Russia put weapons in Cuba and US goes Nuclear, but US puts weapons in Ukraine and Putin supposed to take it.

Please do not give thumbs up to Russian sock puppets like this one.

That puts YOU in the category of being a "useful idiot"

Get real. Posters posting shit on an internet discussion board is going to have as little effect on the war, as did the number of votes changed in 2016.
But Cuba, But Mexico, But Central America, But Vietnam, But Korea, But South America, But the Philippines…

I bet you are wondering why I mentioned all those places and you can add Lebanon, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Africa in this and if you knew what I am writing about then you would know Russia is not innocent and neither is the U.S. ….

Difference is Russia fucked up and now everyone knows they can’t even defeat a Jewish comedian!
Stalin did know about the bomb before Dirty Harry Truman did.

Now you see? This is why we can't fucking have anything nice in this country anymore. Russians have been spying on us and stealing our shit ever since the Cold War started. Not only that, they infiltrated our Great Big Beautiful American system of government and polluted it with their filthy Marxism.

If you want to know the truth, it was filthy Russian Marxists who were responsible for the Western world becoming so weak and decadent. It was their plan from the start to denigrate our entire social and economic system, to bring us to our knees. They were involved in everything from the assassination of JFK, the the filthy hippies protesting in the 60's, all the way up to the anti-Trump protesters and the coup that was carried out in 2020.

I suggest you read the link in my signature line.
Then stop posting

If you're so fragile that you're afraid of some shitposting Russians, then you don't belong here, son. Nobody's gonna post anything on here that'll change anyone's opinion one way or another.

I know what I know and I believe what I believe, and nobody's gonna change those things. Not even you.
Now you see? This is why we can't fucking have anything nice in this country anymore. Russians have been spying on us and stealing our shit ever since the Cold War started. Not only that, they infiltrated our Great Big Beautiful American system of government and polluted it with their filthy Marxism.

If you want to know the truth, it was filthy Russian Marxists who were responsible for the Western world becoming so weak and decadent. It was their plan from the start to denigrate our entire social and economic system, to bring us to our knees. They were involved in everything from the assassination of JFK, the the filthy hippies protesting in the 60's, all the way up to the anti-Trump protesters and the coup that was carried out in 2020.

I suggest you read the link in my signature line.
Oh brother. Now you went off the rails. Russia has almost no influence on our government or society. If you truly believe this, you must believe Russiagate.
Biden sure glommed onto that war in a hurry, didn't he? Now Russia is his go-to excuse for every failure in his own administration.

$7 a gallon gas? Blame Russia.

8.5% inflation? Blame Russia.

High food prices? Blame Russia.

Supply line disruptions? Blame Russia.
No wonder the other leaders in his party ignored him on Prime Time the other day. :rolleyes-41:
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If you want to know the truth, it was filthy Russian Marxists who were responsible for the Western world becoming so weak and decadent. It was their plan from the start to denigrate our entire social and economic system, to bring us to our knees. They were involved in everything from the assassination of JFK, the the filthy hippies protesting in the 60's, all the way up to the anti-Trump protesters and the coup that was carried out in 2020.
Predatory Preppy Progressives

It was the spoiled brats of our own ruling class who led the Sick Sixties the Soviet Union influenced them only negatively; they fancied themselves as the New and Improved Communists. Why would Born to Be Boss richkids take orders from anybody?

Their prep schools and universities have been the source of Far Leftism from the beginning. After all, Marx himself can be epitomized as a college professor married to a Countess.
Oh brother. Now you went off the rails. Russia has almost no influence on our government or society. If you truly believe this, you must believe Russiagate.

So Russia didn't steal the atom bomb from us, there were no Russian espionage networks in the US during the 50's and 60's, The Rosenbergs were executed for no reason at all, Lee Harvey Oswald never moved to Russia, Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanssen were not spying for Russia, there's no such thing as "Russian hackers", Hillary didn't pay for a fake "dossier" cooked up by Russia, and the Soviets didn't influence the "peace movement" throughout the 60's and 70's?

Yeah right.

Soviet influence on the peace movement - Wikipedia.
So Russia didn't steal the atom bomb from us, there were no Russian espionage networks in the US during the 50's and 60's, The Rosenbergs were executed for no reason at all, Lee Harvey Oswald never moved to Russia, Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanssen were not spying for Russia, there's no such thing as "Russian hackers", Hillary didn't pay for a fake "dossier" cooked up by Russia, and the Soviets didn't influence the "peace movement" throughout the 60's and 70's?

Yeah right.

Soviet influence on the peace movement - Wikipedia.
The Russians had nothing to do with Oswald or the JFK assassination.
This double standard alone is why the US is falling apart and the world is gravitating toward China. China doesn't give two fucks what you do, just if it makes them money. They aren't insecure little bitches that have to put missiles and military bases everywhere.

The US has overplayed its hand in Ukraine, history will look at the dustbin of the US Empire and see that Ukraine was its coffin. Precisely because while Americans may be too stupid to see it, the rest of the world sees America invaded countries all the time, and rattled Nuclear Sabers any time someone gets too close to America...but as soon as Putin pushes back, the West acts like he's a Hitler.

The world won't put up with that shit, especially since they need Russia more than the United States. The US doesn't export anything but inflation and monopoly money designed to exploit the third world.
I am glad Kennedy stood down Kruschov, a brutal dictator that stood on American soil and threatened to bury us as he pounded on his podium with a shoe. J. F. Kennedy made sure ww3 did not happen. He fought against our enemies at great risk to his own life, unlike our last three POS presidents.
To the supporters of communism I say :fu::saythat:... To supporters of Putin and Xi I have only this wish for you ☢️:Boom2:

China is murdering its own people left and right, 45 million innocent souls only 60 years ago. Yes china does not care, about you or anything except their domination of this planet. Xi is perhaps the most ambitious and dangerous communist in history. Yes the world needs the USA, we are the only nation left that can stop our planet from becoming a total hell on earth controlled by these murdering maniacs.

If you're an American darthtraitor, and that's highly doubtful, then you need to buy some real history books and read them.
Oh brother. Now you went off the rails. Russia has almost no influence on our government or society. If you truly believe this, you must believe Russiagate.
Sanders almost won against biden. Sanders happily sucks the schwanz of whoever is in charge of Russia because he is a wanna-be oligarch as he fools the fools in the USA into believing in his brand of socialism. Yes Russia and China spend billions to affect our country, including the formation and training of groups like Antifa and BLM.
Sanders almost won against biden. Sanders happily sucks the schwanz of whoever is in charge of Russia because he is a wanna-be oligarch as he fools the fools in the USA into believing in his brand of socialism. Yes Russia and China spend billions to affect our country, including the formation and training of groups like Antifa and BLM.
Wow. Talk about uninformed.
Wow. Talk about uninformed.
I guess you were too stoned to watch the primaries leading up to the last election. biden made all kinds of promises to the socialists and BLM to get the nomination when South Carolina was voting their primary. He was in 4th place and doing badly until that happened. Then upon cue every other candidate dropped out and the fix was in. I was even happy about it at the time because I thought Biden was a moderate. But on the first day, the first day after he was coronated as the candidate, he flipped the middle finger to every blue collar worker and moderate in America. yeah you don;t have clue a buddy.
I guess you were too stoned to watch the primaries leading up to the last election. biden made all kinds of promises to the socialists and BLM to get the nomination when South Carolina was voting their primary. He was in 4th place and doing badly until that happened. Then upon cue every other candidate dropped out and the fix was in. I was even happy about it at the time because I thought Biden was a moderate. But on the first day, the first day after he was coronated as the candidate, he flipped the middle finger to every blue collar worker and moderate in America. yeah you don;t have clue a buddy.
Sanders would have been a far better potus than dumb old Joe, but you’ve been brainwashed to think Sanders is some kind of radical commie. Think better.
Do you really want to compare and contrast? Fine. Let’s compare.

In both situations the Russians lied their asses off. They swore they had no intention of putting nuclear weapons in Cuba. They were still doing this as the weapons were deployed in Cuba.

Putin swore he had no intention to invade Ukraine. This was while he was deploying troops for the invasion. He denounced those who said he would invade. Putin lied until after his troops had crossed the border.

Both situations arose because Russians never tell the truth.

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