Rudy is presenting his evidence, legal arguments to the people.

Rudy's pretty persuasive; it's his job as lawyer to present just his client's side. I don't get that trucks at 4 am either, though. Didn't they need to get those ballots to the processing center so they could be counted? And if the Republicans were all in a corral, how do they know those were all Joe-only votes? All that whole thing shows me is that they worked through the night.

It would be great if the hearings on some of these suits he's filed could be live for us to watch. Having both sides of the argument presented without jumbling up different states and getting me all confused would be great.
6 states shutting down all at once while Trump was leading them all. Firewall in Dominion software. Read the manual.

And your comment has NOTHING TO DO with the election Fraud--just a simple attempt at redirecting by smearing the messenger. Not going to work dear----you are underestimating the ANGER that is growing in America against the lying cheating MANIPULATIVE socialists.......

You LOST - Get the fuck over it please.

What a hypocrite ass,you jerks could not get over it for four years when your hero lost so fuck off hypocrite.:fu::ahole-1:

What are you gonna do without your dear leader? Ha Ha Hah!

Maybe you can sign up for Whiners Day Care.

He'll suck all the air out of the room for 4 yrs if he loses to Soros. Careful what you wish for.
Loser Trump has lost 24 times in court. He won 1 time: getting observers from 12 feet away to 6 feet away in Michigan.

All the rest of this is bullshit. That’s why all the real lawyers have left. They won’t lie to a judge. Not even a dirtbag lawyer like Jay Sekulow. Have you noticed that he is nowhere to be found? Neither are lowlifes Pat Cipollone or Ken Starr or Alan Dershowitz. Why not?

This is why you have Trump’s D-List of Rudy Rubles and the harpy treason defender Sidney Powell. Because I want a “lawyer” who has an online Shop button on their website. :rolleyes:

And this is why they are holding press conferences rather than court proceedings.
I wonder how many Trumpsters have been watching this and wondering what they're not being told, what he's leaving out, what he might be misrepresenting, and what the other side of the argument is.


I'll go with zero.
Who wouldn't take it all with a grain of salt? But, there are many of us who saw with our own fucking eyes the inexplicable shift early on November 4. So, yes, the questions about what we are missing is on my mind, at least, but at the same time, if he is providing an explanation for that wild shift, and you assholes are not, but rather telling me I didn't see what I saw, I am stuck with his explanation.

Get it?
A justifiable question to Dems:

Do you REALLY think that the Democrat party cares one iota about you? The farmers? The retired? The homeless? The middle class or even the lower poor class? Newsflash. They want POWER, and you mean diddly squat to them once they get it.
Rudy's pretty persuasive; it's his job as lawyer to present just his client's side. I don't get that trucks at 4 am either, though. Didn't they need to get those ballots to the processing center so they could be counted? And if the Republicans were all in a corral, how do they know those were all Joe-only votes? All that whole thing shows me is that they worked through the night.
There were several nights where ballot workers were sent home and no one was there but a skeleton crew of
supervisors. With no one at all to keep an eye on them. Hmmm...
It will be covered in court.
Rudy's pretty persuasive; it's his job as lawyer to present just his client's side. I don't get that trucks at 4 am either, though. Didn't they need to get those ballots to the processing center so they could be counted? And if the Republicans were all in a corral, how do they know those were all Joe-only votes? All that whole thing shows me is that they worked through the night.

It would be great if the hearings on some of these suits he's filed could be live for us to watch. Having both sides of the argument presented without jumbling up different states and getting me all confused would be great.
Those ballots had to be marked quickly inside with just Sleepy's name and overnight too....
Loser Trump has lost 24 times in court. He won 1 time: getting observers from 12 feet away to 6 feet away in Michigan.

All the rest of this is bullshit. That’s why all the real lawyers have left. They won’t lie to a judge. Not even a dirtbag lawyer like Jay Sekulow. Have you noticed that he is nowhere to be found? Neither are lowlifes Pat Cipollone or Ken Starr or Alan Dershowitz. Why not?

This is why you have Trump’s D-List of Rudy Rubles and the harpy treason defender Sidney Powell. Because I want a “lawyer” who has an online Shop button on their website. :rolleyes:

And this is why they are holding press conferences rather than court proceedings.
It's okay it will all be over soon.
Rudy's pretty persuasive; it's his job as lawyer to present just his client's side. I don't get that trucks at 4 am either, though. Didn't they need to get those ballots to the processing center so they could be counted? And if the Republicans were all in a corral, how do they know those were all Joe-only votes? All that whole thing shows me is that they worked through the night.

It would be great if the hearings on some of these suits he's filed could be live for us to watch. Having both sides of the argument presented without jumbling up different states and getting me all confused would be great.
Those ballots had to be marked quickly inside with just Sleepy's name and overnight too....
If all this was legit, doesn't it make sense to question WHY thousands of ballots ALL had Bidens name and not one was for Trump?

What if it were reversed? Ballots found/counted and not one was for Biden? Wouldn't you want to get to the bottom of it? Or is it because of the person in question? Forget party for a minute or two and THINK. Its fraud...regardless of party.
Rudy's pretty persuasive; it's his job as lawyer to present just his client's side. I don't get that trucks at 4 am either, though. Didn't they need to get those ballots to the processing center so they could be counted? And if the Republicans were all in a corral, how do they know those were all Joe-only votes? All that whole thing shows me is that they worked through the night.

It would be great if the hearings on some of these suits he's filed could be live for us to watch. Having both sides of the argument presented without jumbling up different states and getting me all confused would be great.
Those ballots had to be marked quickly inside with just Sleepy's name and overnight too....
If all this was legit, doesn't it make sense to question WHY thousands of ballots ALL had Bidens name and not one was for Trump?

What if it were reversed? Ballots found/counted and not one was for Biden? Wouldn't you want to get to the bottom of it? Or is it because of the person in question? Forget party for a minute or two and THINK. Its fraud...regardless of party.
Those were the ones that arrived blank at night and had to be "counted" and ready by the morning to overtake Trump's lead.
Rudy's pretty persuasive; it's his job as lawyer to present just his client's side. I don't get that trucks at 4 am either, though. Didn't they need to get those ballots to the processing center so they could be counted? And if the Republicans were all in a corral, how do they know those were all Joe-only votes? All that whole thing shows me is that they worked through the night.

It would be great if the hearings on some of these suits he's filed could be live for us to watch. Having both sides of the argument presented without jumbling up different states and getting me all confused would be great.
Those ballots had to be marked quickly inside with just Sleepy's name and overnight too....
If all this was legit, doesn't it make sense to question WHY thousands of ballots ALL had Bidens name and not one was for Trump?

What if it were reversed? Ballots found/counted and not one was for Biden? Wouldn't you want to get to the bottom of it? Or is it because of the person in question? Forget party for a minute or two and THINK. Its fraud...regardless of party.
Where did that happen and when?

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

All allegations of fraud have been investigated or are being investigated. To date, none are substantiated.

What I find odd is how this wasn't an issue for Republicans before.

Clearly not, not even possible as some cases have not even been filed yet.

So it's clear that you (even as a mod) are doing your part to "fix" the election (and discussions) towards a Biden win, yourself.

So in other words you are going to keep on filing frivolous lawsuits (yes, that is what most of them have been per the courts) until....when exactly?
If first opinion / rulings is the only thing that counts. . . . why then do we have appeals courts and so many cases where a higher court has reversed the rulings of a lower court?
And don't get it. You, the dems. Another country counts our votes. There has been fraud taking place via machines backed and paid for by Soros. Yet you want to laugh at Rudy's hair dye dripping down his face as he stands in very hot lights and ignore what he trying to tell you while youtube or whomever it was filming this CUT HIM OFF as soon as he talks about Hillary and FBI plots.

Again, this is not about Trump any more. Its about powerful people doing all they can to steal your votes. YOURS. Your voice. Your wants. Your opinions. Your choices. Dem, Repub, Indie, Green Party.....ALL your voices. And if this is not nipped in the bud...Trump or no Trump, it will continue to happen. What are y'all gonna do when the Repubs build a better machine to twist the votes? Or the Independents find a smart guy to fix machines to do what is being done now? Or Independents who get a weathy donor and make even better cheating machines and it goes against YOUR choices? This isn't about Trump. This is about YOU and the rest of us regardless of party.

Will you be ok with Russia counting your vote? China?

Wake up.

Just because Rudy made those claims doesn't mean they are true. Come back when you got proof.

Tell me why THIS doesn't disturb you.. Need an answer here...

What is smartmatic international?
Smartmatic (also referred as Smartmatic Corp. or Smartmatic International); is a Venezuelan-owned multinational company that specializes in technology solutions aimed at governments.
Rudy's head is melting.
“You see f*ckin’ Rudy’s hair dye dripping down his face?” the first person remarked."

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