Rubio vs. Athiest

He also was very clear that his main priority is the afterlife. For those of us who don't believe in the Christian version of the afterlife, it means he'll be focused on a fantasy rather than giving his full attention to the duties of the Presidency.
And for believers it means he'll be more properly focused.

Sure. But the question was how do his beliefs interfere with his ability to serve as President for those who don't share his beliefs.
The only people that would ask that question are people who don't want a Christian to hold power. Liberals are as faithful if not more so and their policies do effect me so excuse me for not caring about your concerns.
I have no intention of watching the video. but no potential president should make religion part of his campaign.

You're afraid to watch Rubio Christian answer to an atheist's question after you elected a muslim to be president? This is why prog morons shouldn't be allowed to vote....ever.

afraid? er... no. I have no reason to.

no presidential candidate should make religion an issue. that's prohibited by the constitution.

aside from the fact that the president isn't a muslim, I don't care what religion anyone has or no religion at all so long as they don't try to enact it into law like the radical religious right keeps trying to.

No it's not prohibited to talk about religion or make it an issue. What is prohibited is the government establishing a religion.

What kind of an attorney are you that you don't understand the Constitution?
No one believes she's a lawyer.

i don't care what you winger loons believe. i know what pays my bills. and anyone who actually knows anything KNOWS I'm a lawyer.

now go back to collecting your welfare check.
You're a liar. If lying pays your bills I feel sorry for the people you ripped off. And I don't care what you winger loons think either, works both ways Sugarpuss.
Rubio answered the questioner by saying he respected the guy's right to be a non-believer. The questioner seemed to have impression that Rubio, by telling of his base beliefs through a media ad, somehow interfered with those of his own.

Rubio would have done himself a favor had he stopped there. But he went on to reveal the real problem. If Rubio really believes what he claimed I don't see how we can trust him to protect our rights, or to protect the country in the face of mortal threat.

He claimed rights "come from God", and don't exist without one ("If there's no creator, then where do your rights come from?"). That's a misunderstanding of the concept of inalienable rights that hangs perilously on Rubio's faith. If he loses his faith he would, apparently, have no qualms in using government to violate our rights.

He also was very clear that his main priority is the afterlife. For those of us who don't believe in the Christian version of the afterlife, it means he'll be focused on a fantasy rather than giving his full attention to the duties of the Presidency.

That's how Rubio's believes, as he represented them, interfere with the values and well-being of anyone who doesn't share them.
Dumb post. Many Christians have served in leadership roles but haven't tried to take anyone's religious freedom away or impose it on you. The questioner was on your level and trying to make a non issue and issue. You have it ass backwards. The fact that he believes he will be accountable for his actions for all of eternity means he will be focused on doing the right thing, not lining his pockets with gold or whatever.

If you are an anti-Christian bigot, and it sounds like you are, he wasn't getting your vote anyway. Or the asshole's in the video.

Is fear of Hell the only reason you have morals, such as they are?
If a God gave you your rights, a God can take them away.

God is God. He can do whatever he wants. But it is ALWAYS for perfect goodness. He can not do evil nor sin.

if you believe.

no one cares if you believe or not.

but this thread was about the radical religious right trying to make this country a theocracy.

your beliefs should not be legislated into law. that's what the first amendment is for. (no matter what the rabid wingers say).
Wrong. The thread isn't about a theocracy, only assholes like you who would apply a religious litmus test want it to be the issue. You really don't understand the Constitution.
Rubio answered the questioner by saying he respected the guy's right to be a non-believer. The questioner seemed to have impression that Rubio, by telling of his base beliefs through a media ad, somehow interfered with those of his own.

Rubio would have done himself a favor had he stopped there. But he went on to reveal the real problem. If Rubio really believes what he claimed I don't see how we can trust him to protect our rights, or to protect the country in the face of mortal threat.

He claimed rights "come from God", and don't exist without one ("If there's no creator, then where do your rights come from?"). That's a misunderstanding of the concept of inalienable rights that hangs perilously on Rubio's faith. If he loses his faith he would, apparently, have no qualms in using government to violate our rights.

He also was very clear that his main priority is the afterlife. For those of us who don't believe in the Christian version of the afterlife, it means he'll be focused on a fantasy rather than giving his full attention to the duties of the Presidency.

That's how Rubio's believes, as he represented them, interfere with the values and well-being of anyone who doesn't share them.
Dumb post. Many Christians have served in leadership roles but haven't tried to take anyone's religious freedom away or impose it on you. The questioner was on your level and trying to make a non issue and issue. You have it ass backwards. The fact that he believes he will be accountable for his actions for all of eternity means he will be focused on doing the right thing, not lining his pockets with gold or whatever.

If you are an anti-Christian bigot, and it sounds like you are, he wasn't getting your vote anyway. Or the asshole's in the video.

Is fear of Hell the only reason you have morals, such as they are?
I'm not religious, dipstick. Why are you so fearful of thinking? Does it make your brain hurt?
He also was very clear that his main priority is the afterlife. For those of us who don't believe in the Christian version of the afterlife, it means he'll be focused on a fantasy rather than giving his full attention to the duties of the Presidency.
And for believers it means he'll be more properly focused.

Sure. But the question was how do his beliefs interfere with his ability to serve as President for those who don't share his beliefs.
The only people that would ask that question are people who don't want a Christian to hold power. Liberals are as faithful if not more so and their policies do effect me so excuse me for not caring about your concerns.

When liberals fight for the principle of providing healthcare to all Americans, regardless of their ability to pay,

and conservatives fight to see that healthcare is just another commodity that you either pay for or go without,

which of the two do you believe comes closer to Christ's view on the matter? aka, the Christian view?
Rubio answered the questioner by saying he respected the guy's right to be a non-believer. The questioner seemed to have impression that Rubio, by telling of his base beliefs through a media ad, somehow interfered with those of his own.

Rubio would have done himself a favor had he stopped there. But he went on to reveal the real problem. If Rubio really believes what he claimed I don't see how we can trust him to protect our rights, or to protect the country in the face of mortal threat.

He claimed rights "come from God", and don't exist without one ("If there's no creator, then where do your rights come from?"). That's a misunderstanding of the concept of inalienable rights that hangs perilously on Rubio's faith. If he loses his faith he would, apparently, have no qualms in using government to violate our rights.

He also was very clear that his main priority is the afterlife. For those of us who don't believe in the Christian version of the afterlife, it means he'll be focused on a fantasy rather than giving his full attention to the duties of the Presidency.

That's how Rubio's believes, as he represented them, interfere with the values and well-being of anyone who doesn't share them.
Dumb post. Many Christians have served in leadership roles but haven't tried to take anyone's religious freedom away or impose it on you.

Yes, because they were wise enough to separate their religious faith from their political convictions. Rubio is not so wise.

If you are an anti-Christian bigot, and it sounds like you are, he wasn't getting your vote anyway. Or the asshole's in the video.

The only bias I'm expressing here is against stupidity and incompetence.
Rubio answered the questioner by saying he respected the guy's right to be a non-believer. The questioner seemed to have impression that Rubio, by telling of his base beliefs through a media ad, somehow interfered with those of his own.

Rubio would have done himself a favor had he stopped there. But he went on to reveal the real problem. If Rubio really believes what he claimed I don't see how we can trust him to protect our rights, or to protect the country in the face of mortal threat.

He claimed rights "come from God", and don't exist without one ("If there's no creator, then where do your rights come from?"). That's a misunderstanding of the concept of inalienable rights that hangs perilously on Rubio's faith. If he loses his faith he would, apparently, have no qualms in using government to violate our rights.

He also was very clear that his main priority is the afterlife. For those of us who don't believe in the Christian version of the afterlife, it means he'll be focused on a fantasy rather than giving his full attention to the duties of the Presidency.

That's how Rubio's believes, as he represented them, interfere with the values and well-being of anyone who doesn't share them.
Dumb post. Many Christians have served in leadership roles but haven't tried to take anyone's religious freedom away or impose it on you. The questioner was on your level and trying to make a non issue and issue. You have it ass backwards. The fact that he believes he will be accountable for his actions for all of eternity means he will be focused on doing the right thing, not lining his pockets with gold or whatever.

If you are an anti-Christian bigot, and it sounds like you are, he wasn't getting your vote anyway. Or the asshole's in the video.

Is fear of Hell the only reason you have morals, such as they are?
I'm not religious, dipstick. Why are you so fearful of thinking? Does it make your brain hurt?

So you were mocking Rubio for needing the fear of the supernatural to make him behave?

lol, no you weren't.
He also was very clear that his main priority is the afterlife. For those of us who don't believe in the Christian version of the afterlife, it means he'll be focused on a fantasy rather than giving his full attention to the duties of the Presidency.
And for believers it means he'll be more properly focused.

Sure. But the question was how do his beliefs interfere with his ability to serve as President for those who don't share his beliefs.
The only people that would ask that question are people who don't want a Christian to hold power. Liberals are as faithful if not more so and their policies do effect me so excuse me for not caring about your concerns.

When liberals fight for the principle of providing healthcare to all Americans, regardless of their ability to pay,

and conservatives fight to see that healthcare is just another commodity that you either pay for or go without,

which of the two do you believe comes closer to Christ's view on the matter? aka, the Christian view?
What's Christ have to do with it? Your brain is broken. I don't share your socialist political views either, that should be apparent to you. Using them against me is stupid.
Rubio answered the questioner by saying he respected the guy's right to be a non-believer. The questioner seemed to have impression that Rubio, by telling of his base beliefs through a media ad, somehow interfered with those of his own.

Rubio would have done himself a favor had he stopped there. But he went on to reveal the real problem. If Rubio really believes what he claimed I don't see how we can trust him to protect our rights, or to protect the country in the face of mortal threat.

He claimed rights "come from God", and don't exist without one ("If there's no creator, then where do your rights come from?"). That's a misunderstanding of the concept of inalienable rights that hangs perilously on Rubio's faith. If he loses his faith he would, apparently, have no qualms in using government to violate our rights.

He also was very clear that his main priority is the afterlife. For those of us who don't believe in the Christian version of the afterlife, it means he'll be focused on a fantasy rather than giving his full attention to the duties of the Presidency.

That's how Rubio's believes, as he represented them, interfere with the values and well-being of anyone who doesn't share them.
Dumb post. Many Christians have served in leadership roles but haven't tried to take anyone's religious freedom away or impose it on you.

Yes, because they were wise enough to separate their religious faith from their political convictions. Rubio is not so wise.

If you are an anti-Christian bigot, and it sounds like you are, he wasn't getting your vote anyway. Or the asshole's in the video.

The only bias I'm expressing here is against stupidity and incompetence.
The stupidity and incompetence is all yours. You were trying to present yourself as an interested party and we now know you're just a bigot who won't vote for a religious candidate.
Rubio answered the questioner by saying he respected the guy's right to be a non-believer. The questioner seemed to have impression that Rubio, by telling of his base beliefs through a media ad, somehow interfered with those of his own.

Rubio would have done himself a favor had he stopped there. But he went on to reveal the real problem. If Rubio really believes what he claimed I don't see how we can trust him to protect our rights, or to protect the country in the face of mortal threat.

He claimed rights "come from God", and don't exist without one ("If there's no creator, then where do your rights come from?"). That's a misunderstanding of the concept of inalienable rights that hangs perilously on Rubio's faith. If he loses his faith he would, apparently, have no qualms in using government to violate our rights.

He also was very clear that his main priority is the afterlife. For those of us who don't believe in the Christian version of the afterlife, it means he'll be focused on a fantasy rather than giving his full attention to the duties of the Presidency.

That's how Rubio's believes, as he represented them, interfere with the values and well-being of anyone who doesn't share them.
Dumb post. Many Christians have served in leadership roles but haven't tried to take anyone's religious freedom away or impose it on you. The questioner was on your level and trying to make a non issue and issue. You have it ass backwards. The fact that he believes he will be accountable for his actions for all of eternity means he will be focused on doing the right thing, not lining his pockets with gold or whatever.

If you are an anti-Christian bigot, and it sounds like you are, he wasn't getting your vote anyway. Or the asshole's in the video.

Is fear of Hell the only reason you have morals, such as they are?
I'm not religious, dipstick. Why are you so fearful of thinking? Does it make your brain hurt?

So you were mocking Rubio for needing the fear of the supernatural to make him behave?

lol, no you weren't.
I mock liberals, especially atheists, because they don't have an honest bone in their bodies. Which you have proven.
He also was very clear that his main priority is the afterlife. For those of us who don't believe in the Christian version of the afterlife, it means he'll be focused on a fantasy rather than giving his full attention to the duties of the Presidency.
And for believers it means he'll be more properly focused.

Sure. But the question was how do his beliefs interfere with his ability to serve as President for those who don't share his beliefs.
The only people that would ask that question are people who don't want a Christian to hold power. Liberals are as faithful if not more so and their policies do effect me so excuse me for not caring about your concerns.

It's a valid question for anyone, even fellow Christians. Faith is a fickle, and it's important to know how Rubio would lead if he lost his. If his only reason for believing government should protect our rights is because "God said it", that make him very dangerous should he lose his faith - or if "God" tells him something different.
Rubio would have done himself a favor had he stopped there. But he went on to reveal the real problem. If Rubio really believes what he claimed I don't see how we can trust him to protect our rights, or to protect the country in the face of mortal threat.

He claimed rights "come from God", and don't exist without one ("If there's no creator, then where do your rights come from?"). That's a misunderstanding of the concept of inalienable rights that hangs perilously on Rubio's faith. If he loses his faith he would, apparently, have no qualms in using government to violate our rights.

He also was very clear that his main priority is the afterlife. For those of us who don't believe in the Christian version of the afterlife, it means he'll be focused on a fantasy rather than giving his full attention to the duties of the Presidency.

That's how Rubio's believes, as he represented them, interfere with the values and well-being of anyone who doesn't share them.
Dumb post. Many Christians have served in leadership roles but haven't tried to take anyone's religious freedom away or impose it on you. The questioner was on your level and trying to make a non issue and issue. You have it ass backwards. The fact that he believes he will be accountable for his actions for all of eternity means he will be focused on doing the right thing, not lining his pockets with gold or whatever.

If you are an anti-Christian bigot, and it sounds like you are, he wasn't getting your vote anyway. Or the asshole's in the video.

Is fear of Hell the only reason you have morals, such as they are?
I'm not religious, dipstick. Why are you so fearful of thinking? Does it make your brain hurt?

So you were mocking Rubio for needing the fear of the supernatural to make him behave?

lol, no you weren't.
I mock liberals, especially atheists, because they don't have an honest bone in their bodies. Which you have proven.

Show me one thing I've ever lied about.
Rubio answered the questioner by saying he respected the guy's right to be a non-believer. The questioner seemed to have impression that Rubio, by telling of his base beliefs through a media ad, somehow interfered with those of his own.

Rubio would have done himself a favor had he stopped there. But he went on to reveal the real problem. If Rubio really believes what he claimed I don't see how we can trust him to protect our rights, or to protect the country in the face of mortal threat.

He claimed rights "come from God", and don't exist without one ("If there's no creator, then where do your rights come from?"). That's a misunderstanding of the concept of inalienable rights that hangs perilously on Rubio's faith. If he loses his faith he would, apparently, have no qualms in using government to violate our rights.

He also was very clear that his main priority is the afterlife. For those of us who don't believe in the Christian version of the afterlife, it means he'll be focused on a fantasy rather than giving his full attention to the duties of the Presidency.

That's how Rubio's believes, as he represented them, interfere with the values and well-being of anyone who doesn't share them.
Dumb post. Many Christians have served in leadership roles but haven't tried to take anyone's religious freedom away or impose it on you.

Yes, because they were wise enough to separate their religious faith from their political convictions. Rubio is not so wise.

If you are an anti-Christian bigot, and it sounds like you are, he wasn't getting your vote anyway. Or the asshole's in the video.

The only bias I'm expressing here is against stupidity and incompetence.
The stupidity and incompetence is all yours. You were trying to present yourself as an interested party and we now know you're just a bigot who won't vote for a religious candidate.

You "now know" nothing of the sort. You're pulling assumptions out of your vacuous ass and flinging them against the wall. Please clean up after yourself when you're done.
Dumb post. Many Christians have served in leadership roles but haven't tried to take anyone's religious freedom away or impose it on you. The questioner was on your level and trying to make a non issue and issue. You have it ass backwards. The fact that he believes he will be accountable for his actions for all of eternity means he will be focused on doing the right thing, not lining his pockets with gold or whatever.

If you are an anti-Christian bigot, and it sounds like you are, he wasn't getting your vote anyway. Or the asshole's in the video.

Is fear of Hell the only reason you have morals, such as they are?
I'm not religious, dipstick. Why are you so fearful of thinking? Does it make your brain hurt?

So you were mocking Rubio for needing the fear of the supernatural to make him behave?

lol, no you weren't.
I mock liberals, especially atheists, because they don't have an honest bone in their bodies. Which you have proven.

Show me one thing I've ever lied about.
You've been doing it in this thread. You constantly use the bible to try to minimize my comments after me telling you many times I'm not religious. Not to mention all the other conversations we've had.
Rubio answered the questioner by saying he respected the guy's right to be a non-believer. The questioner seemed to have impression that Rubio, by telling of his base beliefs through a media ad, somehow interfered with those of his own.

Rubio would have done himself a favor had he stopped there. But he went on to reveal the real problem. If Rubio really believes what he claimed I don't see how we can trust him to protect our rights, or to protect the country in the face of mortal threat.

He claimed rights "come from God", and don't exist without one ("If there's no creator, then where do your rights come from?"). That's a misunderstanding of the concept of inalienable rights that hangs perilously on Rubio's faith. If he loses his faith he would, apparently, have no qualms in using government to violate our rights.

He also was very clear that his main priority is the afterlife. For those of us who don't believe in the Christian version of the afterlife, it means he'll be focused on a fantasy rather than giving his full attention to the duties of the Presidency.

That's how Rubio's believes, as he represented them, interfere with the values and well-being of anyone who doesn't share them.
Dumb post. Many Christians have served in leadership roles but haven't tried to take anyone's religious freedom away or impose it on you.

Yes, because they were wise enough to separate their religious faith from their political convictions. Rubio is not so wise.

If you are an anti-Christian bigot, and it sounds like you are, he wasn't getting your vote anyway. Or the asshole's in the video.

The only bias I'm expressing here is against stupidity and incompetence.
The stupidity and incompetence is all yours. You were trying to present yourself as an interested party and we now know you're just a bigot who won't vote for a religious candidate.

You "now know" nothing of he sort. You're pulling assumptions out of your vacuous ass and flinging them against the wall. Please clean up after yourself when you're done.
I cleaned you up. You thought you were slick but the bigotry rolled off your keyboard mighty quick.
Rubio would have done himself a favor had he stopped there. But he went on to reveal the real problem. If Rubio really believes what he claimed I don't see how we can trust him to protect our rights, or to protect the country in the face of mortal threat.

He claimed rights "come from God", and don't exist without one ("If there's no creator, then where do your rights come from?"). That's a misunderstanding of the concept of inalienable rights that hangs perilously on Rubio's faith. If he loses his faith he would, apparently, have no qualms in using government to violate our rights.

He also was very clear that his main priority is the afterlife. For those of us who don't believe in the Christian version of the afterlife, it means he'll be focused on a fantasy rather than giving his full attention to the duties of the Presidency.

That's how Rubio's believes, as he represented them, interfere with the values and well-being of anyone who doesn't share them.
Dumb post. Many Christians have served in leadership roles but haven't tried to take anyone's religious freedom away or impose it on you.

Yes, because they were wise enough to separate their religious faith from their political convictions. Rubio is not so wise.

If you are an anti-Christian bigot, and it sounds like you are, he wasn't getting your vote anyway. Or the asshole's in the video.

The only bias I'm expressing here is against stupidity and incompetence.
The stupidity and incompetence is all yours. You were trying to present yourself as an interested party and we now know you're just a bigot who won't vote for a religious candidate.

You "now know" nothing of he sort. You're pulling assumptions out of your vacuous ass and flinging them against the wall. Please clean up after yourself when you're done.
I cleaned you up. You thought you were slick but the bigotry rolled off your keyboard mighty quick.

No, it didn't. I've expressed no bigotry whatsoever - other than an intolerance for idiot fucks like yourself.
Dumb post. Many Christians have served in leadership roles but haven't tried to take anyone's religious freedom away or impose it on you.

Yes, because they were wise enough to separate their religious faith from their political convictions. Rubio is not so wise.

If you are an anti-Christian bigot, and it sounds like you are, he wasn't getting your vote anyway. Or the asshole's in the video.

The only bias I'm expressing here is against stupidity and incompetence.
The stupidity and incompetence is all yours. You were trying to present yourself as an interested party and we now know you're just a bigot who won't vote for a religious candidate.

You "now know" nothing of he sort. You're pulling assumptions out of your vacuous ass and flinging them against the wall. Please clean up after yourself when you're done.
I cleaned you up. You thought you were slick but the bigotry rolled off your keyboard mighty quick.

No, it didn't. I've expressed no bigotry whatsoever - other than an intolerance for idiot fucks like yourself.
Wrong. You can't stand a person who has a religious belief. You made it clear. You fooled no one.
Yes, because they were wise enough to separate their religious faith from their political convictions. Rubio is not so wise.

The only bias I'm expressing here is against stupidity and incompetence.
The stupidity and incompetence is all yours. You were trying to present yourself as an interested party and we now know you're just a bigot who won't vote for a religious candidate.

You "now know" nothing of he sort. You're pulling assumptions out of your vacuous ass and flinging them against the wall. Please clean up after yourself when you're done.
I cleaned you up. You thought you were slick but the bigotry rolled off your keyboard mighty quick.

No, it didn't. I've expressed no bigotry whatsoever - other than an intolerance for idiot fucks like yourself.
Wrong. You can't stand a person who has a religious belief. You made it clear. You fooled no one.

Prove it, maggot. You're the only person in this thread I can't stand, and you're not religious, remember? Seriously - back up your cowardly accusation with a quote displaying my supposed hatred for religious people. You won't find one. Then come back here and kiss my ass with your apology.
The stupidity and incompetence is all yours. You were trying to present yourself as an interested party and we now know you're just a bigot who won't vote for a religious candidate.

You "now know" nothing of he sort. You're pulling assumptions out of your vacuous ass and flinging them against the wall. Please clean up after yourself when you're done.
I cleaned you up. You thought you were slick but the bigotry rolled off your keyboard mighty quick.

No, it didn't. I've expressed no bigotry whatsoever - other than an intolerance for idiot fucks like yourself.
Wrong. You can't stand a person who has a religious belief. You made it clear. You fooled no one.

Prove it, maggot. You're the only person in this thread I can't stand, and you're not religious, remember? Seriously - back up your cowardly accusation with a quote displaying my supposed hatred for religious people. You won't find one. Then come back here and kiss my ass with your apology.
You forgot already? You said:

"He also was very clear that his main priority is the afterlife. For those of us who don't believe in the Christian version of the afterlife, it means he'll be focused on a fantasy rather than giving his full attention to the duties of the Presidency."

So now you're pretending you have no problem with a religious person. You don't know that he'll be unfocused on the job, you assume so because you're a BIGOT.

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