Rudy Giuliani survives viscous Supermarket attack

This is why I have zero respect for the reactionary right-wingers...there is a reason they are called "REACTIONARY"

For reactionary right-wing morons like Marge Greene can make her claim to fame by stalking and harassing students of the Parkland shooting....

Right-wingers defended it and cheered.........

When Marjorie constantly harasses other Congress members...following them down hallways, yelling thru the office doors of other House members, hanging signs on the wall to troll the parents of trans kids.....

Right-wingers cheered and celebrated.....

But then immediately clutch their pearls and cry victim when they receive an ounce of what they dish out...

LOL, we know MTG is our AOC.
You should get yo ass whooped for typing this bullshit statement alone

"And the video clearly shows a large masked assailant"

I personally take all acts of bullshit gaslighting as attempted assault on my intelligence
What intelligence?

You are an echo chamber for Leftist propaganda, nothing else or better.
I hate viscous attacks.:D
They leave you feeling sticky and icky.



Definition of viscous

1: having a thick or sticky consistency: viscid
viscous secretions - viscous corn syrup
2 technical : having or characterized by a high resistance to flow viscous lava ............


1. Mean-spirited or deliberately hurtful; malicious: vicious gossip.
Extremely violent or injurious; cruel: a vicious blow to the stomach; vicious tactics in suppressing a rebellion.
b. Marked by an aggressive disposition. Used chiefly of animals.
c. Disposed to violent or destructive behavior: a vicious dictator.
3. Severe, powerful, or intense; fierce: a vicious storm.
Having the nature of vice; evil, immoral, or depraved: "All men who succeed ... in finance in New York at last ... return to their native towns, assert that cities are vicious, marry their childhood sweethearts" (Sinclair Lewis).
b. Given to vice, immorality, or depravity: "The sum and substance of it was, That Oliver was a foundling, born of low and vicious parents" (Charles Dickens).
5. Faulty or defective: a forced, vicious style of prose.
Once again we have a recurrent Leftist/Socialist display their failure in education, and provide further proof that being Leftist/Socialist is a form of mental illness.
If a pat on the back is an assault
At about :58 on the link you provided, Guiliani claims the "assailant" called out "You are a f---king scumbag."
Likely this wasn't a gentle tap on the back, in solidarity. Reactions of those around R.G. just after would underscore this wasn't meant to be a friendly physical gesture.

But then you Lefty-Socialist are known for your lies and disinformation, so ...
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NYT says he is charged for felony assault as its against a senior citizen. If you cannot do the time don't do the crime.
At about :58 on the link you provided, Guiliani claims the "assailant" called out "You are a f---king scumbag."
Likely this wasn't a gentle tap on the back, in solidarity. Reactions of those around R.G. just after would underscore this wasn't meant to be a friendly physical gesture.

But then you Lefty-Socialist are known for you lies and disinformation, so ...
We saw the tap on the back
We also saw Rudy’s physical reaction
He did not lurch forward, he did not turn or react to the tap

He lied
NYT says he is charged for felony assault as its against a senior citizen. If you cannot do the time don't do the crime.

The video will determine the assault

If Rudy was bruised like he claims, he can show the police
This is what an insurrection looks like courtesy of The DemNazi Party!

cnn says Giuliani deserves it for believing 2020 was stolen

(not really [that I know of] but they will IMPLY that, u watch)
The good people of NY should gather at Mr Gill's house for a while... with signs and blowhorns.... and for good measure gather at the shop rite that hired the punk...

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