Russia has lost 11,000 Troops, 285 Tanks and nearly 100 Aircraft

And even if the "have Ukraine", are they willing to leave hundreds of thousands of troops in Ukraine to protect their puppet government? Putin has screwed up.

Deploying and supporting an Army in another country costs money. Money that Putin will have a hard time paying with a crippled economy.

What happens when Putin stops paying his soldiers?
Deploying and supporting an Army in another country costs money. Money that Putin will have a hard time paying with a crippled economy.

What happens when Putin stops paying his soldiers?
The 40 mile long support column is stalled. This war is humanitarian disaster for Ukraine, but it shows the Russian army is not ready to battle the better equipped and trained NATO forces. Putin has inadvertently exposed a weakness that the US and it's allies will remember.
The 40 mile long support column is stalled. This war is humanitarian disaster for Ukraine, but it shows the Russian army is not ready to battle the better equipped and trained NATO forces. Putin has inadvertently exposed a weakness that the US and it's allies will remember.
Up until now it was assumed Russia is a military power based on troop strength, number of tanks, number of aircraft and modernization.

Putin has demonstrated to the world he does not know how to use them
Up until now it was assumed Russia is a military power based on troop strength, number of tanks, number of aircraft and modernization.

Putin has demonstrated to the world he does not know how to use them
He should have stuck to cyber warfare and just being a D* he has for decades.
And even if the "have Ukraine", are they willing to leave hundreds of thousands of troops in Ukraine to protect their puppet government? Putin has screwed up.
putin's paranoia got the better of him. The psycho has completely lost it and when this ends very badly for Russia it will mean the end of putin
putin's paranoia got the better of him. The psycho has completely lost it and when this ends very badly for Russia it will mean the end of putin
We can hope you are right. This may be Putin's Waterloo.

Russia has a vast army but these kinds of losses in just 10 days of fighting are unsustainable, even for them. I heard one general say Russia will have Ukraine in 90 days, but what will be left of their army by then? Even worse will be trying to hold the country after that, as Russia moves on to attack Moldova and possibly Khaghastan.
Cool story. Sounds like they are holding their own and don’t need us for anything. I mean even their supermodels are “on the front lines” fighting the Russians. It’s so inspiring.

Russia has a vast army but these kinds of losses in just 10 days of fighting are unsustainable, even for them. I heard one general say Russia will have Ukraine in 90 days, but what will be left of their army by then? Even worse will be trying to hold the country after that, as Russia moves on to attack Moldova and possibly Khaghastan.
11,000 from 150,000 means 139,000 left to go----

I suspect that Ukraine will get atleast 20,000 foreign fighters---7 russians a piece will wipe them all out--unfortunately Russia is trying to get Syrian fighters to restock their troops.
Second Russian General Killed In Action Near Kharkiv, Second General Killed In Two Weeks.

Mother Fucking Russians Assholes Deserve To Fucking Die.

Women Are Being Raped, Children Are Being Killed and Fuck Shit Stain Cons Support Mother Fucking Putin.
Asshole....cons don't support PUTIN, but
BIDEN does otherwise he would have already removed the Russians from Ukraine.
Putin would make a mistake to lie to Russian women. Yesterday (was 8 Mar in Russia) he said this to them:

" I ne budut provodit'sia dopolnitel'nyi prizyv rezervistov iz zapasa.
And there will be no additional call-up of reservists from the reserve."
He also swore he was sending the draftees into Ukraine---but we know from earlier stories of the Russias in Ukraine that that isn't true.
His cyber attacks on Ukraine have been ineffective
Yea it’s weird how Russia has always been the boogie man, how they installed Trump as President in 2016 by posting mean memes about Hillary. How they hack everything and can destroy the internet. Yet now magically they are inept and can’t even hack Ukraine.

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