Rudy Giuliani survives viscous Supermarket attack

I will say it now. I didn't care much for some of his tweets. But unlike liberals I understand that I elect someone to do a job--not be my idol, pastor, husband, best friend, or son in law.

President. That's it.

Liberals, since The State is their god, then the president is their idol. That is why they worshipped Obama. That is why Trump broke them. The president is never just a man to them. The president is more than even clergy--he is more like the Pope to Catholics.
Some folks may have worshiped Obama...but not because he demonized immigrants and trolling...... I don't remember a cult of conspiracy theorists around Obama....but......

I do remember future Trumpers being pissed about how that same Obama held huge rallies; I remember how they whined about his large crowd sizes...even tho he never himself bragged about it....and what did they do in the very next election?? The did the same exact shit they ragged on Obama it was cool to have a "rock star" candidate...

And what makes conservatives even more full of shit.......the ONLY REASON their cult leader became their cult leader is by claiming that Obama guy wasn't born here...

No matter how much you folks attempt to rewrite history, the truth remains....your cult leader used a racist-driven conspiracy in order to become relevant to Republican voters...they didn't give a fuck about his thoughts on policies, because he had none....they only noticed him because he said shit about the black guy they themselves wanted to made them moist to think Trump was going to put that uppity Negro in his place...

And if your next deflection is going to be "but but Hilary started the racist birther movement" -- aside from that being false....even if it were true -- you morons are saying "Hillary made us hop on a bullshit racist conspiracy"
Parents who threaten school board are SUCH victims.
Threaten, how?
A victim is someone who is threatened and then has their address given out to the public and told where their kids go to school and church and then when they show up at your door step to assassinate you, an entire political party ignores the incident and refuses to give them added protection. Then they allow people to go protest at their homes even though it is illegal.

Oh, and they have yet to condemn any of it or try to diffuse any of it.

The democrat party is Antifa

I feel a shot on my back like somebody shot me. I went forward, but luckily I didn't fall down," Giuliani said.
I mean, suppose I was a weaker 78-year-old and I hit the ground, cracked my skull, and died," the former mayor said.

"My back hurts, but otherwise I'm able to walk and stuff like that," he told The Times, adding that he had "red marks" on his back after the incident.
Rudy is a baby... Rudy is a baby...
Some folks may have worshiped Obama...but not because he demonized immigrants and trolling...... I don't remember a cult of conspiracy theorists around Obama....but......

I do remember future Trumpers being pissed about how that same Obama held huge rallies; I remember how they whined about his large crowd sizes...even tho he never himself bragged about it....and what did they do in the very next election?? The did the same exact shit they ragged on Obama it was cool to have a "rock star" candidate...

And what makes conservatives even more full of shit.......the ONLY REASON their cult leader became their cult leader is by claiming that Obama guy wasn't born here...

No matter how much you folks attempt to rewrite history, the truth remains....your cult leader used a racist-driven conspiracy in order to become relevant to Republican voters...they didn't give a fuck about his thoughts on policies, because he had none....they only noticed him because he said shit about the black guy they themselves wanted to made them moist to think Trump was going to put that uppity Negro in his place...

And if your next deflection is going to be "but but Hilary started the racist birther movement" -- aside from that being false....even if it were true -- you morons are saying "Hillary made us hop on a bullshit racist conspiracy"

You know what I'm reading a lot of on Twitter, to know one's shock?

Leftists calling Clarence Thomas all kinds of disgusting, vile names. Names I have never used, and would never use. So really.
Remember when that guy body slammed a journalist for asking a question about healthcare?

And right-wingers loved him more for it?? I mean, to be fair....body slamming someone isn't as vicious as an assault as a tap on the back; but still...

"Any guy that can do a body-slam ... is my guy,” Trump told supporters at the rally, adding that he was concerned at first that the incident would jeopardize Gianforte’s campaign. “I said: ‘Oh, this is terrible, he’s going to lose the election.’ Then I said: ‘Well, wait a minute, I know Montana pretty well, I think it might help him,’ and it did,” Trump said."

I take all republican pearl-clutching over "violence" with a grain of salt....
You Progs turned Jan. 6 into Pearl Harbor. Grains of salt!

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