Rush Limbaugh makes a prediction

Trump got annihilated by Clinton in every debate in 2016 and yall never cared. Trump has gotten far less coherent and far more easily triggered since then.

As long as Biden doesn’t suggest injecting Lysol to cure coronavirus, he will be fine.
It's obvious you were listening to your own soundtrack during the debates,
Trump could hardly answer any questions coherently. He had no idea what he was talking about. Which is why he just lashed out at anyone and anything instead of conveying useful or accurate information.
Let's test if you actually watched even one debate...
What was Hillary's solution to Off-Shoring, Business Visas and Trespassers?
No ad hominems.
I don’t honestly remember. H1B visas were never discussed. Of course Trump repeated “build a wall” a lot but that talking point was crafted specifically because Trump had a hard time remembering policy points.
"H1B visas were never discussed"
Actually, H1-Bs and Off-Shoring were discussed and you were too busy having a heart attack to listen.

Let's post that "H1B visas were never discussed"
I'll let you go on that...
What about Off-Shoring?....What was Hillary's solution?
Don’t remember. What was it? What was Trump’s?
You know Trump's...
He promised to get rid of H1-Bs and he signed an EO to accomplish that.
That's why there are a bunch of American graduates in IT for the time time since 2004.

He rammed a Fair Trade Deal down China's throat and that;s why they gave us C19 as a gift.

Just admit you didn't watch the debates.
If you did, you had one goal in mind, to hiss and spit when Trump spoke.

Remember, this is about you posting that you watched the debates and Hillary wiped the floor with Trump.

Trump never mentioned H1Bs during the debate and he never signed an executive order to eliminate them.

Not sure what debates you’re watching.
You are incorrect.
And you haven't addressed Hillary's solution.
Because you either didn't watch the debates or were getting Trump anxiety attacks.
Man claim that all Rs line up with Trump but you're embarrassed to admit you tow the D line.
Or maybe it was 4 years ago and I don’t remember a specific policy point out of the debates.

Not incorrect. H1B visas were never eliminated. Sorry to be the one to break it to you.
Amnesia...So sad.
I watched every Hillary and Bernie interview and speech and didn't have one anxiety attack.
You’re being irrational.
You don't think it's possible that anyone could have been curious enough to know how consistent any candidate was?
Don't forget, Hillary had less than 50 speeches and interviews.
I watched Bernie to see if he was going to go "Black Lives Matters" all over the country.
Trump got annihilated by Clinton in every debate in 2016 and yall never cared. Trump has gotten far less coherent and far more easily triggered since then.

As long as Biden doesn’t suggest injecting Lysol to cure coronavirus, he will be fine.
It's obvious you were listening to your own soundtrack during the debates,
Trump could hardly answer any questions coherently. He had no idea what he was talking about. Which is why he just lashed out at anyone and anything instead of conveying useful or accurate information.
Let's test if you actually watched even one debate...
What was Hillary's solution to Off-Shoring, Business Visas and Trespassers?
No ad hominems.
I don’t honestly remember. H1B visas were never discussed. Of course Trump repeated “build a wall” a lot but that talking point was crafted specifically because Trump had a hard time remembering policy points.
"H1B visas were never discussed"
Actually, H1-Bs and Off-Shoring were discussed and you were too busy having a heart attack to listen.

Let's post that "H1B visas were never discussed"
I'll let you go on that...
What about Off-Shoring?....What was Hillary's solution?
Don’t remember. What was it? What was Trump’s?
You know Trump's...
He promised to get rid of H1-Bs and he signed an EO to accomplish that.
That's why there are a bunch of American graduates in IT for the time time since 2004.

He rammed a Fair Trade Deal down China's throat and that;s why they gave us C19 as a gift.

Just admit you didn't watch the debates.
If you did, you had one goal in mind, to hiss and spit when Trump spoke.

Remember, this is about you posting that you watched the debates and Hillary wiped the floor with Trump.

Trump never mentioned H1Bs during the debate and he never signed an executive order to eliminate them.

Not sure what debates you’re watching.
You seem to remember a lot for someone who just claimed he doesn't remember anything.
Jeff Sessions handed Trump an EO and Bill Gates and company are currently having coronaries.

I see the problem. Youre not actually listening to what I’m saying.

Third times a charm. There was no executive order to end H1B visas. Have someone else read it to you maybe.
Trump got annihilated by Clinton in every debate in 2016 and yall never cared. Trump has gotten far less coherent and far more easily triggered since then.

As long as Biden doesn’t suggest injecting Lysol to cure coronavirus, he will be fine.
It's obvious you were listening to your own soundtrack during the debates,
Trump could hardly answer any questions coherently. He had no idea what he was talking about. Which is why he just lashed out at anyone and anything instead of conveying useful or accurate information.
Let's test if you actually watched even one debate...
What was Hillary's solution to Off-Shoring, Business Visas and Trespassers?
No ad hominems.
I don’t honestly remember. H1B visas were never discussed. Of course Trump repeated “build a wall” a lot but that talking point was crafted specifically because Trump had a hard time remembering policy points.
"H1B visas were never discussed"
Actually, H1-Bs and Off-Shoring were discussed and you were too busy having a heart attack to listen.

Let's post that "H1B visas were never discussed"
I'll let you go on that...
What about Off-Shoring?....What was Hillary's solution?
Don’t remember. What was it? What was Trump’s?
You know Trump's...
He promised to get rid of H1-Bs and he signed an EO to accomplish that.
That's why there are a bunch of American graduates in IT for the time time since 2004.

He rammed a Fair Trade Deal down China's throat and that;s why they gave us C19 as a gift.

Just admit you didn't watch the debates.
If you did, you had one goal in mind, to hiss and spit when Trump spoke.

Remember, this is about you posting that you watched the debates and Hillary wiped the floor with Trump.

Trump never mentioned H1Bs during the debate and he never signed an executive order to eliminate them.

Not sure what debates you’re watching.
You seem to remember a lot for someone who just claimed he doesn't remember anything.
Jeff Sessions handed Trump an EO and Bill Gates and company are currently having coronaries.

I see the problem. Youre not actually listening to what I’m saying.

Third times a charm. There was no executive order to end H1B visas. Have someone else read it to you maybe.

You are partially correct...
Silicon Valley is very upset because they have had to hire thousands of Americans for new and old positions.
Many H1-Bs were subject to skills tests and failed and sent back.
H1-Bs are subject to exams before they are allowed into the US; most don't pass the tests.

Indians are such good programmers...guess who produces their Military software?
Submarines, Jets, Tanks, etc...
Trump got annihilated by Clinton in every debate in 2016 and yall never cared. Trump has gotten far less coherent and far more easily triggered since then.

As long as Biden doesn’t suggest injecting Lysol to cure coronavirus, he will be fine.
It's obvious you were listening to your own soundtrack during the debates,
Trump could hardly answer any questions coherently. He had no idea what he was talking about. Which is why he just lashed out at anyone and anything instead of conveying useful or accurate information.
Let's test if you actually watched even one debate...
What was Hillary's solution to Off-Shoring, Business Visas and Trespassers?
No ad hominems.
I don’t honestly remember. H1B visas were never discussed. Of course Trump repeated “build a wall” a lot but that talking point was crafted specifically because Trump had a hard time remembering policy points.
He-he, you "don't honestly remember". What a lame response!
Rush Limbaugh made a bold claim on Monday about 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. According to Limbaugh, Biden won't even be in the presidential race come November 2020.

“Biden is somebody that’s not gonna be on the ticket anyway,” Limbaugh said. “Something’s gonna’ happen. They can’t possibly, they can’t possibly go into the race with the guy on the ticket. He couldn’t withstand one debate with Trump if there were any debates. I mean, this is my instinctive feeling about it, but the Democrats are all tied in knots and pretzels here because of the #MeToo movement, and it’s fascinating to watch the media wring their hands about it.”

Limbaugh is wrong as usual. The debates will not be a big issue just as they were not in 2016. Issues will matter and Trump is on the wrong side of nearly every issue. Voters do not want dirty air and water. They do not want to make the rich and powerful more rich and powerful. His failures on the coronavirus will doom him as well.
Trump got annihilated by Clinton in every debate in 2016 and yall never cared. Trump has gotten far less coherent and far more easily triggered since then.

As long as Biden doesn’t suggest injecting Lysol to cure coronavirus, he will be fine.

Hillary had the questions in advance and was wearing an earbud to get answers and Trump still mopped the floor with her
Rush Limbaugh made a bold claim on Monday about 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. According to Limbaugh, Biden won't even be in the presidential race come November 2020.

“Biden is somebody that’s not gonna be on the ticket anyway,” Limbaugh said. “Something’s gonna’ happen. They can’t possibly, they can’t possibly go into the race with the guy on the ticket. He couldn’t withstand one debate with Trump if there were any debates. I mean, this is my instinctive feeling about it, but the Democrats are all tied in knots and pretzels here because of the #MeToo movement, and it’s fascinating to watch the media wring their hands about it.”

Limbaugh is wrong as usual. The debates will not be a big issue just as they were not in 2016. Issues will matter and Trump is on the wrong side of nearly every issue. Voters do not want dirty air and water. They do not want to make the rich and powerful more rich and powerful. His failures on the coronavirus will doom him as well.

Biden won't be the nominee. I've been saying that since Super Thursday
It's all smoke and mirrors. Nutty Old Uncle Bernie was genuine - lousy candidate but he really wanted the job and has some weird but new ideas. Which divided Democrats about 50-50 Half love new; half fear it.

Hillary is all they have. No, she might accept VP if anyone were sufficiently suicidal to have hker. Or crazy enough, evil enough. And that brings us to American's (former) first Tranny........a puppet at best. So there's the probable fallback if Hillary topples off the state at the first debate.
For crying out loud! Limbaugh is stating the obvious. Biden is brain dead. So yeah. Something is gonna happen to keep him out of the race, his history of sucking females's hair, his senate record, his VP record, his obvious infirmity... Sure, he could continue with the vague messages from his basement, but at some point he will have to, you know, campaign, debate, convince voters that he would be a good president. That doesn't seem possible to anyone who is willing to acknowledge the undeniable.

Trump and his supporters are the ones who are braindead. Limbaugh included. How about Trump's dozen or so complaints of sexual assault on his part and his attempts to intimidate and denigrate women. He can talk about Trump's support of dirty air and dirty water. Trump's support of alt-right radicals. the fact that he is more concerned about the rich and powerful than the average person.
Rush Limbaugh made a bold claim on Monday about 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. According to Limbaugh, Biden won't even be in the presidential race come November 2020.

“Biden is somebody that’s not gonna be on the ticket anyway,” Limbaugh said. “Something’s gonna’ happen. They can’t possibly, they can’t possibly go into the race with the guy on the ticket. He couldn’t withstand one debate with Trump if there were any debates. I mean, this is my instinctive feeling about it, but the Democrats are all tied in knots and pretzels here because of the #MeToo movement, and it’s fascinating to watch the media wring their hands about it.”

Limbaugh is wrong as usual. The debates will not be a big issue just as they were not in 2016. Issues will matter and Trump is on the wrong side of nearly every issue. Voters do not want dirty air and water. They do not want to make the rich and powerful more rich and powerful. His failures on the coronavirus will doom him as well.

Biden won't be the nominee. I've been saying that since Super Thursday

He will be the nominee.
But....but.,....but why would they want to get rid of Gropey Joe?...I hear he's leading big in all the polls!

It's creepy enough Joe fondling women and girls and sniffing them, but finger raping a Dem aide that's some career ending shit right there or should be. It's hilarious how Dems and the liberal news media did a COMPLETE 180 on this type of allegation Kavanaugh vs Biden.
No way in hell can biden debate trump.. trump will destroy him

We all know Biden is not a debater, no need to tell us, but he will win nonetheless no matter how bad he debates.
Biden won’t win LA, lol maybe NYC.. 2020 will be the biggest blowout in the history of American politics..

Yes he will, people are so sick and tired of tramp, and they have a right to be, apart from you right wingers that think he is God.

Lol a democrat? Lol haha trump is going to get 40% of the black vote and Latino votes will skyrocket,, The next Democratic president isn’t even born yet

You are already hitting the booze. It will be a long time before Republicans win the White House again.
Trump got annihilated by Clinton in every debate in 2016 and yall never cared. Trump has gotten far less coherent and far more easily triggered since then.

As long as Biden doesn’t suggest injecting Lysol to cure coronavirus, he will be fine.
But....but.,....but why would they want to get rid of Gropey Joe?...I hear he's leading big in all the polls!

It's creepy enough Joe fondling women and girls and sniffing them, but finger raping a Dem aide that's some career ending shit right there or should be. It's hilarious how Dems and the liberal news media did a COMPLETE 180 on this type of allegation Kavanaugh vs Biden.

Creepy is Trump and his sexual assaults. There is no evidence he did as she has told 2 different stories.
But....but.,....but why would they want to get rid of Gropey Joe?...I hear he's leading big in all the polls!

It's creepy enough Joe fondling women and girls and sniffing them, but finger raping a Dem aide that's some career ending shit right there or should be. It's hilarious how Dems and the liberal news media did a COMPLETE 180 on this type of allegation Kavanaugh vs Biden.
That "raping an aide" thing is still up in the air....There's some evidence that she's full of shit slowly trickling out....Glad I'm the type to wait for all the facts to come in before making a call on such things.
Trump got annihilated by Clinton in every debate in 2016 and yall never cared. Trump has gotten far less coherent and far more easily triggered since then.

As long as Biden doesn’t suggest injecting Lysol to cure coronavirus, he will be fine.

Funny and agree. Donald Trump has had frequent attacks of Narcissistic Rage.

But....but.,....but why would they want to get rid of Gropey Joe?...I hear he's leading big in all the polls!

It's creepy enough Joe fondling women and girls and sniffing them, but finger raping a Dem aide that's some career ending shit right there or should be. It's hilarious how Dems and the liberal news media did a COMPLETE 180 on this type of allegation Kavanaugh vs Biden.

Creepy is Trump and his sexual assaults. There is no evidence he did as she has told 2 different stories.

Tara Reade has alleged her former boss Joe Biden sexually assaulted her and forcibly penetrated her vagina. Wow a Dem aide and lifelong Democrat allegedly assaulted by Joe Biden and you people want to vote him POTUS. :cuckoo:
But....but.,....but why would they want to get rid of Gropey Joe?...I hear he's leading big in all the polls!

It's creepy enough Joe fondling women and girls and sniffing them, but finger raping a Dem aide that's some career ending shit right there or should be. It's hilarious how Dems and the liberal news media did a COMPLETE 180 on this type of allegation Kavanaugh vs Biden.
That "raping an aide" thing is still up in the air....There's some evidence that she's full of shit slowly trickling out....Glad I'm the type to wait for all the facts to come in before making a call on such things.

I'll hold Dems to the standard they set for Kavanaugh until Dems go on national tv and admit they were phony big fat liars during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Until then Biden is subject to the same guilty without a trial or hearing standard these Dem fuckers set for both Kavanaugh and Trump. They can't have it both ways. Rot in hell Dems.
But....but.,....but why would they want to get rid of Gropey Joe?...I hear he's leading big in all the polls!

It's creepy enough Joe fondling women and girls and sniffing them, but finger raping a Dem aide that's some career ending shit right there or should be. It's hilarious how Dems and the liberal news media did a COMPLETE 180 on this type of allegation Kavanaugh vs Biden.

Creepy is Trump and his sexual assaults. There is no evidence he did as she has told 2 different stories.

Tara Reade has alleged her former boss Joe Biden sexually assaulted her and forcibly penetrated her vagina. Wow a Dem aide and lifelong Democrat allegedly assaulted by Joe Biden and you people want to vote him POTUS. :cuckoo:
I know the allegations....But she's been telling conflicting stories and has some very curious tweets out there....I have no doubt that Biden is a totally creepy fuck, but the more I hear the less I believe Read's story....Catch Tucker's re-run tonight.
But....but.,....but why would they want to get rid of Gropey Joe?...I hear he's leading big in all the polls!

It's creepy enough Joe fondling women and girls and sniffing them, but finger raping a Dem aide that's some career ending shit right there or should be. It's hilarious how Dems and the liberal news media did a COMPLETE 180 on this type of allegation Kavanaugh vs Biden.
That "raping an aide" thing is still up in the air....There's some evidence that she's full of shit slowly trickling out....Glad I'm the type to wait for all the facts to come in before making a call on such things.

I'll hold Dems to the standard they set for Kavanaugh until Dems go on national tv and admit they were phony big fat liars during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Until then Biden is subject to the same guilty without a trial or hearing standard these Dem fuckers set for both Kavanaugh and Trump. They can't have it both ways. Rot in hell Dems.
Eye-for-an-eye makes us both blind.

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