Rubio vs. Athiest

Bonzi, will you please talk to this guy? He still wants to argue whether or not god created all men with flaws.

He gave us free will and I doubt He holds it against those who don't believe....especially those sent through our leftist indoctrination factories masquerading as public schools. It's easy to be an atheist or whatever you want and not give a shit. I once figured if I didn't blasphemy God that He would see I was a good man and let me inside the Pearly Gates. Then one day it dawned on me that the only thing He hadn't given me was the ability to know He was with me. When I got that, I got the key to Paradise.
I have no intention of watching the video. but no potential president should make religion part of his campaign.

Actually, if he had just said that, he would have saved everyone a lot of time.
The crowd liked it. Probably got hisself some more votes out of it.

You are probably right. In his defence, though, I am sure that Rubio did not invent pandering.
A politician that doesn't pander? On what planet? He seems serious about his faith though and dismissing the subject would be wrong.
I see. god created us with flaws, tells us that none of us are without sin, and then blames us for sinning.

Every night, my kids and I say prayers at their bedtime. I have raised them to say thanks to God each day for at least two things for which they are grateful. I have raised them not to ask for anything from God, because God knows their needs. Asking for something from God is placing an expectation on God, and that inevitably will lead to disappointment.

I think this is what is at the core of most atheists' resentments. They have expectations of God, and are angry he does not meet their demands.

One night, while the kids were getting ready for bed when they were very small, they started playing around and began swinging on a curtain over our back door. Of course the curtain rod eventually bent and the curtain fell to the floor.

At that exact moment, I arrived at the top of the stairs and looked down and saw this ridiculous scene. I impulsively shouted at my children, "What the hell is wrong with you people?!"

Do you think they felt like kneeling down and saying prayers with me after that?

Nope. No they didn't.


Until I remembered that I knew any children I might have would not be perfect. I knew before they were born they were going to make mistakes.

I had them anyway.

And you know what? No matter how angry they might make me sometimes, no matter what mistakes they might make, it does not change the love I feel for them one bit.

So here's the crucial thing you must understand. Their destruction of the curtain had created a gulf between me and them.

But as they are the children and I am their father, it was up to me to close that gulf between us with my love and forgiveness.


That's what Jesus' sacrifice represents. God is reaching across the gulf of our sins and bringing us back to him. All we have to do is accept that. He knew before He created us we would be imperfect, and it does not change the way He feels about us one bit.


So I asked my kids, "Okay, you didn't know that would happen, but now you have learned a little something about the laws of physics. So you won't ever do that again, right?"

Then we all happily knelt down and said our prayers.

I have not replaced that curtain rod. I straightened it as much as possible and put it back up. I will ask to be buried with it, because it is a holy relic to me as much as the Cross.

I had a boss like that once.

There's a better Boss out there.
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Freedom of religion was so important that the Founding Fathers put it into Amendment numero uno. What ever offense atheists take to symbols of organized religion or the practice thereof or even the promotion of organized religion really doesn't matter.
Any comments or counter-arguments to Rubio from this clip?

I have no intention of watching the video. but no potential president should make religion part of his campaign.

Typical leftist - chose to remain ignorant and create a fantasy world around them.

Rubio was responding to a gotcha question from a leftist hater.

And the result was the leftist pretty much got smoked by Rubio's response.
Rubio's response to the atheist was terrific...for the first 30 seconds. And then he spent a few minutes pandering to the Christians in the audience, which is exactly what the atheist was complaining about.

Rubio did not address the concerns of the atheist, which is unfortunate.
Bonzi, will you please talk to this guy? He still wants to argue whether or not god created all men with flaws.

He gave us free will and I doubt He holds it against those who don't believe....especially those sent through our leftist indoctrination factories masquerading as public schools. It's easy to be an atheist or whatever you want and not give a shit. I once figured if I didn't blasphemy God that He would see I was a good man and let me inside the Pearly Gates. Then one day it dawned on me that the only thing He hadn't given me was the ability to know He was with me. When I got that, I got the key to Paradise.

Well, since you believe that Obama is a muslim, I have ranked your opinion about religion somewhere between how much I care about the results of the 1981 Super Bowl results, and my great uncle's childhood nickname.
No, we're cool. I forgave him for creating me with flaws.

He didn't. Any flaws you have are because of you. God didn't create junk but since you are, you're the cause.

Then why do "christians" and other religions chop off part of baby boys' penises?

Because god made a mistake.

For reasons that were never explained to me by my parents, I was not circumcised until I was 6 years old. Believe me, god got an earful from me about THAT!

Perhaps your parents should have been the target of your ire. They had it done.

It would not have given me much satisfaction blaming my father, since he was already dead, but god screwed up in the penis thing, and I'm not letting him off the hook.

The only screw up was you getting a penis. You should have had a vagina and been given a bucket with soapy water to wash the sand out of it that's irritating you.
I addressed YOUR statement.

...and I redirected you to the source.....

You aren't the source of YOUR statement about claiming you forgave God? Liar. The Bible talks about that, too but it seems you ignore that part.

Well, if that is what you are talking about, yes, I forgave him. But frankly, I don't really trust him to get everything right.

He didn't do anything wrong when he created you. You fucked yourself up and now, like a good little Liberal, want to blame anyone but the person that actually fucked you up, YOU.

Bonzi, will you please talk to this guy? He still wants to argue whether or not god created all men with flaws.

You created your flaws and aren't willing to accept the blame. Perhaps God should have given you a pussy. That's what you are.
I have no intention of watching the video. but no potential president should make religion part of his campaign.

You're afraid to watch Rubio Christian answer to an atheist's question after you elected a muslim to be president? This is why prog morons shouldn't be allowed to vote....ever.

afraid? er... no. I have no reason to.

no presidential candidate should make religion an issue. that's prohibited by the constitution.

aside from the fact that the president isn't a muslim, I don't care what religion anyone has or no religion at all so long as they don't try to enact it into law like the radical religious right keeps trying to.
I see. god created us with flaws, tells us that none of us are without sin, and then blames us for sinning.

Every night, my kids and I say prayers at their bedtime. I have raised them to say thanks to God each day for at least two things for which they are grateful. I have raised them not to ask for anything from God, because God knows their needs. Asking for something from God is placing an expectation on God, and that inevitably will lead to disappointment.

I think this is what is at the core of most atheists' resentments. They have expectations of God, and are angry he does not meet their demands.

One night, while the kids were getting ready for bed when they were very small, they started playing around and began swinging on a curtain over our back door. Of course the curtain rod eventually bent and the curtain fell to the floor.

At that exact moment, I arrived at the top of the stairs and looked down and saw this ridiculous scene. I impulsively shouted at my children, "What the hell is wrong with you people?!"

Do you think they felt like kneeling down and saying prayers with me after that?

Nope. No they didn't.


Until I remembered that I knew any children I might have would not be perfect. I knew before they were born they were going to make mistakes.

I had them anyway.

And you know what? No matter how angry they might make me sometimes, no matter what mistakes they might make, it does not change the love I feel for them one bit.

So here's the crucial thing you must understand. Their destruction of the curtain had created a gulf between me and them.

But as they are the children and I am their father, it was up to me to close that gulf between us with my love and forgiveness.


That's what Jesus' sacrifice represents. God is reaching across the gulf of our sins and bringing us back to him. All we have to do is accept that. He knew before He created us we would be imperfect, and it does not change the way He feels about us one bit.


So I asked my kids, "Okay, you didn't know that would happen, but now you have learned a little something about the laws of physics. So you won't ever do that again, right?"

Then we all happily knelt down and said our prayers.

I have not replaced that curtain rod. I straightened it as much as possible and put it back up. I will ask to be buried with it, because it is a holy relic to me as much as the Cross.

I had a boss like that once.

There's a better Boss out there.

You are overthinking it, 5000. We are not angry with god. That would be like being angry at Superman for not coming to the rescue.
...and I redirected you to the source.....

You aren't the source of YOUR statement about claiming you forgave God? Liar. The Bible talks about that, too but it seems you ignore that part.

Well, if that is what you are talking about, yes, I forgave him. But frankly, I don't really trust him to get everything right.

He didn't do anything wrong when he created you. You fucked yourself up and now, like a good little Liberal, want to blame anyone but the person that actually fucked you up, YOU.

Bonzi, will you please talk to this guy? He still wants to argue whether or not god created all men with flaws.

You created your flaws and aren't willing to accept the blame. Perhaps God should have given you a pussy. That's what you are.

Maybe I don't look to you as an example of what Christianity should be? Frankly, if you are a practicing Christian, I think you need more practice.
If a God gave you your rights, a God can take them away.

God is God. He can do whatever he wants. But it is ALWAYS for perfect goodness. He can not do evil nor sin.

Is that why he chooses to refuse to reveal his existence?
Obviously you never seriously asked God to show you His existence.

lol, idiot.

If you didn't think there was something in it for you the last thing you'd believe in was God.
This is the religion that needs to suppressed:


for the good of all humankind.
I have no intention of watching the video. but no potential president should make religion part of his campaign.

You're afraid to watch Rubio Christian answer to an atheist's question after you elected a muslim to be president? This is why prog morons shouldn't be allowed to vote....ever.

afraid? er... no. I have no reason to.

no presidential candidate should make religion an issue. that's prohibited by the constitution.

aside from the fact that the president isn't a muslim, I don't care what religion anyone has or no religion at all so long as they don't try to enact it into law like the radical religious right keeps trying to.

No it's not prohibited to talk about religion or make it an issue. What is prohibited is the government establishing a religion.

What kind of an attorney are you that you don't understand the Constitution?

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