Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World

I truly hope you're attempting to poke fun at the way the right wing portrays the far left in this country, unless you truly find some sort of actual intelligent meaning to the picture, regardless, as an actual socialist, I don't see any of the american liberals wanting to give workers the means of production. In fact, the majority of liberals simply want the state to be utilized to encourage more rights for the people and help others, as shown through the history of the united states, and even then, democrats support big business, if we consider them to be on the "left wing" so your entire post is a joke. Grow up.

It all sounds good until you look over the results of extreme liberal governance...Democrats/liberals have fully controlled most American inner cities for many years and the results are pathetic to put it politely, they've turned them into voting plantations.

View attachment 42303
Your pointless memes and lack of context when examining what has occurred in inner cities, along with your subsequent attempts at putting forth the great man bullshit, while assuming I support democrats is pathetic. One example that is truly pathetic and devoid of any rational argumentation, that I could easily turn around on you when looking at current places being run by the right wing that were once prosperous... Ugh.

Oh, I hurt your feelings, not sorry for it though. Peddle your socialism to Democrats, they eat that crap up. America's on the edge of bankruptcy, the moral collapse is obvious and the hopes and dreams of the remaining patriotic American families is drifting away.

You want specifics, that's fine, maybe we can cross swords some time. Tonight, I simply don't have the patience.
Has anyone actually checked out where this story came from? It looks like the link provided takes you to a message board called Freedom Press. A further independent search leads to Pravda, the old official communist owned and government controlled newspaper of the USSR.

How about a cursory review of current news coming from Putin world.
The largest NATO war games in the Baltic's history are taking place with large Polish participation. NATO stealth fighters are probing the Russian skies and Navel ships are challenging the coast. The USS Ross and other NATO assets are playing touch and go in the Black Sea and causing the Russians to do overflights to steer them away from Russian claimed waters.
Announcement are coming from the Kremlin that the Novorossiy initiative (New Russia) that was meant to form the Donestk and Luhansk confederation of separatist states in the Ukraine has been abandoned.
Russian support for Syria's Assad seems to be done or at least ending. Russian citizen advisers and technicians are leaving by the plane load.
Reality is that Putin in failing on all fronts. American patience, smart policies and tactics are winning the economic war with Putin are placing the dictators goals in non attainable status. The "world is laughing at the USA" nonsense is meant for the Russian domestic audience that are still paying attention to Pravda or listening to unfounded rumors. Mention Pravda to a Russian and they will giggle.
I think the author needs to be introduced.

This is some other work of his, from a web site called Traditional Man, a homophobic "so called" conservative website in Russia who isn't pro Russian, as much as he is anti Obama.

His crap sounds exactly like Glenn Beck. Certainly not pro Russian, nor representative of what Russians think

Xavier id a freelance writer for Pravda, so the OP's claim that Russia thinks this, is to say the least an exaggeration.

“Well, any normal individual understands that as true but liberalism is a psychosis. O’bomber even keeps the war going along the Mexican border with projects like “fast and furious” and there is still no sign of ending it. He is a Communist without question promoting the Communist Manifesto without calling it so. How shrewd he is in America. His cult of personality mesmerizes those who cannot go beyond their ignorance. They will continue to follow him like those fools who still praise Lenin and Stalin in Russia. Obama’s fools and Stalin’s fools share the same drink of illusion.”
Thoughts from Xavier Lerma Freelance writer for Pravda TraditionalMan
I truly hope you're attempting to poke fun at the way the right wing portrays the far left in this country, unless you truly find some sort of actual intelligent meaning to the picture, regardless, as an actual socialist, I don't see any of the american liberals wanting to give workers the means of production. In fact, the majority of liberals simply want the state to be utilized to encourage more rights for the people and help others, as shown through the history of the united states, and even then, democrats support big business, if we consider them to be on the "left wing" so your entire post is a joke. Grow up.

It all sounds good until you look over the results of extreme liberal governance...Democrats/liberals have fully controlled most American inner cities for many years and the results are pathetic to put it politely, they've turned them into voting plantations.

View attachment 42303
Your pointless memes and lack of context when examining what has occurred in inner cities, along with your subsequent attempts at putting forth the great man bullshit, while assuming I support democrats is pathetic. One example that is truly pathetic and devoid of any rational argumentation, that I could easily turn around on you when looking at current places being run by the right wing that were once prosperous... Ugh.

Oh, I hurt your feelings, not sorry for it though. Peddle your socialism to Democrats, they eat that crap up. America's on the edge of bankruptcy, the moral collapse is obvious and the hopes and dreams of the remaining patriotic American families if drifting away.

You want specifics, that's fine, maybe we can cross swords some time. Tonight, I simply don't have the patience.
Why would I attempt to peddle socialism to a party that is on the right wing supporting big business. "Moral collapse" Oh please, go back to the dark ages if you want a "pure" society without moral corruption. "Patriotism" Oh lord.
I truly hope you're attempting to poke fun at the way the right wing portrays the far left in this country, unless you truly find some sort of actual intelligent meaning to the picture, regardless, as an actual socialist, I don't see any of the american liberals wanting to give workers the means of production. In fact, the majority of liberals simply want the state to be utilized to encourage more rights for the people and help others, as shown through the history of the united states, and even then, democrats support big business, if we consider them to be on the "left wing" so your entire post is a joke. Grow up.

It all sounds good until you look over the results of extreme liberal governance...Democrats/liberals have fully controlled most American inner cities for many years and the results are pathetic to put it politely, they've turned them into voting plantations.

View attachment 42303
Your pointless memes and lack of context when examining what has occurred in inner cities, along with your subsequent attempts at putting forth the great man bullshit, while assuming I support democrats is pathetic. One example that is truly pathetic and devoid of any rational argumentation, that I could easily turn around on you when looking at current places being run by the right wing that were once prosperous... Ugh.
Wisconsin, Kansas, etc, etc
Kansas was already messed up.Heck Kathleen Sebelius a democrat became governor in 2002 and won again in 2006 before she joined Obama's cabinet and Wisconsin didn't get screwed up unless your distaste for a anti union governor.
I truly hope you're attempting to poke fun at the way the right wing portrays the far left in this country, unless you truly find some sort of actual intelligent meaning to the picture, regardless, as an actual socialist, I don't see any of the american liberals wanting to give workers the means of production. In fact, the majority of liberals simply want the state to be utilized to encourage more rights for the people and help others, as shown through the history of the united states, and even then, democrats support big business, if we consider them to be on the "left wing" so your entire post is a joke. Grow up.

It all sounds good until you look over the results of extreme liberal governance...Democrats/liberals have fully controlled most American inner cities for many years and the results are pathetic to put it politely, they've turned them into voting plantations.

View attachment 42303
Your pointless memes and lack of context when examining what has occurred in inner cities, along with your subsequent attempts at putting forth the great man bullshit, while assuming I support democrats is pathetic. One example that is truly pathetic and devoid of any rational argumentation, that I could easily turn around on you when looking at current places being run by the right wing that were once prosperous... Ugh.
Wisconsin, Kansas, etc, etc
Kansas was already messed up.Heck Kathleen Sebelius a democrat became governor in 2002 and won again in 2006 before she joined Obama's cabinet and Wisconsin didn't get screwed up unless your distaste for a anti union governor.
Keep telling yourself that. Yes, I am extremely pro union, and the crushing of workers rights is disgusting. Meanwhile... Scott Walker s Wisconsin ranks dead last in business start-up activity Wisconsin Wisconsin Gazette - Smart independent and revealing. News opinion and entertainment coverage
These Republicans Want to Take Away Your Weekend The Nation
Here s the Quiet Reason College has Gotten So Expensive - attn
I could go on.
I truly hope you're attempting to poke fun at the way the right wing portrays the far left in this country, unless you truly find some sort of actual intelligent meaning to the picture, regardless, as an actual socialist, I don't see any of the american liberals wanting to give workers the means of production. In fact, the majority of liberals simply want the state to be utilized to encourage more rights for the people and help others, as shown through the history of the united states, and even then, democrats support big business, if we consider them to be on the "left wing" so your entire post is a joke. Grow up.

It all sounds good until you look over the results of extreme liberal governance...Democrats/liberals have fully controlled most American inner cities for many years and the results are pathetic to put it politely, they've turned them into voting plantations.

View attachment 42303
Your pointless memes and lack of context when examining what has occurred in inner cities, along with your subsequent attempts at putting forth the great man bullshit, while assuming I support democrats is pathetic. One example that is truly pathetic and devoid of any rational argumentation, that I could easily turn around on you when looking at current places being run by the right wing that were once prosperous... Ugh.

Oh, I hurt your feelings, not sorry for it though. Peddle your socialism to Democrats, they eat that crap up. America's on the edge of bankruptcy, the moral collapse is obvious and the hopes and dreams of the remaining patriotic American families if drifting away.

You want specifics, that's fine, maybe we can cross swords some time. Tonight, I simply don't have the patience.
Why would I attempt to peddle socialism to a party that is on the right wing supporting big business. "Moral collapse" Oh please, go back to the dark ages if you want a "pure" society without moral corruption. "Patriotism" Oh lord.

Without desirable conditions for business America looks like it does right now. I'm glad you've kinda manned up and are posting your bottom line opinions and insults...:thup: .. you might enjoy this link.

35 Shocking Statistics That Prove That Things Have Gotten Worse In America Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections
Last edited:
I truly hope you're attempting to poke fun at the way the right wing portrays the far left in this country, unless you truly find some sort of actual intelligent meaning to the picture, regardless, as an actual socialist, I don't see any of the american liberals wanting to give workers the means of production. In fact, the majority of liberals simply want the state to be utilized to encourage more rights for the people and help others, as shown through the history of the united states, and even then, democrats support big business, if we consider them to be on the "left wing" so your entire post is a joke. Grow up.

It all sounds good until you look over the results of extreme liberal governance...Democrats/liberals have fully controlled most American inner cities for many years and the results are pathetic to put it politely, they've turned them into voting plantations.

View attachment 42303
Your pointless memes and lack of context when examining what has occurred in inner cities, along with your subsequent attempts at putting forth the great man bullshit, while assuming I support democrats is pathetic. One example that is truly pathetic and devoid of any rational argumentation, that I could easily turn around on you when looking at current places being run by the right wing that were once prosperous... Ugh.

Oh, I hurt your feelings, not sorry for it though. Peddle your socialism to Democrats, they eat that crap up. America's on the edge of bankruptcy, the moral collapse is obvious and the hopes and dreams of the remaining patriotic American families if drifting away.

You want specifics, that's fine, maybe we can cross swords some time. Tonight, I simply don't have the patience.
Why would I attempt to peddle socialism to a party that is on the right wing supporting big business. "Moral collapse" Oh please, go back to the dark ages if you want a "pure" society without moral corruption. "Patriotism" Oh lord.

Without desirable conditions for business America looks like it does right now. I'm glad you've kinda manned up and are posting your bottom line opinions. you might enjoy this link.

35 Shocking Statistics That Prove That Things Have Gotten Worse In America Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections
Time to break down this partisan website full of hackery.
Household income has been going down for decades, productivity is at all time highs, the majority of income is going to the top, to the capitalists, to the wealthy, not to the working class. It's a joke how they determine if someone is employed these days, jobs have been consistently being lost if you don't include people who only work 10 hours a week, people working part time, people in temporary jobs.. Unemployment is a sad thing, and the call for automation to replace fast food workers/factory workers by capitalists just raises this problem. Manufacturing has been moved overseas by capitalists, with support from both parties. Yeah, you wonder why so many jobs in america are low income, might have to do with businesses not wanting to raise wages and hire part time so they don't have to give benefits. Real estate declined due to.. hm.. was it due to Obama? WAIT A MINUTE. Consumer debt increases when consumerism is rampant, when wages are stagnant, when prices continually rise.. Gasoline prices are controlled primarily by capitalists, try again. There's a reason americans are on food stamps.. Bleh, not worth going through this, none the less, I don't see the relevance, if anything, it supports my point, America has been collapsing for decades, it's what happens when labor is put under the boot of capital.
It all sounds good until you look over the results of extreme liberal governance...Democrats/liberals have fully controlled most American inner cities for many years and the results are pathetic to put it politely, they've turned them into voting plantations.

View attachment 42303
Your pointless memes and lack of context when examining what has occurred in inner cities, along with your subsequent attempts at putting forth the great man bullshit, while assuming I support democrats is pathetic. One example that is truly pathetic and devoid of any rational argumentation, that I could easily turn around on you when looking at current places being run by the right wing that were once prosperous... Ugh.

Oh, I hurt your feelings, not sorry for it though. Peddle your socialism to Democrats, they eat that crap up. America's on the edge of bankruptcy, the moral collapse is obvious and the hopes and dreams of the remaining patriotic American families if drifting away.

You want specifics, that's fine, maybe we can cross swords some time. Tonight, I simply don't have the patience.
Why would I attempt to peddle socialism to a party that is on the right wing supporting big business. "Moral collapse" Oh please, go back to the dark ages if you want a "pure" society without moral corruption. "Patriotism" Oh lord.

Without desirable conditions for business America looks like it does right now. I'm glad you've kinda manned up and are posting your bottom line opinions. you might enjoy this link.

35 Shocking Statistics That Prove That Things Have Gotten Worse In America Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections
Time to break down this partisan website full of hackery.
Household income has been going down for decades, productivity is at all time highs, the majority of income is going to the top, to the capitalists, to the wealthy, not to the working class. It's a joke how they determine if someone is employed these days, jobs have been consistently being lost if you don't include people who only work 10 hours a week, people working part time, people in temporary jobs.. Unemployment is a sad thing, and the call for automation to replace fast food workers/factory workers by capitalists just raises this problem. Manufacturing has been moved overseas by capitalists, with support from both parties. Yeah, you wonder why so many jobs in america are low income, might have to do with businesses not wanting to raise wages and hire part time so they don't have to give benefits. Real estate declined due to.. hm.. was it due to Obama? WAIT A MINUTE. Consumer debt increases when consumerism is rampant, when wages are stagnant, when prices continually rise.. Gasoline prices are controlled primarily by capitalists, try again. There's a reason americans are on food stamps.. Bleh, not worth going through this, none the less, I don't see the relevance, if anything, it supports my point, America has been collapsing for decades, it's what happens when labor is put under the boot of capital.
I'm about to watch, "Game of Thrones" and your post, well, I almost totally disagree.

America without capitalism and a strong middle-class isn't America at all, it's some failing socialist country in Europe. I wish I had more time, I think we could piss each other off and still have some fun along the way.

Pleased to meet you, I hope in the future I can help you with your rather obvious delusions....:laugh:
Your pointless memes and lack of context when examining what has occurred in inner cities, along with your subsequent attempts at putting forth the great man bullshit, while assuming I support democrats is pathetic. One example that is truly pathetic and devoid of any rational argumentation, that I could easily turn around on you when looking at current places being run by the right wing that were once prosperous... Ugh.

Oh, I hurt your feelings, not sorry for it though. Peddle your socialism to Democrats, they eat that crap up. America's on the edge of bankruptcy, the moral collapse is obvious and the hopes and dreams of the remaining patriotic American families if drifting away.

You want specifics, that's fine, maybe we can cross swords some time. Tonight, I simply don't have the patience.
Why would I attempt to peddle socialism to a party that is on the right wing supporting big business. "Moral collapse" Oh please, go back to the dark ages if you want a "pure" society without moral corruption. "Patriotism" Oh lord.

Without desirable conditions for business America looks like it does right now. I'm glad you've kinda manned up and are posting your bottom line opinions. you might enjoy this link.

35 Shocking Statistics That Prove That Things Have Gotten Worse In America Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections
Time to break down this partisan website full of hackery.
Household income has been going down for decades, productivity is at all time highs, the majority of income is going to the top, to the capitalists, to the wealthy, not to the working class. It's a joke how they determine if someone is employed these days, jobs have been consistently being lost if you don't include people who only work 10 hours a week, people working part time, people in temporary jobs.. Unemployment is a sad thing, and the call for automation to replace fast food workers/factory workers by capitalists just raises this problem. Manufacturing has been moved overseas by capitalists, with support from both parties. Yeah, you wonder why so many jobs in america are low income, might have to do with businesses not wanting to raise wages and hire part time so they don't have to give benefits. Real estate declined due to.. hm.. was it due to Obama? WAIT A MINUTE. Consumer debt increases when consumerism is rampant, when wages are stagnant, when prices continually rise.. Gasoline prices are controlled primarily by capitalists, try again. There's a reason americans are on food stamps.. Bleh, not worth going through this, none the less, I don't see the relevance, if anything, it supports my point, America has been collapsing for decades, it's what happens when labor is put under the boot of capital.
I'm about to watch, "Game of Thrones" and your post, well, I almost totally disagree.

America without capitalism and a strong middle-class isn't America at all, it's some failing socialist country in Europe. I wish I had more time, I think we could piss each other off and still have some fun along the way.

Pleased to meet you, I hope in the future I can help you with your rather obvious delusions....:laugh:
The "middle class" is a myth, their are two classes: The working class and the capitalists. If we count europe as "socialist" They're certainly doing better.. Yeah, "delusions"
Oh, I hurt your feelings, not sorry for it though. Peddle your socialism to Democrats, they eat that crap up. America's on the edge of bankruptcy, the moral collapse is obvious and the hopes and dreams of the remaining patriotic American families if drifting away.

You want specifics, that's fine, maybe we can cross swords some time. Tonight, I simply don't have the patience.
Why would I attempt to peddle socialism to a party that is on the right wing supporting big business. "Moral collapse" Oh please, go back to the dark ages if you want a "pure" society without moral corruption. "Patriotism" Oh lord.

Without desirable conditions for business America looks like it does right now. I'm glad you've kinda manned up and are posting your bottom line opinions. you might enjoy this link.

35 Shocking Statistics That Prove That Things Have Gotten Worse In America Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections
Time to break down this partisan website full of hackery.
Household income has been going down for decades, productivity is at all time highs, the majority of income is going to the top, to the capitalists, to the wealthy, not to the working class. It's a joke how they determine if someone is employed these days, jobs have been consistently being lost if you don't include people who only work 10 hours a week, people working part time, people in temporary jobs.. Unemployment is a sad thing, and the call for automation to replace fast food workers/factory workers by capitalists just raises this problem. Manufacturing has been moved overseas by capitalists, with support from both parties. Yeah, you wonder why so many jobs in america are low income, might have to do with businesses not wanting to raise wages and hire part time so they don't have to give benefits. Real estate declined due to.. hm.. was it due to Obama? WAIT A MINUTE. Consumer debt increases when consumerism is rampant, when wages are stagnant, when prices continually rise.. Gasoline prices are controlled primarily by capitalists, try again. There's a reason americans are on food stamps.. Bleh, not worth going through this, none the less, I don't see the relevance, if anything, it supports my point, America has been collapsing for decades, it's what happens when labor is put under the boot of capital.
I'm about to watch, "Game of Thrones" and your post, well, I almost totally disagree.

America without capitalism and a strong middle-class isn't America at all, it's some failing socialist country in Europe. I wish I had more time, I think we could piss each other off and still have some fun along the way.

Pleased to meet you, I hope in the future I can help you with your rather obvious delusions....:laugh:
The "middle class" is a myth, their are two classes: The working class and the capitalists. If we count europe as "socialist" They're certainly doing better.. Yeah, "delusions"

You seem to have forgotten the freeloading class that this liberal socialism has created ...

...and business goes where they can make a profit, presently capitalists are rarely investing in America because of over-regulation and the unpredictable moron in the White House. If the conditions are wrong they move along, such is reality.and no socialist program is going to force business to operate at a loss and completely under the thumb of the political class.
Why would I attempt to peddle socialism to a party that is on the right wing supporting big business. "Moral collapse" Oh please, go back to the dark ages if you want a "pure" society without moral corruption. "Patriotism" Oh lord.

Without desirable conditions for business America looks like it does right now. I'm glad you've kinda manned up and are posting your bottom line opinions. you might enjoy this link.

35 Shocking Statistics That Prove That Things Have Gotten Worse In America Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections
Time to break down this partisan website full of hackery.
Household income has been going down for decades, productivity is at all time highs, the majority of income is going to the top, to the capitalists, to the wealthy, not to the working class. It's a joke how they determine if someone is employed these days, jobs have been consistently being lost if you don't include people who only work 10 hours a week, people working part time, people in temporary jobs.. Unemployment is a sad thing, and the call for automation to replace fast food workers/factory workers by capitalists just raises this problem. Manufacturing has been moved overseas by capitalists, with support from both parties. Yeah, you wonder why so many jobs in america are low income, might have to do with businesses not wanting to raise wages and hire part time so they don't have to give benefits. Real estate declined due to.. hm.. was it due to Obama? WAIT A MINUTE. Consumer debt increases when consumerism is rampant, when wages are stagnant, when prices continually rise.. Gasoline prices are controlled primarily by capitalists, try again. There's a reason americans are on food stamps.. Bleh, not worth going through this, none the less, I don't see the relevance, if anything, it supports my point, America has been collapsing for decades, it's what happens when labor is put under the boot of capital.
I'm about to watch, "Game of Thrones" and your post, well, I almost totally disagree.

America without capitalism and a strong middle-class isn't America at all, it's some failing socialist country in Europe. I wish I had more time, I think we could piss each other off and still have some fun along the way.

Pleased to meet you, I hope in the future I can help you with your rather obvious delusions....:laugh:
The "middle class" is a myth, their are two classes: The working class and the capitalists. If we count europe as "socialist" They're certainly doing better.. Yeah, "delusions"

You seem to have forgotten the freeloading class that this liberal socialism has created ...

...and business goes where they can make a profit, presently capitalists are rarely investing in America because of over-regulation and the unpredictable moron in the White House. If the conditions are wrong they move along, such is reality.and no socialist program is going to force business to operate at a loss and completely under the thumb of the political class.
"Liberal socialism" Two words that have never existed in America. Well, socialism has never existed.
Why would I attempt to peddle socialism to a party that is on the right wing supporting big business. "Moral collapse" Oh please, go back to the dark ages if you want a "pure" society without moral corruption. "Patriotism" Oh lord.

Without desirable conditions for business America looks like it does right now. I'm glad you've kinda manned up and are posting your bottom line opinions. you might enjoy this link.

35 Shocking Statistics That Prove That Things Have Gotten Worse In America Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections
Time to break down this partisan website full of hackery.
Household income has been going down for decades, productivity is at all time highs, the majority of income is going to the top, to the capitalists, to the wealthy, not to the working class. It's a joke how they determine if someone is employed these days, jobs have been consistently being lost if you don't include people who only work 10 hours a week, people working part time, people in temporary jobs.. Unemployment is a sad thing, and the call for automation to replace fast food workers/factory workers by capitalists just raises this problem. Manufacturing has been moved overseas by capitalists, with support from both parties. Yeah, you wonder why so many jobs in america are low income, might have to do with businesses not wanting to raise wages and hire part time so they don't have to give benefits. Real estate declined due to.. hm.. was it due to Obama? WAIT A MINUTE. Consumer debt increases when consumerism is rampant, when wages are stagnant, when prices continually rise.. Gasoline prices are controlled primarily by capitalists, try again. There's a reason americans are on food stamps.. Bleh, not worth going through this, none the less, I don't see the relevance, if anything, it supports my point, America has been collapsing for decades, it's what happens when labor is put under the boot of capital.
I'm about to watch, "Game of Thrones" and your post, well, I almost totally disagree.

America without capitalism and a strong middle-class isn't America at all, it's some failing socialist country in Europe. I wish I had more time, I think we could piss each other off and still have some fun along the way.

Pleased to meet you, I hope in the future I can help you with your rather obvious delusions....:laugh:
The "middle class" is a myth, their are two classes: The working class and the capitalists. If we count europe as "socialist" They're certainly doing better.. Yeah, "delusions"

You seem to have forgotten the freeloading class that this liberal socialism has created ...

...and business goes where they can make a profit, presently capitalists are rarely investing in America because of over-regulation and the unpredictable moron in the White House. If the conditions are wrong they move along, such is reality.and no socialist program is going to force business to operate at a loss and completely under the thumb of the political class.
Oh, "free loading class" Yeah, I think you refer to the corporate pigs.
Without desirable conditions for business America looks like it does right now. I'm glad you've kinda manned up and are posting your bottom line opinions. you might enjoy this link.

35 Shocking Statistics That Prove That Things Have Gotten Worse In America Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections
Time to break down this partisan website full of hackery.
Household income has been going down for decades, productivity is at all time highs, the majority of income is going to the top, to the capitalists, to the wealthy, not to the working class. It's a joke how they determine if someone is employed these days, jobs have been consistently being lost if you don't include people who only work 10 hours a week, people working part time, people in temporary jobs.. Unemployment is a sad thing, and the call for automation to replace fast food workers/factory workers by capitalists just raises this problem. Manufacturing has been moved overseas by capitalists, with support from both parties. Yeah, you wonder why so many jobs in america are low income, might have to do with businesses not wanting to raise wages and hire part time so they don't have to give benefits. Real estate declined due to.. hm.. was it due to Obama? WAIT A MINUTE. Consumer debt increases when consumerism is rampant, when wages are stagnant, when prices continually rise.. Gasoline prices are controlled primarily by capitalists, try again. There's a reason americans are on food stamps.. Bleh, not worth going through this, none the less, I don't see the relevance, if anything, it supports my point, America has been collapsing for decades, it's what happens when labor is put under the boot of capital.
I'm about to watch, "Game of Thrones" and your post, well, I almost totally disagree.

America without capitalism and a strong middle-class isn't America at all, it's some failing socialist country in Europe. I wish I had more time, I think we could piss each other off and still have some fun along the way.

Pleased to meet you, I hope in the future I can help you with your rather obvious delusions....:laugh:
The "middle class" is a myth, their are two classes: The working class and the capitalists. If we count europe as "socialist" They're certainly doing better.. Yeah, "delusions"

You seem to have forgotten the freeloading class that this liberal socialism has created ...

...and business goes where they can make a profit, presently capitalists are rarely investing in America because of over-regulation and the unpredictable moron in the White House. If the conditions are wrong they move along, such is reality.and no socialist program is going to force business to operate at a loss and completely under the thumb of the political class.
Oh, "free loading class" Yeah, I think you refer to the corporate pigs.
You mean Hillary's political contributors both foreign and domestic?
Anti-feudalists: People who moan about feudalism when feudalism is the reason they have all that they have. Idiotic argument, could be used for anything.. Northerners: People who complain about slavery when using cotton products. Grow up Buddy. I hate hillary clinton by the way.
Do you take everything so personally, must be tough... or

How do you like your Macbook Pro...:laugh:
Last edited:
If America is so pathetic now that they vote Hillary in for President, this is a glimpse of the future.

Without desirable conditions for business America looks like it does right now. I'm glad you've kinda manned up and are posting your bottom line opinions. you might enjoy this link.

35 Shocking Statistics That Prove That Things Have Gotten Worse In America Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections
Time to break down this partisan website full of hackery.
Household income has been going down for decades, productivity is at all time highs, the majority of income is going to the top, to the capitalists, to the wealthy, not to the working class. It's a joke how they determine if someone is employed these days, jobs have been consistently being lost if you don't include people who only work 10 hours a week, people working part time, people in temporary jobs.. Unemployment is a sad thing, and the call for automation to replace fast food workers/factory workers by capitalists just raises this problem. Manufacturing has been moved overseas by capitalists, with support from both parties. Yeah, you wonder why so many jobs in america are low income, might have to do with businesses not wanting to raise wages and hire part time so they don't have to give benefits. Real estate declined due to.. hm.. was it due to Obama? WAIT A MINUTE. Consumer debt increases when consumerism is rampant, when wages are stagnant, when prices continually rise.. Gasoline prices are controlled primarily by capitalists, try again. There's a reason americans are on food stamps.. Bleh, not worth going through this, none the less, I don't see the relevance, if anything, it supports my point, America has been collapsing for decades, it's what happens when labor is put under the boot of capital.
I'm about to watch, "Game of Thrones" and your post, well, I almost totally disagree.

America without capitalism and a strong middle-class isn't America at all, it's some failing socialist country in Europe. I wish I had more time, I think we could piss each other off and still have some fun along the way.

Pleased to meet you, I hope in the future I can help you with your rather obvious delusions....:laugh:
The "middle class" is a myth, their are two classes: The working class and the capitalists. If we count europe as "socialist" They're certainly doing better.. Yeah, "delusions"

You seem to have forgotten the freeloading class that this liberal socialism has created ...

...and business goes where they can make a profit, presently capitalists are rarely investing in America because of over-regulation and the unpredictable moron in the White House. If the conditions are wrong they move along, such is reality.and no socialist program is going to force business to operate at a loss and completely under the thumb of the political class.
"Liberal socialism" Two words that have never existed in America. Well, socialism has never existed.

I got that from George Bush's book, "Words and Phrases, I Created" .. :laugh:
Without desirable conditions for business America looks like it does right now. I'm glad you've kinda manned up and are posting your bottom line opinions. you might enjoy this link.

35 Shocking Statistics That Prove That Things Have Gotten Worse In America Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections
Time to break down this partisan website full of hackery.
Household income has been going down for decades, productivity is at all time highs, the majority of income is going to the top, to the capitalists, to the wealthy, not to the working class. It's a joke how they determine if someone is employed these days, jobs have been consistently being lost if you don't include people who only work 10 hours a week, people working part time, people in temporary jobs.. Unemployment is a sad thing, and the call for automation to replace fast food workers/factory workers by capitalists just raises this problem. Manufacturing has been moved overseas by capitalists, with support from both parties. Yeah, you wonder why so many jobs in america are low income, might have to do with businesses not wanting to raise wages and hire part time so they don't have to give benefits. Real estate declined due to.. hm.. was it due to Obama? WAIT A MINUTE. Consumer debt increases when consumerism is rampant, when wages are stagnant, when prices continually rise.. Gasoline prices are controlled primarily by capitalists, try again. There's a reason americans are on food stamps.. Bleh, not worth going through this, none the less, I don't see the relevance, if anything, it supports my point, America has been collapsing for decades, it's what happens when labor is put under the boot of capital.
I'm about to watch, "Game of Thrones" and your post, well, I almost totally disagree.

America without capitalism and a strong middle-class isn't America at all, it's some failing socialist country in Europe. I wish I had more time, I think we could piss each other off and still have some fun along the way.

Pleased to meet you, I hope in the future I can help you with your rather obvious delusions....:laugh:
The "middle class" is a myth, their are two classes: The working class and the capitalists. If we count europe as "socialist" They're certainly doing better.. Yeah, "delusions"

You seem to have forgotten the freeloading class that this liberal socialism has created ...

...and business goes where they can make a profit, presently capitalists are rarely investing in America because of over-regulation and the unpredictable moron in the White House. If the conditions are wrong they move along, such is reality.and no socialist program is going to force business to operate at a loss and completely under the thumb of the political class.
"Liberal socialism" Two words that have never existed in America. Well, socialism has never existed.
Guess you never read up on the Plymouth colony.

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