Rush has left the building. Time to celebrate.

I laughed my balls off when I saw this............thinking about how mental this story was making the k00ks.
He's outta New York.............wish I could flee this socialist state as well. Its becomming more of a sewer every day. The leeches of society pour in here more and more every day. How brilliant is Rush to take the $$$ and run!!!!????

What was most funny was the comment by Rush when somebody asked him about how he had predicted an epic fall by Obama way back in February 2009.

His response??


I damn near split my sides laughing!!!
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Conservatives revere the personal accumulation of vast sums of wealth because it's in keeping with the teachings of their Saviour.

...and brain-dead liberals like you continue to make sweeping, incorrect generalizations...

I imagine most conservatives would be disappointed if you didn't provide the material that allows us to laugh AT you... Thankfully, we won't have to cross that bridge...
Well at least we conservatives are honest about wanting to make money. The left pretend all they want to do is 'good works'. Of course these 'good works' must be funded somehow, so they excel in begging, playing off of other's charity and mooching the cash to THEN make tons of cash while producing nothing.
Oh the class envy!!!!
You are just jealous because Liberal Families EARN on the average MORE MONEY than lazy CON$ervative slacker families. :rofl:
Get a job you lazy fuck and you too might EARN as much as the average Lib!!!
And what is up with the prissy-assed decoration in your apartment? I'm a woman, and that crap is just tacky.
I listen to Rush for his political commentary, not his interior decorating skills. Why do you even care about that?
That is the absolute height of STUPIDITY!!! :rofl:

August 8, 2008
RUSH: Now we're told the night Hillary speaks is the anniversary ofwomen getting the vote, which is what started the welfare state that now strangles us, by the way. If women had never gotten the vote we wouldn't have a budget deficit, but that's another story.
I laughed my balls off when I saw this............thinking about how mental this story was making the k00ks.
He's outta New York.............wish I could flee this socialist state as well. Its becomming more of a sewer every day. The leeches of society pour in here more and more every day. How brilliant is Rush to take the $$$ and run!!!!????

What was most funny was the comment by Rush when somebody asked him about how he had predicted an epic fall by Obama way back in February 2009.

His response??


I damn near split my sides laughing!!!
You don't have any balls to laugh off, girly!

Only loathsome scum who HATE America would find "humorous" Stuttering LimpTard's spitefully HOPING ALL hard working Americans SUFFER the loss of their jobs just so his Party can score political points and regain power to further destroy this GREAT country.
I laughed my balls off when I saw this............thinking about how mental this story was making the k00ks.
He's outta New York.............wish I could flee this socialist state as well. Its becomming more of a sewer every day. The leeches of society pour in here more and more every day. How brilliant is Rush to take the $$$ and run!!!!????

What was most funny was the comment by Rush when somebody asked him about how he had predicted an epic fall by Obama way back in February 2009.

His response??


I damn near split my sides laughing!!!
You don't have any balls to laugh off, girly!

Only loathsome scum who HATE America would find "humorous" Stuttering LimpTard's spitefully HOPING ALL hard working Americans SUFFER the loss of their jobs just so his Party can score political points and regain power to further destroy this GREAT country.

Do I love the public mental meltdowns of the fcukking k00ks who are profoundly jealous of success and monetary bliss?????????


These asshole miserables of our society are consumed with rage aganst people who HAVENT fcukked up their lives with stupid personbal decisions. They now LIVE to fall all over themselves trying to cast dispersion on the succcessful in America.

Poor miserable fcukks.........................

buckle up your fcukking chinstrap and stop feeling sorry for your own sorry ass.

Non-hyperpartisan's on this board will note..........its the consistent theme on this board with the liberal k00ks. At any cost...........they want to fcukk the sucessful.........fcukk the capitalist. Note the vengeful hate in their posts ( like above). It is a common theme in every sngle post they make. Keep track over time and its plainly evident if you are paying attention. THEY want the playing field leveled at the expense of the successful and are consumed with it in everyday life.

Why..........the profound misery leading to mental case meltdowns?

Because thats what miserable losers do.:thup::thup::thup:.........and they know im 100% on target like a precision guided fcukking patriot missile.
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Conservatives revere the personal accumulation of vast sums of wealth because it's in keeping with the teachings of their Saviour.
....In their own minds, anyhow.....​

"When Marx goes on to insist that a critique of capitalism must begin with a critique of religion (“the criticism of heaven is thus transformed into the criticism of earth”), wasn’t he simply repeating Jesus’ warning, “Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them”? Such expressions of disingenuous charity – performed for one’s own peace of mind and in the service of Mammon – are the oil in the capitalist machine."

I laughed my balls off when I saw this............thinking about how mental this story was making the k00ks.
He's outta New York.............wish I could flee this socialist state as well. Its becomming more of a sewer every day. The leeches of society pour in here more and more every day. How brilliant is Rush to take the $$$ and run!!!!????

What was most funny was the comment by Rush when somebody asked him about how he had predicted an epic fall by Obama way back in February 2009.

His response??


I damn near split my sides laughing!!!
You don't have any balls to laugh off, girly!

Only loathsome scum who HATE America would find "humorous" Stuttering LimpTard's spitefully HOPING ALL hard working Americans SUFFER the loss of their jobs just so his Party can score political points and regain power to further destroy this GREAT country.

Do I love the public mental meltdowns of the fcukking k00ks who are profoundly jealous of success and monetary bliss?????????


These asshole miserables of our society are consumed with rage aganst people who HAVENT fcukked up their lives with stupid personbal decisions. They now LIVE to fall all over themselves trying to cast dispersion on the succcessful in America.

Poor miserable fcukks.........................

buckle up your fcukking chinstrap and stop feeling sorry for your own sorry ass.

Non-hyperpartisan's on this board will note..........its the consistent theme on this board with the liberal k00ks. At any cost...........they want to fcukk the sucessful.........fcukk the capitalist. Note the vengeful hate in their posts ( like above). It is a common theme in every sngle post they make. Keep track over time and its plainly evident if you are paying attention. THEY want the playing field leveled at the expense of the successful and are consumed with it in everyday life.

Why..........the profound misery leading to mental case meltdowns?

Because thats what miserable losers do.:thup::thup::thup:.........and they know im 100% on target like a precision guided fcukking patriot missile.
Since Liberal families are more financially SUCCESSFUL than CON$ervative families, you are on target with the lazy jealous CON$ervative slackers.

Get a job you lazy slacker and you too might be as financially successful as the average Lib.
I laughed my balls off when I saw this............thinking about how mental this story was making the k00ks.
He's outta New York.............wish I could flee this socialist state as well. Its becomming more of a sewer every day. The leeches of society pour in here more and more every day. How brilliant is Rush to take the $$$ and run!!!!????

What was most funny was the comment by Rush when somebody asked him about how he had predicted an epic fall by Obama way back in February 2009.

His response??


I damn near split my sides laughing!!!
You don't have any balls to laugh off, girly!

Only loathsome scum who HATE America would find "humorous" Stuttering LimpTard's spitefully HOPING ALL hard working Americans SUFFER the loss of their jobs just so his Party can score political points and regain power to further destroy this GREAT country.

It is, of course, entirely untrue to claim that Rush ever expressed any hope that any Americans suffer the loss of their jobs. Since that claim is a deliberate lie, it is no surprise at all that edthesickdick made it.

Good God in heaven. These fucking liberoidal assholes are so devoid of truthful intent that the only arguments they can make are premised on lies. And then they compound that mental defect with an inability to understand why nobody buys their putrid dishonest arguments.

I laughed my balls off when I saw this............thinking about how mental this story was making the k00ks.
He's outta New York.............wish I could flee this socialist state as well. Its becomming more of a sewer every day. The leeches of society pour in here more and more every day. How brilliant is Rush to take the $$$ and run!!!!????

What was most funny was the comment by Rush when somebody asked him about how he had predicted an epic fall by Obama way back in February 2009.

His response??


I damn near split my sides laughing!!!
You don't have any balls to laugh off, girly!

Only loathsome scum who HATE America would find "humorous" Stuttering LimpTard's spitefully HOPING ALL hard working Americans SUFFER the loss of their jobs just so his Party can score political points and regain power to further destroy this GREAT country.

It is, of course, entirely untrue to claim that Rush ever expressed any hope that any Americans suffer the loss of their jobs. Since that claim is a deliberate lie, it is no surprise at all that edthesickdick made it.

Good God in heaven. These fucking liberoidal assholes are so devoid of truthful intent that the only arguments they can make are premised on lies. And then they compound that mental defect with an inability to understand why nobody buys their putrid dishonest arguments.

This is a perfect example of how CON$ervoFascists continue to lie even AFTER they KNOW the truth. On another thread I posted the quote for YOU specifically, and YOU acknowledged that he said it, but here you are denying he ever said it like the pathological liar CON$ are.

Lie and deny is the philosophy of CON$ervoFascism.

Here's the exact quote again:

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH:* Joe the Plumber.* Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen
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You are just jealous because Liberal Families EARN on the average MORE MONEY than lazy CON$ervative slacker families. :rofl:
I'd ask for a citation, but I'd be wasting keystrokes.
I'd post the citation, but you'd reject it even though it is from a well known CON$ervative source. (I have posted it many times before on this messageboard)

I will tell you the CON inadvertently revealed it while BRAGGING about how much more generous CON$ are than Libs even though Lib families EARN MORE MONEY!!!
Oh the class envy!!!!
You are just jealous because Liberal Families EARN on the average MORE MONEY than lazy CON$ervative slacker families.

Who's envious? I'm cheering on anyone who gets rich making an honest living, Edthecretin. Non-profits for 'good works' and social causes are not honest livings. They're professional begging and make work. I'm all for charity, but only after I see their books and know they're not supporting some fat cats out some place who's getting 40-60% of the money for "service costs" and the like. Bialystock and Bloom is more the case then.

August 8, 2008
RUSH: Now we're told the night Hillary speaks is the anniversary ofwomen getting the vote, which is what started the welfare state that now strangles us, by the way. If women had never gotten the vote we wouldn't have a budget deficit, but that's another story.

Once again, taking one sentence out of a 3 minute rant in which he tweaked the media and you, of course, fell for it. I, who had listened to that show know for a fact he was fucking with cretin's heads like you who live to take things out of context and scream AH HAH!!!!!! I KNEW IT!!! and exposing you to be the utter moonbats you are.

Quote: Originally Posted by NYcarbineer View Post
Conservatives revere the personal accumulation of vast sums of wealth because it's in keeping with the teachings of their Saviour.

Sorry, we don't believe in collective salvation. That's your schtick if you even believe at all. Hey great idea here. If wealth is so evil... let me take your salary off your hands. Wouldn't want to taint your pure soul now would we? So how about it? ooh wow... glad my fingers weren't between you and your wallet... coulda lost one you were so fast to protect it.

Since Liberal families are more financially SUCCESSFUL than CON$ervative families, you are on target with the lazy jealous CON$ervative slackers.

And you can source this? I can't seem to find anything to back your claim up. Although there is more evidence that collect benefits from the government more than conservatives even when they don't need them. And I think I saw somewhere that liberals cheat on their taxes more frequently too. :rolleyes:

BTW, in a university of Illinois study in 2008, it was found that 62% of all liberals fabricate misleading or false statistics while only 3% of conservatives do so to facilitate candid humorous moods. Here's the link.
University of Illinois study on false statistics: Dr. Uwe Randolf Asucor

I find it interesting. The only time EdtheCretin gets posting crazy is when he's accusing Rush of being a fag or lying about what Rush said. Maybe he's suppression his log cabin tendencies.
I love these Rush Limbaugh threads..........easily my favorites to follow. The always run at least a dozen pages and cause every fcukking mental case lefty k00k to do a complete mental meltdown. Every fcukking time!!! Its hysterical..........these nuts invariably go ballistic.

They all loath success.........every single liberal on this board is enraged and profoundly jealous because each is a personal fcukk up, thus, they absolutely HATE people like Rush Limbaugh because they know he is talking about THEM. You listen when Rush gets on a rant about these extremist asshats and its stupid funny because you know they all represent this fringe way of thinking and they THINK it is mainstream. Its fcukking hysterical...........I split my sides laughing Monday when Rush was talking about how McDonalds pwned some screwball mental case liberal group trying to make McDonalds stop giving out kids toys!!! And McDonalds said, "FCUKK YOU..........were doing the toys!!!"
August 8, 2008
RUSH: Now we're told the night Hillary speaks is the anniversary ofwomen getting the vote, which is what started the welfare state that now strangles us, by the way. If women had never gotten the vote we wouldn't have a budget deficit, but that's another story.

Once again, taking one sentence out of a 3 minute rant in which he tweaked the media and you, of course, fell for it. I, who had listened to that show know for a fact he was fucking with cretin's heads like you who live to take things out of context and scream AH HAH!!!!!! I KNEW IT!!! and exposing you to be the utter moonbats you are.
You're such a pathological liar, like typical CON$, it's pathetic. Your MessiahRushie says that crap about women all the time and he is dead serious every time.

Here he is saying the same thing while discussing Celebutard Palin.

August 29, 2008
PALIN: To serve as vice president beside such a man would be the privilege of a lifetime, and it's fitting that this trust has been given to me 88 years -- almost to the day -- after the women of America first gained the right to vote. (cheers and applause)

RUSH: Right on, right on, right on. They also gave us the welfare state, but that's (grumbles).
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Since Liberal families are more financially SUCCESSFUL than CON$ervative families, you are on target with the lazy jealous CON$ervative slackers.

And you can source this? I can't seem to find anything to back your claim up. Although there is more evidence that collect benefits from the government more than conservatives even when they don't need them. And I think I saw somewhere that liberals cheat on their taxes more frequently too. :rolleyes:
You obviously didn't try very hard if at all, and you certainly didn't source any of your other lies.

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Conservatives More Liberal Givers
March 27, 2008
Conservatives More Liberal Givers
By George Will

Although liberal families' incomes average 6 percent higher than those of conservative families, conservative-headed households give, on average, 30 percent more to charity than the average liberal-headed household ($1,600 per year vs. $1,227).
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You are just jealous because Liberal Families EARN on the average MORE MONEY than lazy CON$ervative slacker families. :rofl:
I'd ask for a citation, but I'd be wasting keystrokes.
I'd post the citation, but you'd reject it even though it is from a well known CON$ervative source. (I have posted it many times before on this messageboard)

I will tell you the CON inadvertently revealed it while BRAGGING about how much more generous CON$ are than Libs even though Lib families EARN MORE MONEY!!!
Yeah, I doubt it.

I don't care if you've posted it before. Post it again.
I think the BIG APPLE will survive without the BIG GASBAG, folks.

I just cannot get over how effeminate his interior decoration is.

Not that's there's anything wrong with that, (there's no accounting for taste) it just surprised me how fussy it is.

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