Russia opposes U.S. missile shield


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
Russian president's envoy has been sent to voice opposition of Turkish involvment in Missile shield.
It's about stationing of 2 radars in Turkey and Missiles on ships in Turkish Black Sea:
Rogozin is meeting with Turkish diplomats and defense officials, and said he would also brief President Abdullah Gul of the details of Russia-NATO talks on the missile defense system.
"Turkey is an extremely important player both in NATO and in the entire European Atlantic region. It is the rising star of Eurasia," Rogozin said, adding that Russia and Turkey had much in common to be able to negotiate productively.
Russia has retained staunch opposition to the planned deployment of U.S. missile defense systems near its borders, claiming they would be a security threat.
Russia against U.S. missile shield elements in Black Sea | Russia | RIA Novosti

A planned U.S. missile shield in Turkey's Black Sea region drew opposition Thursday from Russia, which said U.S. officials want to "shake their weapons."

"The Black Sea has always been a sea of friendship and cooperation and it should remain so in the future," Dmitry Rogozin, Russia's envoy to NATO, was quoted by RIA Novosti as saying.

Speaking in Ankara as part of a NATO capitals tour for NATO missile defense talks, Rogozin said Russia opposes Black Sea region deployment of naval forces from countries "that shake their weapons and have no relation to the Black Sea basin."
Read more: Russia opposes U.S. missile shield -

Valid points from our biggest trading-partner who is concerned about militarization of the region. So, why should Turkey cooperate or involve itself in something that is classified as a security threat to our biggest trading partner?
Are there any reasons for this to piss of the Russians?

Following the May 2010 flotilla incident, the Senate passed S.Res. 548 by voice vote on June 24,2010. The resolution condemned the attack by the “extremists aboard the Mavi Marmara",

Mr. Putin's Russia seems to stand more on Turkish side then our allies in USA.
Russia's Prime Minister has condemned Israel's attack on the flotilla when he came to Istanbul. Also both Russia and Turkey recognize Hamas as representative leaders of the Gaza strip.
David Cameron called called Gaza a "prison camp" when he came to Turkey.
On the other hand our "allies" in the USA call the dead from the flotilla, among them 1 American, "extremists". By Senate resolution.

New ‘Armenian genocide’ bill looming in US Congress
New ‘Armenian genocide’ bill looming in US Congress - Hurriyet Daily News

U.S. House of Representatives is planning to hold a vote Wednesday on an amendment calling for Turkey to “return stolen Armenian and other Christian churches to their rightful owners.”
US to vote on ‘return of churches’ in Turkey - Hurriyet Daily News
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Dmitry Rogozin is the Russian ambassador to the Western defense organization NATO. In addition to this strategic post, he is the chief adviser to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on the missile shield project, which is being considered as Europe’s most important defense project since the end of the Cold War.

After visiting the United States Army Space and Missile Defense Command in Colorado Springs, he carried out high-level contacts in Ankara on Thursday, including with Turkish President Abdullah Gül. Thanks to his meeting with the Turkish press, public opinion has the chance to learn some of the details of the project which have heretofore remained in the shadows.

That information includes the possibility of installing two, instead of one, radar sites on Turkish territory, the possible range of the radars (7,000 km, Rogozin says) and the range of the missiles to intercept “enemy” missiles (2,500 km, Rogozin says) – all of which Turkey had declined to outline from day one.
Enter Russia - Hurriyet Daily News

I hope we stay out of this thing.
Russian relations in economy and cooperation are too important to risk.
Shall the USA place the systems in Israel or wherever it wants.
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US senators voice worry over radar deal with Turkey
The lawmakers asked for "written assurances" that data collected by a so-called X-band radar "will be made available, in real time" to staunch US ally Israel to be "fully integrated into its battlement management and control."
"The administration's plans for missile defense will require the cooperation of the Congress; the prospects for such cooperation are jeopardized if the Congress is not provided the information it requests," they warned.
AFP: US senators voice worry over radar deal with Turkey

If you care so much about them, then place those system there.
We have no interest in missiles headed somewhere else intercepted over our heads with the resulting contamination.
murka has been fucking with people for decades. You can even whip a bunch of ragheads with ****** rigged armament.
You're going to piss off a real country and get taught a lesson.
Google Denver airport murals.
Your masters are following the script.
You religious fools know the Gawd Magog chapter....right ?
Get ready.
NATO warns Turkey against buying Chinese, Russian air defense systems
NATO may avoid sharing ballistic missiles intelligence with Turkey if the nation decides to buy Chinese or Russian systems for its missile defense program

Turkey’s national program is totally separate and independent from NATO’s own plans to design, develop and build its own collective missile shield.

Ankara would have to operate without NATO’s intelligence information on incoming ballistic missiles if it chooses to buy Chinese or Russian systems for its national air and missile defense program, officials of the Western alliance have warned Turkey.
NATO warns Turkey against buying Chinese, Russian air defense systems - Hurriyet Daily News

What does that actually mean, NATO won't share information about incoming missiles with Turkey if Turkey buys seperate Chinese Air-Defense system?
What point there is then for NATO membership if there is only selective security and not collective?

Reminds of 2003, where some NATO countries blocked PAC-3 stationing in Turkey to protect against possible incoming Iraqi missiles.
Turkey is the only NATO country that borders Iraq, so its security will be most at risk if war breaks out. Prompted by the veto on preparing its defences, it has invoked Article Four of the North Atlantic Treaty—for the first time since it was signed in 1949. This requires the allies to consult each other “when in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the parties is threatened”. America wants NATO to start planning the deployment in Turkey of AWACS airborne early-warning radars, Patriot missile-defence systems and anti-biological and anti-chemical warfare units. But France, Germany and Belgium object that even planning such measures would imply that NATO accepted the inevitability of war and thus might undermine last-ditch efforts to reach a diplomatic solution to the conflict with Saddam Hussein.
NATO divided | The Economist
You're going to piss off a real country

Yes, Russia is a real country. Sits in the UNSC and delivers 64% of our total energy imports besides being our biggest trade-partner. They'll also help us build our 1st nuclear power-plant:

President of Russia - Ratification of Agreement between Russia and Turkey on cooperation in peaceful use of nuclear energy

Turkish students to study nuclear engineering in Russia
Hundreds of Turkish students will study nuclear engineering at a leading Russian university and later be assigned in the operation process of Turkey's Akkuyu nuclear power plant.
Turkish students to study nuclear engineering in Russia | Diplomacy | World Bulletin

What did the US parliament ever sign regarding Turkey besides biased Jewish-Christian blackmailing?
Now they want missiles to explode over our heads, Israel gets security and the Turks get the contamination. :cuckoo:
We have no problem with anyone and noone threatens us with any missiles.

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