Russia Russia Russia confirmed today by Guiliani associate in House testimony

What the hell does any of that have to with 10% comment re. a Chinese deal that never happened?
So, don't believe the chinese but believe the ukrainians? ahahahahaahahhahahha such inconsistency is so demofk.
Biden forcing Shokin's firing was consistent with US foreign policy goals, supported by IMF, DoS and Ukrainian corruption watch groups and even Shokin's own deputy that quit in protest of the swamp.
You seem to have conflated bits and pieces in your head, but obviously have no idea what any of it adds up to.
Has hunter stated who the big guy is yet?
Because said prosecutor was corrupt.

"Why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt" ~ Donald Trump, 9.23.2019
Yeah, corrupt how? Break it down show us exactly how he was corrupt.

Meanwhile Biden is on tape bragging about getting him fired
What the hell does any of that have to with 10% comment re. a Chinese deal that never happened?

Biden forcing Shokin's firing was consistent with US foreign policy goals, supported by IMF, DoS, Senate members (inc. Republicans) and Ukrainian corruption watch groups and even Shokin's own deputy that quit in protest of the swamp.

You seem to have conflated bits and pieces in your head, but obviously have no idea what any of it adds up to.
China isn't Ukraine stick to the question and stop being retarded
China isn't Ukraine stick to the question and stop being retarded
Right, so why are you conflating 10% comment for a Chinese deal and firing of a corrupt Ukranian prosecutor?

This question is very obvious, not sure what your malfunction is.

Strictly on Ukraine I will again repeat:

Biden forcing Shokin's firing was consistent with US foreign policy goals, supported by IMF, DoS, Senate members (inc. Republicans) and Ukrainian corruption watch groups and even Shokin's own deputy that quit in protest of the swamp.

There has been no evidence found that Joe Biden forced Shokin's firing for any inapropriate reason.

Can you refute even a word of that?
I posted him NOT saying what you quoted him as saying. How sad you can't post without lying.
you posted he who was there talking about going into the capital. ohhhhhhhhhhhh
Right, so why are you conflating 10% comment for a Chinese deal and firing of a corrupt Ukranian prosecutor?

This question is very obvious, not sure what your malfunction is.
I never mentioned China you stupid fuck

Foreign Policy goals - stop looking into my corrupt son's company messing up my kickbacks
I never mentioned China you stupid fuck

"10% for the big guy" was from Hunter's email re. a Chinese deal.

You are mentioning a CHINESE deal, which obviously had nothing to do with your Ukranian wet fantasies - get it dum dum?
10% for the big guy is what Hunter gave Joe for ALL crooked deals. Its pay to play and corruption you absolute retard

Well, there you go again, treating your baseless assuptions as if they are factual.

There is exactly zero evidence Joe Biden has ever heard anything about any 10%, let alone participate in it. House hearings today. He also points out Pete Sessions', Ron Johnson's and Lindsay Graham's complicity with trying to use Shokin against the Bidens. It’s clear. Russia Russia Russia was no hoax. Damn. Who would have thought?

"The only information ever pushed on the Bidens and Ukraine has come from one source and one source only: Russia and Russian agents," he said, adding that impeachment proceedings against Biden were "predicated on false information spread by the Kremlin."

“Every person integral to this shadow diplomacy knew that the Biden corruption rumors were baseless," Parnas said. "Then-Congressman Devin Nunes, Senator Ron Johnson, and many other individuals understood that they were pushing a false narrative. The same goes for John Solomon, Sean Hannity, and media personnel, particularly at Fox News, who used that narrative to manipulate the public ahead of the 2020 election. They are still doing this today, as we approach the 2024 election.”

As if that weren't bad enough, the House GOP had another "impeachment witness" speak who has been jailed for $80M in pension fraud.

Lev Parnas, ex-Giuliani associate, testifies allegations against Bidens are false and 'spread by the Kremlin'

You just lost any credibility you had, which was not much.

Listening to you people spitting into the wind may be hilarious, but it it is honestly a waste of time.

People who care have to fix this, and that means that YOU either win, or your side is DOA.

But you already knew this, but I notice how you try and make things............kind of obscure, lol.

I refuse to proclaim you are hosed, and are going to lose; for who knows how the American people think.

But, what I will tell you that if you lose....................we will see you again in 15 to 20 yrs.

You may not be the far Left, but if you/they lose, it is CYAS, wouldn't want to be ya, anytime soon.
Yeah, corrupt how? Break it down show us exactly how he was corrupt.

Meanwhile Biden is on tape bragging about getting him fired

Burisma is a great example. They committed crimes in 2012. In 2016, Shokin had still not prosecuted the owner.

Yes, Biden bragged about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired. Don't you believe Trump??

"Why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt" ~ Donald Trump, 9.23.2019
Right, so why are you conflating 10% comment for a Chinese deal and firing of a corrupt Ukranian prosecutor?

This question is very obvious, not sure what your malfunction is.

Strictly on Ukraine I will again repeat:

Biden forcing Shokin's firing was consistent with US foreign policy goals, supported by IMF, DoS, Senate members (inc. Republicans) and Ukrainian corruption watch groups and even Shokin's own deputy that quit in protest of the swamp.

There has been no evidence found that Joe Biden forced Shokin's firing for any inapropriate reason.

Can you refute even a word of that?

Also wanting Shokin removed was Ukraine's Rada (their Congress). They voted no-confidence on Shokin but the president, who was friends with Shokin, still refused to force him out.
you posted he who was there talking about going into the capital. ohhhhhhhhhhhh

And him not saying what you quoted him saying. You actually claimed he said, “WE‘RE HERE TO STORM THE CAPITOL”

He never said that. How sad you can't post without lying.
"10% for the big guy" was from Hunter's email re. a Chinese deal.

You are mentioning a CHINESE deal, which obviously had nothing to do with your Ukranian wet fantasies - get it dum dum?

That putz is a moron. He actually cited the FBI's uncorroborated FD-1023 claim that Biden took a bribe as evidence that Biden took a bribe -- not knowing that Alexander Smirnov, the source for that FD-1023, has been indicted to lying to the FBI on it.

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