Rude welcome for Trump at NATO summit

Thank God our allies are standing up to trump.
98 senators rebuke Trump.

Donald Trump gets chilly reception at NATO summit

President Trump got a chilly reception Tuesday at the NATO summit in Brussels from anxious and angry European leaders, but he still can count on a few friendly faces in the old military alliance.

European Council President Donald Tusk set the scene by warning Mr. Trump that he is losing friends fast.

“Dear America, appreciate your allies. After all, you don’t have that many,” the former Polish prime minister said in a rebuke of Mr. Trump’s criticism of NATO nations who are not meeting their defense spending obligations.

Mr. Tusk represents the majority opinion — a decidedly skittish view of Mr. Trump — among the 29 NATO member countries.

Mr. Trump infuriated European heads of government by demanding that their countries pay their shares for NATO, by demanding new trade deals with better terms for the U.S. and by making chummy overtures to Russian President Vladimir Putin. :iyfyus.jpg:

Thank God out allies are what-?


Them fuckers are sucking up American taxpayer monies and returning nothing. They aren't

poor, in America, and qualifying for EBT, ok?

They wanna be allies, they better have a military that they fund of some sort, dammit!
Complete and utter lie.

Alrighty then, break me down a list of what our "Allies" have militarily, then. What do they bring to the table?

10 planes from Germany? Wtf is that? How many enlisted in their army?

UK has been sitting on their duffs, too. Most likely Oz, too.

You & Trump are quite the pair of ignorant, uninformed jackasses.

NATO has defined what countries should spend on defense. There is a schedule as to when these levels will be reached.

Did you provide any info? No? Go away, uninformed jackass.

Actually I did. Perhaps this is why you are so uninformed.

So seemed to be unaware of the current schedule to bring all countries up to greed military spending levels.
Thank God our allies are standing up to trump.
98 senators rebuke Trump.

Donald Trump gets chilly reception at NATO summit

President Trump got a chilly reception Tuesday at the NATO summit in Brussels from anxious and angry European leaders, but he still can count on a few friendly faces in the old military alliance.

European Council President Donald Tusk set the scene by warning Mr. Trump that he is losing friends fast.

“Dear America, appreciate your allies. After all, you don’t have that many,” the former Polish prime minister said in a rebuke of Mr. Trump’s criticism of NATO nations who are not meeting their defense spending obligations.

Mr. Tusk represents the majority opinion — a decidedly skittish view of Mr. Trump — among the 29 NATO member countries.

Mr. Trump infuriated European heads of government by demanding that their countries pay their shares for NATO, by demanding new trade deals with better terms for the U.S. and by making chummy overtures to Russian President Vladimir Putin. :iyfyus.jpg:

Thank God out allies are what-?


Them fuckers are sucking up American taxpayer monies and returning nothing. They aren't

poor, in America, and qualifying for EBT, ok?

They wanna be allies, they better have a military that they fund of some sort, dammit!
Complete and utter lie.

Alrighty then, break me down a list of what our "Allies" have militarily, then. What do they bring to the table?

10 planes from Germany? Wtf is that? How many enlisted in their army?

UK has been sitting on their duffs, too. Most likely Oz, too.

You & Trump are quite the pair of ignorant, uninformed jackasses.

NATO has defined what countries should spend on defense. There is a schedule as to when these levels will be reached.

Did you provide any info? No? Go away, uninformed jackass.
"Waaaa, the US doesn't want to do what we want" Tantrum's ensue.


Scared to stand on ones own feet.

The US does /not/ need military defense help, we got this.


Clearly no concept of history or if how the world works.
We are? Funny they are laughing at us.

Trumpkins don’t get that, of course.

Yes, they're laughing while they starve and try to get through the day, princess. :itsok:

Remember that the next time you have those Viet girls do your nails n stuff, then have lunch at a nice restaurant with friends, ok?

I don't "get my nails cut" I am the nail cutter. ;)
Last edited:
"Russia's election meddling efforts..."
What Were They ??
Doesn't Say.....

"There is no doubt that Russia undertook an unprecedented effort to interfere with our 2016 elections."
Like How ??
Again, No One Will SAY

And How Does Any Of It Involve Trump ??
It Doesn't ??
He is the one who benefited from their involvement genius. Plus, he is also the one who doesn't want to be investigated?

Not sure how much more obvious it can be for Christ sake.
Thank God our allies are standing up to trump.
98 senators rebuke Trump.

Donald Trump gets chilly reception at NATO summit

President Trump got a chilly reception Tuesday at the NATO summit in Brussels from anxious and angry European leaders, but he still can count on a few friendly faces in the old military alliance.

European Council President Donald Tusk set the scene by warning Mr. Trump that he is losing friends fast.

“Dear America, appreciate your allies. After all, you don’t have that many,” the former Polish prime minister said in a rebuke of Mr. Trump’s criticism of NATO nations who are not meeting their defense spending obligations.

Mr. Tusk represents the majority opinion — a decidedly skittish view of Mr. Trump — among the 29 NATO member countries.

Mr. Trump infuriated European heads of government by demanding that their countries pay their shares for NATO, by demanding new trade deals with better terms for the U.S. and by making chummy overtures to Russian President Vladimir Putin. :iyfyus.jpg:

The welfare queens are butthurt because Trump is telling them to get off American welfare.
Please tell me how these "welfare queens" that you've conjured up in your imagination have done more damage to the American economy than the individuals who caused the financial crisis 10 years ago where the American economy lost trillions in wealth?

Score! I get to answer two stupid questions with the same image. That's worth at least 5 points for efficiency \o/


We are the welfare sugar daddy for the socialistic European countries.

Countries where the average employee only works 35 hours a week and gets months of vacation.

Countries that gave up its coal and nuclear for worthless solar and wind and now is dependent Russia for energy but expects the US to protect them from the Russians.

Counties that are providing welfare for Muslim immigrants but not spending on defense.

Countries that waste money on social programs instead of providing for their defense.

Those countries has the right to do all those stupid things but they shouldn't expect the US to foot the bill.

God bless Trump for understanding it is time to take these countries off welfare.

Hopefully after he gets the Europeans off welfare he can work on all these filthy greedy lazy welfare queens we have here in the US.
Why is solar and wind "worthless"?!?! Especially when you consider byproducts?!'re saying WE paid for them to do this stuff......

Which orifice do you dig this stuff out of?! Seriously.....give me a break.
Drill baby, drill

That’s what the oil companies demand of Republicans
"Russia's election meddling efforts..."
What Were They ??
Doesn't Say.....

"There is no doubt that Russia undertook an unprecedented effort to interfere with our 2016 elections."
Like How ??
Again, No One Will SAY

And How Does Any Of It Involve Trump ??
It Doesn't ??
He is the one who benefited from their involvement genius. Plus, he is also the one who doesn't want to be investigated?

Not sure how much more obvious it can be for Christ sake.[/QUOTE]

Yeah the Tussians meddled. They exposed the corruption of the DNC and Hillary, what bastards they are!

Putin did America a great service.
Trump moronic supporters ALWAYS keep coming back to the notion that there is no such thing as diplomacy. We always have to impose our will by the ridiculous notion that our military will be able to blow people off the map. While a strong military is always important, it is only a small portion of world politics and dealing with countries who have their own interests. It is this short-sighted thinking is what used to lead to their thinking that Obama was somehow weak by strengthening relationships with allies and somehow Trump is strong by destroying them.

For Trump supporters, it does NOT MATTER how many experts have to say what Trump is doing is wrong....they believe Trump because they're too embarrassed to admit they backed a moron. They are doing this to the detriment of the country.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to be a Trump supporter and a true American at the same time. For Trump is ALWAYS politics first, country second. I guess what do we expect....they voted for a reality TV star.

^^Extreme case of TDS. Diagnosis: terminal.
Marion Morrison said:
Nevermind, EverCurious already did, and proved my point, while you're over there flopping like a fish, boy. This thread is not about fuel, but I damn sure am your Huckleberry if you wanna flap your gums about that, too. ;)
Frankie Consistently Gets Handed His Ass
With Every Tardo Post He Bangs Out
Yet He Persists
Like As Long As He's Making Racket
He's Still In It

Like Watching Springer People, Ain't It ??
Trump moronic supporters ALWAYS keep coming back to the notion that there is no such thing as diplomacy. We always have to impose our will by the ridiculous notion that our military will be able to blow people off the map. While a strong military is always important, it is only a small portion of world politics and dealing with countries who have their own interests. It is this short-sighted thinking is what used to lead to their thinking that Obama was somehow weak by strengthening relationships with allies and somehow Trump is strong by destroying them.

For Trump supporters, it does NOT MATTER how many experts have to say what Trump is doing is wrong....they believe Trump because they're too embarrassed to admit they backed a moron. They are doing this to the detriment of the country.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to be a Trump supporter and a true American at the same time. For Trump is ALWAYS politics first, country second. I guess what do we expect....they voted for a reality TV star.

Trump is telling the lazy brother in law it is time to move out of the house and go get a job. The free ride is over.

You stupid Liberals love your welfare don't you? Even when it is the Europeans getting it.

Time to stop subsidizing the failure of Socialism.
"Russia's election meddling efforts..."
What Were They ??
Doesn't Say.....

"There is no doubt that Russia undertook an unprecedented effort to interfere with our 2016 elections."
Like How ??
Again, No One Will SAY

And How Does Any Of It Involve Trump ??
It Doesn't ??
He is the one who benefited from their involvement genius. Plus, he is also the one who doesn't want to be investigated?

Not sure how much more obvious it can be for Christ sake.

Yeah the Tussians meddled. They exposed the corruption of the DNC and Hillary, what bastards they are!

Putin did America a great service.[/QUOTE]
PROGRESS!!! Trump supporters ADMIT Trump got help from a foreign adversary!! You're fine with a foreign adversary getting involved in our long as it benefits you politically. Like I are no American and you stand for nothing that America stands for.

Good Christ you people are hypocritical ***bags.
"Russia's election meddling efforts..."
What Were They ??
Doesn't Say.....

"There is no doubt that Russia undertook an unprecedented effort to interfere with our 2016 elections."
Like How ??
Again, No One Will SAY

And How Does Any Of It Involve Trump ??
It Doesn't ??
He is the one who benefited from their involvement genius. Plus, he is also the one who doesn't want to be investigated?

Not sure how much more obvious it can be for Christ sake.[/QUOTE]
They have had a huge propaganda program going on.
Frank the Tank said:
He is the one who benefited from their involvement genius.
Not sure how much more obvious it can be for Christ sake.
And Yet They Won't Say
And You Can't Say
No One Says How A Foreign Power
Could Possibly Throw An American Election

Won't Even Speculate On How It Could Effectively Be Done

And Yet,
You Profess Einstein Enlightenment
Without Saying Anything Of Value
On Any Topic You've Tried To Address

You Are Positively Ethereal....
Trump moronic supporters ALWAYS keep coming back to the notion that there is no such thing as diplomacy. We always have to impose our will by the ridiculous notion that our military will be able to blow people off the map. While a strong military is always important, it is only a small portion of world politics and dealing with countries who have their own interests. It is this short-sighted thinking is what used to lead to their thinking that Obama was somehow weak by strengthening relationships with allies and somehow Trump is strong by destroying them.

For Trump supporters, it does NOT MATTER how many experts have to say what Trump is doing is wrong....they believe Trump because they're too embarrassed to admit they backed a moron. They are doing this to the detriment of the country.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to be a Trump supporter and a true American at the same time. For Trump is ALWAYS politics first, country second. I guess what do we expect....they voted for a reality TV star.

Trump is telling the lazy brother in law it is time to move out of the house and go get a job. The free ride is over.

You stupid Liberals love your welfare don't you? Even when it is the Europeans getting it.

Time to stop subsidizing the failure of Socialism.
The welfare you nitwits support only benefit the people who crashed the economy 10 years ago......brilliant Cletus......
Marion Morrison said:
Nevermind, EverCurious already did, and proved my point, while you're over there flopping like a fish, boy. This thread is not about fuel, but I damn sure am your Huckleberry if you wanna flap your gums about that, too. ;)
Frankie Consistently Gets Handed His Ass
With Every Tardo Post He Bangs Out
Yet He Persists
Like As Long As He's Making Racket
He's Still In It

Like Watching Springer People, Ain't It ??
RIGHT! You're "winning" because you say you're "winning".......classic!
Trump moronic supporters ALWAYS keep coming back to the notion that there is no such thing as diplomacy. We always have to impose our will by the ridiculous notion that our military will be able to blow people off the map. While a strong military is always important, it is only a small portion of world politics and dealing with countries who have their own interests. It is this short-sighted thinking is what used to lead to their thinking that Obama was somehow weak by strengthening relationships with allies and somehow Trump is strong by destroying them.

For Trump supporters, it does NOT MATTER how many experts have to say what Trump is doing is wrong....they believe Trump because they're too embarrassed to admit they backed a moron. They are doing this to the detriment of the country.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to be a Trump supporter and a true American at the same time. For Trump is ALWAYS politics first, country second. I guess what do we expect....they voted for a reality TV star.

^^Extreme case of TDS. Diagnosis: terminal.
TDS.....also known as common sense.
Trump moronic supporters ALWAYS keep coming back to the notion that there is no such thing as diplomacy. We always have to impose our will by the ridiculous notion that our military will be able to blow people off the map. While a strong military is always important, it is only a small portion of world politics and dealing with countries who have their own interests. It is this short-sighted thinking is what used to lead to their thinking that Obama was somehow weak by strengthening relationships with allies and somehow Trump is strong by destroying them.

For Trump supporters, it does NOT MATTER how many experts have to say what Trump is doing is wrong....they believe Trump because they're too embarrassed to admit they backed a moron. They are doing this to the detriment of the country.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to be a Trump supporter and a true American at the same time. For Trump is ALWAYS politics first, country second. I guess what do we expect....they voted for a reality TV star.

^^Extreme case of TDS. Diagnosis: terminal.
TDS.....also known as common sense.

Oh no, not common sense, more like a disconnect from reality in response to not wanting to deal with Trump being elected.
Thank God our allies are standing up to trump.
98 senators rebuke Trump.

Donald Trump gets chilly reception at NATO summit

President Trump got a chilly reception Tuesday at the NATO summit in Brussels from anxious and angry European leaders, but he still can count on a few friendly faces in the old military alliance.

European Council President Donald Tusk set the scene by warning Mr. Trump that he is losing friends fast.

“Dear America, appreciate your allies. After all, you don’t have that many,” the former Polish prime minister said in a rebuke of Mr. Trump’s criticism of NATO nations who are not meeting their defense spending obligations.

Mr. Tusk represents the majority opinion — a decidedly skittish view of Mr. Trump — among the 29 NATO member countries.

Mr. Trump infuriated European heads of government by demanding that their countries pay their shares for NATO, by demanding new trade deals with better terms for the U.S. and by making chummy overtures to Russian President Vladimir Putin. :iyfyus.jpg:
In 2014, the US spent about $582 billion on NATO.
Why not pull out of NATO?
It's no longer needed.
You need to give this a read....
We Still Need NATO - The American Interest

We are always stronger with bigger numbers around the world.....the notion that the US will isolate themselves into being "safer" is utterly preposterous.
Quote Trump inferring such.
Perhaps “Fair Share” in your world means “Isolation”.

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