Rudy Giuliani survives viscous Supermarket attack

If a pat on the back is an assault
Hey, look asshole, an assault as defined in law is an intentional act by one person that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent harmful or offensive contact.
Wait till your buddy Rudy is in the slammer & meets up with Elroy, CLOWN :abgg2q.jpg:

How's those hearings workin out for ya, Ace? Shit sandwiches going down ok?
Did you go and get on your knees again for another shot of Vlad Putin's Russian Collusion?
No gag reflex.
Bet you used to work as a sword swallower at the circus.
The kid hit him. It wasn't a hard enough hit to cause injury or probably even much pain, but he hit him from behind, unprovoked. He should lose his job and could probably be prosecuted for assault.

That is the stupidest statement I have ever seen. He should not have been arrested. These cops should be fired.
You poor Pathetic faggot. Your stupidity is just off the charts you homo. Your crying emojis will do you good come November. I’m not crying, just stating facts. Those hurt you like sunlight to a vampire.
Awwww, ass bleeding because your pal Rudy got touched on his back, you poor thing?

Drama Queen.
Did you go and get on your knees again for another shot of Vlad Putin's Russian Collusion?
No gag reflex.
Bet you used to work as a sword swallower at the circus.
Hearing is today st 1300, ass bleeder.

Don't throw your back out squirming, Trump asseater.
Awwww, ass bleeding because your pal Rudy got touched on his back, you poor thing?

Drama Queen.
While I do think there's a bit of acting going on here, still, it starts with a touch....You progressives are showing that what you really want to do is harm your political opponents simply for not agreeing with you....

You know who else does that? Children when they don't get their way.
Hey, look asshole, an assault as defined in law is an intentional act by one person that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent harmful or offensive contact.
:itsok: <<<<<<< a violent assault
Hearing is today st 1300, ass bleeder.

Don't throw your back out squirming, Trump asseater.
You and your ilk are the "ass breeders" Why do you think we call you the Alphabet Pedo Groomercrats? You first fellated Putin in 2016 and paid him for the Russian Collusion scam in order to try to rig the 2016 election in your favor like your rigged your primaries for Hillary McCankle McMurder Clinton. Seth Rich was murdered for that btw.

Then you Obama and Fauci when to Xi and the CCP for COVID19 to rig the 2020 election. Why do you lay in bed with villains and tyrants like that?

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