Rubio vs. Athiest

Even in context, it is still an argument from ignorance.

MAN: There are blue fairies on the dark side of the moon.

SKEPTIC: You have no evidence there are blue fairies on the moon.

MAN: Provide evidence there are not blue fairies on the moon.
Yes, I realize that you share a brain with Michael Moore but if you'll learn to read you'll notice that I was throwing the poster I WAS RESPONDING to own appeal to ignorance argument back in his face.

Run along now... I'm sure your village is missing it's idiot.

Sorry but you're dead wrong. Atheism is not a faith. Perhaps you need to review the definition of both words. You have shown zero arguments for appealing to ignorance except on your own behalf you have provided them.
If it takes faith to believe something, it's a faith.
Atheism is not a belief. It's a lack of belief. You have been through this all before.
You very likely have no evidence for a secular cause, SO if you believe it, you are acting in faith.
A secular cause in what?/QUOTE] It may not have all the dogma and doctrines but it's still a faith.
You can play cute word games your whole life but it doesn't change the FACT that if you believe something unproven it is an act of FAITH.

If you don't believe in a creator but do believe in a secular cause you do so by faith. If you are uncommitted you are an agnostic.
Please point out anything I belive in that has been unproven. I'll be waiting.
Yes, I realize that you share a brain with Michael Moore but if you'll learn to read you'll notice that I was throwing the poster I WAS RESPONDING to own appeal to ignorance argument back in his face.

Run along now... I'm sure your village is missing it's idiot.

Sorry but you're dead wrong. Atheism is not a faith. Perhaps you need to review the definition of both words. You have shown zero arguments for appealing to ignorance except on your own behalf you have provided them.
If it takes faith to believe something, it's a faith.
Atheism is not a belief. It's a lack of belief. You have been through this all before.
You very likely have no evidence for a secular cause, SO if you believe it, you are acting in faith.
A secular cause in what?/QUOTE] It may not have all the dogma and doctrines but it's still a faith.
You can play cute word games your whole life but it doesn't change the FACT that if you believe something unproven it is an act of FAITH.

If you don't believe in a creator but do believe in a secular cause you do so by faith. If you are uncommitted you are an agnostic.
Please point out anything I belive in that has been unproven. I'll be waiting.
Can you even read? I said if you are uncommitted you are an agnostic. If you are an atheist you are one by faith. Atheism = lack of god in the English.
Sorry but you're dead wrong. Atheism is not a faith. Perhaps you need to review the definition of both words. You have shown zero arguments for appealing to ignorance except on your own behalf you have provided them.
If it takes faith to believe something, it's a faith.
Atheism is not a belief. It's a lack of belief. You have been through this all before.
You very likely have no evidence for a secular cause, SO if you believe it, you are acting in faith.
A secular cause in what?/QUOTE] It may not have all the dogma and doctrines but it's still a faith.
You can play cute word games your whole life but it doesn't change the FACT that if you believe something unproven it is an act of FAITH.

If you don't believe in a creator but do believe in a secular cause you do so by faith. If you are uncommitted you are an agnostic.
Please point out anything I belive in that has been unproven. I'll be waiting.
Can you even read? I said if you are uncommitted you are an agnostic. If you are an atheist you are one by faith. Atheism = lack of god in the English.
I can read fine. You keep spouting that I have a belief in a secular cause. I asked you to define what this secular cause is. You keep evading it. Athiest means you have a lack of belief in a god/gods. That is not a belief. Why is this so hard for you to comprehend?
If it takes faith to believe something, it's a faith.
Atheism is not a belief. It's a lack of belief. You have been through this all before.
You very likely have no evidence for a secular cause, SO if you believe it, you are acting in faith.
A secular cause in what?/QUOTE] It may not have all the dogma and doctrines but it's still a faith.
You can play cute word games your whole life but it doesn't change the FACT that if you believe something unproven it is an act of FAITH.

If you don't believe in a creator but do believe in a secular cause you do so by faith. If you are uncommitted you are an agnostic.
Please point out anything I belive in that has been unproven. I'll be waiting.
Can you even read? I said if you are uncommitted you are an agnostic. If you are an atheist you are one by faith. Atheism = lack of god in the English.
I can read fine. You keep spouting that I have a belief in a secular cause. I asked you to define what this secular cause is. You keep evading it. Athiest means you have a lack of belief in a god/gods. That is not a belief. Why is this so hard for you to comprehend?
I have no idea what your beliefs are and haven't told you what they are so NO, you cannot read worth a shit. You're the dumbfuck that can't speak English, not me.

Definition of ATHEIST
Full Definition of atheist
  1. : one who believes that there is no deity
athe·is·ticplay \ˌā-thē-ˈis-tik\ or athe·is·ti·cal play \ˌā-thē-ˈis-ti-kəl\ adjective
athe·is·ti·cal·ly play \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb
Our country was founded on freedom of religion and not Christian, , and also we never became Judeo Christian until Israel became a state. I wish they would get history right.

Were you born stupid or did you become stupid when Israel became a state?
Promoting the concept of United States as a Judeo-Christian nation first became a political program in the 1940s, in response to the growth of anti-Semitism in America. The rise of Nazi anti-semitism in the 1930s led concerned Protestants, Catholics, and Jews to take steps to increase understanding and tolerance.[24]

In this effort, precursors of the National Conference of Christians and Jews created teams consisting of a priest, a rabbi, and a minister, to run programs across the country, and fashion a more pluralistic America, no longer defined as a Christian land, but "one nurtured by three ennobling traditions: Protestantism, Catholicism and Judaism....The phrase 'Judeo-Christian' entered the contemporary lexicon as the standard liberal term for the idea that Western values rest on a religious consensus that included Jews."[25


And that is also when the Plaque face of Moses took center stage in the house of representative on the wall.
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Atheism is not a belief. It's a lack of belief. You have been through this all before.
A secular cause in what?/QUOTE] It may not have all the dogma and doctrines but it's still a faith.
You can play cute word games your whole life but it doesn't change the FACT that if you believe something unproven it is an act of FAITH.

If you don't believe in a creator but do believe in a secular cause you do so by faith. If you are uncommitted you are an agnostic.
Please point out anything I belive in that has been unproven. I'll be waiting.
Can you even read? I said if you are uncommitted you are an agnostic. If you are an atheist you are one by faith. Atheism = lack of god in the English.
I can read fine. You keep spouting that I have a belief in a secular cause. I asked you to define what this secular cause is. You keep evading it. Athiest means you have a lack of belief in a god/gods. That is not a belief. Why is this so hard for you to comprehend?
I have no idea what your beliefs are and haven't told you what they are so NO, you cannot read worth a shit. You're the dumbfuck that can't speak English, not me.

Definition of ATHEIST
Full Definition of atheist
  1. : one who believes that there is no deity
athe·is·ticplay \ˌā-thē-ˈis-tik\ or athe·is·ti·cal play \ˌā-thē-ˈis-ti-kəl\ adjective
athe·is·ti·cal·ly play \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb
A belief in a negative is a non belief. It's like saying I believe in no blue fairies. So can I assume that if you have a belief in no other gods that they are faith based. Or do you believe in every single god that was described by man. The Celestial Teapot, is that also faith based? The Blue Fairies on the dark side of the moon. Your belief or lack of belief in them must be faith based. In fact there are billions of different things one can believe or not believe. Accoring to you every one of them is faith based. Yeah, I know. Sounds pretty ridiculous.
Promoting the concept of United States as a Judeo-Christian nation first became a political program in the 1940s

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness..."

What creator were they talking about? Zeus?

Thomas Jefferson said: ""God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?" He also wrote: "Almighty God hath created the mind free. ... All attempts to influence it by temporal punishments or burthens...are a departure from the plan of the Holy Author of our religion..."
You can play cute word games your whole life but it doesn't change the FACT that if you believe something unproven it is an act of FAITH.

If you don't believe in a creator but do believe in a secular cause you do so by faith. If you are uncommitted you are an agnostic.
Please point out anything I belive in that has been unproven. I'll be waiting.
Can you even read? I said if you are uncommitted you are an agnostic. If you are an atheist you are one by faith. Atheism = lack of god in the English.
I can read fine. You keep spouting that I have a belief in a secular cause. I asked you to define what this secular cause is. You keep evading it. Athiest means you have a lack of belief in a god/gods. That is not a belief. Why is this so hard for you to comprehend?
I have no idea what your beliefs are and haven't told you what they are so NO, you cannot read worth a shit. You're the dumbfuck that can't speak English, not me.

Definition of ATHEIST
Full Definition of atheist
  1. : one who believes that there is no deity
athe·is·ticplay \ˌā-thē-ˈis-tik\ or athe·is·ti·cal play \ˌā-thē-ˈis-ti-kəl\ adjective
athe·is·ti·cal·ly play \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb
A belief in a negative is a non belief. It's like saying I believe in no blue fairies. So can I assume that if you have a belief in no other gods that they are faith based. Or do you believe in every single god that was described by man. The Celestial Teapot, is that also faith based? The Blue Fairies on the dark side of the moon. Your belief or lack of belief in them must be faith based. In fact there are billions of different things one can believe or not believe. Accoring to you every one of them is faith based. Yeah, I know. Sounds pretty ridiculous.
You are spinning like a top. Words mean things, you cannot redefine them to suit yourself. You either believe in a god, don't believe in one or you don't fucking know. Trying to turn English into quantum physics just proves you are deranged.
Anyone who believes inalienable rights are, literally, a "gift from God" is an idiot and unfit to lead. Rubio is either that, or he's pandering to the idiots. Also making him unfit to lead.
Our country was founded on freedom of religion and not Christian, , and also we never became Judeo Christian until Israel became a state. I wish they would get history right.

Were you born stupid or did you become stupid when Israel became a state?
Promoting the concept of United States as a Judeo-Christian nation first became a political program in the 1940s, in response to the growth of anti-Semitism in America. The rise of Nazi anti-semitism in the 1930s led concerned Protestants, Catholics, and Jews to take steps to increase understanding and tolerance.[24]

In this effort, precursors of the National Conference of Christians and Jews created teams consisting of a priest, a rabbi, and a minister, to run programs across the country, and fashion a more pluralistic America, no longer defined as a Christian land, but "one nurtured by three ennobling traditions: Protestantism, Catholicism and Judaism....The phrase 'Judeo-Christian' entered the contemporary lexicon as the standard liberal term for the idea that Western values rest on a religious consensus that included Jews."[25

And that is also when the Plaque face of Moses took center stage in the house of representative on the wall.

To be quite honest, TNT added ZERO to The Jewish Scriptures, so we may all as well admit that being Industrial and Charitable are traits espoused by The Jewish Scriptures.
It's just that TNT doesn't give permission to do what the RCC did for 1,000 years.
Promoting the concept of United States as a Judeo-Christian nation first became a political program in the 1940s

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness..."

What creator were they talking about? Zeus?

Thomas Jefferson said: ""God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?" He also wrote: "Almighty God hath created the mind free. ... All attempts to influence it by temporal punishments or burthens...are a departure from the plan of the Holy Author of our religion..."

You realize facts in chronological order give Penelope a headache.
Please point out anything I belive in that has been unproven. I'll be waiting.
Can you even read? I said if you are uncommitted you are an agnostic. If you are an atheist you are one by faith. Atheism = lack of god in the English.
I can read fine. You keep spouting that I have a belief in a secular cause. I asked you to define what this secular cause is. You keep evading it. Athiest means you have a lack of belief in a god/gods. That is not a belief. Why is this so hard for you to comprehend?
I have no idea what your beliefs are and haven't told you what they are so NO, you cannot read worth a shit. You're the dumbfuck that can't speak English, not me.

Definition of ATHEIST
Full Definition of atheist
  1. : one who believes that there is no deity
athe·is·ticplay \ˌā-thē-ˈis-tik\ or athe·is·ti·cal play \ˌā-thē-ˈis-ti-kəl\ adjective
athe·is·ti·cal·ly play \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb
A belief in a negative is a non belief. It's like saying I believe in no blue fairies. So can I assume that if you have a belief in no other gods that they are faith based. Or do you believe in every single god that was described by man. The Celestial Teapot, is that also faith based? The Blue Fairies on the dark side of the moon. Your belief or lack of belief in them must be faith based. In fact there are billions of different things one can believe or not believe. Accoring to you every one of them is faith based. Yeah, I know. Sounds pretty ridiculous.
You are spinning like a top. Words mean things, you cannot redefine them to suit yourself. You either believe in a god, don't believe in one or you don't fucking know. Trying to turn English into quantum physics just proves you are deranged.
I don't believe in one. That is called a non belief.

Merrriam Webster

a : a disbelief in the existence of deity


noun: atheism
disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
Good response from the Marco. Why are atheists such obnoxious assholes? He's worried someone will take his porn away or something? Atheists want the right to not be offended and any sign of Christianity is an offense.

How does not believing in imaginary creatures translate into a porn addiction?

Are you incapable of living a moral and decent life, to the best of your ability,

if you didn't believe there was some supernatural imaginary being out there who was going to smite you for eternity if you didn't?

Are you really useless as a human?
The guy in the video was brave for sure, walking into a venue with 99% kristians likely. It would be like a Christian walking into Yale University, all that knowledge aligned against them. Also a hostile environment.

I'd like to see these candidates asked the age of the Earth and what generation star is our sun.

Ben Carson believes the Earth is 6,000 years old fallacy. Wonder if the others do. And this type of delusion is very important as it exposes a need to live in a false reality of the mind rather than actual reality.
If a God gave you your rights, a God can take them away.

God is God. He can do whatever he wants. But it is ALWAYS for perfect goodness. He can not do evil nor sin.

Is that why he chooses to refuse to reveal his existence?

He'll reveal his existence soon enough but not when you demand He does.

Then you acknowledge that to a rational mind God only exists in the imagination.

God is real. At the time you'll get to see Him, it will be too late and I doubt the human mind can imagine how bad that will be.

Since I haven't seen an actual picture of the relative you claim I evolved from 20,000 generations ago, the rational mind can only come to the conclusion that it didn't happen.

Prove God is real. Claiming the reality of the existence of something requires proof.
Can you even read? I said if you are uncommitted you are an agnostic. If you are an atheist you are one by faith. Atheism = lack of god in the English.
I can read fine. You keep spouting that I have a belief in a secular cause. I asked you to define what this secular cause is. You keep evading it. Athiest means you have a lack of belief in a god/gods. That is not a belief. Why is this so hard for you to comprehend?
I have no idea what your beliefs are and haven't told you what they are so NO, you cannot read worth a shit. You're the dumbfuck that can't speak English, not me.

Definition of ATHEIST
Full Definition of atheist
  1. : one who believes that there is no deity
athe·is·ticplay \ˌā-thē-ˈis-tik\ or athe·is·ti·cal play \ˌā-thē-ˈis-ti-kəl\ adjective
athe·is·ti·cal·ly play \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb
A belief in a negative is a non belief. It's like saying I believe in no blue fairies. So can I assume that if you have a belief in no other gods that they are faith based. Or do you believe in every single god that was described by man. The Celestial Teapot, is that also faith based? The Blue Fairies on the dark side of the moon. Your belief or lack of belief in them must be faith based. In fact there are billions of different things one can believe or not believe. Accoring to you every one of them is faith based. Yeah, I know. Sounds pretty ridiculous.
You are spinning like a top. Words mean things, you cannot redefine them to suit yourself. You either believe in a god, don't believe in one or you don't fucking know. Trying to turn English into quantum physics just proves you are deranged.
I don't believe in one. That is called a non belief.

Merrriam Webster

a : a disbelief in the existence of deity


noun: atheism
disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
Yep, an atheist believes there is no god. It's a matter of faith unless you have evidence?
God is God. He can do whatever he wants. But it is ALWAYS for perfect goodness. He can not do evil nor sin.

Is that why he chooses to refuse to reveal his existence?

He'll reveal his existence soon enough but not when you demand He does.

Then you acknowledge that to a rational mind God only exists in the imagination.

God is real. At the time you'll get to see Him, it will be too late and I doubt the human mind can imagine how bad that will be.

Since I haven't seen an actual picture of the relative you claim I evolved from 20,000 generations ago, the rational mind can only come to the conclusion that it didn't happen.

Prove God is real. Claiming the reality of the existence of something requires proof.

Prove evolution is real by providing an actual picture of the grandfather you claimed I evolved from 20,000 generations ago. Claiming the reality of something requires proof. Since you can't do it, you failed.
Good response from the Marco. Why are atheists such obnoxious assholes? He's worried someone will take his porn away or something? Atheists want the right to not be offended and any sign of Christianity is an offense.

How does not believing in imaginary creatures translate into a porn addiction?

Are you incapable of living a moral and decent life, to the best of your ability,

if you didn't believe there was some supernatural imaginary being out there who was going to smite you for eternity if you didn't?

Are you really useless as a human?
Nothing you said makes sense. Sober up and try again tomorrow. Find evidence for a secular cause first though since all you have so far is putting down opposing thoughts.
I can read fine. You keep spouting that I have a belief in a secular cause. I asked you to define what this secular cause is. You keep evading it. Athiest means you have a lack of belief in a god/gods. That is not a belief. Why is this so hard for you to comprehend?
I have no idea what your beliefs are and haven't told you what they are so NO, you cannot read worth a shit. You're the dumbfuck that can't speak English, not me.

Definition of ATHEIST
Full Definition of atheist
  1. : one who believes that there is no deity
athe·is·ticplay \ˌā-thē-ˈis-tik\ or athe·is·ti·cal play \ˌā-thē-ˈis-ti-kəl\ adjective
athe·is·ti·cal·ly play \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb
A belief in a negative is a non belief. It's like saying I believe in no blue fairies. So can I assume that if you have a belief in no other gods that they are faith based. Or do you believe in every single god that was described by man. The Celestial Teapot, is that also faith based? The Blue Fairies on the dark side of the moon. Your belief or lack of belief in them must be faith based. In fact there are billions of different things one can believe or not believe. Accoring to you every one of them is faith based. Yeah, I know. Sounds pretty ridiculous.
You are spinning like a top. Words mean things, you cannot redefine them to suit yourself. You either believe in a god, don't believe in one or you don't fucking know. Trying to turn English into quantum physics just proves you are deranged.
I don't believe in one. That is called a non belief.

Merrriam Webster

a : a disbelief in the existence of deity


noun: atheism
disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
Yep, an atheist believes there is no god. It's a matter of faith unless you have evidence?
Before we move any further. Do you feel that your belief in no Blue Fairies on the dark side of the moon is faith based?

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