Roving Mobs of Street Thugs Attack Everyone in Omar's District

So the first term Congresswoman is immediately responsible for the Cities police departments' personnel problem?

What are you nuts going to blame her for next, Prince's OD?
if it's in her district, definitely. her responsibility is the safety of folks in her district. what do you think her job is?

So you think the feds should take over?
what didn't you understand with this post?

if it's in her district, definitely. her responsibility is the safety of folks in her district. what do you think her job is?

So you don't know what her job is?

What authority does a Congressperson have over a Police Department in their district? Can they force them to hire more officers? Has the police department asked the Federal Government for aid?
So the first term Congresswoman is immediately responsible for the Cities police departments' personnel problem?

What are you nuts going to blame her for next, Prince's OD?
if it's in her district, definitely. her responsibility is the safety of folks in her district. what do you think her job is?

So you think the feds should take over?
what didn't you understand with this post?

if it's in her district, definitely. her responsibility is the safety of folks in her district. what do you think her job is?

So you don't know what her job is?

What authority does a Congressperson have over a Police Department in their district? Can they force them to hire more officers? Has the police department asked the Federal Government for aid?
quite a lot, she represents the constituents. She can demand the local mayors to do x or lose funding. It is really simple dude. Well still no explanation as to her job, why?

That goes show how easily stories can be manipulated to sow hatred and violence, and claims to remove rights :(

so snopes says there was no violence?

is that the same incident in question?

Rise of Somali Gangs Plagues Minneapolis
Minneapolis' 'Little Mogadishu' Sees 56 Percent Increase in Violent Crimes Caused by Somali Gangs - The Minnesota Sun
Minnesota Sheriff Reports to Congress on Growing Somalia Gang Threat in Hennepin County

while this mostly goes back to "lesh" - if these stories are "fake" there sure are a lot of them and not all on "sidestreet" sites.

Obama in my opinion intentionally imported as many radical Muslims as he could in to America, and distributed them in to strategic locations for political reasons.

The Dems want to Structurally Change America. You will hear them say that on the campaign trail. It's the same as Obama's Fundamentally Changing America mantra.

Part of their plan is to change the Demographics of America through population replacement via illegal and legal immigration at the exclusion of European immigration to America.

America has been structurally changing since the 1776, in case you haven't noticed. Without Structurally Changing America. Over the past 240 years, the USA has gone from 13 states along the Atlantic seaboard, to 51 states spanning from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific ocean. It has gone from being a nation of 2.5 million people, to over 330 million today. From being a small colonial backwater, to being the wealthiest, most powerful nation on earth.

The problem is that Trumpians want a toxic, white, male version of the USA, and the rest of the world wants a USA with liberty, equality and justice for all.

Trump, in my opinion, is working with the Russians to destroy the American power structures because he hates American business structures who have worked against him - the US Justice Department for pursuing him for racism in the 1970's, American bankers who still refuse to lend him money after his bankruptcy scams in the 1990's. The Russians and the Saudis bailed Dumb Donald out after Fred died and Trump continued to go broke, and look who Donnie is standing behind today.

We want more Irish, French, British, Australian, Canadians, and Germans here, and anyone of any color that wants to work and come here legally, not people like you, and we want them to work for a living, not suck off of our Social Safety Net.

We'll take in anyone, black, white, red, yellow, green, blue, if they want to come in here legally and work their ass off for The American Dream.

More Pain is coming for you couch surfing, No Working, Food Stamp Eating, Welfare Tards.

Get used to it.

That goes show how easily stories can be manipulated to sow hatred and violence, and claims to remove rights :(

so snopes says there was no violence?

is that the same incident in question?

Rise of Somali Gangs Plagues Minneapolis
Minneapolis' 'Little Mogadishu' Sees 56 Percent Increase in Violent Crimes Caused by Somali Gangs - The Minnesota Sun
Minnesota Sheriff Reports to Congress on Growing Somalia Gang Threat in Hennepin County

while this mostly goes back to "lesh" - if these stories are "fake" there sure are a lot of them and not all on "sidestreet" sites.

Obama in my opinion intentionally imported as many radical Muslims as he could in to America, and distributed them in to strategic locations for political reasons.

The Dems want to Structurally Change America. You will hear them say that on the campaign trail. It's the same as Obama's Fundamentally Changing America mantra.

Part of their plan is to change the Demographics of America through population replacement via illegal and legal immigration at the exclusion of European immigration to America.

America has been structurally changing since the 1776, in case you haven't noticed. Without Structurally Changing America. Over the past 240 years, the USA has gone from 13 states along the Atlantic seaboard, to 51 states spanning from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific ocean. It has gone from being a nation of 2.5 million people, to over 330 million today. From being a small colonial backwater, to being the wealthiest, most powerful nation on earth.

The problem is that Trumpians want a toxic, white, male version of the USA, and the rest of the world wants a USA with liberty, equality and justice for all.

Trump, in my opinion, is working with the Russians to destroy the American power structures because he hates American business structures who have worked against him - the US Justice Department for pursuing him for racism in the 1970's, American bankers who still refuse to lend him money after his bankruptcy scams in the 1990's. The Russians and the Saudis bailed Dumb Donald out after Fred died and Trump continued to go broke, and look who Donnie is standing behind today.

That's not true. You imbeciles want what you came from. You don't listen to those who are here. The first generation has to take the brunt in most cases to form a foundation. But they end up with more then what they had. The social welfare state has changed all of that. It has made perpetual first generations from the same that arrived many years before. Add the endless amount of immigrants coming here without common sense applied we are becoming 2nd and 3rd world in areas of our nation. The real test is the mass reduction in checks and benefits sent out to us all if something bad happens. We were tested severely in the Great Depression. It was nasty for many people. But it galvanized them for war when it came. What we have today is far different. I always believed people assimilate into the American culture. But the rift raft and traitors who sold out for their 30 pieces of silver have used the system to cause massive accusations for anything wrong or believed.

That goes show how easily stories can be manipulated to sow hatred and violence, and claims to remove rights :(

so snopes says there was no violence?

is that the same incident in question?

Rise of Somali Gangs Plagues Minneapolis
Minneapolis' 'Little Mogadishu' Sees 56 Percent Increase in Violent Crimes Caused by Somali Gangs - The Minnesota Sun
Minnesota Sheriff Reports to Congress on Growing Somalia Gang Threat in Hennepin County

while this mostly goes back to "lesh" - if these stories are "fake" there sure are a lot of them and not all on "sidestreet" sites.

Obama in my opinion intentionally imported as many radical Muslims as he could in to America, and distributed them in to strategic locations for political reasons.

The Dems want to Structurally Change America. You will hear them say that on the campaign trail. It's the same as Obama's Fundamentally Changing America mantra.

Part of their plan is to change the Demographics of America through population replacement via illegal and legal immigration at the exclusion of European immigration to America.

America has been structurally changing since the 1776, in case you haven't noticed. Without Structurally Changing America. Over the past 240 years, the USA has gone from 13 states along the Atlantic seaboard, to 51 states spanning from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific ocean. It has gone from being a nation of 2.5 million people, to over 330 million today. From being a small colonial backwater, to being the wealthiest, most powerful nation on earth.

The problem is that Trumpians want a toxic, white, male version of the USA, and the rest of the world wants a USA with liberty, equality and justice for all.

Trump, in my opinion, is working with the Russians to destroy the American power structures because he hates American business structures who have worked against him - the US Justice Department for pursuing him for racism in the 1970's, American bankers who still refuse to lend him money after his bankruptcy scams in the 1990's. The Russians and the Saudis bailed Dumb Donald out after Fred died and Trump continued to go broke, and look who Donnie is standing behind today.

That's not true. You imbeciles want what you came from. You don't listen to those who are here. The first generation has to take the brunt in most cases to form a foundation. But they end up with more then what they had. The social welfare state has changed all of that. It has made perpetual first generations from the same that arrived many years before. Add the endless amount of immigrants coming here without common sense applied we are becoming 2nd and 3rd world in areas of our nation. The real test is the mass reduction in checks and benefits sent out to us all if something bad happens. We were tested severely in the Great Depression. It was nasty for many people. But it galvanized them for war when it came. What we have today is far different. I always believed people assimilate into the American culture. But the rift raft and traitors who sold out for their 30 pieces of silver have used the system to cause massive accusations for anything wrong or believed.

what is head scratching is why someone would leave filth and poverty and come to a wealthy country to make that new country filth and poverty. Someone needs to explain that to me.
All I know is that I am Fabulous, and anyone on The Left is a Lazy Son of a Bitch that should have his ass kicked until he decides that working for a living isn't a bad thing.
Has she ever once addressed the issue of somali thugs terrorizing the public? I bet she hasnt spoken a word about it. Prove me wrong.

Have you established it as a fact that "Somali thugs" are in issue in Minnesota? Other than FOX News, there are no other reports of this behaviour.

Snopes says otherwise.

Did a 'Mob of Somali Teens' Attack Minneapolis Commuters with Hammers?

Here's another article talking about this "fake news" going viral on account of radical right wing lies:

Minneapolis 'Somali mob attack' shows how right-wing media keeps readers wracked with fear | City Pages

If you people didn't lie, you'd have nothing to post.
Snopes is run by a leftest Democrat donor. Snopes is not accurate nor trustworthy.

Snopes is non-partisan. I know you idiots thinks that all fact checkers are biased because they are always claiming that conservatives are lying about this shit, but that's because conservatives are lying about this shit.

Fear mongering and hatred of "others" is the only thing conservatives offer. Fear and hate is not a firm foundation upon which to build your country, but it sure is a great deflection to the frightened conservatives. I have never seen such a whiny, insecure bunch as idiots are white, male conservatives.

They need guns to protect themselves. They need racial discrimination to protect their jobs. Immigrants are stealing their jobs. Black people in the city are leaches. Muslim terrorists lurk under every bed. Fear and loathing is all you have.

It's not working. You've filled your prisons. Now you're building concentration camps on your borders, and still you''re afraid. You have far more to fear from your oligarchs than you do from poor brown people.

BS ^^^^ ^^^^ islamo-Nazi propaganda. "WHITE CONSERVATIVE MALE"---THE NEW JEW

Why is there no designation of white supremacist organizations like the KKK a "terrorist organization"? Or those who advocate violence and death to liberals? Why does Donald Trump encourage white supremacist mass shooters?
When is the last time you heard of the KKK killing anyone? Terrorism? What are you talking about?
That would be breaking the law.

Actually it would not.
But if need be we change the law.
Actually it would. You would need to change Constitution and I doubt your “we” is powerfull enough to do that.

Most genuinely religious people support the protection of religious liberty. They know all too well what can happen if you pick and choose.

Thank Gods we live in the US under a constitution that has endured for over two centuries. Our founders were smart dudes, and the more I see of the nutters, the more I appreciate our nation.

Islam is not just a religion - it is also a waring strategy and a Government antithetic to The US Constitution.
Therefore it does not enjoy the protection of legitimate Religions pertaining to freedom.
Those smart Dudes were fighting Islam way back then - enough is enough.
All religions are. That is why we have seperation of church and state.

We don't have that -
That's a myth.
The two are a little like co-equal-branchs
That was to protect the Church, not the State.

That goes show how easily stories can be manipulated to sow hatred and violence, and claims to remove rights :(

so snopes says there was no violence?

is that the same incident in question?

Rise of Somali Gangs Plagues Minneapolis
Minneapolis' 'Little Mogadishu' Sees 56 Percent Increase in Violent Crimes Caused by Somali Gangs - The Minnesota Sun
Minnesota Sheriff Reports to Congress on Growing Somalia Gang Threat in Hennepin County

while this mostly goes back to "lesh" - if these stories are "fake" there sure are a lot of them and not all on "sidestreet" sites.

Obama in my opinion intentionally imported as many radical Muslims as he could in to America, and distributed them in to strategic locations for political reasons.

The Dems want to Structurally Change America. You will hear them say that on the campaign trail. It's the same as Obama's Fundamentally Changing America mantra.

Part of their plan is to change the Demographics of America through population replacement via illegal and legal immigration at the exclusion of European immigration to America.

America has been structurally changing since the 1776, in case you haven't noticed. Without Structurally Changing America. Over the past 240 years, the USA has gone from 13 states along the Atlantic seaboard, to 51 states spanning from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific ocean. It has gone from being a nation of 2.5 million people, to over 330 million today. From being a small colonial backwater, to being the wealthiest, most powerful nation on earth.

The problem is that Trumpians want a toxic, white, male version of the USA, and the rest of the world wants a USA with liberty, equality and justice for all.

Trump, in my opinion, is working with the Russians to destroy the American power structures because he hates American business structures who have worked against him - the US Justice Department for pursuing him for racism in the 1970's, American bankers who still refuse to lend him money after his bankruptcy scams in the 1990's. The Russians and the Saudis bailed Dumb Donald out after Fred died and Trump continued to go broke, and look who Donnie is standing behind today.

the problem is you THINK that's what the right wants.

no much sense in adding to that really.
Islam is a perfect fit with the Troglocrats

It is actually -
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
They both hate the White Christian US Supermajority and feel oppressed by them.

There is no "white Christian US Supermajority". If there were, Trump would have won the popular vote in the United States. The Republican Party wouldn't have to use the Electoral College to win the White House, while the people's choice is kicked to the curb. This is becoming critical because the Electoral College has given the USA arguably the two worst American Presidents in history.

Notice all of the voices on the right keep pushing the idea that the USA is a "white Christian nation", as justification for racist policy, when the USA is not and has never been a "white nation", or even a Christian nation. North American had millions of non-white, non-Christian Native Americans living within the what is today, the geographical United States, when the white Christian Europeans first started arriving. While more than a million Native Americans were murdered by the federal government, and the survivors were relegated to "reservations" which were basically the land the white people didn't want, there are still millions of their descendents living in the country today.

Black slaves were brought to the USA as soon as white Europeans arrived, more than 100 years before the Declaration of Independence. By the time of the Declaration of Independence, black slaves formed 1/3 of the population of the Southern States. Mexicans explored and settled Texas, California, and the South-Western states. Texas was wrested from Mexico through war, but California VOTED to join the USA, so stop pretending that the USA was ever a "white Christian nation", when history says otherwise.

There was no contest to get the most votes nationwide.
The rest was gibberish.

That goes show how easily stories can be manipulated to sow hatred and violence, and claims to remove rights :(

so snopes says there was no violence?

is that the same incident in question?

Rise of Somali Gangs Plagues Minneapolis
Minneapolis' 'Little Mogadishu' Sees 56 Percent Increase in Violent Crimes Caused by Somali Gangs - The Minnesota Sun
Minnesota Sheriff Reports to Congress on Growing Somalia Gang Threat in Hennepin County

while this mostly goes back to "lesh" - if these stories are "fake" there sure are a lot of them and not all on "sidestreet" sites.

Obama in my opinion intentionally imported as many radical Muslims as he could in to America, and distributed them in to strategic locations for political reasons.

The Dems want to Structurally Change America. You will hear them say that on the campaign trail. It's the same as Obama's Fundamentally Changing America mantra.

Part of their plan is to change the Demographics of America through population replacement via illegal and legal immigration at the exclusion of European immigration to America.

Obama talked about fundamentally changing the DISCOURSE moron.

No, Moron.
So the first term Congresswoman is immediately responsible for the Cities police departments' personnel problem?

What are you nuts going to blame her for next, Prince's OD?
if it's in her district, definitely. her responsibility is the safety of folks in her district. what do you think her job is?

So you think the feds should take over?
what didn't you understand with this post?

if it's in her district, definitely. her responsibility is the safety of folks in her district. what do you think her job is?

So you don't know what her job is?

What authority does a Congressperson have over a Police Department in their district? Can they force them to hire more officers? Has the police department asked the Federal Government for aid?
quite a lot, she represents the constituents. She can demand the local mayors to do x or lose funding. It is really simple dude. Well still no explanation as to her job, why?

They can do a lot for individual constituents. However threatening to lobby against future funds for a large police department would really be a stupid move for the Congresswoman.
if it's in her district, definitely. her responsibility is the safety of folks in her district. what do you think her job is?

So you think the feds should take over?
what didn't you understand with this post?

if it's in her district, definitely. her responsibility is the safety of folks in her district. what do you think her job is?

So you don't know what her job is?

What authority does a Congressperson have over a Police Department in their district? Can they force them to hire more officers? Has the police department asked the Federal Government for aid?
quite a lot, she represents the constituents. She can demand the local mayors to do x or lose funding. It is really simple dude. Well still no explanation as to her job, why?

They can do a lot for individual constituents. However threatening to lobby against future funds for a large police department would really be a stupid move for the Congresswoman.
so I asked, what's her job? you still haven't answered.
Muslims vote at about a 90% rate for Democrats because they hate many of the same people who Liberals do.

No, they vote 90% Democrat because they know Republicans hate them. Prior to 9-11, Republicans had quite a bit of Muslim support. They actually helped Bush carry Florida in 2000.
Muslims vote at about a 90% rate for Democrats because they hate many of the same people who Liberals do.

No, they vote 90% Democrat because they know Republicans hate them. Prior to 9-11, Republicans had quite a bit of Muslim support. They actually helped Bush carry Florida in 2000.
so you're saying the GOP caused them to fly jets into buildings? I'm lost on your point.
This is what President Trump meant by go back home and fix your crap in your own back yard. This is in Omar's district which has Muslim No Go Zones that are dangerous for even the police to drive in to. Why do we allow people who hate us to live in this country and drain us of our wealth and contribute nothing back?

And they want to disarm us on top of it all?

Videos of Minneapolis robberies, mob-style beatings go viral

Fox News has obtained a series of disturbing videos showing mob-style attacks in downtown Minneapolis in which police say “vulnerable” victims were targeted and brutally beaten for valuables such as cellphones.

Police told Fox News that an “incredible” law enforcement investigation led to the arrest of 16 people in connection to the videos. They face assault and robbery charges, among others.

In one daytime video, a mob can be seen pummeling a man just outside of the Minneapolis Twins’ stadium. At one point, the attackers run to gain speed and jump on the victim. They ride a bike over him, take off his pants and beat him with a belt. The victim appears to defend himself but is outnumbered and overpowered.

In another gruesome video, two young men appear to be attacked. They’re punched in the face and appear to fight back. One is knocked unconscious.

In a third video, a young man is surrounded by a mob and beaten unconscious. The video appears to show something being taken from his pocket once he’s on the ground.

All of these videos are emerging as the city of Minneapolis is dealing with a crippling shortage of police officers. The chief of police, Medaria Arradondo, has requested 400 additional officers over the next few years to make up for the shortage.

However, some members of Minneapolis’ City Council argue against the money going toward additional officers. Instead, they say the money should go toward other law enforcement and safety programs.

The city’s mayor, Jacob Frey, has proposed adding 14 additional officers to the force. Police told Fox News the mayor is supportive of the department and the new policing strategies in the city’s downtown.

The shortage of police is so staggering that over the past year the police department was unable to immediately send a squad car to 6,776 priority one emergencies. That includes situations like shots fired, stabbings and sexual assaults. A Minneapolis police website says priority one calls involve "an imminent threat to personal safety, or the loss or damage to property exists."

Even worse, police were unable to immediately respond to seven “priority zero” calls, including a baby not breathing and a fellow officer facing imminent danger. Priority zero calls, according to the Minneapolis police website, "include those situations where a known crisis exists that threatens the life of an individual. This is the highest possible priority and the fastest possible response is desired. The MECC objective is to have squads en route to the call within 30 seconds of receipt by the dispatcher."

“To have to look someone in the eye and tell them that we were unable to get there because we do not have enough resources – it’s unacceptable,” Andy Skoogman, the president of Minnesota Police Chiefs Association, told Fox News.

Corrected your thread title since you failed to provide any evidence Somalis were responsible for anything
What did Omar Say to Her Brother on What was The reason She was Divorcing Him?

It's Somali Can't See It!!!!!


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