Russia releases key findings on chemical attack


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013

Russia releases key findings on chemical attack near Aleppo indicating similarity with rebel-made weapons

Probes from Khan al-Assal show chemicals used in the March 19 attack did not belong to standard Syrian army ammunition, and that the shell carrying the substance was similar to those made by a rebel fighter group, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated.

A statement released by the ministry on Wednesday particularly drew attention to the “massive stove-piping of various information aimed at placing the responsibility for the alleged chemical weapons use in Syria on Damascus, even though the results of the UN investigation have not yet been revealed.”

By such means “the way is being paved for military action” against Damascus, the ministry pointed out.

Russia releases key findings on chemical attack near Aleppo indicating similarity with rebel-made weapons ? RT News

No war in Syria!
There was some indication that the weapon had come from Saudi Arabia.

Syrian Rebels Behind Chemical Attack, Weapons Provided by Saudi Arabia, Says Report

The Syrian Chemical Weapons Use Canard | Global Research

Photos and videos were posted online. Images are graphic. They show bodies on a makeshift hospital floor. They’re being hosed down with water.

Another shows a child treated with a hand-held respirator. Others show victims gasping for air. Whether they reflect Ghouta’s incident remains undetermined.

Images are unverified. They contain no DNA. They could be from anywhere. They can be new, old or contrived. Hollywood sound stages expertly recreate them.

At least one of the photos released purportedly showing the rows of dead bodies as a result of this chemical attack was actually a photo taken of the rows of dead bodies after Saddam Hussein's chemical attack on the Kurds!
There was some indication that the weapon had come from Saudi Arabia.

Syrian Rebels Behind Chemical Attack, Weapons Provided by Saudi Arabia, Says Report

The Syrian Chemical Weapons Use Canard | Global Research

Photos and videos were posted online. Images are graphic. They show bodies on a makeshift hospital floor. They’re being hosed down with water.

Another shows a child treated with a hand-held respirator. Others show victims gasping for air. Whether they reflect Ghouta’s incident remains undetermined.

Images are unverified. They contain no DNA. They could be from anywhere. They can be new, old or contrived. Hollywood sound stages expertly recreate them.

At least one of the photos released purportedly showing the rows of dead bodies as a result of this chemical attack was actually a photo taken of the rows of dead bodies after Saddam Hussein's chemical attack on the Kurds!

I can only imagine the horrors. I don't want our troops being hit with that stuff....
There was some indication that the weapon had come from Saudi Arabia.

Syrian Rebels Behind Chemical Attack, Weapons Provided by Saudi Arabia, Says Report

The Syrian Chemical Weapons Use Canard | Global Research

Photos and videos were posted online. Images are graphic. They show bodies on a makeshift hospital floor. They’re being hosed down with water.

Another shows a child treated with a hand-held respirator. Others show victims gasping for air. Whether they reflect Ghouta’s incident remains undetermined.

Images are unverified. They contain no DNA. They could be from anywhere. They can be new, old or contrived. Hollywood sound stages expertly recreate them.

At least one of the photos released purportedly showing the rows of dead bodies as a result of this chemical attack was actually a photo taken of the rows of dead bodies after Saddam Hussein's chemical attack on the Kurds!

I can only imagine the horrors. I don't want our troops being hit with that stuff....

You DON'T.

Imagine this. Insider attacks with sarin gas by Syrian rebels. That's where obama is going.
I, for one, am glad TemplarKormac is going on record as using the Russian government as a credible source. This is priceless.
Compared to our state run media, the Russian government IS a credible source.
I, for one, am glad TemplarKormac is going on record as using the Russian government as a credible source. This is priceless.

Oh? So are you supporting a strike in Syria? Your trolling can only suggest such.
Probes from Khan al-Assal show chemicals used in the March 19 attack did not belong to standard Syrian army ammunition,

That is why they are called "unconventional weapons".

and that the shell carrying the substance was similar to those made by a rebel fighter group, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated.

"Similar to"?

A statement released by the ministry on Wednesday particularly drew attention to the “massive stove-piping of various information aimed at placing the responsibility for the alleged chemical weapons use in Syria on Damascus, even though the results of the UN investigation have not yet been revealed.”

And here we see the recent chemical attack being deliberately conflated with an attack several months ago.

The evidence the Syrian government was behind the recent attack is very nearly incontrovertible, which is why the Russians and their American useful idiots are throwing up all this bullshit smoke to confuse the issue.
Probes from Khan al-Assal show chemicals used in the March 19 attack did not belong to standard Syrian army ammunition,

That is why they are called "unconventional weapons".

and that the shell carrying the substance was similar to those made by a rebel fighter group, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated.

"Similar to"?

A statement released by the ministry on Wednesday particularly drew attention to the “massive stove-piping of various information aimed at placing the responsibility for the alleged chemical weapons use in Syria on Damascus, even though the results of the UN investigation have not yet been revealed.”

And here we see the recent chemical attack being deliberately conflated with an attack several months ago.

The evidence the Syrian government was behind the recent attack is very nearly incontrovertible, which is why the Russians and their American useful idiots are throwing up all this bullshit smoke to confuse the issue.

Then you wont mind producing this evidence for us. Thanks.
Just so you know, Russia is Syria's friend. Russia is Assad's friend. Russia has a vested interest in Assad.

But you go ahead and be a useful idiot for Russia and pretend they are objective and credible. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Remember the "Axis of Evil"? Anyone?

Iran, Iraq, North Korea.

Guess which one is the patron of Syria.
Still no evidence I see. I'll wait here, or are you planning to go join Fake Starkey in the corner of assertions without even a shred of evidence produced?
Probes from Khan al-Assal show chemicals used in the March 19 attack did not belong to standard Syrian army ammunition,

That is why they are called "unconventional weapons".

"Similar to"?

A statement released by the ministry on Wednesday particularly drew attention to the “massive stove-piping of various information aimed at placing the responsibility for the alleged chemical weapons use in Syria on Damascus, even though the results of the UN investigation have not yet been revealed.”

And here we see the recent chemical attack being deliberately conflated with an attack several months ago.

The evidence the Syrian government was behind the recent attack is very nearly incontrovertible, which is why the Russians and their American useful idiots are throwing up all this bullshit smoke to confuse the issue.

Then you wont mind producing this evidence for us. Thanks.

It's been in all the papers, and I have posted it on this forum more than once. But I see you have your Russian-made blinders on.

"We know that for three days before the attack, the Syrian regime's chemical weapons personnel were on the ground in the area, making preparations," said Kerry, referring to intercepts of conversations of Syrian officials. "And we know that the Syrian regime elements were told to prepare for the attack by putting on gas masks and taking precautions associated with chemical weapons."

So much for the claim the rebels were behind the chemical attack.

White House releases report detailing Syria chemical attack
Just so you know, Russia is Syria's friend. Russia is Assad's friend. Russia has a vested interest in Assad.

But you go ahead and be a useful idiot for Russia and pretend they are objective and credible. BWA-HA-HA-HA!


They are no different than the United States' vested interest in obama's vanity.

Russia was never going to not support Assad. They have a major navy base in Syria and will not let that base fall into terrorist hands. Would Russia go to war to protect their military installation? Yes and they should. More, we should fully expect that they would the same way the US would protect any of its military installations. Would the United States go to war to protect obama's vanity? I hope not.
Just so you know, Russia is Syria's friend. Russia is Assad's friend. Russia has a vested interest in Assad.

But you go ahead and be a useful idiot for Russia and pretend they are objective and credible. BWA-HA-HA-HA!


They are no different than the United States' vested interest in obama's vanity.

Russia was never going to not support Assad. They have a major navy base in Syria and will not let that base fall into terrorist hands. Would Russia go to war to protect their military installation? Yes and they should. More, we should fully expect that they would the same way the US would protect any of its military installations. Would the United States go to war to protect obama's vanity? I hope not.

So you can plainly see the Russian government has no objectivity here, and yet you are saying they are a credible source. This is positively priceless. I am enjoying your useful idiocy for the Russian government immensely, as I am sure Putin is.

As for Russia going to war with us for shooting off a few missiles and calling it a day, you are seriously deluded.
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That is why they are called "unconventional weapons".

"Similar to"?

And here we see the recent chemical attack being deliberately conflated with an attack several months ago.

The evidence the Syrian government was behind the recent attack is very nearly incontrovertible, which is why the Russians and their American useful idiots are throwing up all this bullshit smoke to confuse the issue.

Then you wont mind producing this evidence for us. Thanks.

It's been in all the papers, and I have posted it on this forum more than once. But I see you have your Russian-made blinders on.

"We know that for three days before the attack, the Syrian regime's chemical weapons personnel were on the ground in the area, making preparations," said Kerry, referring to intercepts of conversations of Syrian officials. "And we know that the Syrian regime elements were told to prepare for the attack by putting on gas masks and taking precautions associated with chemical weapons."

So much for the claim the rebels were behind the chemical attack.

White House releases report detailing Syria chemical attack

And you criticize me of using Russia as a source? This is even worse!
That is why they are called "unconventional weapons".

"Similar to"?

And here we see the recent chemical attack being deliberately conflated with an attack several months ago.

The evidence the Syrian government was behind the recent attack is very nearly incontrovertible, which is why the Russians and their American useful idiots are throwing up all this bullshit smoke to confuse the issue.

Then you wont mind producing this evidence for us. Thanks.

It's been in all the papers, and I have posted it on this forum more than once. But I see you have your Russian-made blinders on.

"We know that for three days before the attack, the Syrian regime's chemical weapons personnel were on the ground in the area, making preparations," said Kerry, referring to intercepts of conversations of Syrian officials. "And we know that the Syrian regime elements were told to prepare for the attack by putting on gas masks and taking precautions associated with chemical weapons."

So much for the claim the rebels were behind the chemical attack.

White House releases report detailing Syria chemical attack


So you "evidence" is hearsay, more assertions and "intercepted emails"? Lets see those emails.
Just so you know, Russia is Syria's friend. Russia is Assad's friend. Russia has a vested interest in Assad.

But you go ahead and be a useful idiot for Russia and pretend they are objective and credible. BWA-HA-HA-HA!


They are no different than the United States' vested interest in obama's vanity.

Russia was never going to not support Assad. They have a major navy base in Syria and will not let that base fall into terrorist hands. Would Russia go to war to protect their military installation? Yes and they should. More, we should fully expect that they would the same way the US would protect any of its military installations. Would the United States go to war to protect obama's vanity? I hope not.

So you can plainly see the Russian government has no objectivity here, and yet you are saying they are a credible source. This is positively priceless. I am enjoying your useful idiocy for the Russian government immensely, as I am sure Putin is.

As for Russia going to war with us for shooting off a few missiles and calling it a day, you are seriously deluded.

Is there any credibility coming from Presidunce Vanity?

I would hope that the United States would be treated just like any other country that deliberately attacked another nation that posed no threat to it. We should become a pariah country, an illegal rogue regime.
Damascus has continued its pursuit of chemical weapons despite the damage to its international reputation and the rising costs of evading international export controls on chemical weapons materials. Since embarking on a CW program in the 1970's, Syria has obtained both chemical agents and CW-capable missiles from foreign suppliers. [3] Currently, Syria's ability to produce CW agents and delivery systems appears to remain heavily dependent on foreign support for materials and expertise. Since 2005, Jane's Defense has reported on alleged Iranian assistance to Syria in upgrading and enhancing its CW production infrastructure. [4] Despite numerous such allegations by Jane's, U.S. government sources have not made similar claims. Information about the exact location of Syria's CW assets, from stockpiles to production sites, remains vague. The ongoing civil war raises questions about the physical security of these sites. Furthermore, many in the international community have become increasingly concerned as the conflict worsens that the Assad regime might choose to use chemical weapons against its own people; U.S. officials have repeatedly warned that doing so would constitute a "red line" requiring some form of American action. [5] As of August 2013, while it appears that chemical weapons have been used in Syria, doubts remain as to which faction was involved in the alleged use incidents.

Reporting on the Syrian CW arsenal remained relatively stable throughout the next decade. Since the initial reports alleging sarin production and potential VX research and production, few new developments have emerged in public reporting. From 2002 to 2006, reports from the U.S. Director of Central Intelligence repeated that "Damascus already held a stockpile of the nerve agent sarin, but apparently tried to develop more toxic and persistent nerve agents." [31] The 2009 and 2010 versions of this report repeated a similar line, that Syria "has had a CW program for many years and already has a stockpile of CW agents" and that "Syria remains dependent on foreign sources for key elements of its CW program, including precursor chemicals." [32]

Between late November and early December 2012, Western intelligence agencies obtained clear evidence that Syrian government units were preparing chemical weapons for potential use. At one base, soldiers were observed to be mixing precursor chemicals and taking other steps to make the chemical weapons battlefield ready. Surveillance photos further confirmed another army unit loading chemical weapons onto special military transport vehicles. [50] These actions prompted President Obama to warn Syria again on 3 December 2012 that "the use of chemical weapons is and would be totally unacceptable… [and] there will be consequences and you will be held accountable." [51]

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