Rush Limbaugh makes a prediction

But....but.,....but why would they want to get rid of Gropey Joe?...I hear he's leading big in all the polls!

It's creepy enough Joe fondling women and girls and sniffing them, but finger raping a Dem aide that's some career ending shit right there or should be. It's hilarious how Dems and the liberal news media did a COMPLETE 180 on this type of allegation Kavanaugh vs Biden.

Creepy is Trump and his sexual assaults. There is no evidence he did as she has told 2 different stories.

Tara Reade has alleged her former boss Joe Biden sexually assaulted her and forcibly penetrated her vagina. Wow a Dem aide and lifelong Democrat allegedly assaulted by Joe Biden and you people want to vote him POTUS. :cuckoo:
I know the allegations....But she's been telling conflicting stories and has some very curious tweets out there....I have no doubt that Biden is a totally creepy fuck, but the more I hear the less I believe Read's story....Catch Tucker's re-run tonight.

I haven't heard a single theory on WHY Tara Reade would make this up. Several people have now been identified who corroborate that she was alleging the assault just after the incident in 1993 and again in 2008 during Biden's VP campaign. This destroys any theory that the woman just recently fabricated this. This sounds precisely like the kind of horrific sexual assault that would plague a woman for decades. Then given Biden's known creepy behavior which continues to this day that doesn't help his case. There's a LOT that supports Reade's allegation and virtually nothing that supports Biden's version.
But....but.,....but why would they want to get rid of Gropey Joe?...I hear he's leading big in all the polls!

It's creepy enough Joe fondling women and girls and sniffing them, but finger raping a Dem aide that's some career ending shit right there or should be. It's hilarious how Dems and the liberal news media did a COMPLETE 180 on this type of allegation Kavanaugh vs Biden.

Creepy is Trump and his sexual assaults. There is no evidence he did as she has told 2 different stories.

Tara Reade has alleged her former boss Joe Biden sexually assaulted her and forcibly penetrated her vagina. Wow a Dem aide and lifelong Democrat allegedly assaulted by Joe Biden and you people want to vote him POTUS. :cuckoo:
I know the allegations....But she's been telling conflicting stories and has some very curious tweets out there....I have no doubt that Biden is a totally creepy fuck, but the more I hear the less I believe Read's story....Catch Tucker's re-run tonight.

I haven't heard a single theory on WHY Tara Reade would make this up. Several people have now been identified who corroborate that she was alleging the assault just after the incident in 1993 and again in 2008 during Biden's VP campaign. This destroys any theory that the woman just recently fabricated this. This sounds precisely like the kind of horrific sexual assault that would plague a woman for decades. Then given Biden's known creepy behavior which continues to this day that doesn't help his case. There's a LOT that supports Reade's allegation and virtually nothing that supports Biden's version.
I'm telling ya...Watch the Tucker re-run in 50 minutes....The Read story has a lot of holes when you do some digging.
For crying out loud! Limbaugh is stating the obvious. Biden is brain dead. So yeah. Something is gonna happen to keep him out of the race, his history of sucking females's hair, his senate record, his VP record, his obvious infirmity... Sure, he could continue with the vague messages from his basement, but at some point he will have to, you know, campaign, debate, convince voters that he would be a good president. That doesn't seem possible to anyone who is willing to acknowledge the undeniable.

Trump and his supporters are the ones who are braindead. Limbaugh included. How about Trump's dozen or so complaints of sexual assault on his part and his attempts to intimidate and denigrate women. He can talk about Trump's support of dirty air and dirty water. Trump's support of alt-right radicals. the fact that he is more concerned about the rich and powerful than the average person.
6 of them were attractive, 6 were fugly.
If I knew for sure he hit on the 6 fugly chicks, I wouldn't have voted for him.

Ahhh! Bill Clinton...he liked him some chunky babes.
Which is right in line with the more astute forecasters on this board.

I agree with Rush.

We have been making this "prediction" since a long time ago.

The question is who is it going to be. Rice? Rotten Clinton? Big Mike?

But....but.,....but why would they want to get rid of Gropey Joe?...I hear he's leading big in all the polls!

It's creepy enough Joe fondling women and girls and sniffing them, but finger raping a Dem aide that's some career ending shit right there or should be. It's hilarious how Dems and the liberal news media did a COMPLETE 180 on this type of allegation Kavanaugh vs Biden.

Creepy is Trump and his sexual assaults. There is no evidence he did as she has told 2 different stories.

Tara Reade has alleged her former boss Joe Biden sexually assaulted her and forcibly penetrated her vagina. Wow a Dem aide and lifelong Democrat allegedly assaulted by Joe Biden and you people want to vote him POTUS. :cuckoo:
Trump is currently has a woman requesting his DNA in a rape case.
There are total of 25 women accusing Trump of sexual misconduct.
Compared to one questionable woman accusing Biden.
But....but.,....but why would they want to get rid of Gropey Joe?...I hear he's leading big in all the polls!

It's creepy enough Joe fondling women and girls and sniffing them, but finger raping a Dem aide that's some career ending shit right there or should be. It's hilarious how Dems and the liberal news media did a COMPLETE 180 on this type of allegation Kavanaugh vs Biden.
That "raping an aide" thing is still up in the air....There's some evidence that she's full of shit slowly trickling out....Glad I'm the type to wait for all the facts to come in before making a call on such things.

I'll hold Dems to the standard they set for Kavanaugh until Dems go on national tv and admit they were phony big fat liars during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Until then Biden is subject to the same guilty without a trial or hearing standard these Dem fuckers set for both Kavanaugh and Trump. They can't have it both ways. Rot in hell Dems.
Eye-for-an-eye makes us both blind.

My complete hatred of the left doesn't help.
But....but.,....but why would they want to get rid of Gropey Joe?...I hear he's leading big in all the polls!

It's creepy enough Joe fondling women and girls and sniffing them, but finger raping a Dem aide that's some career ending shit right there or should be. It's hilarious how Dems and the liberal news media did a COMPLETE 180 on this type of allegation Kavanaugh vs Biden.
That "raping an aide" thing is still up in the air....There's some evidence that she's full of shit slowly trickling out....Glad I'm the type to wait for all the facts to come in before making a call on such things.

I'll hold Dems to the standard they set for Kavanaugh until Dems go on national tv and admit they were phony big fat liars during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Until then Biden is subject to the same guilty without a trial or hearing standard these Dem fuckers set for both Kavanaugh and Trump. They can't have it both ways. Rot in hell Dems.
Eye-for-an-eye makes us both blind.

My complete hatred of the left doesn't help.
I get it....Sometimes you just gotta take a step back and breathe.
But....but.,....but why would they want to get rid of Gropey Joe?...I hear he's leading big in all the polls!

It's creepy enough Joe fondling women and girls and sniffing them, but finger raping a Dem aide that's some career ending shit right there or should be. It's hilarious how Dems and the liberal news media did a COMPLETE 180 on this type of allegation Kavanaugh vs Biden.

Creepy is Trump and his sexual assaults. There is no evidence he did as she has told 2 different stories.

Tara Reade has alleged her former boss Joe Biden sexually assaulted her and forcibly penetrated her vagina. Wow a Dem aide and lifelong Democrat allegedly assaulted by Joe Biden and you people want to vote him POTUS. :cuckoo:
I know the allegations....But she's been telling conflicting stories and has some very curious tweets out there....I have no doubt that Biden is a totally creepy fuck, but the more I hear the less I believe Read's story....Catch Tucker's re-run tonight.

I haven't heard a single theory on WHY Tara Reade would make this up. Several people have now been identified who corroborate that she was alleging the assault just after the incident in 1993 and again in 2008 during Biden's VP campaign. This destroys any theory that the woman just recently fabricated this. This sounds precisely like the kind of horrific sexual assault that would plague a woman for decades. Then given Biden's known creepy behavior which continues to this day that doesn't help his case. There's a LOT that supports Reade's allegation and virtually nothing that supports Biden's version.
I'm telling ya...Watch the Tucker re-run in 50 minutes....The Read story has a lot of holes when you do some digging.

Lets have Biden take a lie detector test. It would be worth it to watch the machine catch on fire.
But....but.,....but why would they want to get rid of Gropey Joe?...I hear he's leading big in all the polls!

It's creepy enough Joe fondling women and girls and sniffing them, but finger raping a Dem aide that's some career ending shit right there or should be. It's hilarious how Dems and the liberal news media did a COMPLETE 180 on this type of allegation Kavanaugh vs Biden.

Creepy is Trump and his sexual assaults. There is no evidence he did as she has told 2 different stories.

Tara Reade has alleged her former boss Joe Biden sexually assaulted her and forcibly penetrated her vagina. Wow a Dem aide and lifelong Democrat allegedly assaulted by Joe Biden and you people want to vote him POTUS. :cuckoo:
I know the allegations....But she's been telling conflicting stories and has some very curious tweets out there....I have no doubt that Biden is a totally creepy fuck, but the more I hear the less I believe Read's story....Catch Tucker's re-run tonight.

I haven't heard a single theory on WHY Tara Reade would make this up. Several people have now been identified who corroborate that she was alleging the assault just after the incident in 1993 and again in 2008 during Biden's VP campaign. This destroys any theory that the woman just recently fabricated this. This sounds precisely like the kind of horrific sexual assault that would plague a woman for decades. Then given Biden's known creepy behavior which continues to this day that doesn't help his case. There's a LOT that supports Reade's allegation and virtually nothing that supports Biden's version.
I'm telling ya...Watch the Tucker re-run in 50 minutes....The Read story has a lot of holes when you do some digging.

Lets have Biden take a lie detector test. It would be worth it to watch the machine catch on fire.
He's so far gone that he could probably pass a polygraph on what he did or didn't have for lunch yesterday.
I haven't heard a single theory on WHY Tara Reade would make this up. Several people have now been identified who corroborate that she was alleging the assault just after the incident in 1993 and again in 2008 during Biden's VP campaign. This destroys any theory that the woman just recently fabricated this. This sounds precisely like the kind of horrific sexual assault that would plague a woman for decades. Then given Biden's known creepy behavior which continues to this day that doesn't help his case. There's a LOT that supports Reade's allegation and virtually nothing that supports Biden's version.
I love that Biden's poll numbers will likely take a hit for this, but the articles I've read have been enlightening. Tara Reade is s big time Bernie supporter who wants her student loans forgiven. She's no spring chicken and should have paid off her student loans by now. That's what responsible people do, they pay off their loans. It wouldn't surprise me if she's working with some of the crazy BernieBros on this. This could be a last chance desperate move by the BernieBros.
I haven't heard a single theory on WHY Tara Reade would make this up. Several people have now been identified who corroborate that she was alleging the assault just after the incident in 1993 and again in 2008 during Biden's VP campaign. This destroys any theory that the woman just recently fabricated this. This sounds precisely like the kind of horrific sexual assault that would plague a woman for decades. Then given Biden's known creepy behavior which continues to this day that doesn't help his case. There's a LOT that supports Reade's allegation and virtually nothing that supports Biden's version.
I love that Biden's poll numbers will likely take a hit for this, but the articles I've read have been enlightening. Tara Reade is s big time Bernie supporter who wants her student loans forgiven. She's no spring chicken and should have paid off her student loans by now. That's what responsible people do, they pay off their loans. It wouldn't surprise me if she's working with some of the crazy BernieBros on this. This could be a last chance desperate move by the BernieBros.

Student loans are not the motivation, others have confirmed she was alleging the assault in both 1993 and 2008.
I'm beginning to think it's going to be M.

That's Joe's preference it seems.

I haven't heard a single theory on WHY Tara Reade would make this up. Several people have now been identified who corroborate that she was alleging the assault just after the incident in 1993 and again in 2008 during Biden's VP campaign. This destroys any theory that the woman just recently fabricated this. This sounds precisely like the kind of horrific sexual assault that would plague a woman for decades. Then given Biden's known creepy behavior which continues to this day that doesn't help his case. There's a LOT that supports Reade's allegation and virtually nothing that supports Biden's version.
I love that Biden's poll numbers will likely take a hit for this, but the articles I've read have been enlightening. Tara Reade is s big time Bernie supporter who wants her student loans forgiven. She's no spring chicken and should have paid off her student loans by now. That's what responsible people do, they pay off their loans. It wouldn't surprise me if she's working with some of the crazy BernieBros on this. This could be a last chance desperate move by the BernieBros.

Student loans are not the motivation, others have confirmed she was alleging the assault in both 1993 and 2008.
If she wanted to tell her side of the story, why did she cancel a TV interview? I still see her as a crazy Bernie supporter.
---Tara Reade cancels planned interview with Fox News---
But....but.,....but why would they want to get rid of Gropey Joe?...I hear he's leading big in all the polls!

It's creepy enough Joe fondling women and girls and sniffing them, but finger raping a Dem aide that's some career ending shit right there or should be. It's hilarious how Dems and the liberal news media did a COMPLETE 180 on this type of allegation Kavanaugh vs Biden.

Creepy is Trump and his sexual assaults. There is no evidence he did as she has told 2 different stories.

Tara Reade has alleged her former boss Joe Biden sexually assaulted her and forcibly penetrated her vagina. Wow a Dem aide and lifelong Democrat allegedly assaulted by Joe Biden and you people want to vote him POTUS. :cuckoo:
I know the allegations....But she's been telling conflicting stories and has some very curious tweets out there....I have no doubt that Biden is a totally creepy fuck, but the more I hear the less I believe Read's story....Catch Tucker's re-run tonight.

I haven't heard a single theory on WHY Tara Reade would make this up. Several people have now been identified who corroborate that she was alleging the assault just after the incident in 1993 and again in 2008 during Biden's VP campaign. This destroys any theory that the woman just recently fabricated this. This sounds precisely like the kind of horrific sexual assault that would plague a woman for decades. Then given Biden's known creepy behavior which continues to this day that doesn't help his case. There's a LOT that supports Reade's allegation and virtually nothing that supports Biden's version.
I'm telling ya...Watch the Tucker re-run in 50 minutes....The Read story has a lot of holes when you do some digging.

Lets have Biden take a lie detector test. It would be worth it to watch the machine catch on fire.

No way in hell can biden debate trump.. trump will destroy him

We all know Biden is not a debater, no need to tell us, but he will win nonetheless no matter how bad he debates.
Biden won’t win LA, lol maybe NYC.. 2020 will be the biggest blowout in the history of American politics..

Yes he will, people are so sick and tired of tramp, and they have a right to be, apart from you right wingers that think he is God.

Lol a democrat? Lol haha trump is going to get 40% of the black vote and Latino votes will skyrocket,, The next Democratic president isn’t even born yet

You are already hitting the booze. It will be a long time before Republicans win the White House again.

Sorry little man your party is paying billions to ILLEGALS and open Open borders is over
But....but.,....but why would they want to get rid of Gropey Joe?...I hear he's leading big in all the polls!

It's creepy enough Joe fondling women and girls and sniffing them, but finger raping a Dem aide that's some career ending shit right there or should be. It's hilarious how Dems and the liberal news media did a COMPLETE 180 on this type of allegation Kavanaugh vs Biden.

Creepy is Trump and his sexual assaults. There is no evidence he did as she has told 2 different stories.
That touchy feely stuff Joe does is not normal. He does that in public. Which gives beliefs to anything in private. Does he have self control? There are working class guys who would be hospitalized or worse by parents, boyfriends or husbands by doing what he does. I believe that politicians get a lot of their dirty deeds covered up. And Progs are are made to look like saints unless the are offered up as martyrs to make them look holy.

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