Rush explained the alleged "Trickle Down" theory....if you earn it you get to keep it...

Rush isn't advocating trickle down......he is advocating anarchy

Let me translate:

Statist definition of individual liberty: Anarchy. ( and with enough mass graves they can end anarchy/individual liberty)
Why is keeping the money you earn "Anarchy." And why is it better if hilary clinton spends it than you......
she always been a progressive/commie
her hero in college she wrote about was: Saul Alinsky. she just HID it all these years. but now with ole socialist Bernie getting attention she has to come OUT of the COMMIE closet full bore. she's another snake

And worse than that, her and her husband are making a hefty profit with their crony capitalism, all the while preaching their Marxist garbage about "income inequality" and the redistribution of wealth. Hillary is nothing more than a scumbag and a liar. Anyone who falls for her charade should have their head examined by a stonecutter.
I thought the "Trickle down" theory was simply bail out the wealthiest and then let it trickle down.

The government doesn't "bail out" the upper income earners. The government doesn't "give" them anything. They just allow them to keep more of what they earn, in the form of "tax breaks".

The truth is, the top 10% of the earners in this country, pay something like 70% of the tax revenue the government collects. They don't get huge refunds like low-income earners do.
"Too big to fail" doesn't ring any bells?

And who put that in place...the greedy politicians who want to keep taxes high. What is your issue with keeping the money you earn?
Let me guess; they got bailed out with the Peoples' tax monies while on means tested corporate welfare as a privilege and immunity.

So...riddle me this batman.....these corporations you bitch about.....they got these sweet deals from whom? Was it the politicians in Washington? The same people you want to collect the money you that they can take it and use it for their own purposes....including bailing out the corporations you bitch about...those are the guys you want to give your money that right?

What sense does that make....? Can you explain that? Why do you think it is better to give them your money, than for you to keep your money?
Did you miss the point about being able to keep their multi-million dollar bonuses as a privilege and immunity while on means tested corporate welfare. How many non-Corporate welfare recipients get to keep their wealth while on Means Tested Welfare.
Rush isn't advocating trickle down......he is advocating anarchy

Let me translate:

Statist definition of individual liberty: Anarchy. ( and with enough mass graves they can end anarchy/individual liberty)
Seems Rush is advocating nobody pays taxes

No police, no schools, no fire protection, no infrastructure, no armed forces

Today on Rush he went through hilary cliinton and her lies about "Trickle Down" economics. His explanation was very short and simple......if you earn the money, you get to keep the money and spend it the way you want, and you don't have to give it to Washington D.C. to spend it instead of you......

Very simple, very true, and that is what made this country great.

We don't "give" corporations, or the "rich" or any other class money when we keep taxes low......the government simply doesn't take that money and waste, steal or lose it. The people who make it save it in banks, spend it on their families or give it to charity....and that is the best way to keep an economy going.

The worst way to run an the money to greedy, corrupt politicians, who tax, spend, borrow and spend....then tax some more, and then they take that money to buy votes, increase their power or reward their friends.

We don't have a tax revenue problem...we have a tax waste, fraud and abuse problem....

Two problems with that assessment. The first problem is this assumption that when everyone keeps more they will somehow spend it or put it to good use in a way that helps the economy. The second bad assumption is that money that goes to the government is wasted. What all too many don't understand is that most money that goes to the government ends up back in the hands of the private sector, but it's actually being put to use and pushed back through the economy many times. If taxes are cut too low, that money never makes it back to the private sector and the economy grinds to a halt. This is one of the main reasons Wall Street always performs much better when a Democrat is in the White House. Now, there can be too much of a good thing, but cutting taxes and cutting spending to put more money in the hands of the wealthy does not work.
Rush isn't advocating trickle down......he is advocating anarchy

Let me translate:

Statist definition of individual liberty: Anarchy. ( and with enough mass graves they can end anarchy/individual liberty)
Seems Rush is advocating nobody pays taxes

No police, no schools, no fire protection, no infrastructure, no armed forces



No, it doesn't sound that way.

What it IS... is you needing to Deceitfully project that notion, in a FRAUDULENT means to influence the Ignorant.

Which follows given that you're a Leftist and Leftism rests upon the unholy trinity of Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance.

See how easy this is?
Today on Rush he went through hilary cliinton and her lies about "Trickle Down" economics. His explanation was very short and simple......if you earn the money, you get to keep the money and spend it the way you want, and you don't have to give it to Washington D.C. to spend it instead of you......
Well we can rule that out because your MessiahRushgie always lies.

Trickle down cuts the progressive income tax, which favors the rich on the lie that the rich will in turn create jobs, and offsets the cuts with increases in the regressive taxes, like payroll taxes, gas taxes, etc., resulting in the Middle Class paying more in taxes and the rich paying less.
Two problems with that assessment. The first problem is this assumption that when everyone keeps more they will somehow spend it or put it to good use in a way that helps the economy.

Oh now THAT is fascinatin'...

Pray tell, what would be examples of ways that a person 'might not use their money in a way that does not help the economy.'

The second bad assumption is that money that goes to the government is wasted.

In financial terms, the government is what is known as a Liability. Liabilities... are bad and as such are to be LIMITED.

We're not discussion LIMITED LIABILITY here, as the Founders designed the US Government. We're talking about UNLIMITED LIABILITY... (which of your keeping score, is INVIABLE... {go ahead... look it up}. Now when something in your construct is not viable, that means the construct is not viable. And scamp...


Every cent of taxes that goes to the Government is a dollar that is NOT in "The Economy".

Every cent of tax money that is spent BY the Government is an EXPENSE (Liability).


The truth is, the top 10% of the earners in this country, pay something like 70% of the tax revenue the government collects.
That's a lie! The only part that is true is that the wage earners pay the taxes, but not 70%. It is actually 51.8% on 41.6% of wage income.

August 7, 2007

CALLER: And, you know, and the way our tax system works, we have an overly complex system, which in and of itself is a problem, but the way our tax system works and the way the tax laws are written, it's based on a few kind of like hinge numbers like adjusted gross income and taxable income, and while the soak the rich -- or however you choose to describe it -- really doesn't come down that way. It really comes down to much lower income levels.

RUSH: It does, exactly, and here's the dirty little secret if you ever to pull it off. It's hard. This is why most people don't understand the tax-the-rich business. You've got to structure your life so you have no "earned" income. I'm out of time. I'll explain that. There's a category called earned income versus other kinds of income. Earned income is what the income tax rate is on. That's how "the rich" do it. They don't have "earned" income.


The Truth About Taxes

August 6, 2007

RUSH: I've told you before: the income tax is designed to keep people like his [Buffett's] secretary from becoming wealthy! There is no "wealth" tax. So this is a big misnomer. ...

But there's no tax on wealth. There is a tax on income, and the tax on income is designed to keep everybody who is not wealthy from getting there.

I'm talking about genuine wealth, not the way Democrats define "rich."
Rush isn't advocating trickle down......he is advocating anarchy

Let me translate:

Statist definition of individual liberty: Anarchy. ( and with enough mass graves they can end anarchy/individual liberty)
Seems Rush is advocating nobody pays taxes

No police, no schools, no fire protection, no infrastructure, no armed forces



No, it doesn't sound that way.

What it IS... is you needing to Deceitfully project that notion, in a FRAUDULENT means to influence the Ignorant.

Which follows given that you're a Leftist and Leftism rests upon the unholy trinity of Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance.

See how easy this is?
Show where Rush showed how those things would be paid for
And worse than that, her and her husband are making a hefty profit with their crony capitalism, all the while preaching their Marxist garbage about "income inequality" and the redistribution of wealth. Hillary is nothing more than a scumbag and a liar. Anyone who falls for her charade should have their head examined by a stonecutter.
The government doesn't "bail out" the upper income earners. The government doesn't "give" them anything. They just allow them to keep more of what they earn, in the form of "tax breaks".

The truth is, the top 10% of the earners in this country, pay something like 70% of the tax revenue the government collects. They don't get huge refunds like low-income earners do.
"Too big to fail" doesn't ring any bells?

And who put that in place...the greedy politicians who want to keep taxes high. What is your issue with keeping the money you earn?
Let me guess; they got bailed out with the Peoples' tax monies while on means tested corporate welfare as a privilege and immunity.

So...riddle me this batman.....these corporations you bitch about.....they got these sweet deals from whom? Was it the politicians in Washington? The same people you want to collect the money you that they can take it and use it for their own purposes....including bailing out the corporations you bitch about...those are the guys you want to give your money that right?

What sense does that make....? Can you explain that? Why do you think it is better to give them your money, than for you to keep your money?
Did you miss the point about being able to keep their multi-million dollar bonuses as a privilege and immunity while on means tested corporate welfare. How many non-Corporate welfare recipients get to keep their wealth while on Means Tested Welfare.

Again....who voted for that "corporate welfare?" Would it be the same politicians you want to give your tax money to....? What sense does that make? Can you explain that? You think corporations get special deals from corrupt politicians...right? So do I, big business and big government go hand in hand. Your solution.....give them more of your money. My solution, cut taxes so you and I get to keep more of our money, and the politicians get less.....which means they have less to give away as hand outs. Right?
Rush isn't advocating trickle down......he is advocating anarchy

Let me translate:

Statist definition of individual liberty: Anarchy. ( and with enough mass graves they can end anarchy/individual liberty)
Seems Rush is advocating nobody pays taxes

No police, no schools, no fire protection, no infrastructure, no armed forces

Anarchy don't listen to Rush....right? He and other conservatives like myself believe in paying enough taxes to take care of Constitutionally required spending by government, and starving the beast by only giving that revenue to fulfill it's obligations....not as a method of social engineering...the way the democrats see taxes...besides making them wealthy, as politicians...
Today on Rush he went through hilary cliinton and her lies about "Trickle Down" economics. His explanation was very short and simple......if you earn the money, you get to keep the money and spend it the way you want, and you don't have to give it to Washington D.C. to spend it instead of you......

Very simple, very true, and that is what made this country great.

We don't "give" corporations, or the "rich" or any other class money when we keep taxes low......the government simply doesn't take that money and waste, steal or lose it. The people who make it save it in banks, spend it on their families or give it to charity....and that is the best way to keep an economy going.

The worst way to run an the money to greedy, corrupt politicians, who tax, spend, borrow and spend....then tax some more, and then they take that money to buy votes, increase their power or reward their friends.

We don't have a tax revenue problem...we have a tax waste, fraud and abuse problem....

If you earn your money.

If you earn your money by using roads paid for and maintained by the US govt, or a state government, then you should pay for the use of these roads.
If you earn your money by using the security that the US armed forces and the police forces of the US give to the country, then you should pay for these security forces.
If you earn money and you have fire protection, you should pay for this protection.
If you earn money with employees who got a free education from the state and federal government money, then you should help pay for this education.
If you earn money that has been gained by the foreign department going abroad and oiling the chains of international commerce, then you should pay for that.
If you earn money because the government has made the economy much more stable than it would normally be, then you need to pay for that.
If you earn money you do so not only because of your own hard work, but because of the situation that is in place.

The same person in a country like Somalia simply would not be rich, no matter how hard they work. Many people work HARDER than those who earn billions, and they struggle to get through the month. Some people have something that allows them to make money, but not one single person in the USA makes their money because of their own ability and their own hard work. Not one. They use their ability and their hard work in correlation with the infrastructure and other things in order to make their money. And now they think they don't have to pay for the things they're using.

Today on Rush he went through hilary cliinton and her lies about "Trickle Down" economics. His explanation was very short and simple......if you earn the money, you get to keep the money and spend it the way you want, and you don't have to give it to Washington D.C. to spend it instead of you......

Very simple, very true, and that is what made this country great.

We don't "give" corporations, or the "rich" or any other class money when we keep taxes low......the government simply doesn't take that money and waste, steal or lose it. The people who make it save it in banks, spend it on their families or give it to charity....and that is the best way to keep an economy going.

The worst way to run an the money to greedy, corrupt politicians, who tax, spend, borrow and spend....then tax some more, and then they take that money to buy votes, increase their power or reward their friends.

We don't have a tax revenue problem...we have a tax waste, fraud and abuse problem....

Two problems with that assessment. The first problem is this assumption that when everyone keeps more they will somehow spend it or put it to good use in a way that helps the economy. The second bad assumption is that money that goes to the government is wasted. What all too many don't understand is that most money that goes to the government ends up back in the hands of the private sector, but it's actually being put to use and pushed back through the economy many times. If taxes are cut too low, that money never makes it back to the private sector and the economy grinds to a halt. This is one of the main reasons Wall Street always performs much better when a Democrat is in the White House. Now, there can be too much of a good thing, but cutting taxes and cutting spending to put more money in the hands of the wealthy does not work.

1) Who cares what they do with their money? It is their money. that is your first bad assumption..that you are required to do anything with the money you earn. I could care less if you took all the money you earned, put it in a barbecue grill and set it on fire. You earned it, you keep it, you spend it any way you want. that is called freedom.

2) Yes...government wastes money, they steal money, they use money to increase their own power and to keep you poor. A classic example. A school district in Wisconsin or Minnesota bought 5 million dollars worth of computers with tax dollars to use with their students. They got lost. They sat in a warehouse for years before 1) Anyone realized they were missing, and 2) anyone thought to go look for them. That was 5 million unproductive those computers were bought from the private sector...but they did nothing to generate value, they were wasted. And no one was held accountable.

In a private business if you misplace 5 million dollars in computers you are fired, or go to jail....they use those computers to actually generate more money....they use those computers to create wealth, and to create jobs.

Government has no requirement to be fact the incentives are the reverse....don't make waves, don't stick your neck out and don't worry about being held to account for screw ups.

So no, government is not the place to put your hard earned money.....

If taxes are cut too low, that money never makes it back to the private sector and the economy grinds to a halt.

Please. Look at what you just posted. Think about what you just posted. do you see how wrong that thought process is.

If you cut taxes too low....the money stays with the people who earned it. Let me repeat that. If you cut taxes "too low" the money stays with the people who earned it and still goes into the economy and in fact goes into the economy more efficiently and productively than if you give it to the government. The government takes any tax money you give it, the policiticians take their cut, and then spend it on their friends and themselves. The government is inefficient, and cannot spend your money more wisely or more in your interest than you do.

Please, think about what you just posted. Why do you want to send money to Washington, just so they can send back a small portion of it to your community?
Today on Rush he went through hilary cliinton and her lies about "Trickle Down" economics. His explanation was very short and simple......if you earn the money, you get to keep the money and spend it the way you want, and you don't have to give it to Washington D.C. to spend it instead of you......

Very simple, very true, and that is what made this country great.

We don't "give" corporations, or the "rich" or any other class money when we keep taxes low......the government simply doesn't take that money and waste, steal or lose it. The people who make it save it in banks, spend it on their families or give it to charity....and that is the best way to keep an economy going.

The worst way to run an the money to greedy, corrupt politicians, who tax, spend, borrow and spend....then tax some more, and then they take that money to buy votes, increase their power or reward their friends.

We don't have a tax revenue problem...we have a tax waste, fraud and abuse problem....

If you earn your money.

If you earn your money by using roads paid for and maintained by the US govt, or a state government, then you should pay for the use of these roads.
If you earn your money by using the security that the US armed forces and the police forces of the US give to the country, then you should pay for these security forces.
If you earn money and you have fire protection, you should pay for this protection.
If you earn money with employees who got a free education from the state and federal government money, then you should help pay for this education.
If you earn money that has been gained by the foreign department going abroad and oiling the chains of international commerce, then you should pay for that.
If you earn money because the government has made the economy much more stable than it would normally be, then you need to pay for that.
If you earn money you do so not only because of your own hard work, but because of the situation that is in place.

The same person in a country like Somalia simply would not be rich, no matter how hard they work. Many people work HARDER than those who earn billions, and they struggle to get through the month. Some people have something that allows them to make money, but not one single person in the USA makes their money because of their own ability and their own hard work. Not one. They use their ability and their hard work in correlation with the infrastructure and other things in order to make their money. And now they think they don't have to pay for the things they're using.


And what one of those things is not paid for by the taxpayers? Where does the money for the road come from originally? Someone starts a business and pays taxes....then the government can build the road, there is nothing built by the government that doesn't come straight from someone paying taxes FIRST.

The reason they can't get rich in somalia is because they lack 3 things. The rule of law. Capitalism. A government that is bound by a separation of powers and checks and balances.

You have been brainwashed......there is no infrastructure no education, no army, no police until someone creates a business, hires someone, makes money......and then pays taxes....then they can build infrastructure.

The democrats want you to give them money to spend for you.

The conservatives want you to keep your money to be spent by you.

Who really has your best interest at heart.
Today on Rush he went through hilary cliinton and her lies about "Trickle Down" economics. His explanation was very short and simple......if you earn the money, you get to keep the money and spend it the way you want, and you don't have to give it to Washington D.C. to spend it instead of you......

Very simple, very true, and that is what made this country great.

We don't "give" corporations, or the "rich" or any other class money when we keep taxes low......the government simply doesn't take that money and waste, steal or lose it. The people who make it save it in banks, spend it on their families or give it to charity....and that is the best way to keep an economy going.

The worst way to run an the money to greedy, corrupt politicians, who tax, spend, borrow and spend....then tax some more, and then they take that money to buy votes, increase their power or reward their friends.

We don't have a tax revenue problem...we have a tax waste, fraud and abuse problem....

If you earn your money.

If you earn your money by using roads paid for and maintained by the US govt, or a state government, then you should pay for the use of these roads.
If you earn your money by using the security that the US armed forces and the police forces of the US give to the country, then you should pay for these security forces.
If you earn money and you have fire protection, you should pay for this protection.
If you earn money with employees who got a free education from the state and federal government money, then you should help pay for this education.
If you earn money that has been gained by the foreign department going abroad and oiling the chains of international commerce, then you should pay for that.
If you earn money because the government has made the economy much more stable than it would normally be, then you need to pay for that.
If you earn money you do so not only because of your own hard work, but because of the situation that is in place.

The same person in a country like Somalia simply would not be rich, no matter how hard they work. Many people work HARDER than those who earn billions, and they struggle to get through the month. Some people have something that allows them to make money, but not one single person in the USA makes their money because of their own ability and their own hard work. Not one. They use their ability and their hard work in correlation with the infrastructure and other things in order to make their money. And now they think they don't have to pay for the things they're using.


And now they think they don't have to pay for the things they're using.

And this is one of the great lies preached by the democrats. Conservatives want to pay taxes. They want to pay only enough to take care of things only the government can do, and no more than that. Then you don't have politicians granting favors to friends or punishing enemies because you gave them money.
"Too big to fail" doesn't ring any bells?

And who put that in place...the greedy politicians who want to keep taxes high. What is your issue with keeping the money you earn?
Let me guess; they got bailed out with the Peoples' tax monies while on means tested corporate welfare as a privilege and immunity.

So...riddle me this batman.....these corporations you bitch about.....they got these sweet deals from whom? Was it the politicians in Washington? The same people you want to collect the money you that they can take it and use it for their own purposes....including bailing out the corporations you bitch about...those are the guys you want to give your money that right?

What sense does that make....? Can you explain that? Why do you think it is better to give them your money, than for you to keep your money?
Did you miss the point about being able to keep their multi-million dollar bonuses as a privilege and immunity while on means tested corporate welfare. How many non-Corporate welfare recipients get to keep their wealth while on Means Tested Welfare.

Again....who voted for that "corporate welfare?" Would it be the same politicians you want to give your tax money to....? What sense does that make? Can you explain that? You think corporations get special deals from corrupt politicians...right? So do I, big business and big government go hand in hand. Your solution.....give them more of your money. My solution, cut taxes so you and I get to keep more of our money, and the politicians get less.....which means they have less to give away as hand outs. Right?
Let me explain it you a little simpler; why do Only the least wealthy not get to keep their wealth when they get "bailed out" on means tested welfare?
Today on Rush he went through hilary cliinton and her lies about "Trickle Down" economics. His explanation was very short and simple......if you earn the money, you get to keep the money and spend it the way you want, and you don't have to give it to Washington D.C. to spend it instead of you......

Very simple, very true, and that is what made this country great.

We don't "give" corporations, or the "rich" or any other class money when we keep taxes low......the government simply doesn't take that money and waste, steal or lose it. The people who make it save it in banks, spend it on their families or give it to charity....and that is the best way to keep an economy going.

The worst way to run an the money to greedy, corrupt politicians, who tax, spend, borrow and spend....then tax some more, and then they take that money to buy votes, increase their power or reward their friends.

We don't have a tax revenue problem...we have a tax waste, fraud and abuse problem....

If you earn your money.

If you earn your money by using roads paid for and maintained by the US govt, or a state government, then you should pay for the use of these roads.
If you earn your money by using the security that the US armed forces and the police forces of the US give to the country, then you should pay for these security forces.
If you earn money and you have fire protection, you should pay for this protection.
If you earn money with employees who got a free education from the state and federal government money, then you should help pay for this education.
If you earn money that has been gained by the foreign department going abroad and oiling the chains of international commerce, then you should pay for that.
If you earn money because the government has made the economy much more stable than it would normally be, then you need to pay for that.
If you earn money you do so not only because of your own hard work, but because of the situation that is in place.

The same person in a country like Somalia simply would not be rich, no matter how hard they work. Many people work HARDER than those who earn billions, and they struggle to get through the month. Some people have something that allows them to make money, but not one single person in the USA makes their money because of their own ability and their own hard work. Not one. They use their ability and their hard work in correlation with the infrastructure and other things in order to make their money. And now they think they don't have to pay for the things they're using.


And now they think they don't have to pay for the things they're using.

And this is one of the great lies preached by the democrats. Conservatives want to pay taxes. They want to pay only enough to take care of things only the government can do, and no more than that. Then you don't have politicians granting favors to friends or punishing enemies because you gave them money.
So, if Conservatives are not insisting on ending our War on Drugs, they must want to pay for it?
And who put that in place...the greedy politicians who want to keep taxes high. What is your issue with keeping the money you earn?
Let me guess; they got bailed out with the Peoples' tax monies while on means tested corporate welfare as a privilege and immunity.

So...riddle me this batman.....these corporations you bitch about.....they got these sweet deals from whom? Was it the politicians in Washington? The same people you want to collect the money you that they can take it and use it for their own purposes....including bailing out the corporations you bitch about...those are the guys you want to give your money that right?

What sense does that make....? Can you explain that? Why do you think it is better to give them your money, than for you to keep your money?
Did you miss the point about being able to keep their multi-million dollar bonuses as a privilege and immunity while on means tested corporate welfare. How many non-Corporate welfare recipients get to keep their wealth while on Means Tested Welfare.

Again....who voted for that "corporate welfare?" Would it be the same politicians you want to give your tax money to....? What sense does that make? Can you explain that? You think corporations get special deals from corrupt politicians...right? So do I, big business and big government go hand in hand. Your solution.....give them more of your money. My solution, cut taxes so you and I get to keep more of our money, and the politicians get less.....which means they have less to give away as hand outs. Right?
Let me explain it you a little simpler; why do Only the least wealthy not get to keep their wealth when they get "bailed out" on means tested welfare?

Because big business and big government are best friends. That is why conservatives want small government. Why do you want to give the very politicians who set up the system you hate to get more of your money to do more of the same with? Who do you think spends that tax money you send in......the very people who make all of your complaints about corporations possible...why would you want to support that system?

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