Rudy Giuliani survives viscous Supermarket attack

Meanwhile an assault on our Republic is occurring by a diaper wearing fraud who usurped The Oval Office and who needs printed instructions on how to use the bathroom and to wipe his own ass.
Wait till your buddy Rudy is in the slammer & meets up with Elroy, CLOWN :abgg2q.jpg:

How's those hearings workin out for ya, Ace? Shit sandwiches going down ok?

I feel a shot on my back like somebody shot me. I went forward, but luckily I didn't fall down. I mean, suppose I was a weaker 78-year-old and I hit the ground, cracked my skull, and died.

At about :58 on the link you provided, Guiliani claims the "assailant" called out "You are a f---king scumbag."
Likely this wasn't a gentle tap on the back, in solidarity. Reactions of those around R.G. just after would underscore this wasn't meant to be a friendly physical gesture.

But then you Lefty-Socialist are known for your lies and disinformation, so ...

The asshole was arrested for assault. So what's the problem?

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