Russia, Putin, John Kerry, Clinton, Iran, Obama Bin Lying, Heroin & Nuclear Weapons

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016

ARTICLE: Obama’s hidden Iran deal giveaway

Uranium One Deal where at least $145 Million was given to Clinton by Investors in Rosatom.

Obama gives $1.7 Billion to Iran and a Sweetheart deal that allows them to go Nuclear.

A Russian Linked Publishing Company gives Obama $64 Million for a book that has yet to be written. It's been over a year, Obama, maybe you should give that money back to Putin.

Uranium One is Purchased by Rosatom, and US Uranium is NOW being sold to IRAN through Russia!

JOHN KERRY according to what is revealed in the Grasserly Memo, WAS ACTIVELY INVOLVED with Christopher Steele, Uranium One, and of Course, the Iran Nuclear Deal. Christopher Steele was working for Russian Intelligence and The FBI at the same time.

Now, let's think about this....JOHN KERRY & Hillary Clinton Negotiated some WEIRD ONE SIDED DEAL WITH IRAN who is ALLIED WITH RUSSIA, where IRAN gets BILLIONS of DOLLARS, and gets to GO NUCLEAR, all the WHILE JOHN KERRY is helping with a RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN to help PUTIN, CLINTON & OBAMA defeat PRESIDENT TRUMP.


If Clinton becomes President, Putin, Russia, Rosatom, and Iran Are ALL HAPPY and Everyone Gets Paid, and Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein don't say a peep about it. Both Clinton and Obama get to cash in on this Deal, and NO ONE WILL EVER INVESTIGATE IT.

Makes you wonder what was ACTUALLY DELETED on CLINTON'S State Department Server.. Certainly NO ONE has 33,000 Emails about Yoga Pants on a Secret State Department would they?

Now it makes sense why John Kerry, Clinton & Obama would negotiate such a CROOKED ONE SIDED TREATY with IRAN.

Putin told them to.




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Uranium One Deal where at least $145 Million was given to Clinton by Investors in Rosatom.

Obama gives $1.7 Billion to Iran and a Sweetheart deal that allows them to go Nuclear.

A Russian Linked Publishing Company gives Obama $64 Million for a book that has yet to be written. It's been over a year, Obama, maybe you should give that money back to Putin.

Uranium One is Purchased by Rosatom, and US Uranium is NOW being sold to IRAN through Russia!

JOHN KERRY according to what is revealed in the Grasserly Memo, WAS ACTIVELY INVOLVED with Christopher Steele, Uranium One, and of Course, the Iran Nuclear Deal. Christopher Steele was working for Russian Intelligence and The FBI at the same time.

Now, let's think about this....JOHN KERRY & Hillary Clinton Negotiated some WEIRD ONE SIDED DEAL WITH IRAN who is ALLIED WITH RUSSIA, where IRAN gets BILLIONS of DOLLARS, and gets to GO NUCLEAR, all the WHILE JOHN KERRY is helping with a RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN to help PUTIN, CLINTON & OBAMA defeat PRESIDENT TRUMP.


If Clinton becomes President, Putin, Russian, Rosatom, and Iran Are ALL HAPPY and Everyone Gets Paid, and Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein don't say a peep about it. Both Clinton and Obama get to cash in on this Deal, and NO ONE WILL EVER INVETIGATE IT.

Makes you wonder what was ACTUALLY DELETED on CLINTON'S State Department Server.. Certainly NO ONE has 33,000 Emails about Yoga Pants on a Secret State Department would they?

Now it makes sense why John Kerry, Clinton & Obama would negotiate such a CROOKED ONE SIDED TREATY with IRAN.

Putin told them to.




No Soros mention? A poor effort.

Uranium One Deal where at least $145 Million was given to Clinton by Investors in Rosatom.

Obama gives $1.7 Billion to Iran and a Sweetheart deal that allows them to go Nuclear.

A Russian Linked Publishing Company gives Obama $64 Million for a book that has yet to be written. It's been over a year, Obama, maybe you should give that money back to Putin.

Uranium One is Purchased by Rosatom, and US Uranium is NOW being sold to IRAN through Russia!

JOHN KERRY according to what is revealed in the Grasserly Memo, WAS ACTIVELY INVOLVED with Christopher Steele, Uranium One, and of Course, the Iran Nuclear Deal. Christopher Steele was working for Russian Intelligence and The FBI at the same time.

Now, let's think about this....JOHN KERRY & Hillary Clinton Negotiated some WEIRD ONE SIDED DEAL WITH IRAN who is ALLIED WITH RUSSIA, where IRAN gets BILLIONS of DOLLARS, and gets to GO NUCLEAR, all the WHILE JOHN KERRY is helping with a RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN to help PUTIN, CLINTON & OBAMA defeat PRESIDENT TRUMP.


If Clinton becomes President, Putin, Russian, Rosatom, and Iran Are ALL HAPPY and Everyone Gets Paid, and Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein don't say a peep about it. Both Clinton and Obama get to cash in on this Deal, and NO ONE WILL EVER INVETIGATE IT.

Makes you wonder what was ACTUALLY DELETED on CLINTON'S State Department Server.. Certainly NO ONE has 33,000 Emails about Yoga Pants on a Secret State Department would they?

Now it makes sense why John Kerry, Clinton & Obama would negotiate such a CROOKED ONE SIDED TREATY with IRAN.

Putin told them to.




No Soros mention? A poor effort.

Soros runs his own show. And in my opinion his Corruption is INDEPENDENT of PUTIN'S but he has his OWN CROOKED DEALS with the ABOVE PICTURED TRAITORS AND CRIMINALS IN THIS THREAD

Uranium One Deal where at least $145 Million was given to Clinton by Investors in Rosatom.

Obama gives $1.7 Billion to Iran and a Sweetheart deal that allows them to go Nuclear.

A Russian Linked Publishing Company gives Obama $64 Million for a book that has yet to be written. It's been over a year, Obama, maybe you should give that money back to Putin.

Uranium One is Purchased by Rosatom, and US Uranium is NOW being sold to IRAN through Russia!

JOHN KERRY according to what is revealed in the Grasserly Memo, WAS ACTIVELY INVOLVED with Christopher Steele, Uranium One, and of Course, the Iran Nuclear Deal. Christopher Steele was working for Russian Intelligence and The FBI at the same time.

Now, let's think about this....JOHN KERRY & Hillary Clinton Negotiated some WEIRD ONE SIDED DEAL WITH IRAN who is ALLIED WITH RUSSIA, where IRAN gets BILLIONS of DOLLARS, and gets to GO NUCLEAR, all the WHILE JOHN KERRY is helping with a RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN to help PUTIN, CLINTON & OBAMA defeat PRESIDENT TRUMP.


If Clinton becomes President, Putin, Russian, Rosatom, and Iran Are ALL HAPPY and Everyone Gets Paid, and Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein don't say a peep about it. Both Clinton and Obama get to cash in on this Deal, and NO ONE WILL EVER INVETIGATE IT.

Makes you wonder what was ACTUALLY DELETED on CLINTON'S State Department Server.. Certainly NO ONE has 33,000 Emails about Yoga Pants on a Secret State Department would they?

Now it makes sense why John Kerry, Clinton & Obama would negotiate such a CROOKED ONE SIDED TREATY with IRAN.

Putin told them to.




No Soros mention? A poor effort.

Soros runs his own show. And in my opinion his Corruption is INDEPENDENT of PUTIN'S but he has his OWN CROOKED DEALS with the ABOVE PICTURED TRAITORS AND CRIMINALS IN THIS THREAD
Including Trump. To the tune of billions. Or did you not know that?

Uranium One Deal where at least $145 Million was given to Clinton by Investors in Rosatom.

Obama gives $1.7 Billion to Iran and a Sweetheart deal that allows them to go Nuclear.

A Russian Linked Publishing Company gives Obama $64 Million for a book that has yet to be written. It's been over a year, Obama, maybe you should give that money back to Putin.

Uranium One is Purchased by Rosatom, and US Uranium is NOW being sold to IRAN through Russia!

JOHN KERRY according to what is revealed in the Grasserly Memo, WAS ACTIVELY INVOLVED with Christopher Steele, Uranium One, and of Course, the Iran Nuclear Deal. Christopher Steele was working for Russian Intelligence and The FBI at the same time.

Now, let's think about this....JOHN KERRY & Hillary Clinton Negotiated some WEIRD ONE SIDED DEAL WITH IRAN who is ALLIED WITH RUSSIA, where IRAN gets BILLIONS of DOLLARS, and gets to GO NUCLEAR, all the WHILE JOHN KERRY is helping with a RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN to help PUTIN, CLINTON & OBAMA defeat PRESIDENT TRUMP.


If Clinton becomes President, Putin, Russian, Rosatom, and Iran Are ALL HAPPY and Everyone Gets Paid, and Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein don't say a peep about it. Both Clinton and Obama get to cash in on this Deal, and NO ONE WILL EVER INVETIGATE IT.

Makes you wonder what was ACTUALLY DELETED on CLINTON'S State Department Server.. Certainly NO ONE has 33,000 Emails about Yoga Pants on a Secret State Department would they?

Now it makes sense why John Kerry, Clinton & Obama would negotiate such a CROOKED ONE SIDED TREATY with IRAN.

Putin told them to.




No Soros mention? A poor effort.

Soros runs his own show. And in my opinion his Corruption is INDEPENDENT of PUTIN'S but he has his OWN CROOKED DEALS with the ABOVE PICTURED TRAITORS AND CRIMINALS IN THIS THREAD
Including Trump. To the tune of billions. Or did you not know that?

So, where did Trump sign off on a deal to sell 20% of our Uranium to Russia and then Iran? Obama even fronted Iran Billions to buy Our Uranium from Putin.
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And they are arrogant enough to go behind Trumps back in an effort to discredit him/us telling these countries that they will reverse everything Trump has done, and get their money flowing again. They are UN to the core and treasonous to our country. They should be shot at dawn...
More Crooked Dealings with Obama & Iran

The Full Article can be read below:
Obama’s hidden Iran deal giveaway

Valerie Lincy, executive director of the nonpartisan Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control, said Obama administration officials made a shrewd political calculation in focusing public attention on just those seven men it was freeing in the United States, and portraying them as mere sanctions violators.

That way, she said, “They just didn’t think it was going to make too many waves. And I think they were right.”

But Lincy, who closely tracks the U.S. counterproliferation effort against Iran, said that by letting so many men off the hook, and for such a wide range of offenses, Washington has effectively given its blessing to Iran’s continuing defiance of international laws.

Former Obama administration officials deny that, saying the men could still be prosecuted if they continue their illegal activity. But with their cases dropped, international arrest warrants dismissed and investigative assets redirected, the men — especially the 14 fugitives — can now continue activities the U.S. considers to be serious threats to its national security, Lincy said.

“This is a scandal,” she said. “The cases bear all the hallmarks of exactly the kinds of national security threats we’re still going after. It’s stunning and hard to understand why we would do this.”

In his Sunday morning address to the American people, Obama portrayed the seven men he freed as “civilians.” The senior official described them as businessmen convicted of or awaiting trial for mere “sanctions-related offenses, violations of the trade embargo.”

In reality, some of them were accused by Obama’s own Justice Department of posing threats to national security. Three allegedly were part of an illegal procurement network supplying Iran with U.S.-made microelectronics with applications in surface-to-air and cruise missiles like the kind Tehran test-fired recently, prompting a still-escalating exchange of threats with the Trump administration. Another was serving an eight-year sentence for conspiring to supply Iran with satellite technology and hardware. As part of the deal, U.S. officials even dropped their demand for $10 million that a jury said the aerospace engineer illegally received from Tehran.

And in a series of unpublicized court filings, the Justice Department dropped charges and international arrest warrants against 14 other men, all of them fugitives. The administration didn’t disclose their names or what they were accused of doing, noting only in an unattributed, 152-word statement about the swap that the U.S. “also removed any Interpol red notices and dismissed any charges against 14 Iranians for whom it was assessed that extradition requests were unlikely to be successful.”

Three of the fugitives allegedly sought to lease Boeing aircraft for an Iranian airline that authorities say had supported Hezbollah, the U.S.-designated terrorist organization. A fourth, Behrouz Dolatzadeh, was charged with conspiring to buy thousands of U.S.-made assault rifles and illegally import them into Iran.

A fifth, Amin Ravan, was charged with smuggling U.S. military antennas to Hong Kong and Singapore for use in Iran. U.S. authorities also believe he was part of a procurement network providing Iran with high-tech components for an especially deadly type of IED used by Shiite militias to kill hundreds of American troops in Iraq.

The biggest fish, though, was Seyed Abolfazl Shahab Jamili, who had been charged with being part of a conspiracy that from 2005 to 2012 procured thousands of parts with nuclear applications for Iran via China. That included hundreds of U.S.-made sensors for the uranium enrichment centrifuges in Iran whose progress had prompted the nuclear deal talks in the first place.

When federal prosecutors and agents learned the true extent of the releases, many were shocked and angry. Some had spent years, if not decades, working to penetrate the global proliferation networks that allowed Iranian arms traders both to obtain crucial materials for Tehran’s illicit nuclear and ballistic missile programs and, in some cases, to provide dangerous materials to other countries.

“They didn’t just dismiss a bunch of innocent business guys,” said one former federal law enforcement supervisor centrally involved in the hunt for Iranian arms traffickers and nuclear smugglers. “And then they didn’t give a full story of it.”

In its determination to win support for the nuclear deal and prisoner swap from Tehran — and from Congress and the American people — the Obama administration did a lot more than just downplay the threats posed by the men it let off the hook, according to POLITICO’s findings.

Through action in some cases and inaction in others, the White House derailed its own much-touted National Counterproliferation Initiative at a time when it was making unprecedented headway in thwarting Iran’s proliferation networks. In addition, the POLITICO investigation found that Justice and State Department officials denied or delayed requests from prosecutors and agents to lure some key Iranian fugitives to friendly countries so they could be arrested. Similarly, Justice and State, at times in consultation with the White House, slowed down efforts to extradite some suspects already in custody overseas, according to current and former officials and others involved in the counterproliferation effort.

And as far back as the fall of 2014, Obama administration officials began slow-walking some significant investigations and prosecutions of Iranian procurement networks operating in the U.S. These previously undisclosed findings are based on interviews with key participants at all levels of government and an extensive review of court records and other documents.

“Clearly, there was an embargo on any Iranian cases,” according to the former federal supervisor.

“Of course it pissed people off, but it’s more significant that these guys were freed, and that people were killed because of the actions of one of them,” the supervisor added, in reference to Ravan and the IED network.
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Obama Made Deal With Hezbollah To Bring Tons Of Cocaine Into U.S. From Mexico For Eight Years

Newsweek – The Islamist militant group Hezbollah exploded into a major cocaine trafficker for the United States over the past decade—and it happened under former President Barack Obama’s watch to help score a nuclear deal with Iran, a report revealed Monday.

Project Cassandra, a campaign launched by the Drug Enforcement Administration in 2008, found that the Iran-backed military and political organization collected $1 billion a year from money laundering, criminal activities, and drug and weapons trade, according to Politico. Over the following eight years, the agency found that Hezbollah was involved in cocaine shipments from Latin America to West Africa, as well as through Venezuela and Mexico to the United States.

The Obama administration halted Project Cassandra as it was approaching the upper echelons of Hezbollah’s conspiracy in order to seal a nuclear deal with Iran, even though Hezbollah was still funneling cocaine into America. Officials at the U.S. Justice and Treasury departments delayed the project’s requests to conduct relevant investigations, prosecutions and arrests. Obama eventually helped strike the Iran deal with several other nations in 2015.

Because of the project’s sudden end, it is hard to determine how much cocaine has come into the U.S. from Hezbollah-affiliated networks. But through Venezuela alone, Hezbollah sent thousands of tons to the United States in a matter of years.

Obama Made Deal With Hezbollah To Bring Tons Of Cocaine Into U.S. From Mexico For Eight Years

Newsweek – The Islamist militant group Hezbollah exploded into a major cocaine trafficker for the United States over the past decade—and it happened under former President Barack Obama’s watch to help score a nuclear deal with Iran, a report revealed Monday.

Project Cassandra, a campaign launched by the Drug Enforcement Administration in 2008, found that the Iran-backed military and political organization collected $1 billion a year from money laundering, criminal activities, and drug and weapons trade, according to Politico. Over the following eight years, the agency found that Hezbollah was involved in cocaine shipments from Latin America to West Africa, as well as through Venezuela and Mexico to the United States.

The Obama administration halted Project Cassandra as it was approaching the upper echelons of Hezbollah’s conspiracy in order to seal a nuclear deal with Iran, even though Hezbollah was still funneling cocaine into America. Officials at the U.S. Justice and Treasury departments delayed the project’s requests to conduct relevant investigations, prosecutions and arrests. Obama eventually helped strike the Iran deal with several other nations in 2015.

Because of the project’s sudden end, it is hard to determine how much cocaine has come into the U.S. from Hezbollah-affiliated networks. But through Venezuela alone, Hezbollah sent thousands of tons to the United States in a matter of years.
The border, even with a wall will still be open....there are still three sides with no wall....

I can tell you the Recipe:

Iran to the store to get all the ingredients:

One part Hillary Clinton.... Mix with Vodka
Plus Uranium One
Add in some Rosatom
Sprinkle in Some John Kerry, and fold in Some Hezbollah
Stir with an Obama
Chill with The Cold War
Don't Russia the recipe, it just takes time.
Putin The Oven
This Recipe Makes $145 Million

Bake at 10,000 Degrees Fahrenheit!

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Speaking of her many scandals, if you wonder why she was emailing Classified Information to Sid Blumenthal about Libya, he has a lot of Investments in Libyan Oil.

Clinton was trying to conceal the fact also that she was Gun Running out of Benghazi and was actually dealing with Terrorists to try to take down Qadaffi, and was even giving them "Sophisticated Anti-Aircraft Weapons"

So every time you hear about Al Queda, The Taliban, or ISIS taking down a Civilian or Military Aircraft or Helicopter, you can Thank Obama Bin Lying & Hillary Rotten Clinton for that.

Some sample emails:

Judicial Watch: New Clinton Classified Emails Discovered - Judicial Watch

"Advisor Sid Blumenthal Writes: ‘Serious Trouble for Libyan Rebels’

(Washington, DC) — Judicial Watch today released 109 pages of new Hillary Clinton emails from her tenure as secretary of state. The documents include two email exchanges classified confidential and a 2011 exchange with Sid Blumenthal about “serious trouble for the Libyan rebels.”

The newly-produced emails were part of 72,000 pages of documents the FBI recovered last year in its investigation into Clinton’s use of an unsecure, non-government email system. The records include emails Hillary Clinton attempted to delete or did not otherwise disclose.

Two heavily redacted emails marked Classified Confidential included a November 2011 exchange under the Subject: “Egyptian MFA on Hamas-PLO talks,” and a June 28, 2011 email from Clinton to Abedin in which Clinton writes “I have now promised the Kuwaiti PM 3 times that I will deliver an address at the Oxford Islamic Center. Pls be sure that’s on the list for next Fall/next year.”

On March 9, 2011, Sid Blumenthal emailed Clinton about the situation in Libya, with the subject line “H: serious trouble for Libyan rebels. Sid” The email discusses urging leaders of the National Libyan Council (NLC) “to consider hiring private troops (mercenaries) to support, organize, and train the rebel forces in Libya.” Blumenthal adds that “a small number of private troops could turn the battle against Qaddafi’s forces, particularly if they are equipped with sophisticated anti-aircraft weapons.” Clinton asks former aide Huma Abedin to “print for me w/o any identifiers”.

The Washington Times reported Libyan officials were deeply concerned in 2011 that Clinton was responsible for weapons being funneled to NATO-backed rebels in Libya with ties to al Qaeda."

This bitch would sell her own mother down the river if she thought she could make enough money off of it, or increase her base of Power in Government. The whole fucking Administration was promoting terrorism, promoting nuclear and weapons proliferation and cashing in on it!

Lastly, more Obstruction From The Left. There were serious corruption issue in The State Department, and they have been ordered to produce documents, but they have been slow walking them since the order. It's just a delay tactic just like Lois Lerner tried to give them time to scrub what they can scrub, and sanitize as much email as is possible, "providing" there aren't any copies somewhere else they can't get to.

In November 2016, the State Department was ordered to produce no less than 500 pages of records a month to Judicial Watch. Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit in May 2015 after the State Department failed to respond to a March 18, 2015, FOIA request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:15-cv-00687)). The lawsuit seeks:

  • All emails sent or received by former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in her official capacity as secretary of State, as well as all emails by other State Department employees to Secretary Clinton regarding her non-“” email address.

  • Under the current pace of production, the Clinton emails and other records won’t fully be available for possible release until at least 2020.
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