Rumsfeld says Bush was wrong.


unlicensed metaphysician
Jul 5, 2012
"In a recent interview with Britain’s The Times, the former Secretary of Defense deflected the blame onto former President George W. Bush, saying W. was wrong in is attempt to bring democracy and nation build to Iraq...'

Seems he also maintains 'W' was briefed about torture.
Some must be running scared that justice will catch up with them.
Some must be running scared that justice will catch up with them.
This is R's pet
If America continues to hide from what was done under the 'Bush League', the chances increase that their extreme use of the system will be repeated.
To be honest, the problem with Iraq is not Islam as such. The European powers that had divided up the world into their empires were very cleaver. When they finally had to abandon their game, they set up artificial borders everywhere that mixed conflicting groups. This assured that they would not rise to power and challenge their old oppressors.
'Iraq' had never existed as a country in its present configuration. The same is true throughout the Middle East, Africa and parts of the rest of the world.
Thinking that democracy can just be imported like Campbell's soup is the height of absurdity. It is a fragile thing and works, if at all, only in stable countries over a period of time.
Islam is not necessarily anti-democratic, though arguably it does lend to authoritarianism. But, remember, even with religion Iraq is divided into violently opposed sects. Ireland had 'troubles', too, and it wasn't Islamic.
If America continues to hide from what was done under the 'Bush League', the chances increase that their extreme use of the system will be repeated.
You mean like Obama has done? How many US citizens had Bush killed without due process with drones?
The longer you clowns hide behind the fact that Iraq was a bi partisan effort and Dems would be just as guilty,exposes the hypocritical ways of the left.
Associating 'you clowns' and defenders of Obama with my post reveals a total projection on 'wings' part. It also, of course, reveals an acceptance of the facts concerning what his/her 'league' committed.
Where in the quoted post is there 'hiding' of anything?
Where is there any 'left' or 'right' bent?
Stating that the invasion was illegal and a war crime is simply objective fact.
Stating that the 'W' administration willfully used the system to advance an agenda is obvious.
This is looking straight on at things, not from the right or the left.
W is a war criminal.

The invasion was illegal.

Those who supported it are criminally inclined.
If America continues to hide from what was done under the 'Bush League', the chances increase that their extreme use of the system will be repeated.

One thing that might be done and meet with some success is to identify the pukes who think it a good idea to shove the American way of life down the throat of every nation on earth.

That alone just might save some lives.
Has anyone seen if Cheyney has responded to Rumsfeld?
Maybe before you look stupid it would be advisable to investigate exactly what he said. The media totally misrepresented what was said and as always out of context.

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