Russia lost the war


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Only morons believe Russia doesn't lose the war. The collective Putin ( and his twenty-something doubles) had never intention to win in Ukraine. His true goal is annihilation of Russia and Russian people, he does anything possible to give away a part of the country to Ukraine and another one to China.
How long Russians will tolerate the Kremlin satanic lying killing mafia?
Putin needs to go to the front lines and personally lead the troops


He just needs a scarf and hit the weight room. Victory would be assured unless he is just lost.
OP is bored and is seeking attention .

The US Nazis and their proxies have lost three armies , over 400 planes and over 9000 tanks .
Very careless .

Moscow still has its best troops and over 300 000 reserves on stand by .

Kyiv has nothing left and even the Pentagon has admitted that they cannot win .

Looking forward to the US Nazi counter offensive .
Currently being held up by wet weather and a lack of troops and ordnance Mere Details . rofl
For the attention of Titty and his Nazi brothers

The US Nazis and their proxies have lost three armies , over 400 planes and over 9000 tanks .
Very careless .
Moscow still has its best troops and over 300 000 reserves on stand by .
Kyiv has nothing left and even the Pentagon has admitted that they cannot win .

Looking forward to the US Nazi counter offensive .
Currently being held up by wet weather and a lack of troops and ordnance
Mere Details . rofl
The Kremlin regime afraids of any free world, thousands are sentenced to many years behind bar just for questioning of Kremlin tactic.
Really? Thousands? Man, people discuss about tactics and strategy and geopolitics 24/7 in TV and other medias, including military journals, forums and chats. Discussions about theoretical questions are allowed. There could be problems only if you are trying to reveal their actual plans. They call it espionage, you know...
Only morons believe Russia doesn't lose the war. The collective Putin ( and his twenty-something doubles) had never intention to win in Ukraine. His true goal is annihilation of Russia and Russian people, he does anything possible to give away a part of the country to Ukraine and another one to China.
How long Russians will tolerate the Kremlin satanic lying killing mafia?
As long as you tolerate the Biden regimen
For the attention of Titty and his Nazi brothers

The US Nazis and their proxies have lost three armies , over 400 planes and over 9000 tanks .
Very careless .
Moscow still has its best troops and over 300 000 reserves on stand by .
Kyiv has nothing left and even the Pentagon has admitted that they cannot win .

Looking forward to the US Nazi counter offensive .
Currently being held up by wet weather and a lack of troops and ordnance
Mere Details . rofl
Yet quitting is not an option as it just justifies silliness.
Yet quitting is not an option as it just justifies silliness.
You know the Deep State will not quit, however stupid they look and however badly things go against them .

The war still makes sense to many of the ultra lunatic US Nazis :-
*They are desperate to keep as many Khazarian secrets out of any possible sight .
* It deflects from the evil of the Covid Planscamdemic and the Killer shots . *It deflects away from Taiwan for awhile .
*It deflects away from banks crashing for a little while .
*It deflects from BRICKS , the end of the petrodollar and the collapse of a bankrupt US .

The US nut jobs are now in suicidal mode and losing a few more billion in Khazaria is a small price to pay for these deflection reasons .

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