Rubio Makes Jokes About Trump

You mean, like taking the country out of the shitter, where Bush put it? Like making the economy a lot better than it was when Bush left office? Like bringing home the soldiers that weren't part of the 4000+ killed in a war that Bush started? Maybe if you stopped and try to think for a moment you might be able to acknowledge facts instead of holding on to the lies that Faux News keeps feeding you? Looks to me you're the racist asshole.
Everyone you disagree with is a "racist asshole". Nothing new about that. In fact, you've spewed those words so many times, you're known by them.

No, only the ones that are racist. If the shoe fits, wear it. I know you don't like to hear it, so it must be true.
Doesn't bother me a bit. When a liberal calls me a racist, I know it's because they have no argument left. That usually only takes a minute or two. :lol:

Of course it doesn't bother're satisfied with your racism. And, there's no is fact. Not every Republican is racist, but majority of racists are Republican.
Do you really think anyone gives a flying fuck if some trailer dwelling cock sucker like you thinks they're a racist?
Now you are sounding a tad shrill.
Shoot somebody? Trump seems to be mocking his followers, as if he has no respect for his potential constituents.
Rubio jokes about Trump's 'shoot somebody' boast
Trump's very own comment describes what he is.........and his followers are too dense to see it.
Trump says the most incredibly stupid things in the crudest most undignified fashion possible on a daily basis. It only makes him more popular with the great unwashed mass of birther conspiracy theorists.
yeah. That pretty much sums it up because..... well..... MEXICANS!!!

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I don't know about the rest of you but where I am Rubio is a joke. I don't even bother watching the debates but friends of mine do and after one of the recent debates where from what I hear Rubio went full Neo-Con (you never want to go full Neo-Con by the way) my friends started calling him "rent-boy" Rubio. If that attitude is even a sizable minority then rent-boy is history.
I am beginning to believe that the left wing nutters here actually believe that it's true, that Trump could shoot someone and nothing would happen. I'll have to reassess, Democrats might be a lot dumber than I thought.

Yeah...I bet he could shoot you in the face and you'd still go and vote for him........

Yeah well you would lose that bet because Cruz has always been the one I'm voting for.

You lefties are dumber than I thought.
Desperate comments like that aren't going to change anyone's mind.

He doesn't realize they're desperate. His fans do him a big disservice by not pointing that out to him. Probably afraid to get shot.
What I like most about Trump is that he's such a uniter, not a divider, he's the man who's going to bring people together.

So he unites people by insulting them, making them enemies etc?
No, stupid. He unites the opposition to the status quo. Is this too tough for you to grasp?
By promising grandiose things? OK, that's rather simplistic, don't you think?
You mean like our current president?

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