Rush has left the building. Time to celebrate.


This is a perfect example of how CON$ervoFascists continue to lie even AFTER they KNOW the truth. On another thread I posted the quote for YOU specifically, and YOU acknowledged that he said it, but here you are denying he ever said it like the pathological liar CON$ are.

Lie and deny is the philosophy of CON$ervoFascism.

Here's the exact quote again:

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH:* Joe the Plumber.* Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

Edthesickdick just lied again. Compound lies in fact.

As anybody who ever read the transcript or who heard what Rush actually said knows, WHAT Rush said is not even remotely akin to the dishonest spin fucks like edthesickdick try to put on it.

A compulsive pathological liar like edthesickdick (typical of the uber libs, he is hostile to honesty) calling anybody else a pathological liar is funny in a twisted way. Even his name-calling is dishonest.

Back here in the world of reality, it is instead true that Rush did express the hope that President Obama fails. But that has no relationship at all to hoping for unemployment for anybody.

edthesickdick is just a rabidly dishonest scumbag uber-lib liar. That pussy hates the truth because where truth shines its light, shithead uber-libs are unable to construct any valid or persuasive or logical arguments. edthesickdick is a classic example of this.

Seriously, take away his deliberately and perpetually dishonest spin and lying premises and what is left of his posts? Nothing.

Note: when edthesickdick posts a "quote," being the dishonest cowardly lying uber-lib that he is, he is careful to avoid posting full quotes and context. Oh, and links.

Pussy uber lib liars are consistent in that kind of behavior.
I think the BIG APPLE will survive without the BIG GASBAG, folks.

I just cannot get over how effeminate his interior decoration is.

Not that's there's anything wrong with that, (there's no accounting for taste) it just surprised me how fussy it is.

The man has had a girlfriend for a long time (and is now married to her, in fact). Does it dawn on anyone that maybe he simply gave her the green light to do the decorating and that he doesn't much give a shit about interior decorating? The style is not one I care for, but it's clean and tasteful and may well make her happy.

So, assuming he doesn't much give a damn about interior decorating, but let his (now) wife handle that matter and assuming it makes her happy, it would seem like Rush handled it just fine.
And yet more proof that lefties do not understand the consequences of tax policies on individuals and the subsequent economic impact.
Gettin' a lil' nervous over REAL Conservatives startin' to come-out, are ya'????????

I think the BIG APPLE will survive without the BIG GASBAG, folks.

I just cannot get over how effeminate his interior decoration is.

Not that's there's anything wrong with that, (there's no accounting for taste) it just surprised me how fussy it is.

The man has had a girlfriend for a long time (and is now married to her, in fact). Does it dawn on anyone that maybe he simply gave her the green light to do the decorating and that he doesn't much give a shit about interior decorating? The style is not one I care for, but it's clean and tasteful and may well make her happy.

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I think the BIG APPLE will survive without the BIG GASBAG, folks.

I just cannot get over how effeminate his interior decoration is.

Not that's there's anything wrong with that, (there's no accounting for taste) it just surprised me how fussy it is.

The man has had a girlfriend for a long time (and is now married to her, in fact). Does it dawn on anyone that maybe he simply gave her the green light to do the decorating and that he doesn't much give a shit about interior decorating? The style is not one I care for, but it's clean and tasteful and may well make her happy.


Typical mindless bullshit from edthesickdick.

If Rush spent MOST of his time in Florida, then his NY digs would be of pretty low importance.

If he gave his girlfriend/wife the go ahead to do the interior decorating, then he's also brighter in that aspect of life than petty little sissy-bois like you.

But go ahead and spend more time fixating on Rush.

It appears that you have a crush on the man.
The man has had a girlfriend for a long time (and is now married to her, in fact). Does it dawn on anyone that maybe he simply gave her the green light to do the decorating and that he doesn't much give a shit about interior decorating? The style is not one I care for, but it's clean and tasteful and may well make her happy.


Typical mindless bullshit from edthesickdick.

If Rush spent MOST of his time in Florida, then his NY digs would be of pretty low importance.
....And, if Florida had more bath-houses, he wouldn't need his NY-hideaway, at all!


Typical mindless bullshit from edthesickdick.

If Rush spent MOST of his time in Florida, then his NY digs would be of pretty low importance.
....And, if Florida had more bath-houses, he wouldn't need his NY-hideaway, at all!


More "liberal" homophobic commentary from a pussy like the uber-liberoidal edthesickdick. You uber-libtards seem awfully conflicted on that issue. Your third-grade efforts tell a good deal about you -- and none of it is good.

I wonder how many of your fellow liberals would stand up and join you in your efforts to "argue" that Rush is gay and how many of them think that it would matter even if he were gay?

What about that, libs? How many of you think that edthesickdick is making a good, sound, reasonable "argument?" Many of you would not hesitate to criticize such statements if made by a conservative on this Board. But do any of you folks feel any inclination to criticize a liberal for his homophobic posts?
BTW, in a university of Illinois study in 2008, it was found that 62% of all liberals fabricate misleading or false statistics while only 3% of conservatives do so to facilitate candid humorous moods. Here's the link.
University of Illinois study on false statistics: Dr. Uwe Randolf Asucor
Of course, that "study" would be one of the 3%. :rofl:

Wow! realized that aaaaallllll by your self didja??? Only took clicking on the link before you realized you are so easy to pwn.

You're just the chatty cathy of lies when it comes to Rush. Fucking Pavlovian. We say Rush and you burst into a foam flecked diatribe of lies about the man. I've seen actors react slower to the wishing of "Good Luck" and the name "MacBeth" than you do about Rush. Pavlov's Retard... kinda fits.

Imma sit here and fuck with you on this till you either have a stroke or I get bored. You've committed like 10 counts of libel that I've seen so far. Others know of more it seems, so why the fuck should I take a single word you have to say as anything more than the babbling of a schitzoid embolism.
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Since Liberal families are more financially SUCCESSFUL than CON$ervative families, you are on target with the lazy jealous CON$ervative slackers.

And you can source this? I can't seem to find anything to back your claim up. Although there is more evidence that collect benefits from the government more than conservatives even when they don't need them. And I think I saw somewhere that liberals cheat on their taxes more frequently too. :rolleyes:
You obviously didn't try very hard if at all, and you certainly didn't source any of your other lies.

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Conservatives More Liberal Givers
March 27, 2008
Conservatives More Liberal Givers
By George Will

Although liberal families' incomes average 6 percent higher than those of conservative families, conservative-headed households give, on average, 30 percent more to charity than the average liberal-headed household ($1,600 per year vs. $1,227).
Wow! I checked your source. Incredible! George Will, a Neocon, is writing an opinion piece about a study done at Syracuse University by a professor who's data was for a book titled "Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism" that smacks of a hit piece gone awry.

Other little facts you conveniently left out from your source as you are so wont to do, Mr. edit to distort.

-- Conservatives also donate more time and give more blood.

-- Residents of the states that voted for John Kerry in 2004 gave smaller percentages of their incomes to charity than did residents of states that voted for George Bush.

-- Bush carried 24 of the 25 states where charitable giving was above average.

-- In the 10 reddest states, in which Bush got more than 60 percent majorities, the average percentage of personal income donated to charity was 3.5. Residents of the bluest states, which gave Bush less than 40 percent, donated just 1.9 percent.

-- People who reject the idea that "government has a responsibility to reduce income inequality" give an average of four times more than people who accept that proposition.

Of course, you'd have to go buy the book to see his internals which may be highly suspect, but regardless, the claim in one study is that liberals make more and are 25% as charitable as the poorer conservatives.

Yeah... good job Edthecretin.
[ame=]YouTube - Rush Limbaugh Obsessed With 'Bending Over'[/ame]​
I think the BIG APPLE will survive without the BIG GASBAG, folks.

I just cannot get over how effeminate his interior decoration is.

Not that's there's anything wrong with that, (there's no accounting for taste) it just surprised me how fussy it is.

The man has had a girlfriend for a long time (and is now married to her, in fact). Does it dawn on anyone that maybe he simply gave her the green light to do the decorating and that he doesn't much give a shit about interior decorating? The style is not one I care for, but it's clean and tasteful and may well make her happy.

So, assuming he doesn't much give a damn about interior decorating, but let his (now) wife handle that matter and assuming it makes her happy, it would seem like Rush handled it just fine.


This guy really knows his Rush trivia.

He must be a Rush-o-Phile.

Or maybe a Rush Buff.

Rushbuff, that's his new name.
I'd ask for a citation, but I'd be wasting keystrokes.
I'd post the citation, but you'd reject it even though it is from a well known CON$ervative source. (I have posted it many times before on this messageboard)

I will tell you the CON inadvertently revealed it while BRAGGING about how much more generous CON$ are than Libs even though Lib families EARN MORE MONEY!!!
Yeah, I doubt it.

I don't care if you've posted it before. Post it again.
Hey Dumbass! I posted it 3 posts before your reply!
What a dumb blind moron. Sheeesh

This is a perfect example of how CON$ervoFascists continue to lie even AFTER they KNOW the truth. On another thread I posted the quote for YOU specifically, and YOU acknowledged that he said it, but here you are denying he ever said it like the pathological liar CON$ are.

Lie and deny is the philosophy of CON$ervoFascism.

Here's the exact quote again:

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH:* Joe the Plumber.* Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

Edthesickdick just lied again. Compound lies in fact.

As anybody who ever read the transcript or who heard what Rush actually said knows, WHAT Rush said is not even remotely akin to the dishonest spin fucks like edthesickdick try to put on it.

A compulsive pathological liar like edthesickdick (typical of the uber libs, he is hostile to honesty) calling anybody else a pathological liar is funny in a twisted way. Even his name-calling is dishonest.

Back here in the world of reality, it is instead true that Rush did express the hope that President Obama fails. But that has no relationship at all to hoping for unemployment for anybody.

edthesickdick is just a rabidly dishonest scumbag uber-lib liar. That pussy hates the truth because where truth shines its light, shithead uber-libs are unable to construct any valid or persuasive or logical arguments. edthesickdick is a classic example of this.

Seriously, take away his deliberately and perpetually dishonest spin and lying premises and what is left of his posts? Nothing.

Note: when edthesickdick posts a "quote," being the dishonest cowardly lying uber-lib that he is, he is careful to avoid posting full quotes and context. Oh, and links.

Pussy uber lib liars are consistent in that kind of behavior.
First of all, you posted no full quote or context, the context was pure SPITE, THERE take that. Second the quote was months BEFORE the GOP scripted his "I hope he fails" line. And lastly here is the whole SPITEFUL quote from break to end?

November 5, 2008

RUSH: And furthermore, ladies and gentlemen, as I was saying, I hope you people in Ohio lose your coal industry; and I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.
And you can source this? I can't seem to find anything to back your claim up. Although there is more evidence that collect benefits from the government more than conservatives even when they don't need them. And I think I saw somewhere that liberals cheat on their taxes more frequently too. :rolleyes:
You obviously didn't try very hard if at all, and you certainly didn't source any of your other lies.

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Conservatives More Liberal Givers
March 27, 2008
Conservatives More Liberal Givers
By George Will

Although liberal families' incomes average 6 percent higher than those of conservative families, conservative-headed households give, on average, 30 percent more to charity than the average liberal-headed household ($1,600 per year vs. $1,227).
Wow! I checked your source. Incredible! George Will, a Neocon, is writing an opinion piece about a study done at Syracuse University by a professor who's data was for a book titled "Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism" that smacks of a hit piece gone awry.

Other little facts you conveniently left out from your source as you are so wont to do, Mr. edit to distort.

-- Conservatives also donate more time and give more blood.

-- Residents of the states that voted for John Kerry in 2004 gave smaller percentages of their incomes to charity than did residents of states that voted for George Bush.

-- Bush carried 24 of the 25 states where charitable giving was above average.

-- In the 10 reddest states, in which Bush got more than 60 percent majorities, the average percentage of personal income donated to charity was 3.5. Residents of the bluest states, which gave Bush less than 40 percent, donated just 1.9 percent.

-- People who reject the idea that "government has a responsibility to reduce income inequality" give an average of four times more than people who accept that proposition.

Of course, you'd have to go buy the book to see his internals which may be highly suspect, but regardless, the claim in one study is that liberals make more and are 25% as charitable as the poorer conservatives.

Yeah... good job Edthecretin.
As is typical of CON$, even a fellow traveler is not a credible source.

And nice deflection in trying to change the topic from the face that Libs are higher achievers than CON$ to the charity data you seem to accept fully from the same source you discredited regarding income. :cuckoo:

So let's recap, you FALSLY said there was no source, and the source was George Will the Shill citing a CON$ervative study from Arthur Brooks.

YOU failed to source tour claim that Libs collect more bebefits than CON$.

YOU failed to source your claim that Libs cheat on their taxes more than CON$.

Three strikes and you're out!
As is typical of CON$, even a fellow traveler is not a credible source.

George Will reported accurately on a study that I have no idea was done accurately by another party out of Syracuse. He's a credible source, just watch the neo-wilsonian spin.

So let's recap, you FALSLY said there was no source, and the source was George Will the Shill citing a CON$ervative study from Arthur Brooks.

Noooooo... it is not a false claim. I was ignorant of ANY source that made such a claim. Whether the study was a conservative study is up in the air as I found no link to the study, only that it was reported in an opinion column. Big difference.

YOU failed to source tour claim that Libs collect more bebefits than CON$.

YOU failed to source your claim that Libs cheat on their taxes more than CON$.

Three strikes and you're out!

ROFLMAO! Shit man... you swallowed the whole treble hook on a bullshit shiner. I just knew you were so keyed up that you'd think I was actually making serious claims! ROFLMAO Whatta tool. You are sooooooo easy to fuck with. In a "discussion" like this, you think I'd post anything like that without sourcing it unless I was going to fuck with you? Boy you are gullible, which by the way is not in the dictionary. Here you go...

As is typical of CON$, even a fellow traveler is not a credible source.

George Will reported accurately on a study that I have no idea was done accurately by another party out of Syracuse. He's a credible source, just watch the neo-wilsonian spin.

So let's recap, you FALSLY said there was no source, and the source was George Will the Shill citing a CON$ervative study from Arthur Brooks.

Noooooo... it is not a false claim. I was ignorant of ANY source that made such a claim. Whether the study was a conservative study is up in the air as I found no link to the study, only that it was reported in an opinion column. Big difference.

YOU failed to source tour claim that Libs collect more bebefits than CON$.

YOU failed to source your claim that Libs cheat on their taxes more than CON$.

Three strikes and you're out!

ROFLMAO! Shit man... you swallowed the whole treble hook on a bullshit shiner. I just knew you were so keyed up that you'd think I was actually making serious claims! ROFLMAO Whatta tool. You are sooooooo easy to fuck with. In a "discussion" like this, you think I'd post anything like that without sourcing it unless I was going to fuck with you? Boy you are gullible, which by the way is not in the dictionary. Here you go...

Hey dumbass, I knew your claims were as phony as your claim that you had TRIED to source the income data. Why would I believe anything you posted when I knew you made no attempt to source the claim that Libs earn more than CON$, which I have sourced numerous times on this messageboard already?
The point was, CON$ always lie about everything and you are a perfect example of that absolute rule.
Get it?
Hey dumbass, I knew your claims were as phony as your claim that you had TRIED to source the income data. Why would I believe anything you posted when I knew you made no attempt to source the claim that Libs earn more than CON$, which I have sourced numerous times on this messageboard already?
The point was, CON$ always lie about everything and you are a perfect example of that absolute rule.
Get it?

Cretin... then why do you even post here? The world is so much nicer when you stay away from people who call you out on your self important bullshit. Whatta pavlovian git.

....And, if Florida had more bath-houses, he wouldn't need his NY-hideaway, at all!


More "liberal" homophobic commentary.....
Yeah.....Michael Musto is homophobic.... :rolleyes:

[ame=]YouTube - Keith Olbermann And Michael Musto On Rush Limbaugh's Wedding[/ame]​
No. He's just a politically biased schmuck.

But YOU are homophobic, a bigot, uneducated, opinionated and dishonest.

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