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Rush lashes out at Pope

How about getting our educational system back to number one? That would help the poor more then anything.

I bitch at Africa a lot for the same damn reason. Now I am bitching at my own nation.

Improving the talents of the labor pool does nothing to address the available # or types of jobs available. We've become a McService economy, and the pay sucks.
The problem is that Rush thinks as a first world citizen and Pope like a third world one.

And this inability to overlap in frequencies is the base of the left's infatuation with the Pope's statements and Rush's frustration.

When, in reality it is neither of the perceived - the socioeconomic situation in the third world countries is
not even close to the first world's one and therefore the misunderstanding.
Pope is not even considering anything in the first world - for the person from the country which knows what poverty is - for REAL - the artificial "problems" of "inequality" in America do not exist :D

I was not aware that the "trickle down" economics Pope Francis criticized originated in the third world. Please, do go on.
Y'all lefties need to stop depending on the tax exempt Media Matters to do your thinking. Rush's comment hardly fit in the category of "lashing out". It was a reasonable and thoughtful defense of capitalism and a minor criticism of the Vatican. Bill Maher has said ten times worse things about Catholics and the Pope has been the subject of smarmy SNL's ridicule since John Belushi played a Priest. Think before you succumb to the pretend outrage generated by Media Matters and it's clones.

What is wrong is that YOU think the two are comparable.

What is WRONG is that you apparently don't find real child predator priests offensive but even so -

It wasn't Belushi and you apparently didn't pay much attention. I dare you to watch the 5 minute university.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kO8x8eoU3L4]Father Guido Sarducci's Five Minute University - YouTube[/ame]

Father Guido Sarducci's Official Website - Home Page

Most rational persons naturally think that predatory homosexual pedophiles should be kept from supervising young boys. The Catholic Church was negligent for years in it's treatment of homosexual Priests. Nobody in their right mind argues that point but the radical left still thinks that overt homosexuals should supervise Boy Scouts. The point and the post is the outrage generated by Media Matters about a bland comment by Rush Limbaugh defending capitalism. Bill Maher has done ten times worse to the Catholic religion and the smarmy SNL still thinks that jokes ridiculing Nuns are as funny as a kick in the balls.

Let's see-according to this article, there were 16,795 total (including only accusations), from 1950-2012.
Number of Priests Accused of Sexually Abusing Children As Reported by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Compiled by BishopAccountability.org from reports commissioned by the USCCB, Updated April 11, 2011

There are an estimated 1.2 billion Roman Catholics in the world, according to Vatican figures.
BBC News - How many Roman Catholics are there in the world?

16,795/62=271 per year, roughly. This is including those who have accused; or this may be a modest estimate. Pedophilia is sickening, and I won't debate that. But not all pedophiles (as you are aware) are gay...and not all of the victims are male. Perverted Justice drives this point home, clearly. And not everyone has lost faith in the Catholic Church. 1.2 billion members and around 2,000 years of tradition are evidence of that.
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Have any of you rabid Rush Haters bothered to read the pope's letter and why Rush might find it disturbing?

Well - I have. Go to Pope Francis denounces economic inequality, consumerism - The Washington Post and read it for yourself.


As for Rush, all he did was question the pope's solution for solving the ills of the world. It was part of a civil disagreement and nothing like the hate-filled tirade Libtards are calling it.

But, that's nothing new. The Left always forgets its own rants to center on discussions started by anyone how disagrees with their tyrannical edicts.:mad:
Actually, as a devout worshiper of St Ronnie, the Pope's accurate critique of "trickle-down" economics is what sent your MessiahRushie into his tantrum! He even went as far as equating Obama to Reagan, as a trickle-downer to attack the Pope!!!! :cuckoo:

From your link:

Pope Francis denounces ‘trickle-down’ economic theories in critique of inequality

“Some people continue to defend trickle-down theories which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world. This opinion, which has never been confirmed by the facts, expresses a crude and naive trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power and in the sacra*lized workings of the prevailing economic system.
“Meanwhile,the excluded are still waiting.”

From an earlier link:

November 27, 2013
RUSH: So reading what the pope's written about this is really befuddling because he's totally wrong -- I mean, dramatically, embarrassingly, puzzlingly wrong. Here's another excerpt. "Pope Francis said that trickle-down policy..." We hear about trickle-down policies? "Pope Francis said that trickle-down policies have not proven to work." Oh, but they have. It's exactly what Obama is trying to create, in fact, although he wouldn't dare call it that. When you hear Obama talking about job creation and people going to work and roads and bridges being -- what the hell is it but trickle-down? The left has defined trickle-down as the rich are compassionate and give people things. And when that doesn't happen, they say that trickle-down doesn't work. The left has bastardized terms and definitions to the point that trickle-down's become a dirty word.
Trickle-down is human nature! Trickle-down is exactly what happens when you engage in economic activity. You spend money and it trickles down to everybody you spend it with, and then it trickles down to everybody they end up interacting with economically. Trickle-down is precisely what happens. But the left has defined trickle-down as the rich are supposed to give the money that they don't need away to people.

Lord but I wish I'd copied the thread/link but there's a problem in the above English translation. Several have translated the part "inevitably" slightly differently in that it is only a belief that possibly this can have an impact - a belief the pope disagrees with.

The gist of his letter is that ALL of us need to follow the teachings of Christ about "helping the least among us." He was also speaking directly to some members of the church hierarchy who somehow believe themselves above the fray.

There's nothing wrong with the English translation to the correct link. Evangelii Gaudium, Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis, 2013

Start at chapter two, #53, and continue through #60, and you'll see all the parts you claim are not there.
What did Limbaugh say about Michael J. Fox?

"He is exaggerating the effects of the disease," Limbaugh told listeners. "He's moving all around and shaking and it's purely an act. . . . This is really shameless of Michael J. Fox. Either he didn't take his medication or he's acting."

Rush Limbaugh On the Offensive Against Ad With Michael J. Fox

Michael J. Fox decided to enter Politics so it seems fair that Michail J. Fox can be criticized.

Michael J entered a medical discussion regarding the good that stem cell research could do for people with his illness, and many more. He was advocating for medical advancement - the only ones who made that political were the republicans and that Bush kid.
You'll excuse some of us if we remain unimpressed with both Rush and the POPE, eh?

Anybody can TALK a good game.

The Roman Catholic Church is one of (if not) THE oldest rapacious corporations on earth.

It has been responsible for so many genocidal events I can't remember them all.

True, but this isn't about the Church or its history, it is about this one man, this Pope who seems to want to turn things around. Maybe we could give him a chance.
This is one of those arguments where you don't really want to cheer for either side.

Pope Francis is trying to clean up the Church's reputation, by playing to the most populist base. Not the first time the Church did this, when it embraced "Liberation Theology" back in the 1970's. (Before the solidly anti-communist John Paul II put an end to that shit.) But it's the church's backward-ass views on birth control and sex that have contributed to the misery in the third world every bit as much as "unbridled capitalism" has.

Seriously, one of the things that separates a "First World" from a "Third World" country is that First World co untries, women control their own reproduction.

And sorry, until the Church does more to atone and make right all the children molested by their clergy, I just don't want to hear anything else it has to say.

That said, Limbaugh is a fat, lying, drug addicted, hypocritical piece of crap who does sex tourism in the Dominican Republic, so it's kind of hard to take much of what he says seriously, either.

I totally agree with your stance on the Holy See and the birth control issue being a very serious drawback to third world families. I know Pope Francis did come out against the obsession the Church has had with this, among other red-meat for the "religious right's" base issues, but I'm not sure I see him changing doctrine more than re-directing priorities.

He did recently order that the Vatican was NOT to shield pedophile priests from the law though, and said quite clearly that they will not be able to hide from civil or criminal justice behind the Church's skirts.

Michael J. Fox decided to enter Politics so it seems fair that Michail J. Fox can be criticized.

Michael J entered a medical discussion regarding the good that stem cell research could do for people with his illness, and many more. He was advocating for medical advancement - the only ones who made that political were the republicans and that Bush kid.

You ever make a copy of copy on a Xerox machine, the copy of a copy is not the same as the original.

I am wondering if your not just repeating what you heard from tertiary sources because your wrong.


This 30-second advertisement featuring the actor Michael J. Fox on behalf of Claire McCaskill, the Senate Democratic nominee in Missouri, began running there last weekend. Similar versions featuring Mr. Fox are running for candidates in Maryland and Wisconsin.

THE SCRIPT Mr. Fox, who has Parkinson’s disease, says: “As you might know, I care deeply about stem cell research. In Missouri, you can elect Claire McCaskill, who shares my hope for cures. Unfortunately, Senator Jim Talent opposes expanding stem cell research. Senator Talent even wanted to criminalize the science that gives us a chance for hope. They say all politics is local, but that’s not always the case. What you do in Missouri matters to millions of Americans — Americans like me.”

Ms. McCaskill says, “I’m Claire McCaskill, and I approve this message.”
Michael J. Fox decided to enter Politics so it seems fair that Michail J. Fox can be criticized.

Michael J entered a medical discussion regarding the good that stem cell research could do for people with his illness, and many more. He was advocating for medical advancement - the only ones who made that political were the republicans and that Bush kid.

You ever make a copy of copy on a Xerox machine, the copy of a copy is not the same as the original.

I am wondering if your not just repeating what you heard from tertiary sources because your wrong.


This 30-second advertisement featuring the actor Michael J. Fox on behalf of Claire McCaskill, the Senate Democratic nominee in Missouri, began running there last weekend. Similar versions featuring Mr. Fox are running for candidates in Maryland and Wisconsin.

THE SCRIPT Mr. Fox, who has Parkinson’s disease, says: “As you might know, I care deeply about stem cell research. In Missouri, you can elect Claire McCaskill, who shares my hope for cures. Unfortunately, Senator Jim Talent opposes expanding stem cell research. Senator Talent even wanted to criminalize the science that gives us a chance for hope. They say all politics is local, but that’s not always the case. What you do in Missouri matters to millions of Americans — Americans like me.”

Ms. McCaskill says, “I’m Claire McCaskill, and I approve this message.”

And he joined that discussion to advocate for stem cell research :eusa_whistle:
Oh, and I don't fault Rush for getting addicted to painkillers. It happens to a lot of people.

What I fault him for is being a hypocrite about it, for mocking Kurt Cobain's suicide, for saying drug addicts needed to be locked up, and of course, for denouncing people for hiding behind lawyers when that's what he did.

Making fun of Michael J. Fox's disease. Its classic Limbaugh.

Limbaugh is the lowest form of rw and knowing that they all bow down to him says so much about the Republican party and how low and despicable the right wing has become.

What did Limbaugh say about Michael J. Fox?

Limbaugh claimed that Fox went off his meds to his symptoms would appear a lot worse as he went in front of Congress. He also did a whole "shaking" thing mocking the guy, but that might have been unintentional, because this was during his radio broadcast, and he might have forgetten it was being webcast.

I'm not quite as angry about that, because I think Fox and a lot of other people who advocate for stem cell research play to emotion rather than fact.
Michael J entered a medical discussion regarding the good that stem cell research could do for people with his illness, and many more. He was advocating for medical advancement - the only ones who made that political were the republicans and that Bush kid.

You ever make a copy of copy on a Xerox machine, the copy of a copy is not the same as the original.

I am wondering if your not just repeating what you heard from tertiary sources because your wrong.


THE SCRIPT Mr. Fox, who has Parkinson’s disease, says: “As you might know, I care deeply about stem cell research. In Missouri, you can elect Claire McCaskill, who shares my hope for cures. Unfortunately, Senator Jim Talent opposes expanding stem cell research. Senator Talent even wanted to criminalize the science that gives us a chance for hope. They say all politics is local, but that’s not always the case. What you do in Missouri matters to millions of Americans — Americans like me.”

Ms. McCaskill says, “I’m Claire McCaskill, and I approve this message.”

And he joined that discussion to advocate for stem cell research :eusa_whistle:

Actually Michael J. Fox joined multiple campaigns advocating for Democrat candidates.

Barb, no offence, but you really seem confused as to what your talking about.
Making fun of Michael J. Fox's disease. Its classic Limbaugh.

Limbaugh is the lowest form of rw and knowing that they all bow down to him says so much about the Republican party and how low and despicable the right wing has become.

What did Limbaugh say about Michael J. Fox?

Limbaugh claimed that Fox went off his meds to his symptoms would appear a lot worse as he went in front of Congress. He also did a whole "shaking" thing mocking the guy, but that might have been unintentional, because this was during his radio broadcast, and he might have forgetten it was being webcast.

I'm not quite as angry about that, because I think Fox and a lot of other people who advocate for stem cell research play to emotion rather than fact.

Yea, I saw what the networks did with Limbaugh's ditto cam, they sped up the video considerably in order to make it seem what it was not.

Further it was a television commercial, as the New York Times reported.

When Michael J. Fox joined the Democrat campaign he became fair game, its politics, nothing more.
Oh, and I don't fault Rush for getting addicted to painkillers. It happens to a lot of people.

What I fault him for is being a hypocrite about it, for mocking Kurt Cobain's suicide, for saying drug addicts needed to be locked up, and of course, for denouncing people for hiding behind lawyers when that's what he did.

I had an upswing in pain in my lower legs and went to the ER for help. The doctor gave me an antibiotic and percocet, a drug containing oxycodone, a highly addictive drug. It eased the pain but, being aware of its possible side effects, I did my best to avoid using it.

The antibiotic proved to be harmful to my blood and didn't help the pain or fight off the infection so they put me in the hospital. Every few hours, they asked about my pain level and game me more percocet if I complained.

I'm now at home and they sent me home with more percocet!

If the pain doesn't go away, what do I do? Continue to use a drug that could cause me to become addicted to it?

So, unless YOU have experienced extreme pain, how do you have credentials to vilify someone who is and is taking what doctors prescribe to ease that pain? Have you?
Oh, and I don't fault Rush for getting addicted to painkillers. It happens to a lot of people.

What I fault him for is being a hypocrite about it, for mocking Kurt Cobain's suicide, for saying drug addicts needed to be locked up, and of course, for denouncing people for hiding behind lawyers when that's what he did.

I had an upswing in pain in my lower legs and went to the ER for help. The doctor gave me an antibiotic and percocet, a drug containing oxycodone, a highly addictive drug. It eased the pain but, being aware of its possible side effects, I did my best to avoid using it.

The antibiotic proved to be harmful to my blood and didn't help the pain or fight off the infection so they put me in the hospital. Every few hours, they asked about my pain level and game me more percocet if I complained.

I'm now at home and they sent me home with more percocet!

If the pain doesn't go away, what do I do? Continue to use a drug that could cause me to become addicted to it?

So, unless YOU have experienced extreme pain, how do you have credentials to vilify someone who is and is taking what doctors prescribe to ease that pain? Have you?

Again- I'll say it a little slower so you can understand.

My beef with Limbaugh is not that he got addicted.

My beef with Limbaugh is that he supported the idiotic "War on Drugs", that he supported harsh penalties for addicts, that he hid behind lawyers after ripping criminal lawyers for years.

In short, it's not the addiction, it's the hypocrisy.
This came ftom the Soros controlled media matters so whatever they said Rush said, Rush didn't say.

Which media does Soros own? There is no liberal media, hasn't been for decades. There's the time warner, disney bunch, rupert murdoch. All pro corporate, pro 1%. Which is why democrats can't field a progressive politician for any office. Unless of course you think Obama's progressive, which he's not.
Limbaugh was seriously trying to walk these comments back on Thursday.

The last thing you want is the Religious stupids realizing that 'unfettered capitalism" ain't doing shit for them.

True...if the FOX fanatics ever did wake up from their coma, the GOP would be in trouble...nice
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