Rush explained the alleged "Trickle Down" theory....if you earn it you get to keep it...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Today on Rush he went through hilary cliinton and her lies about "Trickle Down" economics. His explanation was very short and simple......if you earn the money, you get to keep the money and spend it the way you want, and you don't have to give it to Washington D.C. to spend it instead of you......

Very simple, very true, and that is what made this country great.

We don't "give" corporations, or the "rich" or any other class money when we keep taxes low......the government simply doesn't take that money and waste, steal or lose it. The people who make it save it in banks, spend it on their families or give it to charity....and that is the best way to keep an economy going.

The worst way to run an the money to greedy, corrupt politicians, who tax, spend, borrow and spend....then tax some more, and then they take that money to buy votes, increase their power or reward their friends.

We don't have a tax revenue problem...we have a tax waste, fraud and abuse problem....
this is what Obama and his party of snakes is pushing for us all

for them: that will make US ALL EQUAL. and it will MAKE GOVERNMENT your MASTERS to give and take as it wants....
wake the hell up before it's too late for crying out loud
Speaking of Hillary!

Nutty Uncle Bernie's climbing down out of the attic has forced her to come out of (hibernation?) the closet and swing wildly to the left:

Clinton vows to raise taxes reform Wall Street in effort to recapture progressive base Fox News

Yes, boys and girls, Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky wants to raise your taxes - but only because that's good for you and good for the economy.

"Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton on Monday took a giant step toward letting Democratic voters know she’s representing the progressive agenda, calling for tax increases and more regulation on Wall Street -- while making a play for a liberal base that has been gravitating toward Sen. Bernie Sanders."

Ah yes, swing left for the base in the drive for the nomination and backpedal to be electable. Hey, it worked for America's first (self-proclaimed) black president but Hillary isn't Slick. She can't have the nomination and doesn't have the intelligence (or if she ever had it lost it in one of the falls) to understand she's the wrong color, too old and too female. She might enhance her chances with a little gender-bender surgery but only if the foundation can find donors with a sense of humor.
Today on Rush he went through hilary cliinton and her lies about "Trickle Down" economics. His explanation was very short and simple......if you earn the money, you get to keep the money and spend it the way you want, and you don't have to give it to Washington D.C. to spend it instead of you......

Very simple, very true, and that is what made this country great.

We don't "give" corporations, or the "rich" or any other class money when we keep taxes low......the government simply doesn't take that money and waste, steal or lose it. The people who make it save it in banks, spend it on their families or give it to charity....and that is the best way to keep an economy going.

The worst way to run an the money to greedy, corrupt politicians, who tax, spend, borrow and spend....then tax some more, and then they take that money to buy votes, increase their power or reward their friends.

We don't have a tax revenue problem...we have a tax waste, fraud and abuse problem....

Liberals make horrible economists. Because their ideology is based on Marxism, all they know is "redistribution of wealth". They see themselves as some weird modern-day Robin Hoods, where they want to take from the rich and give to the poor.

Except what they fail to understand, is that it's those upper-income earners who own the businesses and the factories. By giving them tax breaks, they can afford to hire new employees and invest in new equipment. After all, when's the last time a lower-income person gave you a job?

The left likes to slam "Trickle Down" but true to form, they're really slamming Capitalism. Trickle down works and has always worked. When upper income earners do well, the middle class does well. Anyone who doesn't understand this, obviously has their head so far up their ass, they can't see the light of day.
Speaking of Hillary!

Nutty Uncle Bernie's climbing down out of the attic has forced her to come out of (hibernation?) the closet and swing wildly to the left:

Clinton vows to raise taxes reform Wall Street in effort to recapture progressive base Fox News

Yes, boys and girls, Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky wants to raise your taxes - but only because that's good for you and good for the economy.

"Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton on Monday took a giant step toward letting Democratic voters know she’s representing the progressive agenda, calling for tax increases and more regulation on Wall Street -- while making a play for a liberal base that has been gravitating toward Sen. Bernie Sanders."

Ah yes, swing left for the base in the drive for the nomination and backpedal to be electable. Hey, it worked for America's first (self-proclaimed) black president but Hillary isn't Slick. She can't have the nomination and doesn't have the intelligence (or if she ever had it lost it in one of the falls) to understand she's the wrong color, too old and too female. She might enhance her chances with a little gender-bender surgery but only if the foundation can find donors with a sense of humor.

she always been a progressive/commie
her hero in college she wrote about was: Saul Alinsky. she just HID it all these years. but now with ole socialist Bernie getting attention she has to come OUT of the COMMIE closet full bore. she's another snake
I thought the "Trickle down" theory was simply bail out the wealthiest and then let it trickle down.

No, that was the lie the liberals told to convince people that giving their hard earned money to politicians in Washington was a better idea than keeping it and using it themselves......
Speaking of Hillary!

Nutty Uncle Bernie's climbing down out of the attic has forced her to come out of (hibernation?) the closet and swing wildly to the left:

Clinton vows to raise taxes reform Wall Street in effort to recapture progressive base Fox News

Yes, boys and girls, Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky wants to raise your taxes - but only because that's good for you and good for the economy.

"Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton on Monday took a giant step toward letting Democratic voters know she’s representing the progressive agenda, calling for tax increases and more regulation on Wall Street -- while making a play for a liberal base that has been gravitating toward Sen. Bernie Sanders."

Ah yes, swing left for the base in the drive for the nomination and backpedal to be electable. Hey, it worked for America's first (self-proclaimed) black president but Hillary isn't Slick. She can't have the nomination and doesn't have the intelligence (or if she ever had it lost it in one of the falls) to understand she's the wrong color, too old and too female. She might enhance her chances with a little gender-bender surgery but only if the foundation can find donors with a sense of humor.

she always been a progressive/commie
her hero in college she wrote about was: Saul Alinsky. she just HID it all these years. but now with ole socialist Bernie getting attention she has to come OUT of the COMMIE closet full bore. she's another snake

And worse than that, her and her husband are making a hefty profit with their crony capitalism, all the while preaching their Marxist garbage about "income inequality" and the redistribution of wealth. Hillary is nothing more than a scumbag and a liar. Anyone who falls for her charade should have their head examined by a stonecutter.
I thought the "Trickle down" theory was simply bail out the wealthiest and then let it trickle down.

The government doesn't "bail out" the upper income earners. The government doesn't "give" them anything. They just allow them to keep more of what they earn, in the form of "tax breaks".

The truth is, the top 10% of the earners in this country, pay something like 70% of the tax revenue the government collects. They don't get huge refunds like low-income earners do.
Speaking of Hillary!

Nutty Uncle Bernie's climbing down out of the attic has forced her to come out of (hibernation?) the closet and swing wildly to the left:

Clinton vows to raise taxes reform Wall Street in effort to recapture progressive base Fox News

Yes, boys and girls, Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky wants to raise your taxes - but only because that's good for you and good for the economy.

"Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton on Monday took a giant step toward letting Democratic voters know she’s representing the progressive agenda, calling for tax increases and more regulation on Wall Street -- while making a play for a liberal base that has been gravitating toward Sen. Bernie Sanders."

Ah yes, swing left for the base in the drive for the nomination and backpedal to be electable. Hey, it worked for America's first (self-proclaimed) black president but Hillary isn't Slick. She can't have the nomination and doesn't have the intelligence (or if she ever had it lost it in one of the falls) to understand she's the wrong color, too old and too female. She might enhance her chances with a little gender-bender surgery but only if the foundation can find donors with a sense of humor.

she always been a progressive/commie
her hero in college she wrote about was: Saul Alinsky. she just HID it all these years. but now with ole socialist Bernie getting attention she has to come OUT of the COMMIE closet full bore. she's another snake

And worse than that, her and her husband are making a hefty profit with their crony capitalism, all the while preaching their Marxist garbage about "income inequality" and the redistribution of wealth. Hillary is nothing more than a scumbag and a liar. Anyone who falls for her charade should have their head examined by a stonecutter.
I thought the "Trickle down" theory was simply bail out the wealthiest and then let it trickle down.

The government doesn't "bail out" the upper income earners. The government doesn't "give" them anything. They just allow them to keep more of what they earn, in the form of "tax breaks".

The truth is, the top 10% of the earners in this country, pay something like 70% of the tax revenue the government collects. They don't get huge refunds like low-income earners do.
"Too big to fail" doesn't ring any bells?
I thought the "Trickle down" theory was simply bail out the wealthiest and then let it trickle down.

No, that was the lie the liberals told to convince people that giving their hard earned money to politicians in Washington was a better idea than keeping it and using it themselves......
sure; that is why corporate, means tested welfare recipients can keep their multi-million dollar bonuses, right?
Speaking of Hillary!

Nutty Uncle Bernie's climbing down out of the attic has forced her to come out of (hibernation?) the closet and swing wildly to the left:

Clinton vows to raise taxes reform Wall Street in effort to recapture progressive base Fox News

Yes, boys and girls, Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky wants to raise your taxes - but only because that's good for you and good for the economy.

"Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton on Monday took a giant step toward letting Democratic voters know she’s representing the progressive agenda, calling for tax increases and more regulation on Wall Street -- while making a play for a liberal base that has been gravitating toward Sen. Bernie Sanders."

Ah yes, swing left for the base in the drive for the nomination and backpedal to be electable. Hey, it worked for America's first (self-proclaimed) black president but Hillary isn't Slick. She can't have the nomination and doesn't have the intelligence (or if she ever had it lost it in one of the falls) to understand she's the wrong color, too old and too female. She might enhance her chances with a little gender-bender surgery but only if the foundation can find donors with a sense of humor.

she always been a progressive/commie
her hero in college she wrote about was: Saul Alinsky. she just HID it all these years. but now with ole socialist Bernie getting attention she has to come OUT of the COMMIE closet full bore. she's another snake

And worse than that, her and her husband are making a hefty profit with their crony capitalism, all the while preaching their Marxist garbage about "income inequality" and the redistribution of wealth. Hillary is nothing more than a scumbag and a liar. Anyone who falls for her charade should have their head examined by a stonecutter.
I thought the "Trickle down" theory was simply bail out the wealthiest and then let it trickle down.

The government doesn't "bail out" the upper income earners. The government doesn't "give" them anything. They just allow them to keep more of what they earn, in the form of "tax breaks".

The truth is, the top 10% of the earners in this country, pay something like 70% of the tax revenue the government collects. They don't get huge refunds like low-income earners do.
"Too big to fail" doesn't ring any bells?

And who put that in place...the greedy politicians who want to keep taxes high. What is your issue with keeping the money you earn?
Today on Rush he went through hilary cliinton and her lies about "Trickle Down" economics. His explanation was very short and simple......if you earn the money, you get to keep the money and spend it the way you want, and you don't have to give it to Washington D.C. to spend it instead of you......

Very simple, very true, and that is what made this country great.
Rush Limbaugh is a gasbag propagandist in service to the ruling class.

What made this country great were the actions taken by and the regulations put in place by government during the FDR Administration. Before then this Nation was headed for economic collapse entirely as the result of actions by the same kind of exploitative ruling class which is presently trying to drag us back to the Gilded Age.

Why don't you do yourself (and your country) a big favor and take the time to watch the Inside Job video offered for FREE in my signature line. It is interesting and very informative -- and the more times you watch it the more you learn.

As Josef Goebbels, Hitler's Minister of Propaganda, correctly observed; "The biggest lies are made believable when they are wrapped in tiny truths." This is precisely the technique employed by Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, Coulter, and the rest of those water-carriers for the Kochs, et al.

Some of what they say is all too true. But don't be seduced by them. Unless you are among the upper percentage they are not your friends.
I thought the "Trickle down" theory was simply bail out the wealthiest and then let it trickle down.

Reagan's "Trickle Down" scam has obviously turned out to mean siphon up, which far too many otherwise intelligent Americans simply refuse to acknowledge.

Reaganomics is in fact a somewhat modifed replication of Milton Friedman's economic principles -- which were adopted by Augusto Pinochet, the Chilean dictator who brought the people of his nation down from wealth to poverty.

Please do yourself a favor and read up a bit on Freidman's principles as opposed to those of John Maynard Keynes, which were employed by FDR to bring us out of the Great Depression and into economic greatness.

And don't be afraid of the word, socialism. Unless you are among the super rich you have absolutely nothing to fear from a socialist influence on our capitalist system. It is in fact what keeps the wheels turning and well greased.
Speaking of Hillary!

Nutty Uncle Bernie's climbing down out of the attic has forced her to come out of (hibernation?) the closet and swing wildly to the left:

Clinton vows to raise taxes reform Wall Street in effort to recapture progressive base Fox News

Yes, boys and girls, Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky wants to raise your taxes - but only because that's good for you and good for the economy.

"Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton on Monday took a giant step toward letting Democratic voters know she’s representing the progressive agenda, calling for tax increases and more regulation on Wall Street -- while making a play for a liberal base that has been gravitating toward Sen. Bernie Sanders."

Ah yes, swing left for the base in the drive for the nomination and backpedal to be electable. Hey, it worked for America's first (self-proclaimed) black president but Hillary isn't Slick. She can't have the nomination and doesn't have the intelligence (or if she ever had it lost it in one of the falls) to understand she's the wrong color, too old and too female. She might enhance her chances with a little gender-bender surgery but only if the foundation can find donors with a sense of humor.

she always been a progressive/commie
her hero in college she wrote about was: Saul Alinsky. she just HID it all these years. but now with ole socialist Bernie getting attention she has to come OUT of the COMMIE closet full bore. she's another snake

And worse than that, her and her husband are making a hefty profit with their crony capitalism, all the while preaching their Marxist garbage about "income inequality" and the redistribution of wealth. Hillary is nothing more than a scumbag and a liar. Anyone who falls for her charade should have their head examined by a stonecutter.
I thought the "Trickle down" theory was simply bail out the wealthiest and then let it trickle down.

The government doesn't "bail out" the upper income earners. The government doesn't "give" them anything. They just allow them to keep more of what they earn, in the form of "tax breaks".

The truth is, the top 10% of the earners in this country, pay something like 70% of the tax revenue the government collects. They don't get huge refunds like low-income earners do.
"Too big to fail" doesn't ring any bells?

And who put that in place...the greedy politicians who want to keep taxes high. What is your issue with keeping the money you earn?
Let me guess; they got bailed out with the Peoples' tax monies while on means tested corporate welfare as a privilege and immunity.
Speaking of Hillary!

Nutty Uncle Bernie's climbing down out of the attic has forced her to come out of (hibernation?) the closet and swing wildly to the left:

Clinton vows to raise taxes reform Wall Street in effort to recapture progressive base Fox News

Yes, boys and girls, Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky wants to raise your taxes - but only because that's good for you and good for the economy.

"Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton on Monday took a giant step toward letting Democratic voters know she’s representing the progressive agenda, calling for tax increases and more regulation on Wall Street -- while making a play for a liberal base that has been gravitating toward Sen. Bernie Sanders."

Ah yes, swing left for the base in the drive for the nomination and backpedal to be electable. Hey, it worked for America's first (self-proclaimed) black president but Hillary isn't Slick. She can't have the nomination and doesn't have the intelligence (or if she ever had it lost it in one of the falls) to understand she's the wrong color, too old and too female. She might enhance her chances with a little gender-bender surgery but only if the foundation can find donors with a sense of humor.

she always been a progressive/commie
her hero in college she wrote about was: Saul Alinsky. she just HID it all these years. but now with ole socialist Bernie getting attention she has to come OUT of the COMMIE closet full bore. she's another snake

And worse than that, her and her husband are making a hefty profit with their crony capitalism, all the while preaching their Marxist garbage about "income inequality" and the redistribution of wealth. Hillary is nothing more than a scumbag and a liar. Anyone who falls for her charade should have their head examined by a stonecutter.
I thought the "Trickle down" theory was simply bail out the wealthiest and then let it trickle down.

The government doesn't "bail out" the upper income earners. The government doesn't "give" them anything. They just allow them to keep more of what they earn, in the form of "tax breaks".

The truth is, the top 10% of the earners in this country, pay something like 70% of the tax revenue the government collects. They don't get huge refunds like low-income earners do.
"Too big to fail" doesn't ring any bells?

And who put that in place...the greedy politicians who want to keep taxes high. What is your issue with keeping the money you earn?
Let me guess; they got bailed out with the Peoples' tax monies while on means tested corporate welfare as a privilege and immunity.

So...riddle me this batman.....these corporations you bitch about.....they got these sweet deals from whom? Was it the politicians in Washington? The same people you want to collect the money you that they can take it and use it for their own purposes....including bailing out the corporations you bitch about...those are the guys you want to give your money that right?

What sense does that make....? Can you explain that? Why do you think it is better to give them your money, than for you to keep your money?
I thought the "Trickle down" theory was simply bail out the wealthiest and then let it trickle down.

Reagan's "Trickle Down" scam has obviously turned out to mean siphon up, which far too many otherwise intelligent Americans simply refuse to acknowledge.

Reaganomics is in fact a somewhat modifed replication of Milton Friedman's economic principles -- which were adopted by Augusto Pinochet, the Chilean dictator who brought the people of his nation down from wealth to poverty.

Please do yourself a favor and read up a bit on Freidman's principles as opposed to those of John Maynard Keynes, which were employed by FDR to bring us out of the Great Depression and into economic greatness.

And don't be afraid of the word, socialism. Unless you are among the super rich you have absolutely nothing to fear from a socialist influence on our capitalist system. It is in fact what keeps the wheels turning and well greased.

We were never lifted out of the Great Depression. World War 2 was created by the nations of Europe who followed Keynes ideas...and had the government running the economy.....after the war...the industrial base of the rest of the world was destroyed, except for ours.....That lifted us out of the Great Depression.

FDR, raised taxes, raised tarrifs, intefered in the running of private businesses and agriculture and spent money like never before....and never lifted us out of the depression...ever.....just look at the unemployment rate going into World War 2...there was no end to the depression...he made it 100 times worse.

Socialism murdered 100 million people around the world.....and they still think it will work eventually. Ask the greeks if they like they run out of food and medicine....and Venezuela...where they don't have toilet paper....
Rush isn't advocating trickle down......he is advocating anarchy

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