Rules For Traditionals: How People In Wedding Trades Can Defend Themselves

Eery time the government tries to protect people, someone tries to find their way around it.


People are going to do what they want, regardless of legislative attempts to "protect" people. I can discriminate against two women with complete impunity under any rosy pretext my heart can imagine. The law cannot stop me. All it does is force me to hide the discrimination. And that leads to bigotry festering unchecked and stoppable.

If you think that the high rate of drug addiction and alcoholism are good things the market has brought us, that's kind of sad.


You do realize that when you make up sensationalist bullshit and put it into other people's mouths, the only person who looks like an idiot is yourself, right?
Meaningless hooey. With 20/20 hindsight a court found "Hooker/Occidental had been negligent, but not reckless, in its handling of the waste and sale of the land to the Niagara Falls School Board." Of course, that doesn't mean a thing because courts typically rule against any company involved with deep pockets.

That's splitting some hairs. How about, just cleaning up the toxic waste before you give up the land.

Yeah, there's a concept.

People are going to do what they want, regardless of legislative attempts to "protect" people. I can discriminate against two women with complete impunity under any rosy pretext my heart can imagine. The law cannot stop me. All it does is force me to hide the discrimination. And that leads to bigotry festering unchecked and stoppable.

Actually, it can and it does... But keep thinking you are going to win your last little bit of homophobia.

Oh, please, please don't make me bake a cake.
So after 27 people died the government forced a recall? That's what you call doing it's job? I thought government regulations were supposed to prevent deaths before they happen? What actually happens is that whenever deaths happen turds like you blame private industry, even when government is culpable.

The bottom line: government regulation has no effect on the safety of the Pinto.

The government didn't design the "Barbaque that seats for". A private company did.

And the Government didn't refuse to do a recall figuring it was cheaper to pay for those 27 deaths than to do an $11.00 repair on millions of cars. Until the GOvernment MADE them do it.
Meaningless hooey. With 20/20 hindsight a court found "Hooker/Occidental had been negligent, but not reckless, in its handling of the waste and sale of the land to the Niagara Falls School Board." Of course, that doesn't mean a thing because courts typically rule against any company involved with deep pockets.

That's splitting some hairs. How about, just cleaning up the toxic waste before you give up the land.

Yeah, there's a concept.

How about placing the blame where it belongs? How about the government choosing a different property when the owner tells them to fuck off? The bottom line is that this problem would never have occurred Niagara Falls School Board hadn't forced Hooker Chemical to sell them the land. Niagara Falls School Board is clearly at fault, not Hooker Chemical.

You're bending over backwards to let them off the hook. You tried to blame the free market when it's clearly not to blame.

No one is fooled.
How about placing the blame where it belongs? How about the government choosing a different property when the owner tells them to fuck off? The bottom line is that this problem would never have occurred Niagara Falls School Board hadn't forced Hooker Chemical to sell them the land. Niagara Falls School Board is clearly at fault, not Hooker Chemical.

The government didn't store a stew of toxins under the ground and right above the water table.

Your heroes at Hooker Chemical did that.
How about placing the blame where it belongs? How about the government choosing a different property when the owner tells them to fuck off? The bottom line is that this problem would never have occurred Niagara Falls School Board hadn't forced Hooker Chemical to sell them the land. Niagara Falls School Board is clearly at fault, not Hooker Chemical.

The government didn't store a stew of toxins under the ground and right above the water table.

Your heroes at Hooker Chemical did that.

All toxic waste pits are under the ground right above the water table, moron. The difference is, the Niagara Falls School Board put a pipeline right through the middle of the one in Love Canal when it built a school there. Those are your heroes: a bunch of dumbasses who were told not to do exactly what they did.
But keep thinking you are going to win your last little bit of homophobia.

You jackass, I am one of the biggest proponents out there of legalizing gay marriage. :lmao:

Yeah, but now you are out there fighting for the right of Christian bigots to discriminate against them. So you are dismissed.


Rights and freedoms are a two way street, jackass. I know you liberals hate that, but you're going to have to get used to it eventually.
The bigoted business owner is not having his rights infringed upon. He is open to the public. When he opened his door to the public, he agreed to serve anyone who came through that door.

If you want to discriminate, don't open your doors to the public.

The customer who is being turned away, has lost his right to service.
Businesses open to the general public are subject to all manner of necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policies authorized by the Commerce Clause – such as being required to pay a minimum wage, ensuring safe working conditions for employees, and being subject to public accommodations laws, where as a fact of Constitutional law one cannot use 'religious beliefs' as an 'excuse' to ignore or violate necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures, such as public accommodations laws; nor is the religious liberty of a business owner subject to injunctive relief for having discriminated against a patron being 'violated.'
The bigoted business owner is not having his rights infringed upon. He is open to the public. When he opened his door to the public, he agreed to serve anyone who came through that door.

If you want to discriminate, don't open your doors to the public.

The customer who is being turned away, has lost his right to service.

No, he didn't. That's a rule imposed on him by the government. The business owner didn't agree to jack squat. All this malarkey about a "public business" is just liberal word magic.
Businesses open to the general public are subject to all manner of necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policies authorized by the Commerce Clause – such as being required to pay a minimum wage, ensuring safe working conditions for employees, and being subject to public accommodations laws, where as a fact of Constitutional law one cannot use 'religious beliefs' as an 'excuse' to ignore or violate necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures, such as public accommodations laws; nor is the religious liberty of a business owner subject to injunctive relief for having discriminated against a patron being 'violated.'

The problem with your theory is that the commerce clause doesn't authorize the government to regulate any business. It only authorizes regulation of transactions across state lines.
All toxic waste pits are under the ground right above the water table, moron. The difference is, the Niagara Falls School Board put a pipeline right through the middle of the one in Love Canal when it built a school there. Those are your heroes: a bunch of dumbasses who were told not to do exactly what they did.

Again, hooker should have cleaned up the sight. this isn't rocket science.
No, he didn't. That's a rule imposed on him by the government. The business owner didn't agree to jack squat. All this malarkey about a "public business" is just liberal word magic.

Well, no, guy. In fact, business couldn't exist without government. Without utilities, without infrastructure, without special tax breaks the rest of us don't get, businesses couldn't get off the ground and you know it.

Thus why we have Public Accommodation Laws.
Rights and freedoms are a two way street, jackass. I know you liberals hate that, but you're going to have to get used to it eventually.

Actually, no, we're not in this case. Public Accommodation laws are firmly established and have been for half a century.

You don't want to serve gays, don't open a business. seems pretty simple to me.
The bigoted business owner is not having his rights infringed upon. He is open to the public. When he opened his door to the public, he agreed to serve anyone who came through that door.

If you want to discriminate, don't open your doors to the public.

The customer who is being turned away, has lost his right to service.

No, he didn't. That's a rule imposed on him by the government. The business owner didn't agree to jack squat. All this malarkey about a "public business" is just liberal word magic.

When you open a business, you agree to operate the business in accordance with the laws, statutes and regulations of all governments having jurisdiction. These aren't idle notions. If you don't follow the law, you can lose your business license.

This isn't a liberal concept. This is the government protecting citizens from businesses which fail to provide certain standards of service.

You don't get to decide which laws you follow and which offend your belief structures. You follow them all or go out of business.

If you're in the wedding business, you don't get to decide what kind of weddings you'll do business with. If you have issues with gay weddings, you need to find another line of work.
Excuses such as 'property rights' and 'religious liberty' are merely a facade behind which those hostile to gay Americans hide their unwarranted hatred of homosexuals.

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