Rush Limbaugh Bans Twitter


The ONLY thing they will comprehend.

If you still use facebook or twitter....consider yourself on the Democrat side
I disagree. They are more interested in control than money.

As long as you have control, you can always get the money.

There's a huge fallacy in your argument.....
If you dont have the will never get control

Show me the homeless that are in control

You get control by getting rich.

But when you become so filthy rich, so as to make more money to last 1000 life times, your mind begins to wonder and you become consumed with controlling other people. I call it the George Soros and Bill Gates syndrome.

They literally have nothing better to do than plan out the entire future of mankind.
You and I have more control in some respects than the billionaires. Get enough money you become a target. You ,your family and the people and things you love are under constant danger. True freedom is having enough money to go where you want with out having to have a security team.
Rush is a little more than upset that Donald got banned and he didn't.

I'll just ban myself. Everyone knows that I'm much worse than Trump.
Rush is a little more than upset that Donald got banned and he didn't.

I'll just ban myself. Everyone knows that I'm much worse than Trump.

i tried to cancel my Twitter, and they wouldn't let me this weekend.

Who gives a shit really? There is just no reason to stay on the platform.

But when you look at Twitter financial reports, be very aware that they are doing what they can to keep "users" who are not using. IMHO, they should arrest the whole boardroom of Twitter for SEC violations unless they make it easy for people to leave and quit publishing phony numbers to deceive the investment community.
Rush is a little more than upset that Donald got banned and he didn't.

I'll just ban myself. Everyone knows that I'm much worse than Trump.

i tried to cancel my Twitter, and they wouldn't let me this weekend.

Who gives a shit really? There is just no reason to stay on the platform.

But when you look at Twitter financial reports, be very aware that they are doing what they can to keep "users" who are not using. IMHO, they should arrest the whole boardroom of Twitter for SEC violations unless they make it easy for people to leave and quit publishing phony numbers to deceive the investment community.
It takes a full month to deactivate a facebook account.

I have a Twitter account that I haven't logged into for over two years. I'll just let it continue to rot.
90 million followers.

Leave the twitter cesspool to the fascist tards.

Rush is about to deactivate himself from life.
I love how Trump thinks he is silenced because he was kicked off of Twitter

What ever happened to releasing official Press Releases?
He could walk into the prss room and all the networks would cover it. For a bit, anyway...

I think it's just too much trouble for him to put on the orange bronzer and wig.

Twitter has not been Trumps best friend

He is better off without it
Banana Republicans banned reason and rational 4 and half years ago.

Do tell.....

Why do you think Communism is better for humanity than freedom ?

Wow tough question. Let me ask you this, Was life better after you stopped beating your wife or before?

So apparently you were not able to handle the question.

You erroneously and without reason claimed Republicans "banned reason and rational" (It's RATIONALE" by the way.

Implying that the opposition had a better way. Yet, the opposition seems to support Communist China at least for personal gain,
and there are many examples of Democrats supporting China especially the tech giants with their suppression of Republicans across most of their platforms
and moving their operations to China.

So while you claim Republicans are at fault, it seems "RATIONALE" would suggest otherwise.

Therefor, it stands to reason you support Communism over Americas Constitution and model of freedom defended by Republicans that aren't RINOS.
Thus the question. Your immature response was not only off base and irrelevant, but also actually very typical of your side.

As is so often the case with Leftists, you obviously have no answer and no basis for your thinking outside of emotional knee-jerking.

As I've stated before, your blindness goes well beyond visual deficiencies.
Banana Republicans banned reason and rational 4 and half years ago.

Do tell.....

Why do you think Communism is better for humanity than freedom ?

Wow tough question. Let me ask you this, Was life better after you stopped beating your wife or before?

So apparently you were not able to handle the question.

You erroneously and without reason claimed Republicans "banned reason and rational" (It's RATIONALE" by the way.

Implying that the opposition had a better way. Yet, the opposition seems to support Communist China at least for personal gain,
and there are many examples of Democrats supporting China especially the tech giants with their suppression of Republicans across most of their platforms
and moving their operations to China.

So while you claim Republicans are at fault, it seems "RATIONALE" would suggest otherwise.

Therefor, it stands to reason you support Communism over Americas Constitution and model of freedom defended by Republicans that aren't RINOS.
Thus the question. Your immature response was not only off base and irrelevant, but also actually very typical of your side.

As is so often the case with Leftists, you obviously have no answer and no basis for your thinking outside of emotional knee-jerking.

As I've stated before, your blindness goes well beyond visual deficiencies.

I do love you spelling and grammar Nazis

Banana Republicans do not support the Constitution. They've proven their loyalty is to a man and his lies, not the Country or the Constitution.

They defecated on the Constitution. and the wipe themselves with it every time they support or repeat the Trumpian lies about a stolen election.

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