Rural Oregon counties vote to discuss seceding from state to join ‘Greater Idaho’

What's the difference? life goes on either way!

The problem with that that they lack the authority to do it.

You need the consent of other States to become a State. You don't just 'declare it' an start electing your Senators.

They want to become part of Idaho, not a new state

At the very least, they'd need the consent of both States. And most likely, the consent of the several states.

I don't see any of that happening.

Worked for the colonies.

Not so much for South Carolina though.

South Carolina is still under British rule?

Its still part of the US, despite writing its own articles of secession.

That dispute was settled already.

4 years later.

I doubt that the oregon counties would have much better luck without the consent of the States.

Let’s wait and see...

It seems unlikely that Oregon is going to secede its own territory to Idaho. Or that Idaho would even want them.

This will almost certainly amount to nothing.

You do know eastern oregon is sick of that trash in Portland rightno No
What's the difference? life goes on either way!

The problem with that that they lack the authority to do it.

You need the consent of other States to become a State. You don't just 'declare it' an start electing your Senators.

They want to become part of Idaho, not a new state

At the very least, they'd need the consent of both States. And most likely, the consent of the several states.

I don't see any of that happening.

Worked for the colonies.

Not so much for South Carolina though.

South Carolina is still under British rule?

Its still part of the US, despite writing its own articles of secession.

That dispute was settled already.

4 years later.

I doubt that the oregon counties would have much better luck without the consent of the States.

Let’s wait and see...

It seems unlikely that Oregon is going to secede its own territory to Idaho. Or that Idaho would even want them.

This will almost certainly amount to nothing.

There is probably much more in common with the people in a potential merger of more rural areas then with the city areas.

Its not common at all. Show me any State in the last century that has given up territory to another state....because the citizens in that region told them to.

And don't hold your breath while you try, as you're gonna pass the heck out.

Its just another variant on the silly secession fantasy that many conservatives are the slowly grow more hostile to democracy and democratic institutions.

No they are getting sick and tired of the left , they want no part of them. doesn't matter if they are 'sick and tired of them'. These secession fantasies still don't amount to much.

It's the outrage that counts, like a good lefty you can't handle the fact people hate the left

They don't want to

Defund cops

Abolish prisons

Make all drugs legal

They are sick of anarchy

What's the difference? life goes on either way!

The problem with that that they lack the authority to do it.

You need the consent of other States to become a State. You don't just 'declare it' an start electing your Senators.

They want to become part of Idaho, not a new state

At the very least, they'd need the consent of both States. And most likely, the consent of the several states.

I don't see any of that happening.

Worked for the colonies.

Not so much for South Carolina though.

South Carolina is still under British rule?

Its still part of the US, despite writing its own articles of secession.

That dispute was settled already.

4 years later.

I doubt that the oregon counties would have much better luck without the consent of the States.

Let’s wait and see...

It seems unlikely that Oregon is going to secede its own territory to Idaho. Or that Idaho would even want them.

This will almost certainly amount to nothing.

You do know eastern oregon is sick of that trash in Portland rightno No
What's the difference? life goes on either way!

The problem with that that they lack the authority to do it.

You need the consent of other States to become a State. You don't just 'declare it' an start electing your Senators.

They want to become part of Idaho, not a new state

At the very least, they'd need the consent of both States. And most likely, the consent of the several states.

I don't see any of that happening.

Worked for the colonies.

Not so much for South Carolina though.

South Carolina is still under British rule?

Its still part of the US, despite writing its own articles of secession.

That dispute was settled already.

4 years later.

I doubt that the oregon counties would have much better luck without the consent of the States.

Let’s wait and see...

It seems unlikely that Oregon is going to secede its own territory to Idaho. Or that Idaho would even want them.

This will almost certainly amount to nothing.

There is probably much more in common with the people in a potential merger of more rural areas then with the city areas.

Its not common at all. Show me any State in the last century that has given up territory to another state....because the citizens in that region told them to.

And don't hold your breath while you try, as you're gonna pass the heck out.

Its just another variant on the silly secession fantasy that many conservatives are the slowly grow more hostile to democracy and democratic institutions.

No they are getting sick and tired of the left , they want no part of them. doesn't matter if they are 'sick and tired of them'. These secession fantasies still don't amount to much.

It's the outrage that counts, like a good lefty you can't handle the fact people hate the left

They don't want to

Defund cops

Abolish prisons

Make all drugs legal

They are sick of anarchy

Not really. Oregon is still super blue. And those Oregon counties are still part of Oregon.

Alas, feelings don't amount to much in the face of votes.

Why don't you want those counties to leave and join idaho, what's the reason other than it will hurt your feelings

Why would I want those counties to leave and join Idaho?

If they don't like Oregon....they can move.

That's what they want, move the counties to idaho, they can't stand portland and liberalism

And the majority of people of Oregon don't want it. Why would I ignore what the majority of people of Oregon want?

So mob rule, do what they tell us to do , how to act and behave?

Majority rule.

If you don't like Oregon....move somewhere else. If you want to change Oregon......convince the majority of people to do what you want.

Imagine if vote value was based on property ownership as originally proposed.
You obviously believe in mob rule.
What's the difference? life goes on either way!

The problem with that that they lack the authority to do it.

You need the consent of other States to become a State. You don't just 'declare it' an start electing your Senators.

They want to become part of Idaho, not a new state

At the very least, they'd need the consent of both States. And most likely, the consent of the several states.

I don't see any of that happening.

Worked for the colonies.

Not so much for South Carolina though.

South Carolina is still under British rule?

Its still part of the US, despite writing its own articles of secession.

That dispute was settled already.

4 years later.

I doubt that the oregon counties would have much better luck without the consent of the States.

Let’s wait and see...

It seems unlikely that Oregon is going to secede its own territory to Idaho. Or that Idaho would even want them.

This will almost certainly amount to nothing.

You do know eastern oregon is sick of that trash in Portland rightno No
What's the difference? life goes on either way!

The problem with that that they lack the authority to do it.

You need the consent of other States to become a State. You don't just 'declare it' an start electing your Senators.

They want to become part of Idaho, not a new state

At the very least, they'd need the consent of both States. And most likely, the consent of the several states.

I don't see any of that happening.

Worked for the colonies.

Not so much for South Carolina though.

South Carolina is still under British rule?

Its still part of the US, despite writing its own articles of secession.

That dispute was settled already.

4 years later.

I doubt that the oregon counties would have much better luck without the consent of the States.

Let’s wait and see...

It seems unlikely that Oregon is going to secede its own territory to Idaho. Or that Idaho would even want them.

This will almost certainly amount to nothing.

There is probably much more in common with the people in a potential merger of more rural areas then with the city areas.

Its not common at all. Show me any State in the last century that has given up territory to another state....because the citizens in that region told them to.

And don't hold your breath while you try, as you're gonna pass the heck out.

Its just another variant on the silly secession fantasy that many conservatives are the slowly grow more hostile to democracy and democratic institutions.

No they are getting sick and tired of the left , they want no part of them. doesn't matter if they are 'sick and tired of them'. These secession fantasies still don't amount to much.

It's the outrage that counts, like a good lefty you can't handle the fact people hate the left

They don't want to

Defund cops

Abolish prisons

Make all drugs legal

They are sick of anarchy

What's the difference? life goes on either way!

The problem with that that they lack the authority to do it.

You need the consent of other States to become a State. You don't just 'declare it' an start electing your Senators.

They want to become part of Idaho, not a new state

At the very least, they'd need the consent of both States. And most likely, the consent of the several states.

I don't see any of that happening.

Worked for the colonies.

Not so much for South Carolina though.

South Carolina is still under British rule?

Its still part of the US, despite writing its own articles of secession.

That dispute was settled already.

4 years later.

I doubt that the oregon counties would have much better luck without the consent of the States.

Let’s wait and see...

It seems unlikely that Oregon is going to secede its own territory to Idaho. Or that Idaho would even want them.

This will almost certainly amount to nothing.

You do know eastern oregon is sick of that trash in Portland rightno No
What's the difference? life goes on either way!

The problem with that that they lack the authority to do it.

You need the consent of other States to become a State. You don't just 'declare it' an start electing your Senators.

They want to become part of Idaho, not a new state

At the very least, they'd need the consent of both States. And most likely, the consent of the several states.

I don't see any of that happening.

Worked for the colonies.

Not so much for South Carolina though.

South Carolina is still under British rule?

Its still part of the US, despite writing its own articles of secession.

That dispute was settled already.

4 years later.

I doubt that the oregon counties would have much better luck without the consent of the States.

Let’s wait and see...

It seems unlikely that Oregon is going to secede its own territory to Idaho. Or that Idaho would even want them.

This will almost certainly amount to nothing.

There is probably much more in common with the people in a potential merger of more rural areas then with the city areas.

Its not common at all. Show me any State in the last century that has given up territory to another state....because the citizens in that region told them to.

And don't hold your breath while you try, as you're gonna pass the heck out.

Its just another variant on the silly secession fantasy that many conservatives are the slowly grow more hostile to democracy and democratic institutions.

No they are getting sick and tired of the left , they want no part of them. doesn't matter if they are 'sick and tired of them'. These secession fantasies still don't amount to much.

It's the outrage that counts, like a good lefty you can't handle the fact people hate the left

They don't want to

Defund cops

Abolish prisons

Make all drugs legal

They are sick of anarchy

Not really. Oregon is still super blue. And those Oregon counties are still part of Oregon.

Alas, feelings don't amount to much in the face of votes.

Why don't you want those counties to leave and join idaho, what's the reason other than it will hurt your feelings

Why would I want those counties to leave and join Idaho?

If they don't like Oregon....they can move.

That's what they want, move the counties to idaho, they can't stand portland and liberalism

And the majority of people of Oregon don't want it. Why would I ignore what the majority of people of Oregon want?

So mob rule, do what they tell us to do , how to act and behave?

Majority rule.

If you don't like Oregon....move somewhere else. If you want to change Oregon......convince the majority of people to do what you want.

Imagine if vote value was based on property ownership as originally proposed.
You obviously believe in mob rule.

And by 'mob rule', you mean actually counting the votes of the people?

'Mob rule' is just the new conservative buzzword you've been fed as the GOP grows increasingly hostile to our democratic institutions and democracy as a concept.

Its part of their slide into authoritarianism. I wouldn't recomment it.
Majority rule. Just because conservatives have an ideology that is dying, caustic and unpersuasive doesn't mean that the people they failed to convince are a 'mob'.

You just need better ideology.
So, how far left are you willing to go, Skylar?

So far I actually use election results to determine the winner of an election.
Believe it or not, some folks don't want to live in a fucking state that just legalized hard drugs. Rural Oregon deserves better than being stuck with the whims of a handful of "progressive" counties.

Believe it or not, some folks don't want to live in a fucking state that just legalized hard drugs. Rural Oregon deserves better than being stuck with the whims of a handful of "progressive" counties.


A handful of progressive counties....where a huge portion of the people live.

If you don't want to live in Oregon....move somewhere else.
Majority rule. Just because conservatives have an ideology that is dying, caustic and unpersuasive doesn't mean that the people they failed to convince are a 'mob'.

You just need better ideology.
So, how far left are you willing to go, Skylar?

So far I actually use election results to determine the winner of an election.
elections have rules,,

Yeah, and counting the votes is one of them.

Which makes Trump's demand that we stop the count when there were still millions and millions of votes left uncounted all the more illustrative of the growing conservative disdain and hostility toward democracy.
Majority rule. Just because conservatives have an ideology that is dying, caustic and unpersuasive doesn't mean that the people they failed to convince are a 'mob'.

You just need better ideology.
So, how far left are you willing to go, Skylar?

So far I actually use election results to determine the winner of an election.
elections have rules,,

Yeah, and counting the votes is one of them.

Which makes Trump's demand that we stop the count when there were still millions and millions of votes left uncounted all the more illustrative of the growing conservative disdain and hostility toward democracy.
when did he say stop the count??? got a link???
Majority rule. Just because conservatives have an ideology that is dying, caustic and unpersuasive doesn't mean that the people they failed to convince are a 'mob'.

You just need better ideology.
So, how far left are you willing to go, Skylar?

So far I actually use election results to determine the winner of an election.
elections have rules,,

Yeah, and counting the votes is one of them.

Which makes Trump's demand that we stop the count when there were still millions and millions of votes left uncounted all the more illustrative of the growing conservative disdain and hostility toward democracy.
youre right thats just ONE of the rules,,,

do you know the rest of them???
Majority rule. Just because conservatives have an ideology that is dying, caustic and unpersuasive doesn't mean that the people they failed to convince are a 'mob'.

You just need better ideology.
So, how far left are you willing to go, Skylar?

So far I actually use election results to determine the winner of an election.
elections have rules,,

Yeah, and counting the votes is one of them.

Which makes Trump's demand that we stop the count when there were still millions and millions of votes left uncounted all the more illustrative of the growing conservative disdain and hostility toward democracy.
youre right thats just ONE of the rules,,,

do you know the rest of them???

That's the rule that Trump tried to flagrantly violate. Demanding that we NOT count millions upon millions of votes.

And then again in Pennsylvania. When Trump tried to have 7 million voters disenfranchise, and all of their votes thrown out:

Federal Judge Matthew Brann said:

And conservatives were perfectly fine with these demands, despite their flagrant violation of election law.

Which makes your protests about 'following the rules' more than a little....underwhelming.
Majority rule. Just because conservatives have an ideology that is dying, caustic and unpersuasive doesn't mean that the people they failed to convince are a 'mob'.

You just need better ideology.
So, how far left are you willing to go, Skylar?

So far I actually use election results to determine the winner of an election.
elections have rules,,

Yeah, and counting the votes is one of them.

Which makes Trump's demand that we stop the count when there were still millions and millions of votes left uncounted all the more illustrative of the growing conservative disdain and hostility toward democracy.
youre right thats just ONE of the rules,,,

do you know the rest of them???

That's the rule that Trump tried to flagrantly violate. Demanding that we NOT count millions upon millions of votes.

And then again in Pennsylvania. When Trump tried to have 7 million voters disenfranchise, and all of their votes thrown out:

Federal Judge Matthew Brann said:

And conservatives were perfectly fine with these demands, despite their flagrant violation of election law.

Which makes your protests about 'following the rules' more than a little....underwhelming.
theyve already been counted,,,

let me know when you learn all the other rules,,,
Majority rule. Just because conservatives have an ideology that is dying, caustic and unpersuasive doesn't mean that the people they failed to convince are a 'mob'.

You just need better ideology.
So, how far left are you willing to go, Skylar?

So far I actually use election results to determine the winner of an election.
elections have rules,,

Yeah, and counting the votes is one of them.

Which makes Trump's demand that we stop the count when there were still millions and millions of votes left uncounted all the more illustrative of the growing conservative disdain and hostility toward democracy.
youre right thats just ONE of the rules,,,

do you know the rest of them???

That's the rule that Trump tried to flagrantly violate. Demanding that we NOT count millions upon millions of votes.

And then again in Pennsylvania. When Trump tried to have 7 million voters disenfranchise, and all of their votes thrown out:

Federal Judge Matthew Brann said:

And conservatives were perfectly fine with these demands, despite their flagrant violation of election law.

Which makes your protests about 'following the rules' more than a little....underwhelming.
theyve already been counted,,,

let me know when you learn all the other rules,,,

They were all counted in defiance of Trump's demands that we flagrantly violate election law and end the count before millions upon millions of ballots were tallied.

With conservatives perfectly happy with Trump's attempt to disenfranchise millions upon millions of voters if they thought it might improve their odds of winning.

But please.....tell us more about the election rules and how they should be followed.
Majority rule. Just because conservatives have an ideology that is dying, caustic and unpersuasive doesn't mean that the people they failed to convince are a 'mob'.

You just need better ideology.
So, how far left are you willing to go, Skylar?

So far I actually use election results to determine the winner of an election.
elections have rules,,

Yeah, and counting the votes is one of them.

Which makes Trump's demand that we stop the count when there were still millions and millions of votes left uncounted all the more illustrative of the growing conservative disdain and hostility toward democracy.
youre right thats just ONE of the rules,,,

do you know the rest of them???

That's the rule that Trump tried to flagrantly violate. Demanding that we NOT count millions upon millions of votes.

And then again in Pennsylvania. When Trump tried to have 7 million voters disenfranchise, and all of their votes thrown out:

Federal Judge Matthew Brann said:

And conservatives were perfectly fine with these demands, despite their flagrant violation of election law.

Which makes your protests about 'following the rules' more than a little....underwhelming.
theyve already been counted,,,

let me know when you learn all the other rules,,,

They were all counted in defiance of Trump's demands that we flagrantly violate election law and end the count before millions upon millions of ballots were tallied.

With conservatives perfectly happy with Trump's attempt to disenfranchise millions upon millions of voters if they thought it might improve their odds of winning.

But please.....tell us more about the election rules and how they should be followed.
what election rules are you talking about???

please be specific,,
Majority rule. Just because conservatives have an ideology that is dying, caustic and unpersuasive doesn't mean that the people they failed to convince are a 'mob'.

You just need better ideology.
So, how far left are you willing to go, Skylar?

So far I actually use election results to determine the winner of an election.
elections have rules,,

Yeah, and counting the votes is one of them.

Which makes Trump's demand that we stop the count when there were still millions and millions of votes left uncounted all the more illustrative of the growing conservative disdain and hostility toward democracy.
youre right thats just ONE of the rules,,,

do you know the rest of them???

That's the rule that Trump tried to flagrantly violate. Demanding that we NOT count millions upon millions of votes.

And then again in Pennsylvania. When Trump tried to have 7 million voters disenfranchise, and all of their votes thrown out:

Federal Judge Matthew Brann said:

And conservatives were perfectly fine with these demands, despite their flagrant violation of election law.

Which makes your protests about 'following the rules' more than a little....underwhelming.
theyve already been counted,,,

let me know when you learn all the other rules,,,

They were all counted in defiance of Trump's demands that we flagrantly violate election law and end the count before millions upon millions of ballots were tallied.

With conservatives perfectly happy with Trump's attempt to disenfranchise millions upon millions of voters if they thought it might improve their odds of winning.

But please.....tell us more about the election rules and how they should be followed.
what election rules are you talking about???

please be specific,,

For the forth time.....counting the vote. Was it 'counting', you didn't follow? 'Vote'?

Surely not 'the'.
Majority rule. Just because conservatives have an ideology that is dying, caustic and unpersuasive doesn't mean that the people they failed to convince are a 'mob'.

You just need better ideology.
So, how far left are you willing to go, Skylar?

So far I actually use election results to determine the winner of an election.
elections have rules,,

Yeah, and counting the votes is one of them.

Which makes Trump's demand that we stop the count when there were still millions and millions of votes left uncounted all the more illustrative of the growing conservative disdain and hostility toward democracy.
youre right thats just ONE of the rules,,,

do you know the rest of them???

That's the rule that Trump tried to flagrantly violate. Demanding that we NOT count millions upon millions of votes.

And then again in Pennsylvania. When Trump tried to have 7 million voters disenfranchise, and all of their votes thrown out:

Federal Judge Matthew Brann said:

And conservatives were perfectly fine with these demands, despite their flagrant violation of election law.

Which makes your protests about 'following the rules' more than a little....underwhelming.
theyve already been counted,,,

let me know when you learn all the other rules,,,

They were all counted in defiance of Trump's demands that we flagrantly violate election law and end the count before millions upon millions of ballots were tallied.

With conservatives perfectly happy with Trump's attempt to disenfranchise millions upon millions of voters if they thought it might improve their odds of winning.

But please.....tell us more about the election rules and how they should be followed.
what election rules are you talking about???

please be specific,,

For the forth time.....counting the vote. Was it 'counting', you didn't follow? 'Vote'?

Surely not 'the'.
the votes have been counted and some are being recounted,,,

not seeing the problem youre having???
Majority rule. Just because conservatives have an ideology that is dying, caustic and unpersuasive doesn't mean that the people they failed to convince are a 'mob'.

You just need better ideology.
So, how far left are you willing to go, Skylar?

So far I actually use election results to determine the winner of an election.
elections have rules,,

Yeah, and counting the votes is one of them.

Which makes Trump's demand that we stop the count when there were still millions and millions of votes left uncounted all the more illustrative of the growing conservative disdain and hostility toward democracy.
youre right thats just ONE of the rules,,,

do you know the rest of them???

That's the rule that Trump tried to flagrantly violate. Demanding that we NOT count millions upon millions of votes.

And then again in Pennsylvania. When Trump tried to have 7 million voters disenfranchise, and all of their votes thrown out:

Federal Judge Matthew Brann said:

And conservatives were perfectly fine with these demands, despite their flagrant violation of election law.

Which makes your protests about 'following the rules' more than a little....underwhelming.
theyve already been counted,,,

let me know when you learn all the other rules,,,

They were all counted in defiance of Trump's demands that we flagrantly violate election law and end the count before millions upon millions of ballots were tallied.

With conservatives perfectly happy with Trump's attempt to disenfranchise millions upon millions of voters if they thought it might improve their odds of winning.

But please.....tell us more about the election rules and how they should be followed.
what election rules are you talking about???

please be specific,,

For the forth time.....counting the vote. Was it 'counting', you didn't follow? 'Vote'?

Surely not 'the'.
the votes have been counted and some are being recounted,,,

not seeing the problem youre having???

The recounts in question involve an insuffecient number of electoral votes to change the election outcome.

Not seeing the problem you're having?
Majority rule. Just because conservatives have an ideology that is dying, caustic and unpersuasive doesn't mean that the people they failed to convince are a 'mob'.

You just need better ideology.
So, how far left are you willing to go, Skylar?

So far I actually use election results to determine the winner of an election.
elections have rules,,

Yeah, and counting the votes is one of them.

Which makes Trump's demand that we stop the count when there were still millions and millions of votes left uncounted all the more illustrative of the growing conservative disdain and hostility toward democracy.
youre right thats just ONE of the rules,,,

do you know the rest of them???

That's the rule that Trump tried to flagrantly violate. Demanding that we NOT count millions upon millions of votes.

And then again in Pennsylvania. When Trump tried to have 7 million voters disenfranchise, and all of their votes thrown out:

Federal Judge Matthew Brann said:

And conservatives were perfectly fine with these demands, despite their flagrant violation of election law.

Which makes your protests about 'following the rules' more than a little....underwhelming.
theyve already been counted,,,

let me know when you learn all the other rules,,,

They were all counted in defiance of Trump's demands that we flagrantly violate election law and end the count before millions upon millions of ballots were tallied.

With conservatives perfectly happy with Trump's attempt to disenfranchise millions upon millions of voters if they thought it might improve their odds of winning.

But please.....tell us more about the election rules and how they should be followed.
what election rules are you talking about???

please be specific,,

For the forth time.....counting the vote. Was it 'counting', you didn't follow? 'Vote'?

Surely not 'the'.
the votes have been counted and some are being recounted,,,

not seeing the problem youre having???

The recounts in question involve an insuffecient number of electoral votes to change the election outcome.

Not seeing the problem you're having?
you go ahead and stay focused on that,,, just dont get mad if things change not in your favor,,,
Majority rule. Just because conservatives have an ideology that is dying, caustic and unpersuasive doesn't mean that the people they failed to convince are a 'mob'.

You just need better ideology.
So, how far left are you willing to go, Skylar?

So far I actually use election results to determine the winner of an election.
elections have rules,,

Yeah, and counting the votes is one of them.

Which makes Trump's demand that we stop the count when there were still millions and millions of votes left uncounted all the more illustrative of the growing conservative disdain and hostility toward democracy.
youre right thats just ONE of the rules,,,

do you know the rest of them???

That's the rule that Trump tried to flagrantly violate. Demanding that we NOT count millions upon millions of votes.

And then again in Pennsylvania. When Trump tried to have 7 million voters disenfranchise, and all of their votes thrown out:

Federal Judge Matthew Brann said:

And conservatives were perfectly fine with these demands, despite their flagrant violation of election law.

Which makes your protests about 'following the rules' more than a little....underwhelming.
theyve already been counted,,,

let me know when you learn all the other rules,,,

They were all counted in defiance of Trump's demands that we flagrantly violate election law and end the count before millions upon millions of ballots were tallied.

With conservatives perfectly happy with Trump's attempt to disenfranchise millions upon millions of voters if they thought it might improve their odds of winning.

But please.....tell us more about the election rules and how they should be followed.
what election rules are you talking about???

please be specific,,

For the forth time.....counting the vote. Was it 'counting', you didn't follow? 'Vote'?

Surely not 'the'.
the votes have been counted and some are being recounted,,,

not seeing the problem youre having???

The recounts in question involve an insuffecient number of electoral votes to change the election outcome.

Not seeing the problem you're having?
you go ahead and stay focused on that,,, just dont get mad if things change not in your favor,,,

And by 'that', you mean the electoral math where Trump doesn't have path to victory. Sure. You bet.

And why would I get mad about your imagination?
What's the difference? life goes on either way!

The problem with that that they lack the authority to do it.

You need the consent of other States to become a State. You don't just 'declare it' an start electing your Senators.

They want to become part of Idaho, not a new state

At the very least, they'd need the consent of both States. And most likely, the consent of the several states.

I don't see any of that happening.

Worked for the colonies.

Not so much for South Carolina though.

South Carolina is still under British rule?

Its still part of the US, despite writing its own articles of secession.

That dispute was settled already.

4 years later.

I doubt that the oregon counties would have much better luck without the consent of the States.

Let’s wait and see...

It seems unlikely that Oregon is going to secede its own territory to Idaho. Or that Idaho would even want them.

This will almost certainly amount to nothing.

You do know eastern oregon is sick of that trash in Portland rightno No
What's the difference? life goes on either way!

The problem with that that they lack the authority to do it.

You need the consent of other States to become a State. You don't just 'declare it' an start electing your Senators.

They want to become part of Idaho, not a new state

At the very least, they'd need the consent of both States. And most likely, the consent of the several states.

I don't see any of that happening.

Worked for the colonies.

Not so much for South Carolina though.

South Carolina is still under British rule?

Its still part of the US, despite writing its own articles of secession.

That dispute was settled already.

4 years later.

I doubt that the oregon counties would have much better luck without the consent of the States.

Let’s wait and see...

It seems unlikely that Oregon is going to secede its own territory to Idaho. Or that Idaho would even want them.

This will almost certainly amount to nothing.

There is probably much more in common with the people in a potential merger of more rural areas then with the city areas.

Its not common at all. Show me any State in the last century that has given up territory to another state....because the citizens in that region told them to.

And don't hold your breath while you try, as you're gonna pass the heck out.

Its just another variant on the silly secession fantasy that many conservatives are the slowly grow more hostile to democracy and democratic institutions.

No they are getting sick and tired of the left , they want no part of them. doesn't matter if they are 'sick and tired of them'. These secession fantasies still don't amount to much.

It's the outrage that counts, like a good lefty you can't handle the fact people hate the left

They don't want to

Defund cops

Abolish prisons

Make all drugs legal

They are sick of anarchy

What's the difference? life goes on either way!

The problem with that that they lack the authority to do it.

You need the consent of other States to become a State. You don't just 'declare it' an start electing your Senators.

They want to become part of Idaho, not a new state

At the very least, they'd need the consent of both States. And most likely, the consent of the several states.

I don't see any of that happening.

Worked for the colonies.

Not so much for South Carolina though.

South Carolina is still under British rule?

Its still part of the US, despite writing its own articles of secession.

That dispute was settled already.

4 years later.

I doubt that the oregon counties would have much better luck without the consent of the States.

Let’s wait and see...

It seems unlikely that Oregon is going to secede its own territory to Idaho. Or that Idaho would even want them.

This will almost certainly amount to nothing.

You do know eastern oregon is sick of that trash in Portland rightno No
What's the difference? life goes on either way!

The problem with that that they lack the authority to do it.

You need the consent of other States to become a State. You don't just 'declare it' an start electing your Senators.

They want to become part of Idaho, not a new state

At the very least, they'd need the consent of both States. And most likely, the consent of the several states.

I don't see any of that happening.

Worked for the colonies.

Not so much for South Carolina though.

South Carolina is still under British rule?

Its still part of the US, despite writing its own articles of secession.

That dispute was settled already.

4 years later.

I doubt that the oregon counties would have much better luck without the consent of the States.

Let’s wait and see...

It seems unlikely that Oregon is going to secede its own territory to Idaho. Or that Idaho would even want them.

This will almost certainly amount to nothing.

There is probably much more in common with the people in a potential merger of more rural areas then with the city areas.

Its not common at all. Show me any State in the last century that has given up territory to another state....because the citizens in that region told them to.

And don't hold your breath while you try, as you're gonna pass the heck out.

Its just another variant on the silly secession fantasy that many conservatives are the slowly grow more hostile to democracy and democratic institutions.

No they are getting sick and tired of the left , they want no part of them. doesn't matter if they are 'sick and tired of them'. These secession fantasies still don't amount to much.

It's the outrage that counts, like a good lefty you can't handle the fact people hate the left

They don't want to

Defund cops

Abolish prisons

Make all drugs legal

They are sick of anarchy

Not really. Oregon is still super blue. And those Oregon counties are still part of Oregon.

Alas, feelings don't amount to much in the face of votes.

Why don't you want those counties to leave and join idaho, what's the reason other than it will hurt your feelings

Why would I want those counties to leave and join Idaho?

If they don't like Oregon....they can move.

That's what they want, move the counties to idaho, they can't stand portland and liberalism

And the majority of people of Oregon don't want it. Why would I ignore what the majority of people of Oregon want?

So mob rule, do what they tell us to do , how to act and behave?

Majority rule.

If you don't like Oregon....move somewhere else. If you want to change Oregon......convince the majority of people to do what you want.

Imagine if vote value was based on property ownership as originally proposed.
You obviously believe in mob rule.

No mob rule always described democracy,
And by 'mob rule', you mean actually counting the votes of the people?

'Mob rule' is just the new conservative buzzword you've been fed as the GOP grows increasingly hostile to our democratic institutions and democracy as a concept.

Its part of their slide into authoritarianism. I wouldn't recomment it.

No mob rule always described democracy, hence that's why we are not a democracy
Majority rule. Just because conservatives have an ideology that is dying, caustic and unpersuasive doesn't mean that the people they failed to convince are a 'mob'.

You just need better ideology.
So, how far left are you willing to go, Skylar?

So far I actually use election results to determine the winner of an election.
elections have rules,,

Yeah, and counting the votes is one of them.

Which makes Trump's demand that we stop the count when there were still millions and millions of votes left uncounted all the more illustrative of the growing conservative disdain and hostility toward democracy.
youre right thats just ONE of the rules,,,

do you know the rest of them???

That's the rule that Trump tried to flagrantly violate. Demanding that we NOT count millions upon millions of votes.

And then again in Pennsylvania. When Trump tried to have 7 million voters disenfranchise, and all of their votes thrown out:

Federal Judge Matthew Brann said:

And conservatives were perfectly fine with these demands, despite their flagrant violation of election law.

Which makes your protests about 'following the rules' more than a little....underwhelming.
theyve already been counted,,,

let me know when you learn all the other rules,,,

They were all counted in defiance of Trump's demands that we flagrantly violate election law and end the count before millions upon millions of ballots were tallied.

With conservatives perfectly happy with Trump's attempt to disenfranchise millions upon millions of voters if they thought it might improve their odds of winning.

But please.....tell us more about the election rules and how they should be followed.
what election rules are you talking about???

please be specific,,

For the forth time.....counting the vote. Was it 'counting', you didn't follow? 'Vote'?

Surely not 'the'.
the votes have been counted and some are being recounted,,,

not seeing the problem youre having???

The recounts in question involve an insuffecient number of electoral votes to change the election outcome.

Not seeing the problem you're having?
you go ahead and stay focused on that,,, just dont get mad if things change not in your favor,,,

And by 'that', you mean the electoral math where Trump doesn't have path to victory. Sure. You bet.

And why would I get mad about your imagination?
theres other ways to win outside an electoral count,,,

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