Rudy Giuliani's Law License Suspended

I like to come back to a post a few days later to see how quickly it stopped being about the actual OP and more about whatever goofy shit conservatives are whining about at the moment...

deflection is their #1 go to when they can't defend donny & his merry gang of grifters.
Just tell us how rich that you are that you want to pay more taxes?

What the fuck does paying taxes have to do with Ghouli getting law license lifted?

Oh, nothing. But you need misdirect/redirect away from your very otherwise fucking lame responses.
LOL I find it comical that Xiden is so scared of a 77 year old man that they take his law license. However this does not matter because Giuliani does not need a law license to present the info on Hunter and Joe Xidens relationship with communist china

So your goofy ass thinks Biden is so powerful that he can order Rudy's law license to be suspended...

but your orange cuck of a cult leader is so weak that he couldn't stop it?

Why is your cult leader so weak?
LOL, can you tell us how rich that you are that you voted to pay more taxes? Be detailed?
Can you tell us how a senile old man keeps making your cult leader his bitch?

View attachment 506637View attachment 506637View attachment 506637
Hey playbrain did you figure out why you voted to pay higher taxes yet? Or are you too stupid to even know

Answer his question. Yeah deflection given eh ?

nope. no deflection .... the question doesn't belong in this here thread because it has nothing to do with the thread...

take that MAGAT cowboy hat off & put yer critical thinking cap on if you can find it.
The fact is that you are delusional and believe that you are so rich that you want to pay more taxes and that when you are faced with what you did all that you can babble is that your vote is irrelevant.

blah blah fucking blah.

nobody WANTS to pay more taxes .... but thinking people understand that it is a requirement for a successful society.

btw ... i am not rich - like i said ... i am financially comfortable & if you aren't, then you are the targeted part of society that needs the help.

taxes ain't gonna be raised for those making 400K or less. i live in CT, one of the highest taxed states in the country & i sure can certainly live comfortably on that.
You most certainly want to pay more taxes because if you didn't you would have voted for Trump

you wanted to be defrauded & played the dupe by an orange, tribbleheaded conman who knows a sucker the second he sees one.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves. but they can get very excited by those who do. That is why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest, the greatest and the most spectacular.”

― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal

& you voted for him willingly.


Again unless Xiden ends all of the Trump tax cuts he has admitted that Trump did the right think.

Enjoy reality
A targeted tax cut for the middle class would be the right thing....if that is what Trump meant to do....but he didn't.....

is that what is important to you?? Are that that fucking fragile that your only retort is "but but but Trump did a good thing, right...please tell me he did!!"

You are a whole bitch......
Again tell us more about why you want to pay more taxes under Xiden? Trump is not the president Xiden is, can you accept this
Since I am not a hedge fund manager; I am not freaked out by the idea that investors should be taxed at the same rate as workers.....what makes income gained by hedge funds more worthy than income gained by ACTUAL work?

Also, since I am not in the top 0.1% -- I am not panicked about paying more in dynasty trusts....

And since I don't make more than 500K a year -- I am not terribly triggered by the effective tax rate going up a couple of percentage points.

Unlike you, I have not been brainwashed into worshiping the wealth class at my own peril....just so I can cosplay like I belong to the wealth class..

View attachment 506837
I would play sleep too if I was getting my ass kicked up and down this thread like you are...

To recap.....this thread was about Rudy ACTUALLY HAVING HIS LAW LICENSE SUSPENDED...

But due to your fragile are whining about taxes.....the perfect microcosm to illustrate why Trumpers can't debate.....
My stocks are up, you are a welfare slob on the government slob roll

But you keep on kicking my ass while you play with your own pee pee
^ Hissy fit ^
LOL you can't even claim not to be a welfare slob.

But you keep kicking my ass in your mind.

So how many shares of Apple do you own?

Hissy fitty
Imagine asking someone how many shares of big tech do they own is some sort of retort to why Rudy got his law license suspended...

As much as you fragile cucks whine about big tech and big tech asking about Apple shares

Do you think imagining me being poor invalidates the fact you are getting your ass kicked up and down this post??
Again Rudy can still bring all of his Xiden communist ties info into any court. Now tell us again how badly that you are beating me?
That is the equivalent of saying...

"I do have a girlfriend..and she is pretty too....but she goes to another school tho...and no, I don't have any pictures of her......but I have a girlfriend, I promise!!!"

Shut up cuck...if Rudy had any evidence he would have presented are a moron
They had evidence that needed to be verified by an official audit.
Now it's up to you Dummycraps to make sure all of the evidence disappears before the auditors find it all.
Does it hurt to have such a childish simpleton world view?
I could ask you the same question.
This is the way things work.
Democrats knew this and took advantage of the situation.
The days of trusting anything the Democrats say is long gone.
All I know is....I am in favor of policies that are on the progressive side of the ideological spectrum.....there is no purity test I put myself under to the point I will vote against policies I support or be in favor of policies I am against just because the cult leader of my choice told me to...

Trumpers on the other hand would have fully embraced Medicare For All if Trump told them too...

Trumpers would have fully embraced expanding Social Security benefits if Trump told them too....

Trumpers would have embraced expanding the Voting Rights Act if Trump told them to....just because they think it would trigger the libs that he passed it before they did....

and if he had done any of those things, I would have celebrated.......because I ONLY CARE ABOUT POLICIES.....
Well....seeing as how your hypothetical is totally bogus....I don't believe a word you're saying about it.
The Voting Rights Act is nothing more than a huge infringement on state's rights....and unconstitutional in it's present form.
The federal government doesn't have the right to tell states how to conduct their elections....especially if it means installing a corrupt system like the one they currently have in California.
Oh, and if Trump had told us to go along with it, knowing what I know about it, I would have dropped him like a bad habit.
I have seen dumb ass Conservatives like yourself take credit for the Voting Rights Act as some "Republican achievement" --- when in reality, it was a progressive achievement.....Conservatives have always hated the Voting Rights Act, which you are so predictably showing...

And morons claimed to be against any type of "universal healthcare" -- yet when Trump was promising his version of "universal healthcare" -- Trumpcare -- you morons didn't say shit.....then whined when it didn't pass...and whined even more that less than 15% of Americans wanted that bullshit...

Trumpers are a cult and the only reason they worship Trump is because he caters to their grievances and depravity.....
Again Trump put more african americans to work than any president in history, all biden wants is for you to be a welfare slob

I like to come back to a post a few days later to see how quickly it stopped being about the actual OP and more about whatever goofy shit conservatives are whining about at the moment...

deflection is their #1 go to when they can't defend donny & his merry gang of grifters.
Just tell us how rich that you are that you want to pay more taxes?

What the fuck does paying taxes have to do with Ghouli getting law license lifted?

Oh, nothing. But you need misdirect/redirect away from your very otherwise fucking lame responses.
LOL I find it comical that Xiden is so scared of a 77 year old man that they take his law license. However this does not matter because Giuliani does not need a law license to present the info on Hunter and Joe Xidens relationship with communist china

So your goofy ass thinks Biden is so powerful that he can order Rudy's law license to be suspended...

but your orange cuck of a cult leader is so weak that he couldn't stop it?

Why is your cult leader so weak?
LOL, can you tell us how rich that you are that you voted to pay more taxes? Be detailed?
Can you tell us how a senile old man keeps making your cult leader his bitch?

View attachment 506637View attachment 506637View attachment 506637
Hey playbrain did you figure out why you voted to pay higher taxes yet? Or are you too stupid to even know

Answer his question. Yeah deflection given eh ?

nope. no deflection .... the question doesn't belong in this here thread because it has nothing to do with the thread...

take that MAGAT cowboy hat off & put yer critical thinking cap on if you can find it.
The fact is that you are delusional and believe that you are so rich that you want to pay more taxes and that when you are faced with what you did all that you can babble is that your vote is irrelevant.

blah blah fucking blah.

nobody WANTS to pay more taxes .... but thinking people understand that it is a requirement for a successful society.

btw ... i am not rich - like i said ... i am financially comfortable & if you aren't, then you are the targeted part of society that needs the help.

taxes ain't gonna be raised for those making 400K or less. i live in CT, one of the highest taxed states in the country & i sure can certainly live comfortably on that.
You most certainly want to pay more taxes because if you didn't you would have voted for Trump

you wanted to be defrauded & played the dupe by an orange, tribbleheaded conman who knows a sucker the second he sees one.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves. but they can get very excited by those who do. That is why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest, the greatest and the most spectacular.”

― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal

& you voted for him willingly.


Again unless Xiden ends all of the Trump tax cuts he has admitted that Trump did the right think.

Enjoy reality
A targeted tax cut for the middle class would be the right thing....if that is what Trump meant to do....but he didn't.....

is that what is important to you?? Are that that fucking fragile that your only retort is "but but but Trump did a good thing, right...please tell me he did!!"

You are a whole bitch......
Again tell us more about why you want to pay more taxes under Xiden? Trump is not the president Xiden is, can you accept this
Since I am not a hedge fund manager; I am not freaked out by the idea that investors should be taxed at the same rate as workers.....what makes income gained by hedge funds more worthy than income gained by ACTUAL work?

Also, since I am not in the top 0.1% -- I am not panicked about paying more in dynasty trusts....

And since I don't make more than 500K a year -- I am not terribly triggered by the effective tax rate going up a couple of percentage points.

Unlike you, I have not been brainwashed into worshiping the wealth class at my own peril....just so I can cosplay like I belong to the wealth class..

View attachment 506837
I would play sleep too if I was getting my ass kicked up and down this thread like you are...

To recap.....this thread was about Rudy ACTUALLY HAVING HIS LAW LICENSE SUSPENDED...

But due to your fragile are whining about taxes.....the perfect microcosm to illustrate why Trumpers can't debate.....
My stocks are up, you are a welfare slob on the government slob roll

But you keep on kicking my ass while you play with your own pee pee
^ Hissy fit ^
LOL you can't even claim not to be a welfare slob.

But you keep kicking my ass in your mind.

So how many shares of Apple do you own?

Hissy fitty
Imagine asking someone how many shares of big tech do they own is some sort of retort to why Rudy got his law license suspended...

As much as you fragile cucks whine about big tech and big tech asking about Apple shares

Do you think imagining me being poor invalidates the fact you are getting your ass kicked up and down this post??
Again Rudy can still bring all of his Xiden communist ties info into any court. Now tell us again how badly that you are beating me?
That is the equivalent of saying...

"I do have a girlfriend..and she is pretty too....but she goes to another school tho...and no, I don't have any pictures of her......but I have a girlfriend, I promise!!!"

Shut up cuck...if Rudy had any evidence he would have presented are a moron
They had evidence that needed to be verified by an official audit.
Now it's up to you Dummycraps to make sure all of the evidence disappears before the auditors find it all.
Does it hurt to have such a childish simpleton world view?
it should.

I like to come back to a post a few days later to see how quickly it stopped being about the actual OP and more about whatever goofy shit conservatives are whining about at the moment...

deflection is their #1 go to when they can't defend donny & his merry gang of grifters.
Just tell us how rich that you are that you want to pay more taxes?

What the fuck does paying taxes have to do with Ghouli getting law license lifted?

Oh, nothing. But you need misdirect/redirect away from your very otherwise fucking lame responses.
LOL I find it comical that Xiden is so scared of a 77 year old man that they take his law license. However this does not matter because Giuliani does not need a law license to present the info on Hunter and Joe Xidens relationship with communist china

So your goofy ass thinks Biden is so powerful that he can order Rudy's law license to be suspended...

but your orange cuck of a cult leader is so weak that he couldn't stop it?

Why is your cult leader so weak?
LOL, can you tell us how rich that you are that you voted to pay more taxes? Be detailed?
Can you tell us how a senile old man keeps making your cult leader his bitch?

View attachment 506637View attachment 506637View attachment 506637
Hey playbrain did you figure out why you voted to pay higher taxes yet? Or are you too stupid to even know

Answer his question. Yeah deflection given eh ?

nope. no deflection .... the question doesn't belong in this here thread because it has nothing to do with the thread...

take that MAGAT cowboy hat off & put yer critical thinking cap on if you can find it.
The fact is that you are delusional and believe that you are so rich that you want to pay more taxes and that when you are faced with what you did all that you can babble is that your vote is irrelevant.

blah blah fucking blah.

nobody WANTS to pay more taxes .... but thinking people understand that it is a requirement for a successful society.

btw ... i am not rich - like i said ... i am financially comfortable & if you aren't, then you are the targeted part of society that needs the help.

taxes ain't gonna be raised for those making 400K or less. i live in CT, one of the highest taxed states in the country & i sure can certainly live comfortably on that.
You most certainly want to pay more taxes because if you didn't you would have voted for Trump

you wanted to be defrauded & played the dupe by an orange, tribbleheaded conman who knows a sucker the second he sees one.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves. but they can get very excited by those who do. That is why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest, the greatest and the most spectacular.”

― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal

& you voted for him willingly.


Again unless Xiden ends all of the Trump tax cuts he has admitted that Trump did the right think.

Enjoy reality
A targeted tax cut for the middle class would be the right thing....if that is what Trump meant to do....but he didn't.....

is that what is important to you?? Are that that fucking fragile that your only retort is "but but but Trump did a good thing, right...please tell me he did!!"

You are a whole bitch......
Again tell us more about why you want to pay more taxes under Xiden? Trump is not the president Xiden is, can you accept this
Since I am not a hedge fund manager; I am not freaked out by the idea that investors should be taxed at the same rate as workers.....what makes income gained by hedge funds more worthy than income gained by ACTUAL work?

Also, since I am not in the top 0.1% -- I am not panicked about paying more in dynasty trusts....

And since I don't make more than 500K a year -- I am not terribly triggered by the effective tax rate going up a couple of percentage points.

Unlike you, I have not been brainwashed into worshiping the wealth class at my own peril....just so I can cosplay like I belong to the wealth class..

View attachment 506837
I would play sleep too if I was getting my ass kicked up and down this thread like you are...

To recap.....this thread was about Rudy ACTUALLY HAVING HIS LAW LICENSE SUSPENDED...

But due to your fragile are whining about taxes.....the perfect microcosm to illustrate why Trumpers can't debate.....
My stocks are up, you are a welfare slob on the government slob roll

But you keep on kicking my ass while you play with your own pee pee
^ Hissy fit ^
LOL you can't even claim not to be a welfare slob.

But you keep kicking my ass in your mind.

So how many shares of Apple do you own?

Hissy fitty
Imagine asking someone how many shares of big tech do they own is some sort of retort to why Rudy got his law license suspended...

As much as you fragile cucks whine about big tech and big tech asking about Apple shares

Do you think imagining me being poor invalidates the fact you are getting your ass kicked up and down this post??
Again Rudy can still bring all of his Xiden communist ties info into any court. Now tell us again how badly that you are beating me?
That is the equivalent of saying...

"I do have a girlfriend..and she is pretty too....but she goes to another school tho...and no, I don't have any pictures of her......but I have a girlfriend, I promise!!!"

Shut up cuck...if Rudy had any evidence he would have presented are a moron
They had evidence that needed to be verified by an official audit.
Now it's up to you Dummycraps to make sure all of the evidence disappears before the auditors find it all.
Does it hurt to have such a childish simpleton world view?
Does it hurt that you are a brain dead retard that voted to pay higher taxes?

Seek therapy

your <ahem> ' needle ' is stuck again.
Still waiting for you to tell us why you voted to pay more taxes

You are still in denial refusing to accept that you voted to pay more taxes when you do not actually have enough money to own anything of value.

It's ok, we understand.

I like to come back to a post a few days later to see how quickly it stopped being about the actual OP and more about whatever goofy shit conservatives are whining about at the moment...

deflection is their #1 go to when they can't defend donny & his merry gang of grifters.
Just tell us how rich that you are that you want to pay more taxes?

What the fuck does paying taxes have to do with Ghouli getting law license lifted?

Oh, nothing. But you need misdirect/redirect away from your very otherwise fucking lame responses.
LOL I find it comical that Xiden is so scared of a 77 year old man that they take his law license. However this does not matter because Giuliani does not need a law license to present the info on Hunter and Joe Xidens relationship with communist china

So your goofy ass thinks Biden is so powerful that he can order Rudy's law license to be suspended...

but your orange cuck of a cult leader is so weak that he couldn't stop it?

Why is your cult leader so weak?
LOL, can you tell us how rich that you are that you voted to pay more taxes? Be detailed?
Can you tell us how a senile old man keeps making your cult leader his bitch?

View attachment 506637View attachment 506637View attachment 506637
Hey playbrain did you figure out why you voted to pay higher taxes yet? Or are you too stupid to even know

Answer his question. Yeah deflection given eh ?

nope. no deflection .... the question doesn't belong in this here thread because it has nothing to do with the thread...

take that MAGAT cowboy hat off & put yer critical thinking cap on if you can find it.
The fact is that you are delusional and believe that you are so rich that you want to pay more taxes and that when you are faced with what you did all that you can babble is that your vote is irrelevant.

blah blah fucking blah.

nobody WANTS to pay more taxes .... but thinking people understand that it is a requirement for a successful society.

btw ... i am not rich - like i said ... i am financially comfortable & if you aren't, then you are the targeted part of society that needs the help.

taxes ain't gonna be raised for those making 400K or less. i live in CT, one of the highest taxed states in the country & i sure can certainly live comfortably on that.
You most certainly want to pay more taxes because if you didn't you would have voted for Trump

you wanted to be defrauded & played the dupe by an orange, tribbleheaded conman who knows a sucker the second he sees one.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves. but they can get very excited by those who do. That is why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest, the greatest and the most spectacular.”

― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal

& you voted for him willingly.


Again unless Xiden ends all of the Trump tax cuts he has admitted that Trump did the right think.

Enjoy reality
A targeted tax cut for the middle class would be the right thing....if that is what Trump meant to do....but he didn't.....

is that what is important to you?? Are that that fucking fragile that your only retort is "but but but Trump did a good thing, right...please tell me he did!!"

You are a whole bitch......
Again tell us more about why you want to pay more taxes under Xiden? Trump is not the president Xiden is, can you accept this
Since I am not a hedge fund manager; I am not freaked out by the idea that investors should be taxed at the same rate as workers.....what makes income gained by hedge funds more worthy than income gained by ACTUAL work?

Also, since I am not in the top 0.1% -- I am not panicked about paying more in dynasty trusts....

And since I don't make more than 500K a year -- I am not terribly triggered by the effective tax rate going up a couple of percentage points.

Unlike you, I have not been brainwashed into worshiping the wealth class at my own peril....just so I can cosplay like I belong to the wealth class..

View attachment 506837
I would play sleep too if I was getting my ass kicked up and down this thread like you are...

To recap.....this thread was about Rudy ACTUALLY HAVING HIS LAW LICENSE SUSPENDED...

But due to your fragile are whining about taxes.....the perfect microcosm to illustrate why Trumpers can't debate.....
My stocks are up, you are a welfare slob on the government slob roll

But you keep on kicking my ass while you play with your own pee pee
^ Hissy fit ^
LOL you can't even claim not to be a welfare slob.

But you keep kicking my ass in your mind.

So how many shares of Apple do you own?

Hissy fitty
Imagine asking someone how many shares of big tech do they own is some sort of retort to why Rudy got his law license suspended...

As much as you fragile cucks whine about big tech and big tech asking about Apple shares

Do you think imagining me being poor invalidates the fact you are getting your ass kicked up and down this post??
Again Rudy can still bring all of his Xiden communist ties info into any court. Now tell us again how badly that you are beating me?
That is the equivalent of saying...

"I do have a girlfriend..and she is pretty too....but she goes to another school tho...and no, I don't have any pictures of her......but I have a girlfriend, I promise!!!"

Shut up cuck...if Rudy had any evidence he would have presented are a moron
They had evidence that needed to be verified by an official audit.
Now it's up to you Dummycraps to make sure all of the evidence disappears before the auditors find it all.
Does it hurt to have such a childish simpleton world view?
it should.
Please excuse yourself after farting

I like to come back to a post a few days later to see how quickly it stopped being about the actual OP and more about whatever goofy shit conservatives are whining about at the moment...

deflection is their #1 go to when they can't defend donny & his merry gang of grifters.
Just tell us how rich that you are that you want to pay more taxes?

What the fuck does paying taxes have to do with Ghouli getting law license lifted?

Oh, nothing. But you need misdirect/redirect away from your very otherwise fucking lame responses.
LOL I find it comical that Xiden is so scared of a 77 year old man that they take his law license. However this does not matter because Giuliani does not need a law license to present the info on Hunter and Joe Xidens relationship with communist china

So your goofy ass thinks Biden is so powerful that he can order Rudy's law license to be suspended...

but your orange cuck of a cult leader is so weak that he couldn't stop it?

Why is your cult leader so weak?
LOL, can you tell us how rich that you are that you voted to pay more taxes? Be detailed?
Can you tell us how a senile old man keeps making your cult leader his bitch?

View attachment 506637View attachment 506637View attachment 506637
Hey playbrain did you figure out why you voted to pay higher taxes yet? Or are you too stupid to even know

Answer his question. Yeah deflection given eh ?

nope. no deflection .... the question doesn't belong in this here thread because it has nothing to do with the thread...

take that MAGAT cowboy hat off & put yer critical thinking cap on if you can find it.
The fact is that you are delusional and believe that you are so rich that you want to pay more taxes and that when you are faced with what you did all that you can babble is that your vote is irrelevant.

blah blah fucking blah.

nobody WANTS to pay more taxes .... but thinking people understand that it is a requirement for a successful society.

btw ... i am not rich - like i said ... i am financially comfortable & if you aren't, then you are the targeted part of society that needs the help.

taxes ain't gonna be raised for those making 400K or less. i live in CT, one of the highest taxed states in the country & i sure can certainly live comfortably on that.
You most certainly want to pay more taxes because if you didn't you would have voted for Trump

you wanted to be defrauded & played the dupe by an orange, tribbleheaded conman who knows a sucker the second he sees one.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves. but they can get very excited by those who do. That is why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest, the greatest and the most spectacular.”

― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal

& you voted for him willingly.


Again unless Xiden ends all of the Trump tax cuts he has admitted that Trump did the right think.

Enjoy reality
A targeted tax cut for the middle class would be the right thing....if that is what Trump meant to do....but he didn't.....

is that what is important to you?? Are that that fucking fragile that your only retort is "but but but Trump did a good thing, right...please tell me he did!!"

You are a whole bitch......
Again tell us more about why you want to pay more taxes under Xiden? Trump is not the president Xiden is, can you accept this
Since I am not a hedge fund manager; I am not freaked out by the idea that investors should be taxed at the same rate as workers.....what makes income gained by hedge funds more worthy than income gained by ACTUAL work?

Also, since I am not in the top 0.1% -- I am not panicked about paying more in dynasty trusts....

And since I don't make more than 500K a year -- I am not terribly triggered by the effective tax rate going up a couple of percentage points.

Unlike you, I have not been brainwashed into worshiping the wealth class at my own peril....just so I can cosplay like I belong to the wealth class..

View attachment 506837
I would play sleep too if I was getting my ass kicked up and down this thread like you are...

To recap.....this thread was about Rudy ACTUALLY HAVING HIS LAW LICENSE SUSPENDED...

But due to your fragile are whining about taxes.....the perfect microcosm to illustrate why Trumpers can't debate.....
My stocks are up, you are a welfare slob on the government slob roll

But you keep on kicking my ass while you play with your own pee pee
^ Hissy fit ^
LOL you can't even claim not to be a welfare slob.

But you keep kicking my ass in your mind.

So how many shares of Apple do you own?

Hissy fitty
Imagine asking someone how many shares of big tech do they own is some sort of retort to why Rudy got his law license suspended...

As much as you fragile cucks whine about big tech and big tech asking about Apple shares

Do you think imagining me being poor invalidates the fact you are getting your ass kicked up and down this post??
Again Rudy can still bring all of his Xiden communist ties info into any court. Now tell us again how badly that you are beating me?
That is the equivalent of saying...

"I do have a girlfriend..and she is pretty too....but she goes to another school tho...and no, I don't have any pictures of her......but I have a girlfriend, I promise!!!"

Shut up cuck...if Rudy had any evidence he would have presented are a moron
They had evidence that needed to be verified by an official audit.
Now it's up to you Dummycraps to make sure all of the evidence disappears before the auditors find it all.
Does it hurt to have such a childish simpleton world view?
Does it hurt that you are a brain dead retard that voted to pay higher taxes?

Seek therapy

your <ahem> ' needle ' is stuck again.
Still waiting for you to tell us why you voted to pay more taxes

You are still in denial refusing to accept that you voted to pay more taxes when you do not actually have enough money to own anything of value.

It's ok, we understand.

Stop clutching your pearls over taxes....


You morons still managed to worship St. Ronnie in spite of it....

I like to come back to a post a few days later to see how quickly it stopped being about the actual OP and more about whatever goofy shit conservatives are whining about at the moment...

deflection is their #1 go to when they can't defend donny & his merry gang of grifters.
Just tell us how rich that you are that you want to pay more taxes?

What the fuck does paying taxes have to do with Ghouli getting law license lifted?

Oh, nothing. But you need misdirect/redirect away from your very otherwise fucking lame responses.
LOL I find it comical that Xiden is so scared of a 77 year old man that they take his law license. However this does not matter because Giuliani does not need a law license to present the info on Hunter and Joe Xidens relationship with communist china

So your goofy ass thinks Biden is so powerful that he can order Rudy's law license to be suspended...

but your orange cuck of a cult leader is so weak that he couldn't stop it?

Why is your cult leader so weak?
LOL, can you tell us how rich that you are that you voted to pay more taxes? Be detailed?
Can you tell us how a senile old man keeps making your cult leader his bitch?

View attachment 506637View attachment 506637View attachment 506637
Hey playbrain did you figure out why you voted to pay higher taxes yet? Or are you too stupid to even know

Answer his question. Yeah deflection given eh ?

nope. no deflection .... the question doesn't belong in this here thread because it has nothing to do with the thread...

take that MAGAT cowboy hat off & put yer critical thinking cap on if you can find it.
The fact is that you are delusional and believe that you are so rich that you want to pay more taxes and that when you are faced with what you did all that you can babble is that your vote is irrelevant.

blah blah fucking blah.

nobody WANTS to pay more taxes .... but thinking people understand that it is a requirement for a successful society.

btw ... i am not rich - like i said ... i am financially comfortable & if you aren't, then you are the targeted part of society that needs the help.

taxes ain't gonna be raised for those making 400K or less. i live in CT, one of the highest taxed states in the country & i sure can certainly live comfortably on that.
You most certainly want to pay more taxes because if you didn't you would have voted for Trump

you wanted to be defrauded & played the dupe by an orange, tribbleheaded conman who knows a sucker the second he sees one.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves. but they can get very excited by those who do. That is why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest, the greatest and the most spectacular.”

― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal

& you voted for him willingly.


Again unless Xiden ends all of the Trump tax cuts he has admitted that Trump did the right think.

Enjoy reality
A targeted tax cut for the middle class would be the right thing....if that is what Trump meant to do....but he didn't.....

is that what is important to you?? Are that that fucking fragile that your only retort is "but but but Trump did a good thing, right...please tell me he did!!"

You are a whole bitch......
Again tell us more about why you want to pay more taxes under Xiden? Trump is not the president Xiden is, can you accept this
Since I am not a hedge fund manager; I am not freaked out by the idea that investors should be taxed at the same rate as workers.....what makes income gained by hedge funds more worthy than income gained by ACTUAL work?

Also, since I am not in the top 0.1% -- I am not panicked about paying more in dynasty trusts....

And since I don't make more than 500K a year -- I am not terribly triggered by the effective tax rate going up a couple of percentage points.

Unlike you, I have not been brainwashed into worshiping the wealth class at my own peril....just so I can cosplay like I belong to the wealth class..

View attachment 506837
I would play sleep too if I was getting my ass kicked up and down this thread like you are...

To recap.....this thread was about Rudy ACTUALLY HAVING HIS LAW LICENSE SUSPENDED...

But due to your fragile are whining about taxes.....the perfect microcosm to illustrate why Trumpers can't debate.....
My stocks are up, you are a welfare slob on the government slob roll

But you keep on kicking my ass while you play with your own pee pee
^ Hissy fit ^
LOL you can't even claim not to be a welfare slob.

But you keep kicking my ass in your mind.

So how many shares of Apple do you own?

Hissy fitty
Imagine asking someone how many shares of big tech do they own is some sort of retort to why Rudy got his law license suspended...

As much as you fragile cucks whine about big tech and big tech asking about Apple shares

Do you think imagining me being poor invalidates the fact you are getting your ass kicked up and down this post??
Again Rudy can still bring all of his Xiden communist ties info into any court. Now tell us again how badly that you are beating me?
That is the equivalent of saying...

"I do have a girlfriend..and she is pretty too....but she goes to another school tho...and no, I don't have any pictures of her......but I have a girlfriend, I promise!!!"

Shut up cuck...if Rudy had any evidence he would have presented are a moron
They had evidence that needed to be verified by an official audit.
Now it's up to you Dummycraps to make sure all of the evidence disappears before the auditors find it all.
Does it hurt to have such a childish simpleton world view?
Does it hurt that you are a brain dead retard that voted to pay higher taxes?

Seek therapy

your <ahem> ' needle ' is stuck again.
Still waiting for you to tell us why you voted to pay more taxes

You are still in denial refusing to accept that you voted to pay more taxes when you do not actually have enough money to own anything of value.

It's ok, we understand.

Stop clutching your pearls over taxes....

View attachment 508085

You morons still managed to worship St. Ronnie in spite of it....

You can stop living in your chosen delusion and admit that Trump put more african Americans to work than any other president in history, or stay there where the Walmart used to be

I like to come back to a post a few days later to see how quickly it stopped being about the actual OP and more about whatever goofy shit conservatives are whining about at the moment...

deflection is their #1 go to when they can't defend donny & his merry gang of grifters.
Just tell us how rich that you are that you want to pay more taxes?

What the fuck does paying taxes have to do with Ghouli getting law license lifted?

Oh, nothing. But you need misdirect/redirect away from your very otherwise fucking lame responses.
LOL I find it comical that Xiden is so scared of a 77 year old man that they take his law license. However this does not matter because Giuliani does not need a law license to present the info on Hunter and Joe Xidens relationship with communist china

So your goofy ass thinks Biden is so powerful that he can order Rudy's law license to be suspended...

but your orange cuck of a cult leader is so weak that he couldn't stop it?

Why is your cult leader so weak?
LOL, can you tell us how rich that you are that you voted to pay more taxes? Be detailed?
Can you tell us how a senile old man keeps making your cult leader his bitch?

View attachment 506637View attachment 506637View attachment 506637
Hey playbrain did you figure out why you voted to pay higher taxes yet? Or are you too stupid to even know

Answer his question. Yeah deflection given eh ?

nope. no deflection .... the question doesn't belong in this here thread because it has nothing to do with the thread...

take that MAGAT cowboy hat off & put yer critical thinking cap on if you can find it.
The fact is that you are delusional and believe that you are so rich that you want to pay more taxes and that when you are faced with what you did all that you can babble is that your vote is irrelevant.

blah blah fucking blah.

nobody WANTS to pay more taxes .... but thinking people understand that it is a requirement for a successful society.

btw ... i am not rich - like i said ... i am financially comfortable & if you aren't, then you are the targeted part of society that needs the help.

taxes ain't gonna be raised for those making 400K or less. i live in CT, one of the highest taxed states in the country & i sure can certainly live comfortably on that.
You most certainly want to pay more taxes because if you didn't you would have voted for Trump

you wanted to be defrauded & played the dupe by an orange, tribbleheaded conman who knows a sucker the second he sees one.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves. but they can get very excited by those who do. That is why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest, the greatest and the most spectacular.”

― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal

& you voted for him willingly.


Again unless Xiden ends all of the Trump tax cuts he has admitted that Trump did the right think.

Enjoy reality
A targeted tax cut for the middle class would be the right thing....if that is what Trump meant to do....but he didn't.....

is that what is important to you?? Are that that fucking fragile that your only retort is "but but but Trump did a good thing, right...please tell me he did!!"

You are a whole bitch......
Again tell us more about why you want to pay more taxes under Xiden? Trump is not the president Xiden is, can you accept this
Since I am not a hedge fund manager; I am not freaked out by the idea that investors should be taxed at the same rate as workers.....what makes income gained by hedge funds more worthy than income gained by ACTUAL work?

Also, since I am not in the top 0.1% -- I am not panicked about paying more in dynasty trusts....

And since I don't make more than 500K a year -- I am not terribly triggered by the effective tax rate going up a couple of percentage points.

Unlike you, I have not been brainwashed into worshiping the wealth class at my own peril....just so I can cosplay like I belong to the wealth class..

View attachment 506837
I would play sleep too if I was getting my ass kicked up and down this thread like you are...

To recap.....this thread was about Rudy ACTUALLY HAVING HIS LAW LICENSE SUSPENDED...

But due to your fragile are whining about taxes.....the perfect microcosm to illustrate why Trumpers can't debate.....
My stocks are up, you are a welfare slob on the government slob roll

But you keep on kicking my ass while you play with your own pee pee
^ Hissy fit ^
LOL you can't even claim not to be a welfare slob.

But you keep kicking my ass in your mind.

So how many shares of Apple do you own?

Hissy fitty
Imagine asking someone how many shares of big tech do they own is some sort of retort to why Rudy got his law license suspended...

As much as you fragile cucks whine about big tech and big tech asking about Apple shares

Do you think imagining me being poor invalidates the fact you are getting your ass kicked up and down this post??
Again Rudy can still bring all of his Xiden communist ties info into any court. Now tell us again how badly that you are beating me?
That is the equivalent of saying...

"I do have a girlfriend..and she is pretty too....but she goes to another school tho...and no, I don't have any pictures of her......but I have a girlfriend, I promise!!!"

Shut up cuck...if Rudy had any evidence he would have presented are a moron
They had evidence that needed to be verified by an official audit.
Now it's up to you Dummycraps to make sure all of the evidence disappears before the auditors find it all.
Does it hurt to have such a childish simpleton world view?
Does it hurt that you are a brain dead retard that voted to pay higher taxes?

Seek therapy

your <ahem> ' needle ' is stuck again.
Still waiting for you to tell us why you voted to pay more taxes

You are still in denial refusing to accept that you voted to pay more taxes when you do not actually have enough money to own anything of value.

It's ok, we understand.

Stop clutching your pearls over taxes....

View attachment 508085

You morons still managed to worship St. Ronnie in spite of it....

You can stop living in your chosen delusion and admit that Trump put more african Americans to work than any other president in history, or stay there where the Walmart used to be

Except he didn't

Funny how you dic suckers get all giddy about Trump lowering Black U/E by 1 percentage point....

But didn't say shit when Obama lowered it by 7 percentage pts more than that -- in fact, it was the largest percentage reduction in US history...did yall say anything it about it? Nope..because you didn't give a fuck...

_00-0charts.008y (8).png

Which is why yall went right back to not giving a fuck about it now.... it's no longer useful to you...

The rest of us welcome the reduction in unemployment for everyone....regardless of who is in the white house....


I like to come back to a post a few days later to see how quickly it stopped being about the actual OP and more about whatever goofy shit conservatives are whining about at the moment...

deflection is their #1 go to when they can't defend donny & his merry gang of grifters.
Just tell us how rich that you are that you want to pay more taxes?

What the fuck does paying taxes have to do with Ghouli getting law license lifted?

Oh, nothing. But you need misdirect/redirect away from your very otherwise fucking lame responses.
LOL I find it comical that Xiden is so scared of a 77 year old man that they take his law license. However this does not matter because Giuliani does not need a law license to present the info on Hunter and Joe Xidens relationship with communist china

So your goofy ass thinks Biden is so powerful that he can order Rudy's law license to be suspended...

but your orange cuck of a cult leader is so weak that he couldn't stop it?

Why is your cult leader so weak?
LOL, can you tell us how rich that you are that you voted to pay more taxes? Be detailed?
Can you tell us how a senile old man keeps making your cult leader his bitch?

View attachment 506637View attachment 506637View attachment 506637
Hey playbrain did you figure out why you voted to pay higher taxes yet? Or are you too stupid to even know

Answer his question. Yeah deflection given eh ?

nope. no deflection .... the question doesn't belong in this here thread because it has nothing to do with the thread...

take that MAGAT cowboy hat off & put yer critical thinking cap on if you can find it.
The fact is that you are delusional and believe that you are so rich that you want to pay more taxes and that when you are faced with what you did all that you can babble is that your vote is irrelevant.

blah blah fucking blah.

nobody WANTS to pay more taxes .... but thinking people understand that it is a requirement for a successful society.

btw ... i am not rich - like i said ... i am financially comfortable & if you aren't, then you are the targeted part of society that needs the help.

taxes ain't gonna be raised for those making 400K or less. i live in CT, one of the highest taxed states in the country & i sure can certainly live comfortably on that.
You most certainly want to pay more taxes because if you didn't you would have voted for Trump

you wanted to be defrauded & played the dupe by an orange, tribbleheaded conman who knows a sucker the second he sees one.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves. but they can get very excited by those who do. That is why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest, the greatest and the most spectacular.”

― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal

& you voted for him willingly.


Again unless Xiden ends all of the Trump tax cuts he has admitted that Trump did the right think.

Enjoy reality
A targeted tax cut for the middle class would be the right thing....if that is what Trump meant to do....but he didn't.....

is that what is important to you?? Are that that fucking fragile that your only retort is "but but but Trump did a good thing, right...please tell me he did!!"

You are a whole bitch......
Again tell us more about why you want to pay more taxes under Xiden? Trump is not the president Xiden is, can you accept this
Since I am not a hedge fund manager; I am not freaked out by the idea that investors should be taxed at the same rate as workers.....what makes income gained by hedge funds more worthy than income gained by ACTUAL work?

Also, since I am not in the top 0.1% -- I am not panicked about paying more in dynasty trusts....

And since I don't make more than 500K a year -- I am not terribly triggered by the effective tax rate going up a couple of percentage points.

Unlike you, I have not been brainwashed into worshiping the wealth class at my own peril....just so I can cosplay like I belong to the wealth class..

View attachment 506837
I would play sleep too if I was getting my ass kicked up and down this thread like you are...

To recap.....this thread was about Rudy ACTUALLY HAVING HIS LAW LICENSE SUSPENDED...

But due to your fragile are whining about taxes.....the perfect microcosm to illustrate why Trumpers can't debate.....
My stocks are up, you are a welfare slob on the government slob roll

But you keep on kicking my ass while you play with your own pee pee
^ Hissy fit ^
LOL you can't even claim not to be a welfare slob.

But you keep kicking my ass in your mind.

So how many shares of Apple do you own?

Hissy fitty
Imagine asking someone how many shares of big tech do they own is some sort of retort to why Rudy got his law license suspended...

As much as you fragile cucks whine about big tech and big tech asking about Apple shares

Do you think imagining me being poor invalidates the fact you are getting your ass kicked up and down this post??
Again Rudy can still bring all of his Xiden communist ties info into any court. Now tell us again how badly that you are beating me?
That is the equivalent of saying...

"I do have a girlfriend..and she is pretty too....but she goes to another school tho...and no, I don't have any pictures of her......but I have a girlfriend, I promise!!!"

Shut up cuck...if Rudy had any evidence he would have presented are a moron
They had evidence that needed to be verified by an official audit.
Now it's up to you Dummycraps to make sure all of the evidence disappears before the auditors find it all.
Does it hurt to have such a childish simpleton world view?
Does it hurt that you are a brain dead retard that voted to pay higher taxes?

Seek therapy

your <ahem> ' needle ' is stuck again.
Still waiting for you to tell us why you voted to pay more taxes

You are still in denial refusing to accept that you voted to pay more taxes when you do not actually have enough money to own anything of value.

It's ok, we understand.

Stop clutching your pearls over taxes....

View attachment 508085

You morons still managed to worship St. Ronnie in spite of it....

You can stop living in your chosen delusion and admit that Trump put more african Americans to work than any other president in history, or stay there where the Walmart used to be

Except he didn't

Funny how you dic suckers get all giddy about Trump lowering Black U/E by 1 percentage point....

But didn't say shit when Obama lowered it by 7 percentage pts more than that -- in fact, it was the largest percentage reduction in US history...did yall say anything it about it? Nope..because you didn't give a fuck...

View attachment 508109

Which is why yall went right back to not giving a fuck about it now.... it's no longer useful to you...

The rest of us welcome the reduction in unemployment for everyone....regardless of who is in the white house....

Again more African Americans worked under Trump than under any American President and they made more money than under Obooba. Your entire life is a delusion in a trailer

No one cared more about the plight of black Americans than Barack Obama — our first African-American president — who won well more than 90 percent of the black vote. But the sad paradox of Obama's presidency is that a president who was going to lift up black America economically didn't deliver. From 2009 to 2015, the incomes of black Americans fell by more than $900 per family adjusted for inflation.

The black unemployment rate has fallen by a full percentage point in the last year, black labor force participation is up and the number of black Americans with a job has risen by 600,000 from last year. Preliminary data show black wages and incomes are up since the election.
The rate of job growth per month for blacks under Trump has so far been 40 percent higher than the monthly average under ‎Obama. Trump has averaged nearly 30,000 new black jobs per month. That's especially remarkable because Obama was elected when employment was way down.
Another issue that is critically important to black and Hispanic economic progress is good schools. Trump is advancing the idea of school choice so that every child can attend a quality school, public or private. In cities such as Washington, D.C., and Milwaukee, the children who benefit from voucher and scholarship programs are predominantly black. Trump wants to increase by tenfold the number of black children who benefit from these vouchers and scholarships.
The goal here is to give every poor or minority child the same range of education choices that wealthy families have.
The same people who denounce Trump for being a racist hypocritically oppose Trump's plan for better school options for black children. I have heard many liberal commentators compare Trump to George Wallace, the late Alabama governor who defended school segregation and stood in front of the white public schools with armed guards to keep the black children out.
Now we have liberals and teachers unions figuratively standing in front of the high-quality white private schools like modern-day George Wallaces trying to keep black children out.
Trump also wants more infrastructure spending, more energy jobs and more apprenticeship programs so our youth have access to better jobs and better training. Disproportionately, blacks and other minorities will benefit from these programs, because fewer have the financial capability to go to a four-year college.
So is Trump a racist who doesn't care about the future of black Americans? Let's face it. He's no Jack Kemp when it comes to talking about race and healing wounds with his words. But Trump is creating more jobs and higher incomes for blacks and other minorities and is trying to give a better education to every disadvantaged black child in America. That is a pretty impressive civil rights record.

Yawn, so you buy any pot today, I own several good pot stocks

I like to come back to a post a few days later to see how quickly it stopped being about the actual OP and more about whatever goofy shit conservatives are whining about at the moment...

deflection is their #1 go to when they can't defend donny & his merry gang of grifters.
Just tell us how rich that you are that you want to pay more taxes?

What the fuck does paying taxes have to do with Ghouli getting law license lifted?

Oh, nothing. But you need misdirect/redirect away from your very otherwise fucking lame responses.
LOL I find it comical that Xiden is so scared of a 77 year old man that they take his law license. However this does not matter because Giuliani does not need a law license to present the info on Hunter and Joe Xidens relationship with communist china

So your goofy ass thinks Biden is so powerful that he can order Rudy's law license to be suspended...

but your orange cuck of a cult leader is so weak that he couldn't stop it?

Why is your cult leader so weak?
LOL, can you tell us how rich that you are that you voted to pay more taxes? Be detailed?
Can you tell us how a senile old man keeps making your cult leader his bitch?

View attachment 506637View attachment 506637View attachment 506637
Hey playbrain did you figure out why you voted to pay higher taxes yet? Or are you too stupid to even know

Answer his question. Yeah deflection given eh ?

nope. no deflection .... the question doesn't belong in this here thread because it has nothing to do with the thread...

take that MAGAT cowboy hat off & put yer critical thinking cap on if you can find it.
The fact is that you are delusional and believe that you are so rich that you want to pay more taxes and that when you are faced with what you did all that you can babble is that your vote is irrelevant.

blah blah fucking blah.

nobody WANTS to pay more taxes .... but thinking people understand that it is a requirement for a successful society.

btw ... i am not rich - like i said ... i am financially comfortable & if you aren't, then you are the targeted part of society that needs the help.

taxes ain't gonna be raised for those making 400K or less. i live in CT, one of the highest taxed states in the country & i sure can certainly live comfortably on that.
You most certainly want to pay more taxes because if you didn't you would have voted for Trump

you wanted to be defrauded & played the dupe by an orange, tribbleheaded conman who knows a sucker the second he sees one.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves. but they can get very excited by those who do. That is why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest, the greatest and the most spectacular.”

― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal

& you voted for him willingly.


Again unless Xiden ends all of the Trump tax cuts he has admitted that Trump did the right think.

Enjoy reality
A targeted tax cut for the middle class would be the right thing....if that is what Trump meant to do....but he didn't.....

is that what is important to you?? Are that that fucking fragile that your only retort is "but but but Trump did a good thing, right...please tell me he did!!"

You are a whole bitch......
Again tell us more about why you want to pay more taxes under Xiden? Trump is not the president Xiden is, can you accept this
Since I am not a hedge fund manager; I am not freaked out by the idea that investors should be taxed at the same rate as workers.....what makes income gained by hedge funds more worthy than income gained by ACTUAL work?

Also, since I am not in the top 0.1% -- I am not panicked about paying more in dynasty trusts....

And since I don't make more than 500K a year -- I am not terribly triggered by the effective tax rate going up a couple of percentage points.

Unlike you, I have not been brainwashed into worshiping the wealth class at my own peril....just so I can cosplay like I belong to the wealth class..

View attachment 506837
I would play sleep too if I was getting my ass kicked up and down this thread like you are...

To recap.....this thread was about Rudy ACTUALLY HAVING HIS LAW LICENSE SUSPENDED...

But due to your fragile are whining about taxes.....the perfect microcosm to illustrate why Trumpers can't debate.....
My stocks are up, you are a welfare slob on the government slob roll

But you keep on kicking my ass while you play with your own pee pee
^ Hissy fit ^
LOL you can't even claim not to be a welfare slob.

But you keep kicking my ass in your mind.

So how many shares of Apple do you own?

Hissy fitty
Imagine asking someone how many shares of big tech do they own is some sort of retort to why Rudy got his law license suspended...

As much as you fragile cucks whine about big tech and big tech asking about Apple shares

Do you think imagining me being poor invalidates the fact you are getting your ass kicked up and down this post??
Again Rudy can still bring all of his Xiden communist ties info into any court. Now tell us again how badly that you are beating me?
That is the equivalent of saying...

"I do have a girlfriend..and she is pretty too....but she goes to another school tho...and no, I don't have any pictures of her......but I have a girlfriend, I promise!!!"

Shut up cuck...if Rudy had any evidence he would have presented are a moron
They had evidence that needed to be verified by an official audit.
Now it's up to you Dummycraps to make sure all of the evidence disappears before the auditors find it all.
Does it hurt to have such a childish simpleton world view?
Does it hurt that you are a brain dead retard that voted to pay higher taxes?

Seek therapy

your <ahem> ' needle ' is stuck again.
Still waiting for you to tell us why you voted to pay more taxes

You are still in denial refusing to accept that you voted to pay more taxes when you do not actually have enough money to own anything of value.

It's ok, we understand.

Stop clutching your pearls over taxes....

View attachment 508085

You morons still managed to worship St. Ronnie in spite of it....

You can stop living in your chosen delusion and admit that Trump put more african Americans to work than any other president in history, or stay there where the Walmart used to be

Except he didn't

Funny how you dic suckers get all giddy about Trump lowering Black U/E by 1 percentage point....

But didn't say shit when Obama lowered it by 7 percentage pts more than that -- in fact, it was the largest percentage reduction in US history...did yall say anything it about it? Nope..because you didn't give a fuck...

View attachment 508109

Which is why yall went right back to not giving a fuck about it now.... it's no longer useful to you...

The rest of us welcome the reduction in unemployment for everyone....regardless of who is in the white house....

Again more African Americans worked under Trump than under any American President and they made more money than under Obooba. Your entire life is a delusion in a trailer

No one cared more about the plight of black Americans than Barack Obama — our first African-American president — who won well more than 90 percent of the black vote. But the sad paradox of Obama's presidency is that a president who was going to lift up black America economically didn't deliver. From 2009 to 2015, the incomes of black Americans fell by more than $900 per family adjusted for inflation.

The black unemployment rate has fallen by a full percentage point in the last year, black labor force participation is up and the number of black Americans with a job has risen by 600,000 from last year. Preliminary data show black wages and incomes are up since the election.
The rate of job growth per month for blacks under Trump has so far been 40 percent higher than the monthly average under ‎Obama. Trump has averaged nearly 30,000 new black jobs per month. That's especially remarkable because Obama was elected when employment was way down.
Another issue that is critically important to black and Hispanic economic progress is good schools. Trump is advancing the idea of school choice so that every child can attend a quality school, public or private. In cities such as Washington, D.C., and Milwaukee, the children who benefit from voucher and scholarship programs are predominantly black. Trump wants to increase by tenfold the number of black children who benefit from these vouchers and scholarships.
The goal here is to give every poor or minority child the same range of education choices that wealthy families have.
The same people who denounce Trump for being a racist hypocritically oppose Trump's plan for better school options for black children. I have heard many liberal commentators compare Trump to George Wallace, the late Alabama governor who defended school segregation and stood in front of the white public schools with armed guards to keep the black children out.
Now we have liberals and teachers unions figuratively standing in front of the high-quality white private schools like modern-day George Wallaces trying to keep black children out.
Trump also wants more infrastructure spending, more energy jobs and more apprenticeship programs so our youth have access to better jobs and better training. Disproportionately, blacks and other minorities will benefit from these programs, because fewer have the financial capability to go to a four-year college.
So is Trump a racist who doesn't care about the future of black Americans? Let's face it. He's no Jack Kemp when it comes to talking about race and healing wounds with his words. But Trump is creating more jobs and higher incomes for blacks and other minorities and is trying to give a better education to every disadvantaged black child in America. That is a pretty impressive civil rights record.

Yawn, so you buy any pot today, I own several good pot stocks

Point to the policy that raised incomes for black people.....

And when you say " he cut regulations" -- because is what you Trumpers always say...

What regulations did he cut that raised incomes for black people

There is a reason you folks don't post any data to back up your delusions.....

And no...Trump didn't create more jobs for black people than previous presidents......including Obama

This is the chart that will be remembered when it comes to Trump and matter how much you want to "feel" otherwise....

I like to come back to a post a few days later to see how quickly it stopped being about the actual OP and more about whatever goofy shit conservatives are whining about at the moment...

deflection is their #1 go to when they can't defend donny & his merry gang of grifters.
Just tell us how rich that you are that you want to pay more taxes?

What the fuck does paying taxes have to do with Ghouli getting law license lifted?

Oh, nothing. But you need misdirect/redirect away from your very otherwise fucking lame responses.
LOL I find it comical that Xiden is so scared of a 77 year old man that they take his law license. However this does not matter because Giuliani does not need a law license to present the info on Hunter and Joe Xidens relationship with communist china

So your goofy ass thinks Biden is so powerful that he can order Rudy's law license to be suspended...

but your orange cuck of a cult leader is so weak that he couldn't stop it?

Why is your cult leader so weak?
LOL, can you tell us how rich that you are that you voted to pay more taxes? Be detailed?
Can you tell us how a senile old man keeps making your cult leader his bitch?

View attachment 506637View attachment 506637View attachment 506637
Hey playbrain did you figure out why you voted to pay higher taxes yet? Or are you too stupid to even know

Answer his question. Yeah deflection given eh ?

nope. no deflection .... the question doesn't belong in this here thread because it has nothing to do with the thread...

take that MAGAT cowboy hat off & put yer critical thinking cap on if you can find it.
The fact is that you are delusional and believe that you are so rich that you want to pay more taxes and that when you are faced with what you did all that you can babble is that your vote is irrelevant.

blah blah fucking blah.

nobody WANTS to pay more taxes .... but thinking people understand that it is a requirement for a successful society.

btw ... i am not rich - like i said ... i am financially comfortable & if you aren't, then you are the targeted part of society that needs the help.

taxes ain't gonna be raised for those making 400K or less. i live in CT, one of the highest taxed states in the country & i sure can certainly live comfortably on that.
You most certainly want to pay more taxes because if you didn't you would have voted for Trump

you wanted to be defrauded & played the dupe by an orange, tribbleheaded conman who knows a sucker the second he sees one.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves. but they can get very excited by those who do. That is why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest, the greatest and the most spectacular.”

― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal

& you voted for him willingly.


Again unless Xiden ends all of the Trump tax cuts he has admitted that Trump did the right think.

Enjoy reality
A targeted tax cut for the middle class would be the right thing....if that is what Trump meant to do....but he didn't.....

is that what is important to you?? Are that that fucking fragile that your only retort is "but but but Trump did a good thing, right...please tell me he did!!"

You are a whole bitch......
Again tell us more about why you want to pay more taxes under Xiden? Trump is not the president Xiden is, can you accept this
Since I am not a hedge fund manager; I am not freaked out by the idea that investors should be taxed at the same rate as workers.....what makes income gained by hedge funds more worthy than income gained by ACTUAL work?

Also, since I am not in the top 0.1% -- I am not panicked about paying more in dynasty trusts....

And since I don't make more than 500K a year -- I am not terribly triggered by the effective tax rate going up a couple of percentage points.

Unlike you, I have not been brainwashed into worshiping the wealth class at my own peril....just so I can cosplay like I belong to the wealth class..

View attachment 506837
I would play sleep too if I was getting my ass kicked up and down this thread like you are...

To recap.....this thread was about Rudy ACTUALLY HAVING HIS LAW LICENSE SUSPENDED...

But due to your fragile are whining about taxes.....the perfect microcosm to illustrate why Trumpers can't debate.....
My stocks are up, you are a welfare slob on the government slob roll

But you keep on kicking my ass while you play with your own pee pee
^ Hissy fit ^
LOL you can't even claim not to be a welfare slob.

But you keep kicking my ass in your mind.

So how many shares of Apple do you own?

Hissy fitty
Imagine asking someone how many shares of big tech do they own is some sort of retort to why Rudy got his law license suspended...

As much as you fragile cucks whine about big tech and big tech asking about Apple shares

Do you think imagining me being poor invalidates the fact you are getting your ass kicked up and down this post??
Again Rudy can still bring all of his Xiden communist ties info into any court. Now tell us again how badly that you are beating me?
That is the equivalent of saying...

"I do have a girlfriend..and she is pretty too....but she goes to another school tho...and no, I don't have any pictures of her......but I have a girlfriend, I promise!!!"

Shut up cuck...if Rudy had any evidence he would have presented are a moron
They had evidence that needed to be verified by an official audit.
Now it's up to you Dummycraps to make sure all of the evidence disappears before the auditors find it all.
Does it hurt to have such a childish simpleton world view?
Does it hurt that you are a brain dead retard that voted to pay higher taxes?

Seek therapy

your <ahem> ' needle ' is stuck again.
Still waiting for you to tell us why you voted to pay more taxes

You are still in denial refusing to accept that you voted to pay more taxes when you do not actually have enough money to own anything of value.

It's ok, we understand.

Stop clutching your pearls over taxes....

View attachment 508085

You morons still managed to worship St. Ronnie in spite of it....

You can stop living in your chosen delusion and admit that Trump put more african Americans to work than any other president in history, or stay there where the Walmart used to be

Except he didn't

Funny how you dic suckers get all giddy about Trump lowering Black U/E by 1 percentage point....

But didn't say shit when Obama lowered it by 7 percentage pts more than that -- in fact, it was the largest percentage reduction in US history...did yall say anything it about it? Nope..because you didn't give a fuck...

View attachment 508109

Which is why yall went right back to not giving a fuck about it now.... it's no longer useful to you...

The rest of us welcome the reduction in unemployment for everyone....regardless of who is in the white house....

Again more African Americans worked under Trump than under any American President and they made more money than under Obooba. Your entire life is a delusion in a trailer

No one cared more about the plight of black Americans than Barack Obama — our first African-American president — who won well more than 90 percent of the black vote. But the sad paradox of Obama's presidency is that a president who was going to lift up black America economically didn't deliver. From 2009 to 2015, the incomes of black Americans fell by more than $900 per family adjusted for inflation.

The black unemployment rate has fallen by a full percentage point in the last year, black labor force participation is up and the number of black Americans with a job has risen by 600,000 from last year. Preliminary data show black wages and incomes are up since the election.
The rate of job growth per month for blacks under Trump has so far been 40 percent higher than the monthly average under ‎Obama. Trump has averaged nearly 30,000 new black jobs per month. That's especially remarkable because Obama was elected when employment was way down.
Another issue that is critically important to black and Hispanic economic progress is good schools. Trump is advancing the idea of school choice so that every child can attend a quality school, public or private. In cities such as Washington, D.C., and Milwaukee, the children who benefit from voucher and scholarship programs are predominantly black. Trump wants to increase by tenfold the number of black children who benefit from these vouchers and scholarships.
The goal here is to give every poor or minority child the same range of education choices that wealthy families have.
The same people who denounce Trump for being a racist hypocritically oppose Trump's plan for better school options for black children. I have heard many liberal commentators compare Trump to George Wallace, the late Alabama governor who defended school segregation and stood in front of the white public schools with armed guards to keep the black children out.
Now we have liberals and teachers unions figuratively standing in front of the high-quality white private schools like modern-day George Wallaces trying to keep black children out.
Trump also wants more infrastructure spending, more energy jobs and more apprenticeship programs so our youth have access to better jobs and better training. Disproportionately, blacks and other minorities will benefit from these programs, because fewer have the financial capability to go to a four-year college.
So is Trump a racist who doesn't care about the future of black Americans? Let's face it. He's no Jack Kemp when it comes to talking about race and healing wounds with his words. But Trump is creating more jobs and higher incomes for blacks and other minorities and is trying to give a better education to every disadvantaged black child in America. That is a pretty impressive civil rights record.

Yawn, so you buy any pot today, I own several good pot stocks

Point to the policy that raised incomes for black people.....

And when you say " he cut regulations" -- because is what you Trumpers always say...

What regulations did he cut that raised incomes for black people

There is a reason you folks don't post any data to back up your delusions.....

And no...Trump didn't create more jobs for black people than previous presidents......including Obama

This is the chart that will be remembered when it comes to Trump and matter how much you want to "feel" otherwise....
View attachment 508132

Trump opportunity zones benefitted minority communities

Are you really happy being on welfare and living above the chinese restaurant where you wash dishes off the table so that you can still collect welfare

I like to come back to a post a few days later to see how quickly it stopped being about the actual OP and more about whatever goofy shit conservatives are whining about at the moment...

deflection is their #1 go to when they can't defend donny & his merry gang of grifters.
Just tell us how rich that you are that you want to pay more taxes?

What the fuck does paying taxes have to do with Ghouli getting law license lifted?

Oh, nothing. But you need misdirect/redirect away from your very otherwise fucking lame responses.
LOL I find it comical that Xiden is so scared of a 77 year old man that they take his law license. However this does not matter because Giuliani does not need a law license to present the info on Hunter and Joe Xidens relationship with communist china

So your goofy ass thinks Biden is so powerful that he can order Rudy's law license to be suspended...

but your orange cuck of a cult leader is so weak that he couldn't stop it?

Why is your cult leader so weak?
LOL, can you tell us how rich that you are that you voted to pay more taxes? Be detailed?
Can you tell us how a senile old man keeps making your cult leader his bitch?

View attachment 506637View attachment 506637View attachment 506637
Hey playbrain did you figure out why you voted to pay higher taxes yet? Or are you too stupid to even know

Answer his question. Yeah deflection given eh ?

nope. no deflection .... the question doesn't belong in this here thread because it has nothing to do with the thread...

take that MAGAT cowboy hat off & put yer critical thinking cap on if you can find it.
The fact is that you are delusional and believe that you are so rich that you want to pay more taxes and that when you are faced with what you did all that you can babble is that your vote is irrelevant.

blah blah fucking blah.

nobody WANTS to pay more taxes .... but thinking people understand that it is a requirement for a successful society.

btw ... i am not rich - like i said ... i am financially comfortable & if you aren't, then you are the targeted part of society that needs the help.

taxes ain't gonna be raised for those making 400K or less. i live in CT, one of the highest taxed states in the country & i sure can certainly live comfortably on that.
You most certainly want to pay more taxes because if you didn't you would have voted for Trump

you wanted to be defrauded & played the dupe by an orange, tribbleheaded conman who knows a sucker the second he sees one.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves. but they can get very excited by those who do. That is why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest, the greatest and the most spectacular.”

― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal

& you voted for him willingly.


Again unless Xiden ends all of the Trump tax cuts he has admitted that Trump did the right think.

Enjoy reality
A targeted tax cut for the middle class would be the right thing....if that is what Trump meant to do....but he didn't.....

is that what is important to you?? Are that that fucking fragile that your only retort is "but but but Trump did a good thing, right...please tell me he did!!"

You are a whole bitch......
Again tell us more about why you want to pay more taxes under Xiden? Trump is not the president Xiden is, can you accept this
Since I am not a hedge fund manager; I am not freaked out by the idea that investors should be taxed at the same rate as workers.....what makes income gained by hedge funds more worthy than income gained by ACTUAL work?

Also, since I am not in the top 0.1% -- I am not panicked about paying more in dynasty trusts....

And since I don't make more than 500K a year -- I am not terribly triggered by the effective tax rate going up a couple of percentage points.

Unlike you, I have not been brainwashed into worshiping the wealth class at my own peril....just so I can cosplay like I belong to the wealth class..

View attachment 506837
I would play sleep too if I was getting my ass kicked up and down this thread like you are...

To recap.....this thread was about Rudy ACTUALLY HAVING HIS LAW LICENSE SUSPENDED...

But due to your fragile are whining about taxes.....the perfect microcosm to illustrate why Trumpers can't debate.....
My stocks are up, you are a welfare slob on the government slob roll

But you keep on kicking my ass while you play with your own pee pee
^ Hissy fit ^
LOL you can't even claim not to be a welfare slob.

But you keep kicking my ass in your mind.

So how many shares of Apple do you own?

Hissy fitty
Imagine asking someone how many shares of big tech do they own is some sort of retort to why Rudy got his law license suspended...

As much as you fragile cucks whine about big tech and big tech asking about Apple shares

Do you think imagining me being poor invalidates the fact you are getting your ass kicked up and down this post??
Again Rudy can still bring all of his Xiden communist ties info into any court. Now tell us again how badly that you are beating me?
That is the equivalent of saying...

"I do have a girlfriend..and she is pretty too....but she goes to another school tho...and no, I don't have any pictures of her......but I have a girlfriend, I promise!!!"

Shut up cuck...if Rudy had any evidence he would have presented are a moron
They had evidence that needed to be verified by an official audit.
Now it's up to you Dummycraps to make sure all of the evidence disappears before the auditors find it all.
Does it hurt to have such a childish simpleton world view?
Does it hurt that you are a brain dead retard that voted to pay higher taxes?

Seek therapy

your <ahem> ' needle ' is stuck again.
Still waiting for you to tell us why you voted to pay more taxes

You are still in denial refusing to accept that you voted to pay more taxes when you do not actually have enough money to own anything of value.

It's ok, we understand.

Stop clutching your pearls over taxes....

View attachment 508085

You morons still managed to worship St. Ronnie in spite of it....

You can stop living in your chosen delusion and admit that Trump put more african Americans to work than any other president in history, or stay there where the Walmart used to be

Except he didn't

Funny how you dic suckers get all giddy about Trump lowering Black U/E by 1 percentage point....

But didn't say shit when Obama lowered it by 7 percentage pts more than that -- in fact, it was the largest percentage reduction in US history...did yall say anything it about it? Nope..because you didn't give a fuck...

View attachment 508109

Which is why yall went right back to not giving a fuck about it now.... it's no longer useful to you...

The rest of us welcome the reduction in unemployment for everyone....regardless of who is in the white house....

Again more African Americans worked under Trump than under any American President and they made more money than under Obooba. Your entire life is a delusion in a trailer

No one cared more about the plight of black Americans than Barack Obama — our first African-American president — who won well more than 90 percent of the black vote. But the sad paradox of Obama's presidency is that a president who was going to lift up black America economically didn't deliver. From 2009 to 2015, the incomes of black Americans fell by more than $900 per family adjusted for inflation.

The black unemployment rate has fallen by a full percentage point in the last year, black labor force participation is up and the number of black Americans with a job has risen by 600,000 from last year. Preliminary data show black wages and incomes are up since the election.
The rate of job growth per month for blacks under Trump has so far been 40 percent higher than the monthly average under ‎Obama. Trump has averaged nearly 30,000 new black jobs per month. That's especially remarkable because Obama was elected when employment was way down.
Another issue that is critically important to black and Hispanic economic progress is good schools. Trump is advancing the idea of school choice so that every child can attend a quality school, public or private. In cities such as Washington, D.C., and Milwaukee, the children who benefit from voucher and scholarship programs are predominantly black. Trump wants to increase by tenfold the number of black children who benefit from these vouchers and scholarships.
The goal here is to give every poor or minority child the same range of education choices that wealthy families have.
The same people who denounce Trump for being a racist hypocritically oppose Trump's plan for better school options for black children. I have heard many liberal commentators compare Trump to George Wallace, the late Alabama governor who defended school segregation and stood in front of the white public schools with armed guards to keep the black children out.
Now we have liberals and teachers unions figuratively standing in front of the high-quality white private schools like modern-day George Wallaces trying to keep black children out.
Trump also wants more infrastructure spending, more energy jobs and more apprenticeship programs so our youth have access to better jobs and better training. Disproportionately, blacks and other minorities will benefit from these programs, because fewer have the financial capability to go to a four-year college.
So is Trump a racist who doesn't care about the future of black Americans? Let's face it. He's no Jack Kemp when it comes to talking about race and healing wounds with his words. But Trump is creating more jobs and higher incomes for blacks and other minorities and is trying to give a better education to every disadvantaged black child in America. That is a pretty impressive civil rights record.

Yawn, so you buy any pot today, I own several good pot stocks

Point to the policy that raised incomes for black people.....

And when you say " he cut regulations" -- because is what you Trumpers always say...

What regulations did he cut that raised incomes for black people

There is a reason you folks don't post any data to back up your delusions.....

And no...Trump didn't create more jobs for black people than previous presidents......including Obama

This is the chart that will be remembered when it comes to Trump and matter how much you want to "feel" otherwise....
View attachment 508132

When Clinton and Obama were president....they created huge bureaucracies in the federal government while destroying the private sector. Both of them sent millions of jobs overseas to China and Mexico. So they created jobs.....but it was mostly in those countries and by growing the federal government.
FYI, any job created in the federal government is a net loss in revenue because of salaries and benefits. But Trump created over 7 million private sector jobs which added to the revenue thru income taxes and payroll taxes.

I like to come back to a post a few days later to see how quickly it stopped being about the actual OP and more about whatever goofy shit conservatives are whining about at the moment...

deflection is their #1 go to when they can't defend donny & his merry gang of grifters.
Just tell us how rich that you are that you want to pay more taxes?

What the fuck does paying taxes have to do with Ghouli getting law license lifted?

Oh, nothing. But you need misdirect/redirect away from your very otherwise fucking lame responses.
LOL I find it comical that Xiden is so scared of a 77 year old man that they take his law license. However this does not matter because Giuliani does not need a law license to present the info on Hunter and Joe Xidens relationship with communist china

So your goofy ass thinks Biden is so powerful that he can order Rudy's law license to be suspended...

but your orange cuck of a cult leader is so weak that he couldn't stop it?

Why is your cult leader so weak?
LOL, can you tell us how rich that you are that you voted to pay more taxes? Be detailed?
Can you tell us how a senile old man keeps making your cult leader his bitch?

View attachment 506637View attachment 506637View attachment 506637
Hey playbrain did you figure out why you voted to pay higher taxes yet? Or are you too stupid to even know

Answer his question. Yeah deflection given eh ?

nope. no deflection .... the question doesn't belong in this here thread because it has nothing to do with the thread...

take that MAGAT cowboy hat off & put yer critical thinking cap on if you can find it.
The fact is that you are delusional and believe that you are so rich that you want to pay more taxes and that when you are faced with what you did all that you can babble is that your vote is irrelevant.

blah blah fucking blah.

nobody WANTS to pay more taxes .... but thinking people understand that it is a requirement for a successful society.

btw ... i am not rich - like i said ... i am financially comfortable & if you aren't, then you are the targeted part of society that needs the help.

taxes ain't gonna be raised for those making 400K or less. i live in CT, one of the highest taxed states in the country & i sure can certainly live comfortably on that.
You most certainly want to pay more taxes because if you didn't you would have voted for Trump

you wanted to be defrauded & played the dupe by an orange, tribbleheaded conman who knows a sucker the second he sees one.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves. but they can get very excited by those who do. That is why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest, the greatest and the most spectacular.”

― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal

& you voted for him willingly.


Again unless Xiden ends all of the Trump tax cuts he has admitted that Trump did the right think.

Enjoy reality
A targeted tax cut for the middle class would be the right thing....if that is what Trump meant to do....but he didn't.....

is that what is important to you?? Are that that fucking fragile that your only retort is "but but but Trump did a good thing, right...please tell me he did!!"

You are a whole bitch......
Again tell us more about why you want to pay more taxes under Xiden? Trump is not the president Xiden is, can you accept this
Since I am not a hedge fund manager; I am not freaked out by the idea that investors should be taxed at the same rate as workers.....what makes income gained by hedge funds more worthy than income gained by ACTUAL work?

Also, since I am not in the top 0.1% -- I am not panicked about paying more in dynasty trusts....

And since I don't make more than 500K a year -- I am not terribly triggered by the effective tax rate going up a couple of percentage points.

Unlike you, I have not been brainwashed into worshiping the wealth class at my own peril....just so I can cosplay like I belong to the wealth class..

View attachment 506837
I would play sleep too if I was getting my ass kicked up and down this thread like you are...

To recap.....this thread was about Rudy ACTUALLY HAVING HIS LAW LICENSE SUSPENDED...

But due to your fragile are whining about taxes.....the perfect microcosm to illustrate why Trumpers can't debate.....
My stocks are up, you are a welfare slob on the government slob roll

But you keep on kicking my ass while you play with your own pee pee
^ Hissy fit ^
LOL you can't even claim not to be a welfare slob.

But you keep kicking my ass in your mind.

So how many shares of Apple do you own?

Hissy fitty
Imagine asking someone how many shares of big tech do they own is some sort of retort to why Rudy got his law license suspended...

As much as you fragile cucks whine about big tech and big tech asking about Apple shares

Do you think imagining me being poor invalidates the fact you are getting your ass kicked up and down this post??
Again Rudy can still bring all of his Xiden communist ties info into any court. Now tell us again how badly that you are beating me?
That is the equivalent of saying...

"I do have a girlfriend..and she is pretty too....but she goes to another school tho...and no, I don't have any pictures of her......but I have a girlfriend, I promise!!!"

Shut up cuck...if Rudy had any evidence he would have presented are a moron
They had evidence that needed to be verified by an official audit.
Now it's up to you Dummycraps to make sure all of the evidence disappears before the auditors find it all.
Does it hurt to have such a childish simpleton world view?
Does it hurt that you are a brain dead retard that voted to pay higher taxes?

Seek therapy

your <ahem> ' needle ' is stuck again.
Still waiting for you to tell us why you voted to pay more taxes

You are still in denial refusing to accept that you voted to pay more taxes when you do not actually have enough money to own anything of value.

It's ok, we understand.


I like to come back to a post a few days later to see how quickly it stopped being about the actual OP and more about whatever goofy shit conservatives are whining about at the moment...

deflection is their #1 go to when they can't defend donny & his merry gang of grifters.
Just tell us how rich that you are that you want to pay more taxes?

What the fuck does paying taxes have to do with Ghouli getting law license lifted?

Oh, nothing. But you need misdirect/redirect away from your very otherwise fucking lame responses.
LOL I find it comical that Xiden is so scared of a 77 year old man that they take his law license. However this does not matter because Giuliani does not need a law license to present the info on Hunter and Joe Xidens relationship with communist china

So your goofy ass thinks Biden is so powerful that he can order Rudy's law license to be suspended...

but your orange cuck of a cult leader is so weak that he couldn't stop it?

Why is your cult leader so weak?
LOL, can you tell us how rich that you are that you voted to pay more taxes? Be detailed?
Can you tell us how a senile old man keeps making your cult leader his bitch?

View attachment 506637View attachment 506637View attachment 506637
Hey playbrain did you figure out why you voted to pay higher taxes yet? Or are you too stupid to even know

Answer his question. Yeah deflection given eh ?

nope. no deflection .... the question doesn't belong in this here thread because it has nothing to do with the thread...

take that MAGAT cowboy hat off & put yer critical thinking cap on if you can find it.
The fact is that you are delusional and believe that you are so rich that you want to pay more taxes and that when you are faced with what you did all that you can babble is that your vote is irrelevant.

blah blah fucking blah.

nobody WANTS to pay more taxes .... but thinking people understand that it is a requirement for a successful society.

btw ... i am not rich - like i said ... i am financially comfortable & if you aren't, then you are the targeted part of society that needs the help.

taxes ain't gonna be raised for those making 400K or less. i live in CT, one of the highest taxed states in the country & i sure can certainly live comfortably on that.
You most certainly want to pay more taxes because if you didn't you would have voted for Trump

you wanted to be defrauded & played the dupe by an orange, tribbleheaded conman who knows a sucker the second he sees one.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves. but they can get very excited by those who do. That is why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest, the greatest and the most spectacular.”

― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal

& you voted for him willingly.


Again unless Xiden ends all of the Trump tax cuts he has admitted that Trump did the right think.

Enjoy reality
A targeted tax cut for the middle class would be the right thing....if that is what Trump meant to do....but he didn't.....

is that what is important to you?? Are that that fucking fragile that your only retort is "but but but Trump did a good thing, right...please tell me he did!!"

You are a whole bitch......
Again tell us more about why you want to pay more taxes under Xiden? Trump is not the president Xiden is, can you accept this
Since I am not a hedge fund manager; I am not freaked out by the idea that investors should be taxed at the same rate as workers.....what makes income gained by hedge funds more worthy than income gained by ACTUAL work?

Also, since I am not in the top 0.1% -- I am not panicked about paying more in dynasty trusts....

And since I don't make more than 500K a year -- I am not terribly triggered by the effective tax rate going up a couple of percentage points.

Unlike you, I have not been brainwashed into worshiping the wealth class at my own peril....just so I can cosplay like I belong to the wealth class..

View attachment 506837
I would play sleep too if I was getting my ass kicked up and down this thread like you are...

To recap.....this thread was about Rudy ACTUALLY HAVING HIS LAW LICENSE SUSPENDED...

But due to your fragile are whining about taxes.....the perfect microcosm to illustrate why Trumpers can't debate.....
My stocks are up, you are a welfare slob on the government slob roll

But you keep on kicking my ass while you play with your own pee pee
^ Hissy fit ^
LOL you can't even claim not to be a welfare slob.

But you keep kicking my ass in your mind.

So how many shares of Apple do you own?

Hissy fitty
Imagine asking someone how many shares of big tech do they own is some sort of retort to why Rudy got his law license suspended...

As much as you fragile cucks whine about big tech and big tech asking about Apple shares

Do you think imagining me being poor invalidates the fact you are getting your ass kicked up and down this post??
Again Rudy can still bring all of his Xiden communist ties info into any court. Now tell us again how badly that you are beating me?
That is the equivalent of saying...

"I do have a girlfriend..and she is pretty too....but she goes to another school tho...and no, I don't have any pictures of her......but I have a girlfriend, I promise!!!"

Shut up cuck...if Rudy had any evidence he would have presented are a moron
They had evidence that needed to be verified by an official audit.
Now it's up to you Dummycraps to make sure all of the evidence disappears before the auditors find it all.
Does it hurt to have such a childish simpleton world view?
Does it hurt that you are a brain dead retard that voted to pay higher taxes?

Seek therapy

your <ahem> ' needle ' is stuck again.
Still waiting for you to tell us why you voted to pay more taxes

You are still in denial refusing to accept that you voted to pay more taxes when you do not actually have enough money to own anything of value.

It's ok, we understand.

View attachment 508226

One day you will wake up and know that only retards voted to pay higher taxes and really hate yourself for being such a moron

says the poorly educated dupe who voted for a CON man ... TWICW; who was sued for defrauding people with his ' university ' & had to have his foundation closed down because he stole the cash donations & used it as his own personal piggy bank.

lol... you voted to give BIGCORP tax break because well ... trump wanted it.


says the poorly educated dupe who voted for a CON man ... TWICW; who was sued for defrauding people with his ' university ' & had to have his foundation closed down because he stole the cash donations & used it as his own personal piggy bank.

lol... you voted to give BIGCORP tax break because well ... trump wanted it.

Actually next to a fool like you I am a big corporation.

Do you know what the capital gains tax rate is? Have you ever paid capital gains taxes?

LOL Sweep up outside your rented trailer, and jump up and down with glee like a retard does when they pay higher taxes

says the poorly educated dupe who voted for a CON man ... TWICW; who was sued for defrauding people with his ' university ' & had to have his foundation closed down because he stole the cash donations & used it as his own personal piggy bank.

lol... you voted to give BIGCORP tax break because well ... trump wanted it.

Actually next to a fool like you I am a big corporation.

Do you know what the capital gains tax rate is? Have you ever paid capital gains taxes?

LOL Sweep up outside your rented trailer, and jump up and down with glee like a retard does when they pay higher taxes

i told you - i am debt free. i own my home & 3 vehicles outright. the only money i owe is what's on the credit cards at the moment that get pd in full every month.

neener neener.

says the poorly educated dupe who voted for a CON man ... TWICW; who was sued for defrauding people with his ' university ' & had to have his foundation closed down because he stole the cash donations & used it as his own personal piggy bank.

lol... you voted to give BIGCORP tax break because well ... trump wanted it.

Actually next to a fool like you I am a big corporation.

Do you know what the capital gains tax rate is? Have you ever paid capital gains taxes?

LOL Sweep up outside your rented trailer, and jump up and down with glee like a retard does when they pay higher taxes

i told you - i am debt free. i own my home & 3 vehicles outright. the only money i owe is what's on the credit cards at the moment that get pd in full every month.

neener neener.
So you have no clue what the capital gains tax rates are because you have no investments at all, which is why you voted to pay higher taxes.


I like to come back to a post a few days later to see how quickly it stopped being about the actual OP and more about whatever goofy shit conservatives are whining about at the moment...

deflection is their #1 go to when they can't defend donny & his merry gang of grifters.
Just tell us how rich that you are that you want to pay more taxes?

What the fuck does paying taxes have to do with Ghouli getting law license lifted?

Oh, nothing. But you need misdirect/redirect away from your very otherwise fucking lame responses.
LOL I find it comical that Xiden is so scared of a 77 year old man that they take his law license. However this does not matter because Giuliani does not need a law license to present the info on Hunter and Joe Xidens relationship with communist china

So your goofy ass thinks Biden is so powerful that he can order Rudy's law license to be suspended...

but your orange cuck of a cult leader is so weak that he couldn't stop it?

Why is your cult leader so weak?
LOL, can you tell us how rich that you are that you voted to pay more taxes? Be detailed?
Can you tell us how a senile old man keeps making your cult leader his bitch?

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Hey playbrain did you figure out why you voted to pay higher taxes yet? Or are you too stupid to even know

Answer his question. Yeah deflection given eh ?

nope. no deflection .... the question doesn't belong in this here thread because it has nothing to do with the thread...

take that MAGAT cowboy hat off & put yer critical thinking cap on if you can find it.
The fact is that you are delusional and believe that you are so rich that you want to pay more taxes and that when you are faced with what you did all that you can babble is that your vote is irrelevant.

blah blah fucking blah.

nobody WANTS to pay more taxes .... but thinking people understand that it is a requirement for a successful society.

btw ... i am not rich - like i said ... i am financially comfortable & if you aren't, then you are the targeted part of society that needs the help.

taxes ain't gonna be raised for those making 400K or less. i live in CT, one of the highest taxed states in the country & i sure can certainly live comfortably on that.
You most certainly want to pay more taxes because if you didn't you would have voted for Trump

you wanted to be defrauded & played the dupe by an orange, tribbleheaded conman who knows a sucker the second he sees one.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves. but they can get very excited by those who do. That is why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest, the greatest and the most spectacular.”

― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal

& you voted for him willingly.


Again unless Xiden ends all of the Trump tax cuts he has admitted that Trump did the right think.

Enjoy reality
A targeted tax cut for the middle class would be the right thing....if that is what Trump meant to do....but he didn't.....

is that what is important to you?? Are that that fucking fragile that your only retort is "but but but Trump did a good thing, right...please tell me he did!!"

You are a whole bitch......
Again tell us more about why you want to pay more taxes under Xiden? Trump is not the president Xiden is, can you accept this
Since I am not a hedge fund manager; I am not freaked out by the idea that investors should be taxed at the same rate as workers.....what makes income gained by hedge funds more worthy than income gained by ACTUAL work?

Also, since I am not in the top 0.1% -- I am not panicked about paying more in dynasty trusts....

And since I don't make more than 500K a year -- I am not terribly triggered by the effective tax rate going up a couple of percentage points.

Unlike you, I have not been brainwashed into worshiping the wealth class at my own peril....just so I can cosplay like I belong to the wealth class..

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I would play sleep too if I was getting my ass kicked up and down this thread like you are...

To recap.....this thread was about Rudy ACTUALLY HAVING HIS LAW LICENSE SUSPENDED...

But due to your fragile are whining about taxes.....the perfect microcosm to illustrate why Trumpers can't debate.....
My stocks are up, you are a welfare slob on the government slob roll

But you keep on kicking my ass while you play with your own pee pee
^ Hissy fit ^
LOL you can't even claim not to be a welfare slob.

But you keep kicking my ass in your mind.

So how many shares of Apple do you own?

Hissy fitty
Imagine asking someone how many shares of big tech do they own is some sort of retort to why Rudy got his law license suspended...

As much as you fragile cucks whine about big tech and big tech asking about Apple shares

Do you think imagining me being poor invalidates the fact you are getting your ass kicked up and down this post??
Again Rudy can still bring all of his Xiden communist ties info into any court. Now tell us again how badly that you are beating me?
That is the equivalent of saying...

"I do have a girlfriend..and she is pretty too....but she goes to another school tho...and no, I don't have any pictures of her......but I have a girlfriend, I promise!!!"

Shut up cuck...if Rudy had any evidence he would have presented are a moron
They had evidence that needed to be verified by an official audit.
Now it's up to you Dummycraps to make sure all of the evidence disappears before the auditors find it all.
Does it hurt to have such a childish simpleton world view?
Does it hurt that you are a brain dead retard that voted to pay higher taxes?

Seek therapy

your <ahem> ' needle ' is stuck again.
Still waiting for you to tell us why you voted to pay more taxes

You are still in denial refusing to accept that you voted to pay more taxes when you do not actually have enough money to own anything of value.

It's ok, we understand.

Stop clutching your pearls over taxes....

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You morons still managed to worship St. Ronnie in spite of it....

$133 billion over 8 years works out to only $16 billion/yr.
Biden has signed bills in the first 3 months spending over $4 trillion and wants to spend $8 trillion by Christmas. know where you can shove that mess. Mkay?

says the poorly educated dupe who voted for a CON man ... TWICW; who was sued for defrauding people with his ' university ' & had to have his foundation closed down because he stole the cash donations & used it as his own personal piggy bank.

lol... you voted to give BIGCORP tax break because well ... trump wanted it.

Actually next to a fool like you I am a big corporation.

Do you know what the capital gains tax rate is? Have you ever paid capital gains taxes?

LOL Sweep up outside your rented trailer, and jump up and down with glee like a retard does when they pay higher taxes

i told you - i am debt free. i own my home & 3 vehicles outright. the only money i owe is what's on the credit cards at the moment that get pd in full every month.

neener neener.
So you have no clue what the capital gains tax rates are because you have no investments at all, which is why you voted to pay higher taxes.


whatever twists & turns you need to do in yer head to justify yer own ... ....errrrr.....shortcomings.

says the poorly educated dupe who voted for a CON man ... TWICW; who was sued for defrauding people with his ' university ' & had to have his foundation closed down because he stole the cash donations & used it as his own personal piggy bank.

lol... you voted to give BIGCORP tax break because well ... trump wanted it.

Actually next to a fool like you I am a big corporation.

Do you know what the capital gains tax rate is? Have you ever paid capital gains taxes?

LOL Sweep up outside your rented trailer, and jump up and down with glee like a retard does when they pay higher taxes

i told you - i am debt free. i own my home & 3 vehicles outright. the only money i owe is what's on the credit cards at the moment that get pd in full every month.

neener neener.
So you have no clue what the capital gains tax rates are because you have no investments at all, which is why you voted to pay higher taxes.


whatever twists & turns you need to do in yer head to justify yer own ... ....errrrr.....shortcomings.
LOL I am about to pay more taxes than you ever have, but on the flip side Bill Gates is paying way more than me, so go figure.

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