. It was the insidious influence from outside sources that created the resentment and hostility. America at the time owed a huge debt of gratitude to Russia for keeping England and France at did America "thank" Russia? By financing Lenin and Trotsky in order to overthrow the Tsar and make it a communist nation and they made money on construction and factory building. Motto of the story, never let friendship stand in the way if there's a buck to be made.
Obviously you didnt read my post. i think you just want to write this all down just to say you did something. Lincoln was not a confederate. Your claim was that no one knew why the losers in the south went to war. i corrected your false assessment by telling you the losers put into their documents and speeches why they were going to war.

Obviously you don't comprehend the part of that letter I highlighted. You corrected nothing because your level of understanding concerning the war is simplistic when it was more complicated than just that.
You used a letter that Lincoln wrote. News flash. Lincoln was not a confederate. The cornerstone speech written by the loser south explains why they were going to war.

It wasn't a speech!!!! Jeez.....WTF is wrong with you? Are you really that fucking dense? Lincoln wrote that if he could save the Union without freeing ANY slave that he would do it. So one can reasonably say that the South was going to try and secede whether they were allowed to keep them or not.......have you done a lot of drugs? Did you get dropped on your head a lot???
If you look up what the word "emancipation" means you will see that it fits with your view of the 14th amendment. However interesting this is it still doesnt mean the southern losers didnt go to war over slavery.
Then why did Lincoln wait a year and a half into it to free them? Slavery was a secondary issue at best. Not everyone that fought in the war had slaves and they had their reasons for fighting on the side that they did. It was the insidious influence from outside sources that created the resentment and hostility. America at the time owed a huge debt of gratitude to Russia for keeping England and France at did America "thank" Russia? By financing Lenin and Trotsky in order to overthrow the Tsar and make it a communist nation and they made money on construction and factory building. Motto of the story, never let friendship stand in the way if there's a buck to be made.
Obviously you didnt read my post. i think you just want to write this all down just to say you did something. Lincoln was not a confederate. Your claim was that no one knew why the losers in the south went to war. i corrected your false assessment by telling you the losers put into their documents and speeches why they were going to war.

Obviously you don't comprehend the part of that letter I highlighted. You corrected nothing because your level of understanding concerning the war is simplistic when it was more complicated than just that.
You used a letter that Lincoln wrote. News flash. Lincoln was not a confederate. The cornerstone speech written by the loser south explains why they were going to war.

It wasn't a speech!!!! Jeez.....WTF is wrong with you? Are you really that fucking dense? Lincoln wrote that if he could save the Union without freeing ANY slave that he would do it. So one can reasonably say that the South was going to try and secede whether they were allowed to keep them or not.......have you done a lot of drugs? Did you get dropped on your head a lot???
Yes the Cornerstone Speech was a speech. Thats why they call it a speech. I never said Lincolns letter was a speech.

Are you trying to say that because Lincoln wrote a letter outlining his reasons for war that the loser south didnt have different reasons even though they documented them? Why would that be reasonable to assume when the south made their own statement about why they went to war? Are you crazy?
Then why did Lincoln wait a year and a half into it to free them? Slavery was a secondary issue at best. Not everyone that fought in the war had slaves and they had their reasons for fighting on the side that they did. It was the insidious influence from outside sources that created the resentment and hostility. America at the time owed a huge debt of gratitude to Russia for keeping England and France at did America "thank" Russia? By financing Lenin and Trotsky in order to overthrow the Tsar and make it a communist nation and they made money on construction and factory building. Motto of the story, never let friendship stand in the way if there's a buck to be made.
Obviously you didnt read my post. i think you just want to write this all down just to say you did something. Lincoln was not a confederate. Your claim was that no one knew why the losers in the south went to war. i corrected your false assessment by telling you the losers put into their documents and speeches why they were going to war.

Obviously you don't comprehend the part of that letter I highlighted. You corrected nothing because your level of understanding concerning the war is simplistic when it was more complicated than just that.
You used a letter that Lincoln wrote. News flash. Lincoln was not a confederate. The cornerstone speech written by the loser south explains why they were going to war.

It wasn't a speech!!!! Jeez.....WTF is wrong with you? Are you really that fucking dense? Lincoln wrote that if he could save the Union without freeing ANY slave that he would do it. So one can reasonably say that the South was going to try and secede whether they were allowed to keep them or not.......have you done a lot of drugs? Did you get dropped on your head a lot???
Yes the Cornerstone Speech was a speech. Thats why they call it a speech. I never said Lincolns letter was a speech.

Are you trying to say that because Lincoln wrote a letter outlining his reasons for war that the loser south didnt have different reasons even though they documented them? Why would that be reasonable to assume when the south made their own statement about why they went to war? Are you crazy?

So you are contending that the 95 percent that didn't own slaves fought for the 5 percent that did? HOLY fuck........that is stupid.
Obviously you didnt read my post. i think you just want to write this all down just to say you did something. Lincoln was not a confederate. Your claim was that no one knew why the losers in the south went to war. i corrected your false assessment by telling you the losers put into their documents and speeches why they were going to war.

Obviously you don't comprehend the part of that letter I highlighted. You corrected nothing because your level of understanding concerning the war is simplistic when it was more complicated than just that.
You used a letter that Lincoln wrote. News flash. Lincoln was not a confederate. The cornerstone speech written by the loser south explains why they were going to war.

It wasn't a speech!!!! Jeez.....WTF is wrong with you? Are you really that fucking dense? Lincoln wrote that if he could save the Union without freeing ANY slave that he would do it. So one can reasonably say that the South was going to try and secede whether they were allowed to keep them or not.......have you done a lot of drugs? Did you get dropped on your head a lot???
Yes the Cornerstone Speech was a speech. Thats why they call it a speech. I never said Lincolns letter was a speech.

Are you trying to say that because Lincoln wrote a letter outlining his reasons for war that the loser south didnt have different reasons even though they documented them? Why would that be reasonable to assume when the south made their own statement about why they went to war? Are you crazy?

So you are contending that the 95 percent that didn't own slaves fought for the 5 percent that did? HOLY fuck........that is stupid.

Yes you are stupid since that condition currently exists to this day. 95% of the population still works for the 5%. My guess is that the numbers are even more skewed today. Your logic and evasion of the point has run its course. Good day to you.
Obviously you don't comprehend the part of that letter I highlighted. You corrected nothing because your level of understanding concerning the war is simplistic when it was more complicated than just that.
You used a letter that Lincoln wrote. News flash. Lincoln was not a confederate. The cornerstone speech written by the loser south explains why they were going to war.

It wasn't a speech!!!! Jeez.....WTF is wrong with you? Are you really that fucking dense? Lincoln wrote that if he could save the Union without freeing ANY slave that he would do it. So one can reasonably say that the South was going to try and secede whether they were allowed to keep them or not.......have you done a lot of drugs? Did you get dropped on your head a lot???
Yes the Cornerstone Speech was a speech. Thats why they call it a speech. I never said Lincolns letter was a speech.

Are you trying to say that because Lincoln wrote a letter outlining his reasons for war that the loser south didnt have different reasons even though they documented them? Why would that be reasonable to assume when the south made their own statement about why they went to war? Are you crazy?

So you are contending that the 95 percent that didn't own slaves fought for the 5 percent that did? HOLY fuck........that is stupid.

Yes you are stupid since that condition currently exists to this day. 95% of the population still works for the 5%. My guess is that the numbers are even more skewed today. Your logic and evasion of the point has run its course. Good day to you.

You had no point to be made.
good story. hopefully the kids kearned their lesson and will think twice about supporting treason in the future

If not for treason, you'd be a British subject right now (or possibly German) by now you historical illiterate.

I often wonder how this corporate entity has been able to keep the people fooled for so long...then I see stupidity like Ogi posted and the picture becomes clear.
stupidity? every single confederate was a treasonous bastard fighting for the right to keep people as property.

pretending that the traitor's rag is anything other than just that is the real stupidity.
Obviously you didnt read my post. i think you just want to write this all down just to say you did something. Lincoln was not a confederate. Your claim was that no one knew why the losers in the south went to war. i corrected your false assessment by telling you the losers put into their documents and speeches why they were going to war.

Obviously you don't comprehend the part of that letter I highlighted. You corrected nothing because your level of understanding concerning the war is simplistic when it was more complicated than just that.
You used a letter that Lincoln wrote. News flash. Lincoln was not a confederate. The cornerstone speech written by the loser south explains why they were going to war.

It wasn't a speech!!!! Jeez.....WTF is wrong with you? Are you really that fucking dense? Lincoln wrote that if he could save the Union without freeing ANY slave that he would do it. So one can reasonably say that the South was going to try and secede whether they were allowed to keep them or not.......have you done a lot of drugs? Did you get dropped on your head a lot???
Yes the Cornerstone Speech was a speech. Thats why they call it a speech. I never said Lincolns letter was a speech.

Are you trying to say that because Lincoln wrote a letter outlining his reasons for war that the loser south didnt have different reasons even though they documented them? Why would that be reasonable to assume when the south made their own statement about why they went to war? Are you crazy?

So you are contending that the 95 percent that didn't own slaves fought for the 5 percent that did? HOLY fuck........that is stupid.
every single one of them fought against their own nation to preserve slavery. every single one.
Shouldn't the schools be worried about educating the students? Seems they are going off the deep end with their political correctness.
good story. hopefully the kids kearned their lesson and will think twice about supporting treason in the future

If not for treason, you'd be a British subject right now (or possibly German) by now you historical illiterate.

I often wonder how this corporate entity has been able to keep the people fooled for so long...then I see stupidity like Ogi posted and the picture becomes clear.
stupidity? every single confederate was a treasonous bastard fighting for the right to keep people as property.

pretending that the traitor's rag is anything other than just that is the real stupidity.

Quick question. Should we destroy the US flag because it was used as a standard as our Army killed Native Americans? Well actually, more to the point, Is England offended by our treasonous flag? You fucking idiots need to open a history book once in awhile.
Obviously you don't comprehend the part of that letter I highlighted. You corrected nothing because your level of understanding concerning the war is simplistic when it was more complicated than just that.
You used a letter that Lincoln wrote. News flash. Lincoln was not a confederate. The cornerstone speech written by the loser south explains why they were going to war.

It wasn't a speech!!!! Jeez.....WTF is wrong with you? Are you really that fucking dense? Lincoln wrote that if he could save the Union without freeing ANY slave that he would do it. So one can reasonably say that the South was going to try and secede whether they were allowed to keep them or not.......have you done a lot of drugs? Did you get dropped on your head a lot???
Yes the Cornerstone Speech was a speech. Thats why they call it a speech. I never said Lincolns letter was a speech.

Are you trying to say that because Lincoln wrote a letter outlining his reasons for war that the loser south didnt have different reasons even though they documented them? Why would that be reasonable to assume when the south made their own statement about why they went to war? Are you crazy?

So you are contending that the 95 percent that didn't own slaves fought for the 5 percent that did? HOLY fuck........that is stupid.
every single one of them fought against their own nation to preserve slavery. every single one.

So what. That's not the job of the public school system. It's job is to educate the children. That is IT.
good story. hopefully the kids kearned their lesson and will think twice about supporting treason in the future

If not for treason, you'd be a British subject right now (or possibly German) by now you historical illiterate.

I often wonder how this corporate entity has been able to keep the people fooled for so long...then I see stupidity like Ogi posted and the picture becomes clear.
stupidity? every single confederate was a treasonous bastard fighting for the right to keep people as property.

pretending that the traitor's rag is anything other than just that is the real stupidity.

Quick question. Should we destroy the US flag because it was used as a standard as our Army killed Native Americans? Well actually, more to the point, Is England offended by our treasonous flag? You fucking idiots need to open a history book once in awhile.
england might be. that's their problem. and if they choose not to celebrate our founding fathers i don't blame them.

but that doesn't make the failed traitors in the confederacy any better
You used a letter that Lincoln wrote. News flash. Lincoln was not a confederate. The cornerstone speech written by the loser south explains why they were going to war.

It wasn't a speech!!!! Jeez.....WTF is wrong with you? Are you really that fucking dense? Lincoln wrote that if he could save the Union without freeing ANY slave that he would do it. So one can reasonably say that the South was going to try and secede whether they were allowed to keep them or not.......have you done a lot of drugs? Did you get dropped on your head a lot???
Yes the Cornerstone Speech was a speech. Thats why they call it a speech. I never said Lincolns letter was a speech.

Are you trying to say that because Lincoln wrote a letter outlining his reasons for war that the loser south didnt have different reasons even though they documented them? Why would that be reasonable to assume when the south made their own statement about why they went to war? Are you crazy?

So you are contending that the 95 percent that didn't own slaves fought for the 5 percent that did? HOLY fuck........that is stupid.
every single one of them fought against their own nation to preserve slavery. every single one.

So what. That's not the job of the public school system. It's job is to educate the children. That is IT.
hopefully the kids learned something. they sure should have.
It wasn't a speech!!!! Jeez.....WTF is wrong with you? Are you really that fucking dense? Lincoln wrote that if he could save the Union without freeing ANY slave that he would do it. So one can reasonably say that the South was going to try and secede whether they were allowed to keep them or not.......have you done a lot of drugs? Did you get dropped on your head a lot???
Yes the Cornerstone Speech was a speech. Thats why they call it a speech. I never said Lincolns letter was a speech.

Are you trying to say that because Lincoln wrote a letter outlining his reasons for war that the loser south didnt have different reasons even though they documented them? Why would that be reasonable to assume when the south made their own statement about why they went to war? Are you crazy?

So you are contending that the 95 percent that didn't own slaves fought for the 5 percent that did? HOLY fuck........that is stupid.
every single one of them fought against their own nation to preserve slavery. every single one.

So what. That's not the job of the public school system. It's job is to educate the children. That is IT.
hopefully the kids learned something. they sure should have.

Such as? As far as I know this is still America where people are entitled to their own views.
good story. hopefully the kids kearned their lesson and will think twice about supporting treason in the future

If not for treason, you'd be a British subject right now (or possibly German) by now you historical illiterate.

I often wonder how this corporate entity has been able to keep the people fooled for so long...then I see stupidity like Ogi posted and the picture becomes clear.
stupidity? every single confederate was a treasonous bastard fighting for the right to keep people as property.

pretending that the traitor's rag is anything other than just that is the real stupidity.

Quick question. Should we destroy the US flag because it was used as a standard as our Army killed Native Americans? Well actually, more to the point, Is England offended by our treasonous flag? You fucking idiots need to open a history book once in awhile.
england might be. that's their problem. and if they choose not to celebrate our founding fathers i don't blame them.

but that doesn't make the failed traitors in the confederacy any better

You disrespect both the families who lost love ones fighting for the south AND families who lost loved ones fighting for the north with such comments. People can both be honorable and be wrong. There were many honorable people in the south and denigrating them as traitors an scum is just stupid.
Yes the Cornerstone Speech was a speech. Thats why they call it a speech. I never said Lincolns letter was a speech.

Are you trying to say that because Lincoln wrote a letter outlining his reasons for war that the loser south didnt have different reasons even though they documented them? Why would that be reasonable to assume when the south made their own statement about why they went to war? Are you crazy?

So you are contending that the 95 percent that didn't own slaves fought for the 5 percent that did? HOLY fuck........that is stupid.
every single one of them fought against their own nation to preserve slavery. every single one.

So what. That's not the job of the public school system. It's job is to educate the children. That is IT.
hopefully the kids learned something. they sure should have.

Such as? As far as I know this is still America where people are entitled to their own views.
yep. but they were at school, which means they have to follow the rules. maybe now they have a little more respect for them, and understand why posing with the confederate flag is in poor taste.
So you are contending that the 95 percent that didn't own slaves fought for the 5 percent that did? HOLY fuck........that is stupid.
every single one of them fought against their own nation to preserve slavery. every single one.

So what. That's not the job of the public school system. It's job is to educate the children. That is IT.
hopefully the kids learned something. they sure should have.

Such as? As far as I know this is still America where people are entitled to their own views.
yep. but they were at school, which means they have to follow the rules. maybe now they have a little more respect for them, and understand why posing with the confederate flag is in poor taste.

And which particular rule did they break by posing with a flag.

More than likely, it is just going to cause hard feelings. And to say that they are being taught by being suspended is just ridiculous.
So you are contending that the 95 percent that didn't own slaves fought for the 5 percent that did? HOLY fuck........that is stupid.
every single one of them fought against their own nation to preserve slavery. every single one.

So what. That's not the job of the public school system. It's job is to educate the children. That is IT.
hopefully the kids learned something. they sure should have.

Such as? As far as I know this is still America where people are entitled to their own views.
yep. but they were at school, which means they have to follow the rules. maybe now they have a little more respect for them, and understand why posing with the confederate flag is in poor taste.

Poor taste is not against the law, nor is it against any school policy that I'm aware of.
If not for treason, you'd be a British subject right now (or possibly German) by now you historical illiterate.

I often wonder how this corporate entity has been able to keep the people fooled for so long...then I see stupidity like Ogi posted and the picture becomes clear.
stupidity? every single confederate was a treasonous bastard fighting for the right to keep people as property.

pretending that the traitor's rag is anything other than just that is the real stupidity.

Quick question. Should we destroy the US flag because it was used as a standard as our Army killed Native Americans? Well actually, more to the point, Is England offended by our treasonous flag? You fucking idiots need to open a history book once in awhile.
england might be. that's their problem. and if they choose not to celebrate our founding fathers i don't blame them.

but that doesn't make the failed traitors in the confederacy any better

You disrespect both the families who lost love ones fighting for the south AND families who lost loved ones fighting for the north with such comments. People can both be honorable and be wrong. There were many honorable people in the south and denigrating them as traitors an scum is just stupid.
they were traitors fighting for slavery. they don't deserve to be honored.

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