Rush has left the building. Time to celebrate.

The simple fact is that Fitz, like all libertarians of the right here, lie through through his false fangs.

This is a perfect example of how CON$ervoFascists continue to lie even AFTER they KNOW the truth. On another thread I posted the quote for YOU specifically, and YOU acknowledged that he said it, but here you are denying he ever said it like the pathological liar CON$ are.

Lie and deny is the philosophy of CON$ervoFascism.

Here's the exact quote again:

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH:* Joe the Plumber.* Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

Edthesickdick just lied again. Compound lies in fact.

As anybody who ever read the transcript or who heard what Rush actually said knows, WHAT Rush said is not even remotely akin to the dishonest spin fucks like edthesickdick try to put on it.

A compulsive pathological liar like edthesickdick (typical of the uber libs, he is hostile to honesty) calling anybody else a pathological liar is funny in a twisted way. Even his name-calling is dishonest.

Back here in the world of reality, it is instead true that Rush did express the hope that President Obama fails. But that has no relationship at all to hoping for unemployment for anybody.

edthesickdick is just a rabidly dishonest scumbag uber-lib liar. That pussy hates the truth because where truth shines its light, shithead uber-libs are unable to construct any valid or persuasive or logical arguments. edthesickdick is a classic example of this.

Seriously, take away his deliberately and perpetually dishonest spin and lying premises and what is left of his posts? Nothing.

Note: when edthesickdick posts a "quote," being the dishonest cowardly lying uber-lib that he is, he is careful to avoid posting full quotes and context. Oh, and links.

Pussy uber lib liars are consistent in that kind of behavior.
First of all, you posted no full quote or context, the context was pure SPITE, THERE take that. Second the quote was months BEFORE the GOP scripted his "I hope he fails" line. And lastly here is the whole SPITEFUL quote from break to end?

November 5, 2008

RUSH: And furthermore, ladies and gentlemen, as I was saying, I hope you people in Ohio lose your coal industry; and I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

Another failed attempt at deflection from the spineless cowardly pussy, edthesickdick.

There is no quote from me that is out of context or incomplete, you lying puss.

The topic was YOUR use of a "quote" which was devoid of context and devoid of a link.

Do try to keep up, you retarded cowardly lying scum-sucking pussy.

Your endless obsession over all things Rush is still on full display, shit-sucker.
Liability, you skel, you are not fooling anybody. Take the Rush mask off now. Then get out of the van!
I think the BIG APPLE will survive without the BIG GASBAG, folks.

I just cannot get over how effeminate his interior decoration is.

Not that's there's anything wrong with that, (there's no accounting for taste) it just surprised me how fussy it is.

The man has had a girlfriend for a long time (and is now married to her, in fact). Does it dawn on anyone that maybe he simply gave her the green light to do the decorating and that he doesn't much give a shit about interior decorating? The style is not one I care for, but it's clean and tasteful and may well make her happy.

So, assuming he doesn't much give a damn about interior decorating, but let his (now) wife handle that matter and assuming it makes her happy, it would seem like Rush handled it just fine.


This guy really knows his Rush trivia.

He must be a Rush-o-Phile.

Or maybe a Rush Buff.

Rushbuff, that's his new name.

Actually, douche bag, if you had the ability to comprehend simple straightforward sentences, you'd note that I didn't make reference to any trivia about Rush beyond the carping that has been going on in this very thread.

Try again when you're up to saying something even marginally intelligent. We realize this might take many years. We're okay with that. There's not much demand for your stupidity anyway.
Liability, you skel, you are not fooling anybody. Take the Rush mask off now. Then get out of the van!

Jokey, you scumbag liar, how the hell are you, you pussy?

After I exposed you repeatedly for the liar you are, yesterday, you finally saw something where you thought you might be able to "lash out" eh? And you settled for this stupid thread and that mindless failed-effort of a post to do that! How typically pathetic of you.

No scumbag. I'm not the skel. That title is reserved for lying twat-stains like you who can't even be honest on a fucking message board about who you are.

Go change your panties, maggot fucker. You have yours all in a knot and soiled. You poor pathetic lying puss.
Just seeing if I can get any libs to call in sick to work today...

[ame=]YouTube - President Rush Limbaugh. Half Hour News Hour[/ame]
Edthesickdick just lied again. Compound lies in fact.

As anybody who ever read the transcript or who heard what Rush actually said knows, WHAT Rush said is not even remotely akin to the dishonest spin fucks like edthesickdick try to put on it.

A compulsive pathological liar like edthesickdick (typical of the uber libs, he is hostile to honesty) calling anybody else a pathological liar is funny in a twisted way. Even his name-calling is dishonest.

Back here in the world of reality, it is instead true that Rush did express the hope that President Obama fails. But that has no relationship at all to hoping for unemployment for anybody.

edthesickdick is just a rabidly dishonest scumbag uber-lib liar. That pussy hates the truth because where truth shines its light, shithead uber-libs are unable to construct any valid or persuasive or logical arguments. edthesickdick is a classic example of this.

Seriously, take away his deliberately and perpetually dishonest spin and lying premises and what is left of his posts? Nothing.

Note: when edthesickdick posts a "quote," being the dishonest cowardly lying uber-lib that he is, he is careful to avoid posting full quotes and context. Oh, and links.

Pussy uber lib liars are consistent in that kind of behavior.
First of all, you posted no full quote or context, the context was pure SPITE, THERE take that. Second the quote was months BEFORE the GOP scripted his "I hope he fails" line. And lastly here is the whole SPITEFUL quote from break to end?

November 5, 2008

RUSH: And furthermore, ladies and gentlemen, as I was saying, I hope you people in Ohio lose your coal industry; and I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

Another failed attempt at deflection from the spineless cowardly pussy, edthesickdick.

There is no quote from me that is out of context or incomplete, you lying puss.

The topic was YOUR use of a "quote" which was devoid of context and devoid of a link.

Do try to keep up, you retarded cowardly lying scum-sucking pussy.

Your endless obsession over all things Rush is still on full display, shit-sucker.
The typical CON$ervoFascist dumb act!

You claim that having read the transcript and hearing the show you know the context was different that the hateful spite in the "THERE" take that for voting for Obama that was undeniably in his voice during his rant, but you did not post any quote or link showing an alternate context that you never gave either.

And that what lying DittoTards always do, they whine "OUT OF CONTEXT" but are incapable of giving another context. The context is undeniably LimpTard wanting Americans to suffer so they will feel bad and regret electing Obama so the GOP will take over again and finish destroying this great country you CON$ hate.

Here's what he said before the break in the above quote:

November 5, 2008
RUSH: That's why I'm nitpicking this. "Rush, are you trying to make people bad? Are you trying to make them feel bad for the decision they made?" Yes! Of course I am.

RUSH: And furthermore, ladies and gentlemen, as I was saying, I hope you people in Ohio lose your coal industry; and I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.
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First of all, you posted no full quote or context, the context was pure SPITE, THERE take that. Second the quote was months BEFORE the GOP scripted his "I hope he fails" line. And lastly here is the whole SPITEFUL quote from break to end?

November 5, 2008

RUSH: And furthermore, ladies and gentlemen, as I was saying, I hope you people in Ohio lose your coal industry; and I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

Another failed attempt at deflection from the spineless cowardly pussy, edthesickdick.

There is no quote from me that is out of context or incomplete, you lying puss.

The topic was YOUR use of a "quote" which was devoid of context and devoid of a link.

Do try to keep up, you retarded cowardly lying scum-sucking pussy.

Your endless obsession over all things Rush is still on full display, shit-sucker.
The typical CON$ervoFascist dumb act!

You claim that having read the transcript and hearing the show you know the context was different that the hateful spite in the "THERE" take that for voting for Obama that was undeniably in his voice during his rant, but you did not post any quote or link showing an alternate context that you never gave either. * * * *

Edthesickdick tries again. He fails again. Sorry, shitface, but nobody will be playing your cheap ass games.

I will repeat it to highlight your fundamental dishonesty. The issue is not whether quoted anything out of context, shit-muncher. The ONLY issue is that YOU (like the cowardly puss you are) refuse to quote it in context or in full or to even provide the link.

That you are tormented enough by your lack of manhood to keep trying that cheap ploy is telling. However, all it tells about you is that you are contemptible.

If you had a measurable penis and any gonads (even un-descended little tiny inconsequential ones) you might some day find it in you to man up enough to post the link. But, having seen you at work to date, nobody will be holding their breath. You gutless, spineless, dick-less, ball-less, cowardly, liberoidal filth are all alike.
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Another failed attempt at deflection from the spineless cowardly pussy, edthesickdick.

There is no quote from me that is out of context or incomplete, you lying puss.

The topic was YOUR use of a "quote" which was devoid of context and devoid of a link.

Do try to keep up, you retarded cowardly lying scum-sucking pussy.

Your endless obsession over all things Rush is still on full display, shit-sucker.
The typical CON$ervoFascist dumb act!

You claim that having read the transcript and hearing the show you know the context was different that the hateful spite in the "THERE" take that for voting for Obama that was undeniably in his voice during his rant, but you did not post any quote or link showing an alternate context that you never gave either. * * * *

Edthesickdick tries again. He fails again. Sorry, shitface, but nobody will be playing your cheap ass games.

I will repeat it to highlight your fundamental dishonesty. The issue is not whether quoted anything out of context, shit-muncher. The ONLY issue is that YOU (like the cowardly puss you are) refuse to quote it in context or in full or to even provide the link.

That you are tormented enough by your lack of manhood to keep trying that cheap ploy is telling. However, all it tells about you is that you are contemptible.

If you had a measurable penis and any gonads (even un-descended little tiny inconsequential ones) you might some day find it in you to man up enough to post the link. But, having seen you at work to date, nobody will be holding their breath. You gutless, spineless, dick-less, ball-less, cowardly, liberoidal filth are all alike.
Look you can play dumb as much as you want, but the fact remains I posted the entire rant, with link, for YOU on another thread on this very messageboard. How many times do you need the link before you tell us the context you claim id different from the obvious spite in the quotes I posted. This is what I love about worthless lying America hating CON$ervative scum, even after having been given links, sources, etc., they pretend it never happened and just continue to lie.

Do I have to do a search and link you to the other thread before you admit you KNOW you are lying out your CON$ervofascist ass?

As you well remember from the other thread, your MessiahRushie said how "euphoric" and "gleeful" he gets from seeing that "uh-oh" look on their face as they learn the very PAINFUL LESSON he wishes on them for having the unmitigated gall not to vote as he desires.
* * * *
Look you can play dumb as much as you want, but the fact remains I posted the entire rant, with link, for YOU on another thread on this very messageboard.

Stop lying and stop whining like the useless pussy bitch you are, ya scumbag.

Just post the link or admit that you are a gutless weasel dick cock gobbler.

We'll wait, you little filthy used condom.
* * * *
Look you can play dumb as much as you want, but the fact remains I posted the entire rant, with link, for YOU on another thread on this very messageboard.

Stop lying and stop whining like the useless pussy bitch you are, ya scumbag.

Just post the link or admit that you are a gutless weasel dick cock gobbler.

We'll wait, you little filthy used condom.
Here you go you worthless scum sucking POS, the link to the thread of you having been given the link nearly a year ago.

If you notice, after starting off with the same lie, you acknowledge not only that he said he wants Americans to suffer the loss of their jobs, but also the link was to the free transcripts available to everyone without paying.

You, of course, as you are programmed to do, tried to make excuses for the spiteful wishes of a SORE LOSER the day after the election by trying to pass SPITE off as sarcasm. DittoTards always try to pass their MessiahRushie's pure hatred for this great country as humor or satire or sarcasm, etc.
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I'd post the citation, but you'd reject it even though it is from a well known CON$ervative source. (I have posted it many times before on this messageboard)

I will tell you the CON inadvertently revealed it while BRAGGING about how much more generous CON$ are than Libs even though Lib families EARN MORE MONEY!!!
Yeah, I doubt it.

I don't care if you've posted it before. Post it again.
Hey Dumbass! I posted it 3 posts before your reply!
What a dumb blind moron. Sheeesh
Funny how you think I pay much attention to you. :lol:

Yeah, it makes the claim you said it did...but it also makes a lot of claims that don't make liberals look very generous. :lol:
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* * * *
Look you can play dumb as much as you want, but the fact remains I posted the entire rant, with link, for YOU on another thread on this very messageboard.

Stop lying and stop whining like the useless pussy bitch you are, ya scumbag.

Just post the link or admit that you are a gutless weasel dick cock gobbler.

We'll wait, you little filthy used condom.
Here you go you worthless scum sucking POS, the link to the thread of you having been given the link nearly a year ago.

If you notice, after starting off with the same lie, you acknowledge not only that he said he wants Americans to suffer the loss of their jobs, but also the link was to the free transcripts available to everyone without paying.

You, of course, as you are programmed to do, tried to make excuses for the spiteful wishes of a SORE LOSER the day after the election by trying to pass SPITE off as sarcasm. DittoTards always try to pass their MessiahRushie's pure hatred for this great country as humor or satire or sarcasm, etc.
I derive some minor satisfaction from having goaded a pantload lying scumbagg like you, edthesickdick, into giving up the very thing you had hoped to keep concealed.

Here, cock-gobbler. Let's educate your dishonest ass (or educate others all about your dishonesty) shall we? Yes. By golly, I think we shall:

Where was this setback garbage in the campaign? Setbacks? We didn't hear anything about sacrifice. The only time we heard about sacrifice was when the rich were going to be -- oops, sorry -- was when the rich were going to be doing it. But now he told his own millions out there that they're going to be sacrificing, too. That's why I'm nitpicking this 'cause I want people to understand what they have done. Like I said yesterday, I love enlightening stupid people. There is nothing to me -- well, I can't say nothing, there are things I like more than this -- but, folks, you talk about euphoria, I get euphoric when I turn the light on inside some stupid person's brain. Well, does that sound cruel, Mr. Snerdley? What's wrong with the word "stupid"? It has a definition. There are some stupid people. There are also some ignorant people. (interruption) You prefer "ignorant"? Now you're starting to sound like people, "Don't offend them, Rush, don't offend them." All right, I'll say ignorant people. (interruption) I'm not talking about our side. I'm talking about the people that voted for Obama. (interruption) No, I'm not talking to the people on our side that voted for Obama. I doubt they're still listening. I hope that they have been humiliated in the first hour and are gone in meditation and contemplation. I'm confident they'll be back.

Folks, don't you like teaching people things? When people have just fallen for a bunch of nothing and you are able to point out what they have fallen for, don't you love it when you see in their face, uh-oh? We are trying to help them, Snerdley. I am trying to be helpful. You are misunderstanding my tone here. I get gleeful when I teach somebody something. That's why I'm nitpicking this; that's why I'm parsing this. "I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face." What challenges? I didn't think there were any. Once we had hope and change taken care of and once he was elected, that was it. "I will listen to you, especially when we disagree." Oh! Now, I happen to disagree. Are you going to listen to me or are you going to implement the Fairness Doctrine? "And above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation." Now, that, remaking the nation? That's not fixing something. Remaking it? What the hell is that? And I maintain to you that the vast majority of people that voted for Obama aren't even thinking about this the way I'm thinking about it. They're not even contemplating it. There was no substance to the people electing him, most of them who did. He was a symbol, represented all kinds of stuff. That's why I'm nitpicking this. "Rush, are you trying to make people bad? Are you trying to make them feel bad for the decision they made?" Yes! Of course I am.

RUSH: And furthermore, ladies and gentlemen, as I was saying, I hope you people in Ohio lose your coal industry; and I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

Shall I now proceed to highlight the portions of the discussion which reveal the real purpose behind the unseemly comments offered by Rush to which you express such objection?

I mean, it almost seems unfair to toy with a turd like you after having compelled you so well into revealing yourself.

Damn, but I AM good at this.

Tell you what, I shall proceed in the following manner for your immediate benefit. (We conservatives tend to be very forgiving and generous and kind to the poor befuddled lowlife dishonest libbies when given any reason to be magnanimous!) I grant you two chances to give yourself up more fully.

Feel free to highlight all on your own the relevant portions of the material I just quoted -- the material you had improperly omitted previously -- or use any other portion of the transcript if that helps to show what Rush was really doing.

First chance is NOW! Go.
LMAO...........I said two days ago this thread would go epic.................

The fcukking k00ks cant help themselves!!! This guy Limbaugh makes the mental cases completely psychotic!!!!


Whats up with that? I mean the OCD thing?

Is it simply that Limbaugh just makes the miserable of society even more miserable??
LMAO...........I said two days ago this thread would go epic.................

The fcukking k00ks cant help themselves!!! This guy Limbaugh makes the mental cases completely psychotic!!!!


Whats up with that? I mean the OCD thing?

Is it simply that Limbaugh just makes the miserable of society even more miserable??

It IS quite amusing (funny as hell, in fact) to see Rush crawl up under their skin like he does so often and so well. :D

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