Rubio vs. Athiest

Before we move any further. Do you feel that your belief in no Blue Fairies on the dark side of the moon is faith based?
Typical atheist dishonesty.

There's no reason at all to believe in blue fairies, unicorns or Santa Claus. But since we are here discussing shit, there's reason to believe we got here somehow. You and I have both chosen a faithful answer. The fact that atheists are so fucking dishonest would prevent me from ever entering their carnival of thought.
Many people believe in fairies and unicorns. You may feel that there is no reason to believe in them but people still believe in them.
The professional women who believe fairies guide them
Unicorns’ Existence Proven, Says North Korea |

From your viewpoint, your belief in neither of these things is faith based. You will either agree with me or argue your own point.
I see, so you're going to introduce some nuts to prove that believing in a secular cause is similar to unicorns or fairies. That's intellectually dishonest. But par for the course for atheists.

So. After all this you won't declare there is no god. Good. That makes you an agnostic. Thanks!
I think I just showed you the door. Thanks for coming out. Try harder next time. :bye1:
You showed your ass. Which is all atheists do. You are an agnostic but dishonestly represent yourself as an atheist. You do so because atheism here is an anti-Christianity cult.

Naw, we are an equal opportunity cult. we aren't all that crazy about the Muslin religion either.
Before we move any further. Do you feel that your belief in no Blue Fairies on the dark side of the moon is faith based?
Typical atheist dishonesty.

There's no reason at all to believe in blue fairies, unicorns or Santa Claus. But since we are here discussing shit, there's reason to believe we got here somehow. You and I have both chosen a faithful answer. The fact that atheists are so fucking dishonest would prevent me from ever entering their carnival of thought.
Many people believe in fairies and unicorns. You may feel that there is no reason to believe in them but people still believe in them.
The professional women who believe fairies guide them
Unicorns’ Existence Proven, Says North Korea |

From your viewpoint, your belief in neither of these things is faith based. You will either agree with me or argue your own point.
I see, so you're going to introduce some nuts to prove that believing in a secular cause is similar to unicorns or fairies. That's intellectually dishonest. But par for the course for atheists.

So. After all this you won't declare there is no god. Good. That makes you an agnostic. Thanks!
I think I just showed you the door. Thanks for coming out. Try harder next time. :bye1:
You showed your ass. Which is all atheists do. You are an agnostic but dishonestly represent yourself as an atheist. You do so because atheism here is an anti-Christianity cult.
No. I answered all your question while you ignored, deflected and evaded mined. If you want to have an honest debate try and answer to the best of your ability any question put forth before you. Evading it tells everyone you lost the argument.
Typical atheist dishonesty.

There's no reason at all to believe in blue fairies, unicorns or Santa Claus. But since we are here discussing shit, there's reason to believe we got here somehow. You and I have both chosen a faithful answer. The fact that atheists are so fucking dishonest would prevent me from ever entering their carnival of thought.
Many people believe in fairies and unicorns. You may feel that there is no reason to believe in them but people still believe in them.
The professional women who believe fairies guide them
Unicorns’ Existence Proven, Says North Korea |

From your viewpoint, your belief in neither of these things is faith based. You will either agree with me or argue your own point.
I see, so you're going to introduce some nuts to prove that believing in a secular cause is similar to unicorns or fairies. That's intellectually dishonest. But par for the course for atheists.

So. After all this you won't declare there is no god. Good. That makes you an agnostic. Thanks!
I think I just showed you the door. Thanks for coming out. Try harder next time. :bye1:
You showed your ass. Which is all atheists do. You are an agnostic but dishonestly represent yourself as an atheist. You do so because atheism here is an anti-Christianity cult.

Naw, we are an equal opportunity cult. we aren't all that crazy about the Muslin religion either.
Sorry, I wasn't with the program. I thought we loved the Muslims, especially the terrorist types. Are we allowed to criticize Hinduism and Judasim also. :wink_2:
Many people believe in fairies and unicorns. You may feel that there is no reason to believe in them but people still believe in them.
The professional women who believe fairies guide them
Unicorns’ Existence Proven, Says North Korea |

From your viewpoint, your belief in neither of these things is faith based. You will either agree with me or argue your own point.
I see, so you're going to introduce some nuts to prove that believing in a secular cause is similar to unicorns or fairies. That's intellectually dishonest. But par for the course for atheists.

So. After all this you won't declare there is no god. Good. That makes you an agnostic. Thanks!
I think I just showed you the door. Thanks for coming out. Try harder next time. :bye1:
You showed your ass. Which is all atheists do. You are an agnostic but dishonestly represent yourself as an atheist. You do so because atheism here is an anti-Christianity cult.

Naw, we are an equal opportunity cult. we aren't all that crazy about the Muslin religion either.
Sorry, I wasn't with the program. I thought we loved the Muslims, especially the terrorist types. Are we allowed to criticize Hinduism and Judasim also. :wink_2:

i don't know about the Hindus, but the last memo I got from cult headquarters said that the Jews get a pass, because they don't try to convert anyone.
Any comments or counter-arguments to Rubio from this clip?

I think the thread title is misleading. It wasn't a debate over religion between Senator Rubio and an atheist. It was a voter asking why a certain demographic should support a candidate. In my opinion he did not answer satisfactorily. The senator didn't address any issues, only declaring he would not force people to convert or pray. It's not like he would have that power anyhow. Granted, he currently needs the support of religious voters to get the nomination but I think he could have discussed at least one issue, or the topic in general, in a reasonable way for theists and nonbelievers alike. Instead, the senator expressed the importance and meaning of his faith, as he sees it. That is how it sounded to me. Should Senator Rubio get the nomination, the relationship between his faith and policy ideas will definitely be a factor in whether or not I vote for him.
Sorry but you're dead wrong. Atheism is not a faith. Perhaps you need to review the definition of both words.
You have confidence in the non-existence of the divine absent evidence, that's called faith (you're the one that really needs to go look up the definition of the word since you'll find that it has more than one meaning), sorry to be the one to burst your bubble.The only position that doesn't require faith is an agnostic position to the effect of "I don't know whether God exists or not".

You have shown zero arguments for appealing to ignorance except on your own behalf you have provided them.
I wouldn't bother even attempting an argument to prove or disprove the existence of the divine since unlike you I realize my beliefs are based on FAITH and thus not provable. I don't really care whether you accept the existence of the divine or not, I just find it funny how atheists seem to think their unsubstantiated beliefs are not based on the same thing as those that believe in the existence of the divine.

At the end of the day atheists are no different than theists and adherents to religion except for the fact that atheists have crippled the spiritual component of their humanity.
Rubio answered the questioner by saying he respected the guy's right to be a non-believer. The questioner seemed to have impression that Rubio, by telling of his base beliefs through a media ad, somehow interfered with those of his own.
Rubio answered the questioner by saying he respected the guy's right to be a non-believer. The questioner seemed to have impression that Rubio, by telling of his base beliefs through a media ad, somehow interfered with those of his own.

Rubio would have done himself a favor had he stopped there. But he went on to reveal the real problem. If Rubio really believes what he claimed I don't see how we can trust him to protect our rights, or to protect the country in the face of mortal threat.

He claimed rights "come from God", and don't exist without one ("If there's no creator, then where do your rights come from?"). That's a misunderstanding of the concept of inalienable rights that hangs perilously on Rubio's faith. If he loses his faith he would, apparently, have no qualms in using government to violate our rights.

He also was very clear that his main priority is the afterlife. For those of us who don't believe in the Christian version of the afterlife, it means he'll be focused on a fantasy rather than giving his full attention to the duties of the Presidency.

That's how Rubio's believes, as he represented them, interfere with the values and well-being of anyone who doesn't share them.
If a God gave you your rights, a God can take them away.

God is God. He can do whatever he wants. But it is ALWAYS for perfect goodness. He can not do evil nor sin.
Then why didn't he make the world perfect? Why the test? If he made everything he made hell too.

You say he can't do evil. If you build a imperfect world why call you God? A human could do that given billions of years.

Or is it possible there is no god? He made me skeptical and smart. Sending me to hell for disbelief would make him petty
I have no intention of watching the video. but no potential president should make religion part of his campaign.

You're afraid to watch Rubio Christian answer to an atheist's question after you elected a muslim to be president? This is why prog morons shouldn't be allowed to vote....ever.

afraid? er... no. I have no reason to.

no presidential candidate should make religion an issue. that's prohibited by the constitution.

aside from the fact that the president isn't a muslim, I don't care what religion anyone has or no religion at all so long as they don't try to enact it into law like the radical religious right keeps trying to.

No it's not prohibited to talk about religion or make it an issue. What is prohibited is the government establishing a religion.

What kind of an attorney are you that you don't understand the Constitution?
No one believes she's a lawyer.

i don't care what you winger loons believe. i know what pays my bills. and anyone who actually knows anything KNOWS I'm a lawyer.

now go back to collecting your welfare check.
If a God gave you your rights, a God can take them away.

God is God. He can do whatever he wants. But it is ALWAYS for perfect goodness. He can not do evil nor sin.

if you believe.

no one cares if you believe or not.

but this thread was about the radical religious right trying to make this country a theocracy.

your beliefs should not be legislated into law. that's what the first amendment is for. (no matter what the rabid wingers say).
if you believe.

no one cares if you believe or not.

but this thread was about the radical religious right trying to make this country a theocracy.

your beliefs should not be legislated into law. that's what the first amendment is for. (no matter what the rabid wingers say).

No, this thread was about a Rat plant trying to disrupt a Rubio town hall with a simple agenda: to paint Rubio as a fanatic. Instead it turned out to be as good a case for one letting their Christianity guide their actions as I've ever heard. Rubio hit it out of the park and all the pathetic little atheists can do is crawl back into their hidey holes. :badgrin:
He also was very clear that his main priority is the afterlife. For those of us who don't believe in the Christian version of the afterlife, it means he'll be focused on a fantasy rather than giving his full attention to the duties of the Presidency.

And for believers it means he'll be more properly focused.
Rubio answered the questioner by saying he respected the guy's right to be a non-believer. The questioner seemed to have impression that Rubio, by telling of his base beliefs through a media ad, somehow interfered with those of his own.

Rubio would have done himself a favor had he stopped there. But he went on to reveal the real problem. If Rubio really believes what he claimed I don't see how we can trust him to protect our rights, or to protect the country in the face of mortal threat.

He claimed rights "come from God", and don't exist without one ("If there's no creator, then where do your rights come from?"). That's a misunderstanding of the concept of inalienable rights that hangs perilously on Rubio's faith. If he loses his faith he would, apparently, have no qualms in using government to violate our rights.

He also was very clear that his main priority is the afterlife. For those of us who don't believe in the Christian version of the afterlife, it means he'll be focused on a fantasy rather than giving his full attention to the duties of the Presidency.

That's how Rubio's believes, as he represented them, interfere with the values and well-being of anyone who doesn't share them.

Americans who believe their rights have been violated don't go to God for remedy,

they go to the courts.
Typical atheist dishonesty.

There's no reason at all to believe in blue fairies, unicorns or Santa Claus. But since we are here discussing shit, there's reason to believe we got here somehow. You and I have both chosen a faithful answer. The fact that atheists are so fucking dishonest would prevent me from ever entering their carnival of thought.
Many people believe in fairies and unicorns. You may feel that there is no reason to believe in them but people still believe in them.
The professional women who believe fairies guide them
Unicorns’ Existence Proven, Says North Korea |

From your viewpoint, your belief in neither of these things is faith based. You will either agree with me or argue your own point.
I see, so you're going to introduce some nuts to prove that believing in a secular cause is similar to unicorns or fairies. That's intellectually dishonest. But par for the course for atheists.

So. After all this you won't declare there is no god. Good. That makes you an agnostic. Thanks!
I think I just showed you the door. Thanks for coming out. Try harder next time. :bye1:
You showed your ass. Which is all atheists do. You are an agnostic but dishonestly represent yourself as an atheist. You do so because atheism here is an anti-Christianity cult.
Are you being accused of being religious again? That's what, 5 times now in the last few months. Seems to be a pattern with you. Just sayin'.
That isn't what I said. You really do need somebody to explain the words to you. If you consider yourself an atheist, you do so by faith. I am a theist, by faith. I'm honest, apparently you aren't.
Typical atheist dishonesty.

There's no reason at all to believe in blue fairies, unicorns or Santa Claus. But since we are here discussing shit, there's reason to believe we got here somehow. You and I have both chosen a faithful answer. The fact that atheists are so fucking dishonest would prevent me from ever entering their carnival of thought.
Many people believe in fairies and unicorns. You may feel that there is no reason to believe in them but people still believe in them.
The professional women who believe fairies guide them
Unicorns’ Existence Proven, Says North Korea |

From your viewpoint, your belief in neither of these things is faith based. You will either agree with me or argue your own point.
I see, so you're going to introduce some nuts to prove that believing in a secular cause is similar to unicorns or fairies. That's intellectually dishonest. But par for the course for atheists.

So. After all this you won't declare there is no god. Good. That makes you an agnostic. Thanks!
I think I just showed you the door. Thanks for coming out. Try harder next time. :bye1:
You showed your ass. Which is all atheists do. You are an agnostic but dishonestly represent yourself as an atheist. You do so because atheism here is an anti-Christianity cult.
No. I answered all your question while you ignored, deflected and evaded mined. If you want to have an honest debate try and answer to the best of your ability any question put forth before you. Evading it tells everyone you lost the argument.
Wrong. You tried to obfuscate and I did answer. I said there was no reason to believe in blue fairies. If you want to consider me a blue fairy atheist that's fine with me.

But we are here and you have no explanation. Trying to equate your existence here with the belief in fairies or Santa or whatever is stupid and dishonest. You can't cover it up with arrogance.
He also was very clear that his main priority is the afterlife. For those of us who don't believe in the Christian version of the afterlife, it means he'll be focused on a fantasy rather than giving his full attention to the duties of the Presidency.

And for believers it means he'll be more properly focused.

Sure. But the question was how do his beliefs interfere with his ability to serve as President for those who don't share his beliefs.
Rubio answered the questioner by saying he respected the guy's right to be a non-believer. The questioner seemed to have impression that Rubio, by telling of his base beliefs through a media ad, somehow interfered with those of his own.

Rubio would have done himself a favor had he stopped there. But he went on to reveal the real problem. If Rubio really believes what he claimed I don't see how we can trust him to protect our rights, or to protect the country in the face of mortal threat.

He claimed rights "come from God", and don't exist without one ("If there's no creator, then where do your rights come from?"). That's a misunderstanding of the concept of inalienable rights that hangs perilously on Rubio's faith. If he loses his faith he would, apparently, have no qualms in using government to violate our rights.

He also was very clear that his main priority is the afterlife. For those of us who don't believe in the Christian version of the afterlife, it means he'll be focused on a fantasy rather than giving his full attention to the duties of the Presidency.

That's how Rubio's believes, as he represented them, interfere with the values and well-being of anyone who doesn't share them.
Dumb post. Many Christians have served in leadership roles but haven't tried to take anyone's religious freedom away or impose it on you. The questioner was on your level and trying to make a non issue and issue. You have it ass backwards. The fact that he believes he will be accountable for his actions for all of eternity means he will be focused on doing the right thing, not lining his pockets with gold or whatever.

If you are an anti-Christian bigot, and it sounds like you are, he wasn't getting your vote anyway. Or the asshole's in the video.

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