Rubio vs. Athiest

God is God. He can do whatever he wants. But it is ALWAYS for perfect goodness. He can not do evil nor sin.

Is that why he chooses to refuse to reveal his existence?

He'll reveal his existence soon enough but not when you demand He does.

Then you acknowledge that to a rational mind God only exists in the imagination.

God is real. At the time you'll get to see Him, it will be too late and I doubt the human mind can imagine how bad that will be.

Since I haven't seen an actual picture of the relative you claim I evolved from 20,000 generations ago, the rational mind can only come to the conclusion that it didn't happen.

Prove God is real. Claiming the reality of the existence of something requires proof.

Where the original matter feeding the Big Bang come from?
If a God gave you your rights, a God can take them away.

God is God. He can do whatever he wants. But it is ALWAYS for perfect goodness. He can not do evil nor sin.

Is that why he chooses to refuse to reveal his existence?

He'll reveal his existence soon enough but not when you demand He does.

Then you acknowledge that to a rational mind God only exists in the imagination.

God is real. At the time you'll get to see Him, it will be too late and I doubt the human mind can imagine how bad that will be.

Since I haven't seen an actual picture of the relative you claim I evolved from 20,000 generations ago, the rational mind can only come to the conclusion that it didn't happen.

Okay, so you think Heaven and eternal life are real. Fine. So what do you plan on doing for the first trillion years of your eternal life?

Answer that and then we'll work on the next trillion trillion years, which, of course, won't even begin to cover it.

Let's hear it, Mr. Certain.
God is God. He can do whatever he wants. But it is ALWAYS for perfect goodness. He can not do evil nor sin.

Is that why he chooses to refuse to reveal his existence?

He'll reveal his existence soon enough but not when you demand He does.

Then you acknowledge that to a rational mind God only exists in the imagination.

God is real. At the time you'll get to see Him, it will be too late and I doubt the human mind can imagine how bad that will be.

Since I haven't seen an actual picture of the relative you claim I evolved from 20,000 generations ago, the rational mind can only come to the conclusion that it didn't happen.

Okay, so you think Heaven and eternal life are real. Fine. So what do you plan on doing for the first trillion years of your eternal life?

Answer that and then we'll work on the next trillion trillion years, which, of course, won't even begin to cover it.

Let's hear it, Mr. Certain.

Enjoying people like you not being there.

No picture? Based on your statement, that means no proof.
I have no idea what your beliefs are and haven't told you what they are so NO, you cannot read worth a shit. You're the dumbfuck that can't speak English, not me.

Definition of ATHEIST
Full Definition of atheist
  1. : one who believes that there is no deity
athe·is·ticplay \ˌā-thē-ˈis-tik\ or athe·is·ti·cal play \ˌā-thē-ˈis-ti-kəl\ adjective
athe·is·ti·cal·ly play \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb
A belief in a negative is a non belief. It's like saying I believe in no blue fairies. So can I assume that if you have a belief in no other gods that they are faith based. Or do you believe in every single god that was described by man. The Celestial Teapot, is that also faith based? The Blue Fairies on the dark side of the moon. Your belief or lack of belief in them must be faith based. In fact there are billions of different things one can believe or not believe. Accoring to you every one of them is faith based. Yeah, I know. Sounds pretty ridiculous.
You are spinning like a top. Words mean things, you cannot redefine them to suit yourself. You either believe in a god, don't believe in one or you don't fucking know. Trying to turn English into quantum physics just proves you are deranged.
I don't believe in one. That is called a non belief.

Merrriam Webster

a : a disbelief in the existence of deity


noun: atheism
disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
Yep, an atheist believes there is no god. It's a matter of faith unless you have evidence?
Before we move any further. Do you feel that your belief in no Blue Fairies on the dark side of the moon is faith based?
Typical atheist dishonesty.

There's no reason at all to believe in blue fairies, unicorns or Santa Claus. But since we are here discussing shit, there's reason to believe we got here somehow. You and I have both chosen a faithful answer. The fact that atheists are so fucking dishonest would prevent me from ever entering their carnival of thought.
Is that why he chooses to refuse to reveal his existence?

He'll reveal his existence soon enough but not when you demand He does.

Then you acknowledge that to a rational mind God only exists in the imagination.

God is real. At the time you'll get to see Him, it will be too late and I doubt the human mind can imagine how bad that will be.

Since I haven't seen an actual picture of the relative you claim I evolved from 20,000 generations ago, the rational mind can only come to the conclusion that it didn't happen.

Okay, so you think Heaven and eternal life are real. Fine. So what do you plan on doing for the first trillion years of your eternal life?

Answer that and then we'll work on the next trillion trillion years, which, of course, won't even begin to cover it.

Let's hear it, Mr. Certain.

Enjoying people like you not being there.

No picture? Based on your statement, that means no proof.

IOW you have no rational answer.
Our country was founded on freedom of religion and not Christian, , and also we never became Judeo Christian until Israel became a state. I wish they would get history right.

Were you born stupid or did you become stupid when Israel became a state?
Promoting the concept of United States as a Judeo-Christian nation first became a political program in the 1940s, in response to the growth of anti-Semitism in America. The rise of Nazi anti-semitism in the 1930s led concerned Protestants, Catholics, and Jews to take steps to increase understanding and tolerance.[24]

In this effort, precursors of the National Conference of Christians and Jews created teams consisting of a priest, a rabbi, and a minister, to run programs across the country, and fashion a more pluralistic America, no longer defined as a Christian land, but "one nurtured by three ennobling traditions: Protestantism, Catholicism and Judaism....The phrase 'Judeo-Christian' entered the contemporary lexicon as the standard liberal term for the idea that Western values rest on a religious consensus that included Jews."[25

And that is also when the Plaque face of Moses took center stage in the house of representative on the wall.

To be quite honest, TNT added ZERO to The Jewish Scriptures, so we may all as well admit that being Industrial and Charitable are traits espoused by The Jewish Scriptures.
It's just that TNT doesn't give permission to do what the RCC did for 1,000 years.

TNT, supersedes the OT. It was wrote by Greek Progressive Jews, so they say, as a way to take God spiritually with one wherever they went , since Herods Temple had been destroyed which brought an end to sacrifices. It also included the Gentiles. Christianity fulfilled the OT. TNT is nothing like the OT. and the Roman Empire was in charge. They had as much right as the Hebrews did.
A belief in a negative is a non belief. It's like saying I believe in no blue fairies. So can I assume that if you have a belief in no other gods that they are faith based. Or do you believe in every single god that was described by man. The Celestial Teapot, is that also faith based? The Blue Fairies on the dark side of the moon. Your belief or lack of belief in them must be faith based. In fact there are billions of different things one can believe or not believe. Accoring to you every one of them is faith based. Yeah, I know. Sounds pretty ridiculous.
You are spinning like a top. Words mean things, you cannot redefine them to suit yourself. You either believe in a god, don't believe in one or you don't fucking know. Trying to turn English into quantum physics just proves you are deranged.
I don't believe in one. That is called a non belief.

Merrriam Webster

a : a disbelief in the existence of deity


noun: atheism
disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
Yep, an atheist believes there is no god. It's a matter of faith unless you have evidence?
Before we move any further. Do you feel that your belief in no Blue Fairies on the dark side of the moon is faith based?
Typical atheist dishonesty.

There's no reason at all to believe in blue fairies, unicorns or Santa Claus. But since we are here discussing shit, there's reason to believe we got here somehow. You and I have both chosen a faithful answer. The fact that atheists are so fucking dishonest would prevent me from ever entering their carnival of thought.

How do you know the Muslims haven't gotten it exactly right?
He'll reveal his existence soon enough but not when you demand He does.

Then you acknowledge that to a rational mind God only exists in the imagination.

God is real. At the time you'll get to see Him, it will be too late and I doubt the human mind can imagine how bad that will be.

Since I haven't seen an actual picture of the relative you claim I evolved from 20,000 generations ago, the rational mind can only come to the conclusion that it didn't happen.

Okay, so you think Heaven and eternal life are real. Fine. So what do you plan on doing for the first trillion years of your eternal life?

Answer that and then we'll work on the next trillion trillion years, which, of course, won't even begin to cover it.

Let's hear it, Mr. Certain.

Enjoying people like you not being there.

No picture? Based on your statement, that means no proof.

IOW you have no rational answer.

You don't recognize one.

Still not picture? Guess you lose by your own words.
Our country was founded on freedom of religion and not Christian, , and also we never became Judeo Christian until Israel became a state. I wish they would get history right.

Were you born stupid or did you become stupid when Israel became a state?
Promoting the concept of United States as a Judeo-Christian nation first became a political program in the 1940s, in response to the growth of anti-Semitism in America. The rise of Nazi anti-semitism in the 1930s led concerned Protestants, Catholics, and Jews to take steps to increase understanding and tolerance.[24]

In this effort, precursors of the National Conference of Christians and Jews created teams consisting of a priest, a rabbi, and a minister, to run programs across the country, and fashion a more pluralistic America, no longer defined as a Christian land, but "one nurtured by three ennobling traditions: Protestantism, Catholicism and Judaism....The phrase 'Judeo-Christian' entered the contemporary lexicon as the standard liberal term for the idea that Western values rest on a religious consensus that included Jews."[25

And that is also when the Plaque face of Moses took center stage in the house of representative on the wall.

To be quite honest, TNT added ZERO to The Jewish Scriptures, so we may all as well admit that being Industrial and Charitable are traits espoused by The Jewish Scriptures.
It's just that TNT doesn't give permission to do what the RCC did for 1,000 years.

TNT, supersedes the OT. It was wrote by Greek Progressive Jews, so they say, as a way to take God spiritually with one wherever they went , since Herods Temple had been destroyed which brought an end to sacrifices. It also included the Gentiles. Christianity fulfilled the OT. TNT is nothing like the OT. and the Roman Empire was in charge. They had as much right as the Hebrews did.

Most if it was written by the fractionally educated, yeshiva drop-out Saul, who did a rather comical job of misquoting and mistranslating hundreds of words and phrases, not to mention taking God knows how many partial verses out of context.
Then you acknowledge that to a rational mind God only exists in the imagination.

God is real. At the time you'll get to see Him, it will be too late and I doubt the human mind can imagine how bad that will be.

Since I haven't seen an actual picture of the relative you claim I evolved from 20,000 generations ago, the rational mind can only come to the conclusion that it didn't happen.

Okay, so you think Heaven and eternal life are real. Fine. So what do you plan on doing for the first trillion years of your eternal life?

Answer that and then we'll work on the next trillion trillion years, which, of course, won't even begin to cover it.

Let's hear it, Mr. Certain.

Enjoying people like you not being there.

No picture? Based on your statement, that means no proof.

IOW you have no rational answer.

You don't recognize one.

Still not picture? Guess you lose by your own words.

You're certain of eternal life, then you must be certain of what it consists of. Tell us.
You are spinning like a top. Words mean things, you cannot redefine them to suit yourself. You either believe in a god, don't believe in one or you don't fucking know. Trying to turn English into quantum physics just proves you are deranged.
I don't believe in one. That is called a non belief.

Merrriam Webster

a : a disbelief in the existence of deity


noun: atheism
disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
Yep, an atheist believes there is no god. It's a matter of faith unless you have evidence?
Before we move any further. Do you feel that your belief in no Blue Fairies on the dark side of the moon is faith based?
Typical atheist dishonesty.

There's no reason at all to believe in blue fairies, unicorns or Santa Claus. But since we are here discussing shit, there's reason to believe we got here somehow. You and I have both chosen a faithful answer. The fact that atheists are so fucking dishonest would prevent me from ever entering their carnival of thought.

How do you know the Muslims haven't gotten it exactly right?
Now you're going off on a tangent. I have no religious beliefs, I don't think any of them have it right.
Then you acknowledge that to a rational mind God only exists in the imagination.

God is real. At the time you'll get to see Him, it will be too late and I doubt the human mind can imagine how bad that will be.

Since I haven't seen an actual picture of the relative you claim I evolved from 20,000 generations ago, the rational mind can only come to the conclusion that it didn't happen.

Okay, so you think Heaven and eternal life are real. Fine. So what do you plan on doing for the first trillion years of your eternal life?

Answer that and then we'll work on the next trillion trillion years, which, of course, won't even begin to cover it.

Let's hear it, Mr. Certain.

Enjoying people like you not being there.

No picture? Based on your statement, that means no proof.

IOW you have no rational answer.

You don't recognize one.

Still not picture? Guess you lose by your own words.

Is this why you don't give a shit about America? Because you think that in the big picture, America is meaningless?
God is real. At the time you'll get to see Him, it will be too late and I doubt the human mind can imagine how bad that will be.

Since I haven't seen an actual picture of the relative you claim I evolved from 20,000 generations ago, the rational mind can only come to the conclusion that it didn't happen.

Okay, so you think Heaven and eternal life are real. Fine. So what do you plan on doing for the first trillion years of your eternal life?

Answer that and then we'll work on the next trillion trillion years, which, of course, won't even begin to cover it.

Let's hear it, Mr. Certain.

Enjoying people like you not being there.

No picture? Based on your statement, that means no proof.

IOW you have no rational answer.

You don't recognize one.

Still not picture? Guess you lose by your own words.

You're certain of eternal life, then you must be certain of what it consists of. Tell us.

Read the Bible. It's clear. I don't need to say what's already been said better than I can say it. What I do know is your kind won't be there and that's the best part.

You're certain of what you believe. Show that picture I requested proving it.
Prove God is real. Claiming the reality of the existence of something requires proof.
Theists and atheists believe by faith. One is honest, the other isn't.

Not believing in the apparently non-existent is not faith.
Apparently? How did your sorry ass get here?


How did God get here?
Who knows? How did chemistry get here?
I don't believe in one. That is called a non belief.

Merrriam Webster

a : a disbelief in the existence of deity


noun: atheism
disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
Yep, an atheist believes there is no god. It's a matter of faith unless you have evidence?
Before we move any further. Do you feel that your belief in no Blue Fairies on the dark side of the moon is faith based?
Typical atheist dishonesty.

There's no reason at all to believe in blue fairies, unicorns or Santa Claus. But since we are here discussing shit, there's reason to believe we got here somehow. You and I have both chosen a faithful answer. The fact that atheists are so fucking dishonest would prevent me from ever entering their carnival of thought.

How do you know the Muslims haven't gotten it exactly right?
Now you're going off on a tangent. I have no religious beliefs, I don't think any of them have it right.

So you've joined the rightwing religious bigots for what reason?
Promoting the concept of United States as a Judeo-Christian nation first became a political program in the 1940s

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness..."

What creator were they talking about? Zeus?

Thomas Jefferson said: ""God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?" He also wrote: "Almighty God hath created the mind free. ... All attempts to influence it by temporal punishments or burthens...are a departure from the plan of the Holy Author of our religion..."

Jefferson was a Deist. He rewrote TNT and omitted the miracles. Do you see Jew or Christian in the above statement. No. Providence is not Judeo Christian. He surely was not referring to Yahweh. By the way, how many Gods did the Jews worship. They were not monotheist. Yahweh was the tribal war God they called on only when needed.

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