Russia, China and Iran...all using Social Media to Sow Dissension and Confusion


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Seems that the experts keep warnin' us..and we keep laughing it off...i guess if your guy is the apparent's OK? This article focuses on Russia...but it seems that everyone in the world is trolling us.

FBI Director Christopher Wray warned lawmakers Thursday that Russia is actively interfering in the upcoming U.S. presidential election by spreading misinformation about Democratic nominee Joe Biden.
Wray described Russian efforts as a "steady drumbeat of misinformation" that he said could undercut American voters' confidence in the democratic process.
"I think the intelligence community's consensus is that Russia continues to try to influence our elections," Wray told the Democratic-led House of Representatives' Homeland Security Committee, adding that the FBI found similarities in Russian behavior against the backdrop of the 2016 election.
U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Moscow acted to undermine then-Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in order to help then-Republican nominee Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election. Trump and Russia deny that Moscow's involvement affected the outcome in 2016.
"We certainly have seen very active efforts by the Russians to influence our election in 2020 through what I would call more the malign foreign influence side of things like social media, use of proxies, state media, online journals," Wray said, adding that the Russians are particularly focused on smearing Biden because they view him as "kind of an anti-Russian establishment."
The latest warning comes less than 50 days before Election Day, although voters have already begun voting early through mail and other means. On Thursday, Trump bristled at the mail-in ballot process on Twitter saying "the Nov. 3rd election result may NEVER BE ACCURATELY DETERMINED."
"Another election disaster yesterday. Stop Ballot Madness!," Trump tweeted.
In August, the nation's top U.S. counterintelligence official warned in a rare public statement that Russia, China and Iran were all trying to influence the Nov. 3 election through a slew of methods.

"Foreign states will continue to use covert and overt influence measures in their attempts to sway U.S. voters' preferences and perspectives, shift U.S. policies, increase discord in the United States, and undermine the American people's confidence in our democratic process," William Evanina, director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, said in an Aug. 7 statement.
"They may also seek to compromise our election infrastructure for a range of possible purposes, such as interfering with the voting process, stealing sensitive data, or calling into question the validity of the election results," the statement added.
Why would China or Iran want to help Trump?
Well..they don't---they want confusion..and Trump serves that purpose well. China puts a lot of energy into electing Biden..via the BLM. A lot of the interference is just pot stirring...supporting both sides against the others...and watching us burn our houses down.

A civil war makes us weak..and Iran would not cry about that, would they?
Why would China or Iran want to help Trump?
Well..they don't---they want confusion..and Trump serves that purpose well. China puts a lot of energy into electing Biden..via the BLM. A lot of the interference is just pot stirring...supporting both sides against the others...and watching us burn our houses down.

A civil war makes us weak..and Iran would not cry about that, would they?

Any trouble Iran and the gang can stir up on social media is just a drop in the bucket compared to good ol' Made in the USA chaos.
Seems that the experts keep warnin' us..and we keep laughing it off...i guess if your guy is the apparent's OK? This article focuses on Russia...but it seems that everyone in the world is trolling us.

FBI Director Christopher Wray warned lawmakers Thursday that Russia is actively interfering in the upcoming U.S. presidential election by spreading misinformation about Democratic nominee Joe Biden.
Wray described Russian efforts as a "steady drumbeat of misinformation" that he said could undercut American voters' confidence in the democratic process.
"I think the intelligence community's consensus is that Russia continues to try to influence our elections," Wray told the Democratic-led House of Representatives' Homeland Security Committee, adding that the FBI found similarities in Russian behavior against the backdrop of the 2016 election.
U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Moscow acted to undermine then-Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in order to help then-Republican nominee Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election. Trump and Russia deny that Moscow's involvement affected the outcome in 2016.
"We certainly have seen very active efforts by the Russians to influence our election in 2020 through what I would call more the malign foreign influence side of things like social media, use of proxies, state media, online journals," Wray said, adding that the Russians are particularly focused on smearing Biden because they view him as "kind of an anti-Russian establishment."
The latest warning comes less than 50 days before Election Day, although voters have already begun voting early through mail and other means. On Thursday, Trump bristled at the mail-in ballot process on Twitter saying "the Nov. 3rd election result may NEVER BE ACCURATELY DETERMINED."
"Another election disaster yesterday. Stop Ballot Madness!," Trump tweeted.
In August, the nation's top U.S. counterintelligence official warned in a rare public statement that Russia, China and Iran were all trying to influence the Nov. 3 election through a slew of methods.

"Foreign states will continue to use covert and overt influence measures in their attempts to sway U.S. voters' preferences and perspectives, shift U.S. policies, increase discord in the United States, and undermine the American people's confidence in our democratic process," William Evanina, director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, said in an Aug. 7 statement.
"They may also seek to compromise our election infrastructure for a range of possible purposes, such as interfering with the voting process, stealing sensitive data, or calling into question the validity of the election results," the statement added.
I would think that the vast majority of the American constituency will just vote for candidates that belong to one or the other of the two sides of the RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP). The few among the American constituency that vote for constitutionally based independent or third party candidates are pretty well set in their choice of candidates also. I seriously doubt that attempts by foreign governments to influence U.S. elections would bear much fruit if any at all.
Seems that the experts keep warnin' us..and we keep laughing it off...i guess if your guy is the apparent's OK? This article focuses on Russia...but it seems that everyone in the world is trolling us.

FBI Director Christopher Wray warned lawmakers Thursday that Russia is actively interfering in the upcoming U.S. presidential election by spreading misinformation about Democratic nominee Joe Biden.
Wray described Russian efforts as a "steady drumbeat of misinformation" that he said could undercut American voters' confidence in the democratic process.
"I think the intelligence community's consensus is that Russia continues to try to influence our elections," Wray told the Democratic-led House of Representatives' Homeland Security Committee, adding that the FBI found similarities in Russian behavior against the backdrop of the 2016 election.
U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Moscow acted to undermine then-Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in order to help then-Republican nominee Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election. Trump and Russia deny that Moscow's involvement affected the outcome in 2016.
"We certainly have seen very active efforts by the Russians to influence our election in 2020 through what I would call more the malign foreign influence side of things like social media, use of proxies, state media, online journals," Wray said, adding that the Russians are particularly focused on smearing Biden because they view him as "kind of an anti-Russian establishment."
The latest warning comes less than 50 days before Election Day, although voters have already begun voting early through mail and other means. On Thursday, Trump bristled at the mail-in ballot process on Twitter saying "the Nov. 3rd election result may NEVER BE ACCURATELY DETERMINED."
"Another election disaster yesterday. Stop Ballot Madness!," Trump tweeted.
In August, the nation's top U.S. counterintelligence official warned in a rare public statement that Russia, China and Iran were all trying to influence the Nov. 3 election through a slew of methods.

"Foreign states will continue to use covert and overt influence measures in their attempts to sway U.S. voters' preferences and perspectives, shift U.S. policies, increase discord in the United States, and undermine the American people's confidence in our democratic process," William Evanina, director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, said in an Aug. 7 statement.
"They may also seek to compromise our election infrastructure for a range of possible purposes, such as interfering with the voting process, stealing sensitive data, or calling into question the validity of the election results," the statement added.

The republicans have proven the only way we can get other nations out of our elections, get them out of our election systems and get them out of hacking everyone is to elect democrats.

Democrats seem to be the only party that actually cares about the security of our nation and our elections.

Republicans have left real Americans who love our nation no other choice. If we want a secure nation without other nations influencing us, our only choice is to vote democratic in November.
Why would China or Iran want to help Trump?
Well..they don't---they want confusion..and Trump serves that purpose well. China puts a lot of energy into electing Biden..via the BLM. A lot of the interference is just pot stirring...supporting both sides against the others...and watching us burn our houses down.

A civil war makes us weak..and Iran would not cry about that, would they?
Guys running around in dresses in the little girls bathrooms already makes us look weak.

Trying to pass butt fucking little 14 year old laws, just makes us look insane

Yes virginia we need all the help we can get to defeat the enemy with in

The retarded liberals
“Russia, China and Iran...all using Social Media to Sow Dissension and Confusion”

…with the intent to benefit Trump and Republicans.
Why would China or Iran want to help Trump?
Well..they don't---they want confusion..and Trump serves that purpose well. China puts a lot of energy into electing Biden..via the BLM. A lot of the interference is just pot stirring...supporting both sides against the others...and watching us burn our houses down.

A civil war makes us weak..and Iran would not cry about that, would they?

True, China and Iran are backing Biden, er, I mean the Harris Administration
Why would China or Iran want to help Trump?
Well..they don't---they want confusion..and Trump serves that purpose well. China puts a lot of energy into electing Biden..via the BLM. A lot of the interference is just pot stirring...supporting both sides against the others...and watching us burn our houses down.

A civil war makes us weak..and Iran would not cry about that, would they?

True, China and Iran are backing Biden, er, I mean the Harris Administration
nope...I mean yeah..but what they really want is a protracted struggle over the Presidency they can expand their influence. Who irrelevant really. To them.

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