Rudy Giuliani survives viscous Supermarket attack

You and your ilk are the "ass breeders" Why do you think we call you the Alphabet Pedo Groomercrats? You first fellated Putin in 2016 and paid him for the Russian Collusion scam in order to try to rig the 2016 election in your favor like your rigged your primaries for Hillary McCankle McMurder Clinton. Seth Rich was murdered for that btw.

Then you Obama and Fauci when to Xi and the CCP for COVID19 to rig the 2020 election. Why do you lay in bed with villains and tyrants like that?
OK, Comrade. :heehee:
You and your ilk are the "ass breeders" Why do you think we call you the Alphabet Pedo Groomercrats? You first fellated Putin in 2016 and paid him for the Russian Collusion scam in order to try to rig the 2016 election in your favor like your rigged your primaries for Hillary McCankle McMurder Clinton. Seth Rich was murdered for that btw.

Then you Obama and Fauci when to Xi and the CCP for COVID19 to rig the 2020 election. Why do you lay in bed with villains and tyrants like that?
Hey simpleton there isn't a shred of evidence that Seth Rich was murdered for doing his job. But that doesn't stop you halwit mouthbreather's from making the charge. Just like the stolen election scam & the above screed that you posted, it's a crock of shit.

Hearing at 1300. Hold onto your ass & the Kleenex.
Your sphincter must have really tightened up during today's hearing, right assface?

Thoughts & Prayers.
Hey fucktard, your crazy loon already had her bullshit debunked by the people who were there. Seems the only sphincter tightening was yours when your boyfriend shoved that dildo in your ass again.

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