Rudy Giuliani survives viscous Supermarket attack

Let me know when you can refute a single thing I said...

If you think this was an assassination attempt -- you are a moron and you proved my point....

If you don’t think this was an assault you’re a total dumbass. Oh wait, it’s you, we already know that.....
This is why I have zero respect for the reactionary right-wingers...there is a reason they are called "REACTIONARY"

For reactionary right-wing morons like Marge Greene can make her claim to fame by stalking and harassing students of the Parkland shooting....

Right-wingers defended it and cheered.........

When Marjorie constantly harasses other Congress members...following them down hallways, yelling thru the office doors of other House members, hanging signs on the wall to troll the parents of trans kids.....

Right-wingers cheered and celebrated.....

But then immediately clutch their pearls and cry victim when they receive an ounce of what they dish out...

Keep up the pathetic deflecting. You whiny bitches are the ones who cry when people stand up to your bullshit.
Keep up the pathetic deflecting. You whiny bitches are the ones who cry when people stand up to your bullshit.
Judge to Rudy;
"What happened"?
Rudy : "The guy touched my back, your honor"!
Judge; "case dismissed"!
Rudy; :206:

You: :206::206::206:
No prosecutor will pursue this nonsense
As a general rule of thumb, any agreement with smack written by Leftwhiner could be a sign of an impending stroke.

Nonetheless, I saw the video. I don’t know what the guy’s intent was. But it looked like he was giving someone he liked a pat on the back.

I’m doubting there was any probable intent to annoy, harass or alarm Rudy, I also doubt that it meets even the giggle test regarding NY State’s Penal Law definition of “injury.” Accordingly, I smell a simple disorderly conduct plea (a violation, not a crime) or an outright dismissal.
An attack upon R.G. by any private party is unacceptable.

We are a nation of laws... not mob rule.

The traitorous sonuvabitch needs to be tried for treason for his part in January 6, 2021, and executed on the gallows in a Federal penitentiary.

He slapped him on the back. There was no attack. The guy should not have been arrested.
Judge to Rudy;
"What happened"?
Rudy : "The guy touched my back, your honor"!
Judge; "case dismissed"!
Rudy; :206:

You: :206::206::206:
You poor Pathetic faggot. Your stupidity is just off the charts you homo. Your crying emojis will do you good come November. I’m not crying, just stating facts. Those hurt you like sunlight to a vampire.
Legally it qualifies. Bitch. Go try that on a man you don’t know. Bitch.
Legally? How? Under what provision of the NY State Penal law was that contact criminal? I can’t speak to the intent of the guy. But it sure looked more like a pat on the back then an assault.

And I doubt that there was anything remotely akin to “substantial pain” as is required by NY law for the contact to qualify as an injury (and that’s the lamest legal definition of “injury” that exists). No injury, no assault.
Thankfully, Giuliani credits the fact he is in such good physical shape that the attack didn’t kill him. Rudy insisted the man be arrested for assault.

Can you point out the last time that Nancy or one of your ilk went out to a shopping mall where anyone could just walk up and smack you on the back? Yeah, I thought so. They would have 150 agents around them and the person would have been tackled to the ground, questioned by the FBI then disappeared.
Totally different, right?

Are you seriously comparing Trump at a meeting of the world G20 leaders with some unknown $8.20/hour schlep in a supermarket deliberately walking up and slapping Rudy on the back just to make the point that it could have been a knife or a gun?

BTW, Trump putting his hand on a guy he was stepping around to let him know to leave the spot open for him, a guy who was the front and center star of the show, is not "shoving" anyone out of the way.
An attack upon R.G. by any private party is unacceptable.

We are a nation of laws... not mob rule.

The traitorous sonuvabitch needs to be tried for treason for his part in January 6, 2021, and executed on the gallows in a Federal penitentiary.
We USED to be a nation of laws. Not so much anymore.
Thankfully, Giuliani credits the fact he is in such good physical shape that the attack didn’t kill him.

Rudy insisted the man be arrested for assault.

Poor Rudy. You have to admit, this was worse than we thought.

More violent demafasict brownshirts hard at work
Yep and every day we have Democrat leaders and their media whipping up their base with inflammatory speeches and statements. The obvious result is the lunatic fringe will turn violent, businesses will burn and people will be attacked some will be killed. Rudy was lucky, the next ones may not be.
Rudy was lucky, the next ones may not be.

I am so glad to see he survived this assault.

It is a credit to his physical fitness.
Most would have been killed

Rudy, my thoughts and prayers are with you
Hope you feel better soon

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