Rules For Traditionals: How People In Wedding Trades Can Defend Themselves

In what ways would they act of government didn't "keep them in line?"

Good question. Let's take a great example, the Ford Pinto. Ford knew that the Pinto was the "Barbaque that seated four", that it would blow up if hit a certain way. and they made a corporate decision that it would be cheaper to pay out a few hundred lawsuits than to recall millions of cars and perform an $11.00 repair.

So lots of people died until the Government figured it out and mde them recall those cars.
The county forced hooker chemical company to sell the property to them and then put a pipeline right through a clay lined chemical pit despited being warned by Hooker chemical company not to do that.

No, they should have cleaned up those chemicals before they sold the land.
In what ways would they act of government didn't "keep them in line?"

Good question. Let's take a great example, the Ford Pinto. Ford knew that the Pinto was the "Barbaque that seated four", that it would blow up if hit a certain way. and they made a corporate decision that it would be cheaper to pay out a few hundred lawsuits than to recall millions of cars and perform an $11.00 repair.

So lots of people died until the Government figured it out and mde them recall those cars.

Wrong, as always:

In a 1991 paper, "The Myth of the Ford Pinto Case", for the Rutgers Law Review, Gary Schwartz[5] said the case against the Pinto was not clear-cut.[22][23]

According to his study, the number who died in Pinto rear-impact fires was well below the hundreds cited in contemporary news reports and closer to the 27 recorded by a limited National Highway Traffic Safety Administration database. Given the Pinto's production figures (over 3 million built), this was not substantially worse than typical for the time. Schwartz said that the car was no more fire-prone than other cars of the time, that its fatality rates were lower than comparably sized imported automobiles, and that the supposed "smoking gun" document that plaintiffs said demonstrated Ford's callousness in designing the Pinto was actually a document based on National Highway Traffic Safety Administration regulations about the value of a human life — rather than a document containing an assessment of Ford's potential tort liability.

Schwartz's study said:

  • The Pinto Memo wasn't used or consulted internally by Ford, but rather was attached to a letter written to NHTSA about proposed regulation. When plaintiffs tried to use the memo in support of punitive damages, the trial judge ruled it inadmissible for that purpose (p. 1021, Schwartz study).
  • The Pinto's fuel tank location behind the axle, ostensibly its design defect, was "commonplace at the time in American cars" (p. 1027).
  • The precedent of the California Supreme Court at the time not only tolerated manufacturers trading off safety for cost, but apparently encouraged manufacturers to consider such trade-offs (p. 1037).
Cheating your customers and employees is against the law. Do you have any specific allegations you would like to discuss?

A lot of things are against the law.

and what Ford did with the Pinto doesn't become "OK" because only 27 people died.

Stop being a tool of the rich, dude. They don't care about you.
The county forced hooker chemical company to sell the property to them and then put a pipeline right through a clay lined chemical pit despited being warned by Hooker chemical company not to do that.

No, they should have cleaned up those chemicals before they sold the land.

They were forced to sell the land, moron. It was obtained through eminent domain. Where does the county get off forcing the owners to "clean up" land so the county can force them to turn it over to them? Where is that power mentioned in the Constitution?

You're inability to place the blame where it belongs shows what a servile boot-licking brainwashed government toady you are.
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Cheating your customers and employees is against the law. Do you have any specific allegations you would like to discuss?

A lot of things are against the law.

and what Ford did with the Pinto doesn't become "OK" because only 27 people died.

Stop being a tool of the rich, dude. They don't care about you.

Your belief that perfectly safe cars that average people can afford to buy are possible to make is the sign of a tool. The car was no more dangerous than any other car on the road, according to the NHTSA.

Don't you trust the government to publish correct information on these issues?
They were forced to sell the land, moron. It was obtained through eminent domain. Where does the county get off forcing the owners to "clean up" land so the county can force them to turn it over to them? Where is that power mentioned in the Constitution?

You're inability to place the blame where it belongs shows what a servile boot-licking brainwashed government toady you are.

Why did they poison the land to start with? Jesus Christ, man, they should have cleaned it up before they sold it. Just like ford should have fixed that defect before anyone died.
Well, no, it isn't.

So you believe that the government is the better decision maker on what a loaf of bread should cost? And you believe that the government is the better decision maker as to which loaf of bread you should buy? Jesus fucking Christ, you're one extremist whack job.

You buy into the mythology that the Market is all good.

False, and the fact that you would make such a claim proves that you're a complete fucking idiot. Never once on this board have I made a claim even halfway approaching that. My position has always been that a free market is a pragmatic best available option when compared to ineffective government interventionism.

Every time the government tries to take on free market principles the government loses. Prohibition? Free market won. War on drugs? Free market continues to win. How do you expect government policy to protect gay people from discrimination when the same discrimination battle has been waging for 100+ years for black people, and the government still hasn't managed to solve the problem?

The only reason capitalists don't act a lot worse than they already do is because the government keeps them in line.'re not a capitalist? You a socialist?
They were forced to sell the land, moron. It was obtained through eminent domain. Where does the county get off forcing the owners to "clean up" land so the county can force them to turn it over to them? Where is that power mentioned in the Constitution?

You're inability to place the blame where it belongs shows what a servile boot-licking brainwashed government toady you are.

Why did they poison the land to start with? Jesus Christ, man, they should have cleaned it up before they sold it. Just like ford should have fixed that defect before anyone died.

Because of you Leftists and your murderous CAFE automobile standards, over 2000 Americans die in cars unable to adequately protect them. You battle mythical beasts like "global warming" by forcing car manufacturers to use less and less material to strengthen the frame. You think 27 is a lot of people killed? As usual, you prove that Leftism kills more people in this country than anything else.



They were forced to sell the land, moron. It was obtained through eminent domain. Where does the county get off forcing the owners to "clean up" land so the county can force them to turn it over to them? Where is that power mentioned in the Constitution?

You're inability to place the blame where it belongs shows what a servile boot-licking brainwashed government toady you are.

Why did they poison the land to start with? Jesus Christ, man, they should have cleaned it up before they sold it. Just like ford should have fixed that defect before anyone died.
Along with GM and the faulty ignition design.
Capitalism is neither 'moral' or 'immoral,' it's a contrivance of man and imbued with man's faults and failings. Consequently business owners, being human, will at times act in bad faith – endangering the safety of employees, polluting the environment, selling unsafe goods and services to consumers – where necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures are warranted to safeguard citizens from business owners who put profit over the well-being of workers and consumers alike.
I can actually agree with this, however, capitalism encourages the worst part of humanity: Greed.

Capitalism is far superior to other economic systems, but it's flawed - hence the necessity, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures as authorized by the Commerce Clause.
Capitalism is neither 'moral' or 'immoral,' it's a contrivance of man and imbued with man's faults and failings. Consequently business owners, being human, will at times act in bad faith – endangering the safety of employees, polluting the environment, selling unsafe goods and services to consumers – where necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures are warranted to safeguard citizens from business owners who put profit over the well-being of workers and consumers alike.
I can actually agree with this, however, capitalism encourages the worst part of humanity: Greed.

Capitalism is far superior to other economic systems, but it's flawed - hence the necessity, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures as authorized by the Commerce Clause.

More proof that the far left does not have a clue about the Constitution..
Capitalism is neither 'moral' or 'immoral,' it's a contrivance of man and imbued with man's faults and failings. Consequently business owners, being human, will at times act in bad faith – endangering the safety of employees, polluting the environment, selling unsafe goods and services to consumers – where necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures are warranted to safeguard citizens from business owners who put profit over the well-being of workers and consumers alike.
I can actually agree with this, however, capitalism encourages the worst part of humanity: Greed.

Capitalism is far superior to other economic systems, but it's flawed - hence the necessity, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures as authorized by the Commerce Clause.

More proof that the far left does not have a clue about the Constitution..

Prove it.
Instead of hiding behind yet another childish insult, prove that what he wrote is incorrect.

They were forced to sell the land, moron. It was obtained through eminent domain. Where does the county get off forcing the owners to "clean up" land so the county can force them to turn it over to them? Where is that power mentioned in the Constitution?

You're inability to place the blame where it belongs shows what a servile boot-licking brainwashed government toady you are.

Why did they poison the land to start with? Jesus Christ, man, they should have cleaned it up before they sold it. Just like ford should have fixed that defect before anyone died.

You're an imbecile. They had to put chemicals somewhere. They dispose of chemicals now in exactly the same way. What part of "they were forced to sell" didn't you understand?

You realize you made a fool of yourself, so now you're pretending to be stupid..
Capitalism is neither 'moral' or 'immoral,' it's a contrivance of man and imbued with man's faults and failings. Consequently business owners, being human, will at times act in bad faith – endangering the safety of employees, polluting the environment, selling unsafe goods and services to consumers – where necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures are warranted to safeguard citizens from business owners who put profit over the well-being of workers and consumers alike.
I can actually agree with this, however, capitalism encourages the worst part of humanity: Greed.

Capitalism is far superior to other economic systems, but it's flawed - hence the necessity, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures as authorized by the Commerce Clause.

Government is flawed even worse.
You're an imbecile. They had to put chemicals somewhere. They dispose of chemicals now in exactly the same way. What part of "they were forced to sell" didn't you understand?

You realize you made a fool of yourself, so now you're pretending to be stupid..

Actually, there are safe ways to dispose of chemicals that doesn't include storing them in residential areas. But that's okay, man, you keep taking one for Team Corporate, guy.

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